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It lias been claimed that Begole & Co., at Flint have the largest circular gaw ever brought into the State. The Saginaw llrpublican steps to the front and claims that in 1868, D. H. Jeiome & Co. eold to Herther & Alhson, of Eaat Saginaw a circu'ar saw manufactured by Lippincott, BlaUewell fc Co., which measured eix feet six inchea. The Flint saw ia aix feet four inches in diameter. PEKSONAt, The Laneiug Jtepublican save: "Qeorge H. Durand, tha newly-elected member of Congresa from thi8 district, and Oscar Adamo, formerly a member of the lower houae of the Legielature, have f ormed a partnership for the practica of law at Flint." Gen. Tom Thumb and troupe are giving entaiuments throughout the State. ltoiiERT Ckonyn, of Detroit, challeugea any Michigan billiardiat to play him 1,000 points for $100, DEATnS. Kix Robinson, the flrst white settler of Ottawa county, founder of Grand Haven, and at one time owner of all the land oceupied by and eurrounding that city, died at hia residence in Ada, MicU., recently, aged 84 years. CASUA1TIKS. At Bradford's camp, near Sparta Center, laat weok, William Lord waa inatantJy killed while assiating at branding and piling pine loga for running. A lar ge log rollad back over hie body, erushing his head, limbs, and, body, into a shapeless mase. He was aoout 29 yeara old. The Union Hotel, at Grand Haven, was totally destrovod by ñre. Losa, O4,000. KAILROADS. An ex prte order haa been granted at New York, reatraining the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R&ilroad Company te m paving the dividend decbred December 29. The complaint recites that the company, instead of paying a dividend, ought to pay interest on their bonds, to secure the mortgage on the road for $25,000,000, held by the Uuion Truut Company. CRIMF. In a diffloulty arisiug from family affaira at Red Oak, last week. Joshua Sharrett was shot by Job Keynolds, inflictiog a probably fatal wound. LEGAL. The will of the late E. B. Ward ia likely to be contested by the ohildren of his first wife. Eminent couusel has been engaged on both both sides, and the struggle will begin when the will is admitted to probate, en the ürst day of next month. MISC ELIANEOUS. LrfOKIi, Wayne county, puts in a claim to the ohampion oíd couple. A correspondent of the Free Press says Martin Fraser and wife, of that viltage, wcre married in the year 181G, and have been married fif ly-nine years. They areingood health and able to do most of their work. They have lived in the town forty-;iine yoars ; have raised a family of eight children and have never had a doath in thoir family. Geand Eapics now claims a populación of 28,000. The Detroit people now cross over to Canada on the ice. Jackuon couuty has forty-six lawyers. A meeting of tho Prench citizans of Detroit has been held to consider the qaeation of the Introduetion of the Frencb. language into the public schools. Tho Grand Traverae Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry have instituted a free course of lecturee, to be given during the wimer far the purpoee of advanoing tho interesta of the farmers, efcpecially members of the grange. PISCICULTUBE. The Lansing liepubiiean publisnes an abstract of the report of the Board of Firfli CommiBsionera, from which we culi some interesting figures. The CommissionerH state that no one of tho entire thirty-seven States equals Michigan in natural fiah supply and advantage. North, east, and west she is ounded by a cbam oí lakes, tao largest ana randesí that exist on the globe, giving lier a ake coast more than 1,400 miles long ; and he computed área of water surface within jer constitutional limita is 3G.324 square railes. ?here is scarcely a seetion of her 56,213 quare miles that is not bordcrod by river or ivulet, or dotted by lake or lakelet ; and so oíd and pure and constant are many of them, bat the opinión obtaius that they derive heir supplies by subterrauean openings rom the great border lakes. The Coinmissioners havo causod