AGRICULTURA!. IMPLEMENTS. HIOAGO SCBAPEB 4 DITCHEK CO., 69 LaSalle. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. DB. HIATT 4 LK EOY, 101 South Clark. AWNINGS, TENTS, TWINES AND CORDAGE. GILBERT, HüBBAED & CO. ,226 to 230 South Water. BAKING POWDER AND EXTRACTS. DB. PRICE'S, Steele 4 Price Mfrs.,201 203 S.Water, Chicago, 204 N. 2d, St. Louis, 244 Main, CtnetBnatl. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. W. B. KEEN, COOKB 4 CO., 113 to 115 State. BOOTS AND SHOES-AUCT10N AND COMHISSION. j ÍAB. P. McNAMABA 4 CO..27K. WaBhington. BOOTS AND SHOES-WHOLESALE. DOOOETT, BASSETT & HILL8, 29 to 31 Lake. )BEENSKEt,üER, EOSENTHAL CO.. .1436 Lake. 'H BLPS DODUK & PALMER, 48 and 60 Wabah-av. J. S. K1CHAKDS0N 4 CO., 128 to 130 Frankltn. CANNED FRUITS AND CRYSTAL LAKE PICKLES. ?. A. WAIDNEK, 45 and 47 Eiver. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, ROCKING HORSES, SLEIGHS, Etc. JAMES B. THOMAS, Manufacturéis 114 N. Peoría. CHINA. GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. BOWEN & KENT, 2C2 to 204 Walash-av. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. ABKAM FKENCH & CO , 101 4 103 Wabash-aT. DRUGGISTS-WHOLESALE. E. BUENHAM 4 SON, 62 and 64 Lake. ENGRAVER, SEALS, PRESSES, BURNING-BRANDS, SOAP STAMPS, STEEL AND BRASS STAMPS. L. BOCHE, 171 E. Bandolph. ' ENGRAVERS. [ 8. D. CHILDS, JE., 4 CO., 115 STankltn. ENGRAVER. STENCILS AND STOCK. C. H. HANSON, 38 South Clark. FLOWERS AND STRAW GOODS-SPECIALTY. DALY, HENROTIN & CO., 144 and 146 Wabaah-av. FURNITURE. A. L. HALE & BItO., 200, 202, 201 and 200 Ranrtolpb.. GLASS SHOW-CARD PAINTER. J. J. G. BURGHOFEER, 199,201 and 203 E. RanflOlph GUNS, CUTLERY, FISHWiG TACKLE. Addresa W. E. SPENCER 4 CO., 58 State. Est. 1857. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY-WHOLESALE. EDWIN HUKT SONS, 68 and 60 Lake. HEAVY hARDWARE-WHOLESALE. KIMBAKK BltOS. & CO., 80 to 84 Michigan-RV. HOTELS. NEVADA. HOTEIi. Wabnsh-r.v., bet. Madiion nd Monroe. Centtal, convenieot. $2.00 per day. IMPERIAL AXLE GREASE. OEO.B. SWIl?T&CO.,Mfrs.,112 to 146 Ftllton. LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD MANUFACTURERS. E. W. BLATCHPORD & CO., 70 North Clinton. LINSEED OIL AND O1L CAKE MAflUFACTURERS. E. W. BLATCHFORD CO., 70 North Clinton. i.OCKSMITHS' AND BELL-HANGERS' MATERIALS. 3. F. WOLLENSAK, 223 Lo.Sallo. LUMBER. THE PESHTIGO CO.- Green Ba y lamber. North Pier. V. E. BtruDg, Pre. O. O. HempBtead.Sec. MARBLE AND SLATE MANTELS. THE GOWEN MARBLE CO., U North Clark. MUSIC, SHEET AND BOOK. AND DEALERS IN MUSICAL INSTRUMF.NTS. TI1E ROOT & SONS MUSIC CO., 109 State. PIANOS AND 03GANS. W. W. KIMBALL, 05 to 209 SUte. PUMP MANUFACTURERS. J. F. TEMPLE & SONS, Mnlrs., cor. Polk and Canal. REAL ESTÁTE. JAS. B. GOODMAN 4 CO., 73 Dearborn. SEWING MACHINE COMPANIES. AMERICAN S. SI. CO., 542 Wabaah-av. '■ DOMEST1C" S. M. CO., 71 Stato. Agenta wanted. OROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., 150 State. HOME S. M. CO., 'Jr.hnaon, Clark & Co., 141 State. V1CTOB S. M. CO., 3S1 WeatMadUon. SHOT. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO., 70 Nth ClintOB. SHOW-CASE MANUFACTURERS. SAMTIBI B. MARTIN, 13 N. Green. SOAP MANUFACTURERS. -JAS S KIEK i CO. 'S STANDAKD SOAPS, sold by Wholesale Trade everywhore,358 to 36UN.Water. STEAMSHIP LINES. WHITE STAK MAIL LINK, 97 Clark, A. Lagortfren. WASHING MACHINES. Por Circulara, etc., aldre3s CALKINS CHAMPION WaBher Co., 207 Clark. Agts wantod everywhere. WHITE LEAD, ZINC AND COLORS MANUFACTURERS. CHICAGO WHITE LEAD OIL Co., Green AFulton. WIRE CLOTH AND WIRE GOODS. CLINTON WIRE CLOTU CO., 175 Eandolph. TsillVC ARLNTQ got Best Ho i Best fiUdft BJtH I O Xermsi Send for circnlars. V "Cydopedia of Tfiinüs Wortli KitnwIn-i, or Ü5,UOU Wants Su)pliert." 