A Wronn Cmtom Correctedt It is quite genoially the cusstom to take Etrong livor tstimuíants for the curo of liver compiaint, aud botU tho mineral and vegetable kiiigcloms have boon diligoutly S3arjhed to prooare the most chnítio and poisonouu purgativas, in order to produce a powerfal dCfect upon the livor, ana arouse the laggiug aud eufeebíed organ. This isystem of treatment is on tho same principie as that of giving n weak and debilitated raan laigo portions of brandy to nnable him to do a oertain aniount of work. When the atimuUnt ia ithiiold, tho organ, liko the System, graduaUy relapsos into a moro torpíd or sluggish aud weakened condltioa than before. What then is wanted? Medicines, which, while they cause the bile to fluw freely from tho liver, aa that organ is toned into Rction, will not overwork and ihu% debilítate it, but will, when thair uae is díacontinued, leave the liver strengthoned and healthy. Such remedios aro íouud in Dr. Pieree'e Golden Medical Discovery and Porgative Pelleta. A CUBE OF LIVEE DIBEAgE. Rüsk, TeiBB, May 10, 1873.- Dk. B. V. Pieece, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir- My wife las; year at this tima was confined to her bad with Chronio Liver Eisease. I had one of the l;est doctor3 to eee her, and he gave her np to die, wheu I carne upon somo oí your ciuo. I bougut one bottie ana commsuwu givingit. Suethen weighed 82 ipounds; now ene weighs 140 pounds, and is robnst and lieavty. Sho has taken eight bottles in all, so you seo I am n advocate íor your Modioinea. William Meazel. fbom the noted sooüt. " büffalo bill." Holland House, Kockford. III., April 20, 137d.- Dit. K. Y. fiEitoE, Buffalo, N. Y.: Mr- I havo now taken tour bottles of your Goldon Medical Di3covery in connection with your relíete, and must eay th&t nothing I havo ever taken for my liver has done me as much good. I íeel lito a new man. Thanka to your wonderful medicine. W. F. Codï, ("Buffalo Bill.") Wilhoft's Anti-Peeiodic or Fevek ato Aotje Tokic. - This invalnable aiid tand ard faraily modicine íb now a houeehold word, and main'tainö ita reputaürm nnimpaired. It is indorsed by the medical profesión, and preKcribod dsily iu Oía Cliarit.y Hospital and hospitala in New Orleans. Wilhof t's Tonic is tlms íiighly recommpnded by the leading medical men of the oauntry, and is wbrtky of euch indorjemont. Wheelook, Finlay & Co . {'roprietors, New Orltaos. Fok SALE BY ALL DKUOGIST8. Vb wero ploased to sec, not long Biuoo, in one of onr exchangef, some pretty Bevere remarka addrepsed to Beveral person who, duriDK an inte.-osting lecture by Eer. Jno. S. O. Abbott, kept a óöntlnuota conghing, which prevor.ted many frora hearing. Peop'.o wlio cannot rofrain from couglün;', had botter stay av,-ay from Buch placee, cr elso take a bottie of Johnson Anodyne J.inimeni with them. THE imporcance of iviug Sheridan's Cavalnj Conilition Powders to horpoa that hare betn out in the cold rain, Btcod in tbc cold wind, or drank too much cold water, cannot be over eetimated ; no man ehould he without them who ovraa a good horee. VEKET'CLE PtliJIDSiARV BALSM! Mout. aü rfiliablo ana well-kiiown remedy forCong&s.ColdisndCotnoJtipHon.GèmiiKitiifiw. Price $1 email 69o. CUTLBB BKO8..