to be íatched and planted, duiipg the past easoii, over 1,500,000 wüiteflsh. They vare sent out and deposited in about 200 of ho choicB lakes of Michigan, Arrangements have been made for hatching and distnbuting jetween two and three millions during the urrent year. Since the spring of 1873, there have been received, ha ched, and deposited in the various lakes and streamn of tbis State, about 200,000 Atlantic salmón, 3,000 landlocked salmón, and 80,000 California salmón. Some 500,000 shad have al6O been deposited ín Grand, Detroit, ïUiut, Baisin, St. Joseph, and Shiawassee rivers, and Long Lake, Kalamazoo county. The hatching house is situated immediately below the lower dam on the right margin of the canon. It is twenty feet wide, sixty teet long, and one story high, with a roomy attie for etorage purposes. Interiorly the whole room is faced with planed and matched lumber, and the walls thoroughly packed with sawdust, rendering it eool in summer and warm in winter. Ths building is painted iuinside and out. Water from the springs is brought to the hatchcry in pump logs, extending the whole length of the building. Beneath the pump logs is a large supply trough. The hatching troughs staDd in pairs at right angles with the logs and supply ïace, andmay be led fiom either or botli, as tbo operator may clesiro. There are 18 hatcoing-races. each 16 feet loDg, 1 foot wide, and 8 inches deep, divided into compartments of 18 inchefs. These compartmenta are for the wire-cloíh tr.iys upon which the ova are laid, and each will contain five trays. The ree8 are provi'led wirh covers by which the light may be regulated, and the ova and fry protected from harm. Tlie present capacity of the hatcnery is about 1,000,080 ealmou or 5,000.000 whitclish. THE I.15OISI-ATIVK STANDING COMMITTEKS. SENATE COMMITTÏES. Ai propriatioiiB &ud Fiuanoo- Boies, Oeborn, Adair. Cbiinn and Publio Aocounte - Oook, Miirray, Corey. otate Affairs- Jonpf, Nelon, Morto. Judiciary - firay, Fancher, Webber. Federal Belatii'us- Garvey, Gray, MellenEilucatiou and Public öchoola- Wiutcii, ThoE]ioii, Huntington. Bmksaud Incor; ■■oratious- Obor.i, J - ' k , White. Military Affalrr - 5Iorp, Wood, David. Public Landt- Nurth. Gray, Fieli. Railroads - Welle, Warren, Cobb. Roadj and Brtdgea - Adair, Jones, Hawkins. Counties and Townskips - Mitchell, Greusol, Beirick. Cities and Villages- Fancher, Weiber, Boies. Agricultural Inteieate- Wood, Muiray, Babcock. Mecbauical Interests - Corey, Jcnks, Hawkins Saline Iuterests- Webber, Ncrth, Berrick. Lamber Iuterests - Mellon, Neliou, David. Fishing IaLeredtn - David, Mitchell, Cjrey. Cauals, River and Harbor Improvementt - ltedneld, Tuompson, Gray. Mines, Minerale, and Mining laterests - White, Wood, Murray. Rjligioui aud B3nevolent Sciatie9- Berrick, Grcusel, Tliompson. Immigration - Bibcock, Greusel, Jenkg. Innurance - Thomas, G&rvey, White. Printing - Cobb, Faneher, Thompson. State Prieon - Nelsou, Jonen, Mellen. State Reform School- North, Boiec, White. Anylum for Insate - Thompeon, Cook, Adair. Asylam for Deaf, Damb, and Blind - Wells, Garvey, Redfield. Agricultural Cjllege- Murray, Cook, Bibcock. Univoreity aud Normal School - Thomas, Wood, Huntington. State Publio School- Jenka, Mitchell, Fiah. Geological Survey of the State - Fish, V arren, Coies. State Capítol and Pubho Buildings - Greusel, North, Webber. State Library - Thomas, Webber, Cook. Expiring Laws- Hawkins, Faneher, Jonee. Conatitutional Amendments- Huntington, Cook, Morse. ltules and Joint Ralej - Oáborn, Boiea, Fieh. Engrosement and Enrollment of Bills - WfrêB. Wells, Cobb. Suppliea and MiscellaneouB Expenses of Senato- Garvey, North, Adair. HOUSE C0MM1TTEES. Ways and Means-Howard, Livingston, Watkins, Goodyear, Littlo. State Affairs- Rich, Briggs, Bailey, Hollon, Wood. Judiciary- Parker, Huggett, F. O. Clark, Ilunt, Rausom. Harbors - Wilson, Lee, Howard, Churchill, Curry. Eiections - Hubbard, Bark, Huggett, Smith, E. A. Brown. Federal Relations- Hirden, Hale, Towne, Little, Northrop. Private