1'h King of Kcccii't Bocks. 16-color Chromo free. CO-OPKRATIVB PUBLISHIA'Q CO., Muaeatine. Iowa. SENT FRïïE BnOKïr.9, 2 Wall Strest, New Tork. USTHMA lATARRH. NS JOj HavtBfr stniRgled twenty jfareletweea life mifl K MtS% deftthwlth A&T11MA, I expenmentcd by comm mBlpy poimding root s asd hertis a:id InhaUnj; the metlHKVtWK Iclne. I fortunately dtscovered a wondeiTul jUBgMa?iife remedy nnd Burn cure for Asttiuaand Catarrh. PPtMBv? - WaiTautetl io relieve soverert ]mroxyRto innfVwHrafrt ytantly, no theptUlent can Hu down to rest and BUmIHJBHL sleep comfort afily. D;uicpists ave Bupplicd with SPr';?iR ampie packatsffirritKEdtrilnition. Soldby ö1" ' Y" (irufTKisis. Paokgw by muil $1.25. Adtlrca LAWCELL, Applo treek, Oblo. TH Fr WEEKLY lSCOjjjSjN A Newspaper for the People- Unrivaüed by an Weekly Pjblication in the Northwest. gLfeÉl$P & gzt PER Canvassera ictinted in every town in the United Statet to whom liberal indtícements are offered, Write for Circulara to Canvassers, giving full informatiou of premiurna, etc. Specimen copies Bent free oh application. Addresa CRAMER, AIKENS & CP.AMER, Alilwaukee, Wis. gammB. Thk EíiASTilc TnDss p'r Í5TTI'" ittordlng au H X. ij a o i. l V kra otliers, benig adopted wT R TT S S . %&Ê everywhere by the 1 M Bui'gtüuB, tlruggists, xgH,': MF m army aua nayy, hoapi% jap1 'aS m tais, gymnasiuns, etc, J eto. J Tüa success and uníversal satisractiou they havo given, as well as tno great numbor of radical inris the f liave effectsd, has demonslratcd the fact tliat rüptUtt can be siirclu cured without sufteriug or annuyance, and tcii;.out the danqer of incurring Spinul Vísense (ir Faralusis, ofteh caused by the severe pressure of Metal TruBsea and Supporters. It is tho ouly sure cure for Hernia, asitis the c nly truss iu nae that will hold the rupture securely in all posittons in which the body can be placed. It will perform radtcal cures when all others all. It can be worn with easo aud comfort when no Bpriug truss cln be used. When onco adjusted, no motion of the body or accident can displacen. instrumenta nave the iinquulijïed approval of the most eminent practitionera in the profeaBion. From the numurouB testimoníala in our pOBseesionweappend tho following: "After the experience of montha, patiënt! testify strongly to its effimcy, as well as to the ease arnl freedom from inconvenience with which the instrument la worn. With superior advantages, the JiUistie Truss possesaes in a high degree uit requisiteaandqualiñcations claimed for other inventious. I have no hesitation in regarduiii it as an Important moans for the relief and cure of Hernia." " J. M. CAKNOCHAN, M. D., "Bx-HealthOfflceroftho Port ot New York, Surgeon-iuChief of N. Y. State HosDital," etc., etc. Oso. V. HOUBJI. M. D., Supt. Elastic Truss Co. Dcar Sir:- After sufciing for tbirty years, tn my own person, from the uso of overy form of Metallic Truss procurable In this country and inEurope.I, two years ago, applied your Elastic Truss, and aince that time I havo experieuced comfort and satisfaction, and been taught the truth, that the Elastic Trusa is the only instrument that should be usel for the relief and cure of Hernia; and now after more tlian thirty years1 continuoua practico, and having adjusted many hundreds of TrusseB, (and for the last twenty montha youra exclusiyely,) I gratefully declare lt to be my delibérate opinión, . that your Elastic Truss ia tho ouly one entitled to the confldence of the public ; that elastidty i b the only power at all adapted to therequirementa of Trnss or Supporter, and am convinced that your Eastic Truss actually cures a large proportion of all cases to which it is applied, not only among chlldren, but in numeroua cases within my own knowlodge of