È CO., Boston. CL'O'" A WEEK. Agr'iits wantod cverywiiere. For ?p 4 fi outüt 'ac. ïbiicii & Walkek, Üayton, Olno. tl f i A WEEK tn Agents. Business legitímate. vb i ) Adflrcss V. E. BLIS8 & CO., Toledo, Ohio. SEND atamp to Business and Teletrroph Coliege, ...Kalamazoo, Mich.,for pecimen of Pcumanship L Ko OOIi per day at home. Terme fríe. Addregl lL U H V L U ÖF.o. Otikson & Co., Portland, Maine. AfcfKNTS W.VLiTÏSO- Mfin or Women. S24. a week or $100 forfeitcd. 2%e secret Jree. Wrltc at once to COWES & CO., 8tb St., New York. Mn Ft-iit DAY CommHBioo or J3U woo SSoZO S&lary, and expenses. Weoffer it nnrtvr.n payit. Applrnow. O.Webber&.Co.,Krarion,0 (One box of fnry'.ïixfniit Fnk Trillmakeftpintof BEST BLACK INK ia flv minutes. I $1.35perdz.($l.5by mail. II. Q.O. Cary, Zaceaville, O. ƒ SOHKTII1K6 FOlt Send stamp and crntit Free to all. Adarces HCR3T & CO., 7ó Nassau street, New York. i - Catalogue Froe. Uii-3T H_.9_-B - LS 5th St., 8t. Loois, Jlo. ÍF YOL' WAST 5 OOU PflOTtMÏR APilS of .ho piettiest Girls in the TT. S., tlieir names, n"C ü P O. addroa'i, sond 00 oents immediately to J H. MORR S, MiU SpriDga.Kentuclty. CONSTANT EMPLOTMENT- At home. Male or Famale. ,$30 awcek insured. Ko capital reqnircil. Particnlars and valuable sample free. Addresa. wtth Cj return stam, C. Eoss. Williamsburgli,N Y, i i ■w'p.nted to caiiTasa for old Picturea to líTPllTv copyand enlarge. Addrea, with Btamp, XlUUlU J. H. NA8ON, 212 & Sli State St., Chicago. CDIICDQV01' FITS cured by the uno of P.O83' E.rlLS.rOl KpilepticBomeiiie. Ttial Pacicage 8BDBC9BSI fbek. For civrulara, ovldon:e of success.ctc, address KOSS BROS., Eichmond, Ind. LSi S "W A nnga PSSPCÍfl IScnd stamp for iyCTTsilRrS UÜEiJft!!1 lnfOT!nVffl 0 JTi a 9 1 1 8 I fion, Pricf-Lista, etc, to Dst. x. i". caiiis tsov, uiivni totvn, o. The qnestlon is oftrn aaïced 1)T Pr. N. 3. Doicb ucefeds in curing mrmy oases, wliertf all otKers hivo f.nled? The rcason is simplj ibis : lie rieaU the cauM of the t-oinplaJnt; and lh3 remove ij. the efffeta soon cease. A oas ot deafnesa was cnused bj Bcarlet ferer. Pevetal phygiciana tried to cure hj treatin. the ean. Dr. Dodcs cured the case bj rrmeving the iJregs of the icarlot ferer. The poor receive prescriptionsfree. ADVBSTISÍ.U81 Bend 2b certti to BEO. P. KOWELL & CO., Park Kow, New ïork,for their Pamphlet ofVJOpaqes, containing liats of áOOU ucwpaperasnd eatimater. aiiowtns coot of dTertlelng. ,fli -k itr' A MONTH- Agont wanted evoryEFx 3 whero. Buaiiess honorable and iiïJiWtll flrst-claaa. Particular aeut freo. " Addreaa Wor,in&Co,St. L'Juls.Mo VU AMTCn AGBNTS for the " Ufe and W ANTCD Eiploratinm tM DU. lilVlNCrSTONü:." Csmplete, authcntlc; a fr68h book. Vi ico suitcd to the times. Aadress B. B. KÜSSKLL, Pnblishor, Boston, Maai. THK NKW TOBK WEEKLY WITNESS, Giving Newa, Markets, Btorioa, Pictures and Live Bditoiials at per Yer, poatage patd (or 30 Oms a on trial). Uas reachod 7S,UWU Circulat on in three yeara. Send for free Sample Copy. i?