Corporations- E. H. Green, Walker, Houston, Hollon, Kilbourne. Municipal Corporation - Hart, Reed, Howland, Potter, Hertzier. Internal Improvements - Hile, Ludington, Garfleld, Sutton, Struble. Public Lmds- Brigge, Billinge, I. Green, Norton, Curry. Priatiug- Town, Bjrk, Taylor, Cole, Schattler. Agricultiire- West, Van Akan, Liy, Hirris A. K. ClKrk. Tüwnaand Counties - Armstrons, I. Greea, Robinson, Backus, Whitney. Education- Bailoy, Van Kaalte, West, Cole, Hertzier. Roadd and Biidgea- Hewitt, Gerrish, Greiner, Scaitb, Schattler. Agrieultural College - Copley, Townsend, Neff, Beuedict, E. A. Brown. Asylum for Iueane - Van Aken, Robinson, Prestoo, Klein, Bradfield. Asylum for Deaf, Damb, and Blind - Walker, Ludington, A. R. Whoeler, Knight, Norton. Reform School- McLachlln, Billinge. Dow, Metcalf, Northrop. Geological Survey- O. Brown, Yeckley, SuttOD, I. P. Whee'.er, Hurlbut. Military Affairs- Ferguson, Van Raalte, Robiní, Wilcr, I. P. Wlieeler. State Prïêon- Livingston, Egïleiiton, Morse, Bartow, Keyes. üuivereity and Normal Schoil- Taylor, Sweotland, Ferguson, Daly, Ranaom. Mine and Minerals- Hulbert, Nefl, Yeckley, Wood, Knight. ' Manufactures - Preston, Eggleston, Whitney, Walton, Mercar. v i J- 1 T 1 J L T 14 1 . . 1 Lumber aud oalt lntereets - A. li. Wheeler, Geniën, Walton, Churchill, Harris. Religión and Benevolent Societies - GarfielJ, Hubbard, Townscnd, A. K. Clark, Keyes. Insurance - Robbins, MoLaohlin, Kübourne, ienjamin, Huil. Looal Taxatiou- Lay, Hewitt, Harden, Huil, Ueyer. Uerk, Daly, Beuodict, Budong, Stephens. Fisheriea- Howland, Parker, Craig, Meyer, Stowe. Bules and Joint Bules- Romer, Raunev, E. H. Green, Goodyear, Moebii.r. Eugroesment aud Enrollment- Morse, Yeckey, Hart, Bartow, rftruble. Supplies and Rannoy, Reed, ArmstroDg, Budloag, Greiner. State Library- F. O. Clark, C. Brown, Craig, Slurcer, Stowo. Drainage - Loe, Ocobock, Hunt, Hoshier, 'aukard. Kuilroads- Watkins, Copley, Romer, Bradfield, Potter. Publio Health- Sweetland, Klein, Bonjamn, Metcalf, Packird. State Publio Schools - Ooobock, Eioh, Wilson, Backua, Campbell. Hortioulture - Dow, Houaton, Wiloy, Campbell, Stepheus. LEGISLATIVE BECOItD. Mondaï, Jaa. 11.- benate- The Senate waB íq sesuiou but a short time, and adjourned without tranBacting any business. flouse - In the huuse a joint reso'.ution was introdueed abking Congress for an apprcpriatioa to iruprovo the harbors of St. Joe, Banton Hrbor, aud New Butfalo ; also a rosolution askmg CongroHa tu créate au additional Uuited States judicial circuit in tba Upper Península. TuEBDAY, Jan. 12. - Señale - Nothing of interest occurred in the Senate proceediugs beyond the announcement of the standing cnmmitteoa. , BouM - The standing committeeB were anuouncel, and Republicana wera placed at the heait of all the important ones A joint reeolution waB :ntronuced, proposing an amfinfinieut to the prohibitory liquor clanse tf the Consiitution, doiüg away vpith probibition aud Bubbtituting licenfe, auda comnaKtee of Heveu appointeü, to wliom all questious rARtrding the nutjeet of liquor and lioeoBe are to be referred. . . . A resoiuüon wan iutroduced tot the repeal or amandaient of the law taxing dogs, auci requiring all hceneed dogu to ve&r imoibered eolUrp Green, of Charlevoix, inirodnced a bilí aking Cougress to bonBtruct a li;:lit-hí use ai-.d fog-kignaJ on the wcat bar of Mwkiuaa I-land, aud pravingthatC ingresa wjll alao niako an a; propriatiun for thb jtnprovcuieiit ot' Pme river. . . .Bulingö, of Qenesee, givo notice of a bilí to prevent g:avo roboiiig. It proposes to punirih by Ee&vy ponaltiaa any person or mstitution usiiig dead bodioa lor diöeeotion unlecs tlu-y eau bIiow ip them a iegal litio. A DUiober of graves were recently robbed in Ganeee oountj', under circumaUucosi whii h cauod much public ii:diguaiion in ihut vitiinty and throushout thü State, wïd it U deiguad to ïühtnot the wholo business of f jruisliiiig u:jucta for diesection. Wednesdai, Jan. 13.