patiënt from 60 to 75 years of age. H. BURS1IAM, M. O. Prof of Anatemy and Surgery, N. Y. E. Meü. Col. Beware of cheap and wort ilesa imitatlon Elaatic Trusaes, which gome parties advertUo aud sell, fraudulently representing that they are raanufactured by the Elastic Truss Co. These Trusües are sent by mail to all partsof the country. Satisfactionguaranteed in all case?. Before purclia-irgany other. write for Descriptivo Circular (free) tu tho ELASTIC TRUSS CO., 6S3 Broadwny, w York. J)r. J. Walker's California Vin. egai' Bittere are a puroly YegetaUa pitpa-mtion, rnado chioily lVom the nativo herbs found on tho lowor ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountaiiis of Califor. nía, tho medicinal proporties of whicli aro extracteu thorofroni without tho uso of Alcohol. The question is almosi daily asked, "What is tho cause of tho t::!;arallelcd success of Vixkgau 15 ■- . ::';:s V' Our answer is, that tlicy reinovo the muse of rtiscasc, and tlio patiënt recovers his hcalth. Th-cy are tho great l.U;od pui-ificrand a Hfe-giving principie, a .poiíect líennvator and Invigorator (■■ 'tlu system. Never bcforo in the Kï.+tory of" tho tnirld tas a medicine beca cianponnded poss-essing tho rcmarkable quaiiiies of Vinkg.mi Bittkrs ui hcaling the 6ok of every tliseasè man is heir tn. They í.:r a gentío Purgativo as well M a Tonic, rr'lieving Congestión or Inflainmation oí i,,e Liy'er and Visceral Orgaus, in Bilious Piscases. The properties of De. Walker's Vixkgar Kittkrs ave A peñen t, Diaphoietic, Canninalivo, Nutritious. Laxativo. "Diuretic, SccUtive, Counter-Irritant, Sudoriüc, Alterativo, and Anti-Bilious. Gratetul Thoasaiuls proclaim Vnp egar Bitters the most wonderful In. vigorant tliat ever svistained 'the sinkinj aystem. No Person can talie these Bitters aecording to directions, and remain long unwell, provided theirbones are noí destroyecP by mineral poison or othei means, and vital organs wasted Ueyond repair. Bilious, Remittent and Iiitermittent í evers, whfch are so prew. lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, espec:a)ly thoso of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missow,', Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Oronda, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, lioanoke, James, and many others, witb their vast tributaries, throughout om en tire country during tho Summer and Autumu. and remarkably so duringseasons of únusual heat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensivederangenients of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow. erful influence upon these various organs, is essentiaUy uecessary. There is no cathartie for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Biiters, as they will speedily remove the colorea viscia matter wiiii wuicq ine bowels are loaded, at tho sarao time stimulatiug the secretions of tbo liver, and generally restoring . tbo healthy íunctions of tho digestivo orgáns. Forlií'y tlie body against disease by purifying aíl its fluids witü Vixegak Bitteks. No epidemie can tako hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestión, neadaehe, Pain in tho Shoulders, Cougks, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Som Ernctations of the Stomnch, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Palpitatation oftho Heart, Inflammationof the Lungs, Paiu in tho región of tho Kidnoys, and a huudred other painful symptoñis, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottlowill prove a better guarantee of its raerits thau a lengthy advertwment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, TVhte Swelüngs, Ulcera, Erysipelas, Bwelled Keck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Iníiamniations, Mercurial Aü'ection?, Ola Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Soro Eyes, etc, In these, as in all other constitutional DisI eases, Walker's Tineoab Bitters have shown thesir grent curativo powera in the mest obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rlieumatisill, Gout, Bilious, Remitteiit and Intermittent Fevers, Diseascsol the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are oaused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanica! Diseases.