&Lfi 15,000,000 IUnK, iVfiiiid VV"4, ÍO.oáo El.iirei. VJwT ' v 8,500 Touc Sola. jTJmSL& ' V ITardwnre Dealers aell Thm. = - - - ■ ■ ■rrjH n W" a'tL & C' P"""'! IU' FREE TO BÖOKTbËNTS." AN ELEGANT! Y-BOÜND CANVASSING BOOK for the best and clieapest Family Bible ever publisked will be sent free of chargo to an" buok age ut. It containOver 700 fluü Scripturelllustiations, and agents are meetiinj with uuprecedented sucreaa. Addrces, stattii cxpörience, etc, and we wi)I show yon what nur agenta aro doliig, NATIONAL PUBLI3HING CO., Chicago, 111., or St.Louia.Mo. OPIUM Habst Cured A certain and snrc enre, without inconvenlence and at home. An antidote that stands purely oa its own merlts. Send for niy quarterly niagazlne, {it cost-i you nothing, ) coutaiaing certifícate tif bnndreds that have been pennanentiy cured. I claim to havo discovcred and prodneerï the tirst, oktoinal axd OXLT BUKE CCHK FOK OPIU1I KATIXa. DR. S, B. COI.LINS, La Port, Ind. ARIIIBI IIABTT CUETO at Hoinn. Ko Bi iBBptibücity. ïcrrru moderato. I BF H ■ B mam ïiino sliurt. Kuur years oï unwaf m B %Br BwB paralleledBHCCcss.Describecase. ÍOO testimoniáis. Aldres8Dr.Filarah,yuiccy,MIcli. i f% . ji anrl espenfea a month to íigoma. Aíldresa 9SwUa.L STODDARD. Joucsvlllfl. Mich. Aim 9 il I BB K."ilKRSTHonotiarTLTCrP.ER. ■ pSEg 1 BMB (:hcap,qn!ci;;liosutrcrinf;. O yr I B B3 wonderrul e"cccs8. Describe cre, VB 1 HP SSi lr. Armstronu, Bcrrlon, illcii. AD VERTISERS TVlio ck'sirc to reach country readers can do so In the best aml.che&peat nianner by uningono or moreaections of Tuk (r.KA t NrwspAi'Kn ATxTLrAET Ltsts. Apply toE. E. PRjVTT, ï9Jacksou-st., Chicago. RI F LKSj"gglFISTOJ BEVOITERS, OfnyaileTeryklni Ssnd tamp UErffl fvrOMiUoiriir. AildivM Gkhí nvstttm lu 3 nd Pist! Ttorki, PIIISBIIKCII, fA. Tlc American Jiewspaper Union numbers ever 1,600 papers, eeparated iuto 80ien aubdivisions. Fer sepsrate lists and cost of advertioing, uddreis B. P. BANBOBN, 114 Mouroe St., Chicago. I WIW.DO. A singlo íoihf sBut to the iN. ?.. Dollar Sale buys 14 k Solld Gol 1 Rinars, Wedding, Seal or Sllver Rings, une Gold and Enatniiled Haonic or ether PtnB, Ladics' Gold Sets, Plu and Drupa, Solid Gold Siuds, Heavy Gold Bracelels, Gents1 or Ladies' Ch'-ina, c. Bl.OObuys a fino S lver-Plated Castor, Bnttcr 3)1 Dieh, Goblet, Napkin Kuil, ïcilet fctana, Spoons, Porks, Knivea, 12 Flint GUs i TumblerB, 3bottlo Castor, Lame Lmup and Chlraiioy.J'iKnlTei nd i-Vrkü, Óaiïer's KmfD, Fork aud Steel, Pair ' l'l'i'k Í,úsaC'olegant Toilet Sets, Smokers' Sotl, &l Wine Set, Vaies. all Btyles, Gooi Cl .rt.wtrantei, Meerahaum Pip-', Jawel, Work and Fancy lioxi'S, fluo WritüiB Desk, elegant Aluuin,!.., Sc. ffi 1 .OO buys a good Miorosco,,e, Télesele Upera 3l Glass.B"0ü S ereoBcopo.Bvaikots, MitKjik, largo lmimTfino Violln, AtcoMenn, Concaru na, 1 l oa.n Paper, 800 Bnvelope, 60 Faber PuncilB, 3.1 :;r.ai12 boxes Caihous. Sc. „„_,..,._ DO YtHJ wa'it to ave money-Make S2 go as far iT "nd 10 HO as far as :ö? lf ao.seud at KsoiASD doIlíb Bai., 83 Biomfteld at., Botton, Mail.
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