- itenate- A joiut resolution was paaeed, in accordance with tho reeommend.ition .of Gov. Bagloy, rtgulating he Portago laico and Lake Superior canal so hat tue State can bring Ihe matter into tbe ourts and flnally ditposo of it. The tmbjeet omanded immediate aotion, as tbe State was osing in the roceipt of tolla A miruber of oticea and peti'icns were lntrodnced, Lut mostly of a local charactor. Boom- A retolntion wa,a paeaed asking Cengress to appropriate money for the mprovomcnt of the harbors of S,.. oseph, New Buffi'o and lieton Har)or. 'Ihe harbnra Ín ve a'.ready received a oor! daal of impmvcmon% an'l this anproriatiou. if obiained, wtll probabljr fimtih lipm. Noticca bave been given of reolutioi:8 skiug CongretB to apprnpriato money for moet of tho Michigan haibora on Lake ÁlichKnn The House pasaod a reelntion aking JoDgrees to entabhsh a TJnited StateB Di-trict Court for theUpper Península Resolutions ?ero adoptcd reaprctii g the deatb of Capt. E. 5. Ward, of Detroit. They pay a very high ribute to M charactp.r aml iife-wrrk Fivo uiudred copies of the Governor'a message wero ordered priated in Germán, tl.cre beiiiK gteat demand for tho meansKO in that anuago, to bo circulated in Europa and merici. Thuerday, Jan. 14. - Señale - Mesers. Gray, ones, Fian. Greusel and Il3dfi9ld wcre apointed a special committee on the liquor affio. It la nnrlevRtood that Senator FíhIj nd Jonea are Prohibitionists, whüo the othrs are anti-ProhibitionistB. It 8 probable hat the fight on thia qnetrtiob will not be ommenced uutil af ter tho recesa. Ilouse- B lis introduecd : By Hubbard, proidi:.-g for the moro Btringent oufor?eQient ot he Dog law. It makaa it the dtity of the Aat-oaaora inovery town and ward to eeo to the nforcemont of tlie law, and to c llect pcnalieH f rom the ownera of all dogu not licenscd ; )y Van Aken, providing tbat, in futuro, witeeaea in ciiminal casta in courta of ecord shall receive seventy-five uta per day, and witneeedH in Junice courts fifty conté per day A protet was received 'rom tho Lurnberman'a Ansociation of the tígiuaw valley gaiust the renewal of any rcciprocity treaty with Cariada, and asking the Hcnatora and ieproaentative in the LegiüWure to eneavor to prevent the adoptiou of any encli reaty at Waabington. . . . A memorial waa eceived from tho National Bowd of Trade, iraying that a lw may be passed requiring he ñames of mcnibera of copal tni-rdhipn to )B regittersd; altto asking logialation coneruing raüwaya, and oepeciílly the practica .ving froighta largely hy companiea iftinot from the raüway linea A bilí was ntroduced aníhorizing tho State Auditor to ay the travcling experaea of the Circuit udgei. At preaent he Jndges receive the jeggarly salary of $1.500 per anuum. Feiday, Jan. 15.- Senate- A joint resoluion providing for the submiseionof an amendment to tho Constitution, to repeal the Proíibition ciause, was introduced Petitiona o tax church property, to oleot County 8uerintendents of Poor, and to repeal the twonill tax, were presented. House - The Speaker appointed nineteen membera elect as a committee on re-apporioning the otate into Oongvesaional dietrictí", ccording to the consus of 1871 - two from aeh Congresoioual diatríct, and o ie at large ...Meta:. Weet, E. H. Green, Churchil!, jiviugítou, Knight aud Moüaud were ap)oiited a select committee to consider all uestions and petitiona rela'ive to the liquor uei-tion. Two of the gentlemen are ProhibiionistB and five liquor men. Satdeday, Jan. 16.- Senate- Billa introuced : For a general rsvieion of the law conerniug fire aud marino insurance companies ; o tax and regúlate liquor trame. House- Th9 bilí to chauge the feea of witneaaeB in civil caaes wad reported unfavorably upon by the committoe, and tabled. . . . A bilí was iutroduced to afford additional protection o hotel keepers. Mondat, Jan. 18.- Señale- The Senate me according to adjournment on 8atnr3ay, and raaeaetod but httle other thau routine businees. House- Jlany of the membera were abaent and the Senatorial c.anvaHa abaerbed the time of thoae who were iu attendauce.


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