- Persons en?aged in Paiuts and Minoráis, suchas Plumbws, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, aro subject to paralvsis of tho BrJwcls. To guarí against this, take a dose of TPaLKBB'S W e'úar BiTTSM occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tefc ter Salt-Kheum, Blotchcs. Spots, PimpWi Postules, Boils, Carbunclos, Ring-wonnj, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Seui-fs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatover naw or nature, are literally dug '.ip and carneo out of the system iu a short time by tnc use oí' these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other nornis, Inrking in tho system of so nmny thousands, are efi'ectually destroyed and rcmoVett. S system of medicine, no vermifuges, no antïielminities wiH free the system froni wormi like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, inyouni or old, inarried or single, at. the dawu of w manhood. or tha turn of life, theso loa Bitters display so deeidcd au iufluence ta Improvement 'is soon perceptible. Cleansethe Yitiated Blood whenever vonüud its impnriticslmrsting throup the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores cloajise it wheu you fiud it obstructeo a sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when J fouï: vour feeliugswill teil yon when. Me the blood pure, and the healtu of tho sysra will follow. . ii. McDonald & co.. Druir.'s and Gmi. Agts., Sn Francisco. CaWM?" and cor. of WaahiorMi aml ÜHAiKon Sts., ■ ■ Solcl by ill UraggUta amlDulirKANUFACTORY AND SALESBOOH, ! 23 & 25 KANPOLPH ST., CHICAR i --.-, .rilK BitS-i' In the World. ' ' A!Xrsa. 'ltOives ll;iiversai u '--'■' #ZWr&. VVIISUEBHI. Econoiny" W&JLZy&St 10 llis. muro I!rf:i(i t,i i.rl. ►':"' &feSu ' o Biouic'sork' m i V'; [VlÊPll s Whiter.lightor.BWBeter.riio" KÚ&Zz&A BVKIIÏBIIÏ I'ruistB 11LSter The lniie are a P in l-e 'L.'L VaaWtaiü? aj-SeiKiatoncoforCirci:! iyE&StPfi ko. p. n mí i ■'■ l' u a l JfiOujinoSi. t v'i t "BSTCHOJIAÏCV, or Soul CÜUirmiJ, ■ ti . ! TmTwmrTiEB, No. 617 St. Charles Straet, St. Louis, kfti coutloucs to treat alt casca of obtacios to uarrUfjC ' uriUes, ever ailmöüt or tUkmaa whioh reiïW ■■ iodivcretloa lmpruaeacc, witli anpkralided ■■ Dr. W.'b utablisbmcbt is chdrlcreü by Rtateof i-irl, was rouwde and !aa been CMtabUhwl w t# ■aio, curtaia an-i ruliablw relief. EÜriag a frnAl14 ."' several medici 1 coüctüt, &ud haring ■he exrcrlcnct ■ lo:ig nnd Eucceasfül life Ia hts spppín'il'-s he h ■ : remodlea tbat are effect al ia 11 these cases Hii aro beics traitcd m:iii or exprem Bvernrhert. 0 niatttr wïio fj.tlcd, unll or irrita. Pron the (rrc' Dit of ftpjmoations h ia foabtcd f ke[ : low. 36 jpoaes, til) sycipioiB, fonV KMARRIAQE CÜSDE, ■-W) pases, a popular boo: whloh hho-il.: be reí I ■■ ■"' bmly. No m:Lrif(J p'-i'. or pcrMnn conwBpIaMW r ringe, can afTord toda withoot it. It p . f al litoratu;"e 02 thia suhjcct tho molf4f I" ' !nn 3pcriec5e; abo Che bmt [hmighl ia Kuro;fl aod America. Scm Knla, fHt-paW f' f -MABBUB5 iüïür thÓ8e ■■". ■■ aiu tuurrlefi or contcmttluti' ! ■; ' ',' PrtoUets. liyinall. Adrtreïs Dr. Fililí-'1 ' iary. 12 Nortü Elitlltll SIreut. SI LuUls ' __ o. B. r. WHEN WRITIKQ TG ASVJr.:'.ï;, j picase say you nw the ncii:!'-1 - In tm paper.
Old News
Michigan Argus