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NNU AL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31st, A. D. 1874, of the condition and flair of tb GERMÁN FARMERS' FIRE IN8. CO., Located in the Township of Scio, orgnnized under the lnws ot the State of Michigan, and doinff business i" tlie Countv of Washtenaw, in aid 8tate. 8IMON F. HIKTH, President. Wm. F. BU98, Becretsry. MRMBEBSHIPH. Nurnber of members December 31t, of previous year, o Nnmber of members added during the present y ear, 84 Total, '08 Deduct numbor of members - - withdrawn during the year, alt Nnmber of members now belonging to comyany. I)S" i RIRKK. Amount of property at risk December 31st of previous year, $1,781,377 o Amount of riaka added during present year, 244,875 00 Total, $1,975,75200 Dednct risk eauceled, withdiawnorlerininated, $113,330 00 Net amount now at risk byCompany, $1,862,422 00 BE8OURCE8. Amount of premium or depoiic notes now in torce, $ 1,000 00 Amount of cash premiums (or asnessments) actually on hand, 269 06 Amount of outstanding assessmenU not canceled, none. Nature and amount of all other resources, viz : none Total resources, $l,2fi9 06 LIABILITIES. 1. Claims for losses due and puyable, $ 27 00 2. Clnims for losses not matured, none3. Claims for loases resisted, none. 4. Nature andamountof all otherclaima, viz: none Total liiibihties, $27 00 INCOME. Amount of premium ou deposit notea taken during the year, $47 28 Amount of cash premiums receWed during the year, none. Amount collected on asseaaments which were levied during the present year, 1,65919 Amount collected this year on aanessments which were levied in prior yeare, none. Amount received from membership or policy feea, 235 2 5 Amount received from percentage on increased or decreased insurance, none. Iacome from all ocher suurces, tiz : none. Total income for the year, $1,941 72 EXPENDITÜRE8. Amount paid for loases during the year (of which none occurred in prior years), $1,227 28 Amount of salary and fees paid to officers and directors as per items in íjchedule A, 276 37 Amount of all other expenditures during the year, ae per Schedule fl, 103 86 Total expenditures during year, $1,607 51 SCHEDULE A NAME OF OFF1CKK OS DIBECTOR TO WHOM PAID. Amount. President, Jacob Eaab, $ 47 37 Secretar?, Wm. F. Buss, 58 00 Treaaurer, A. L. Feldkamp, . 48 00 Director, S. F. Hirth, 26 00 J. Sohenk, 30 00 " J. Jedele, 45 00 Vice President, Wm. Aprill, 3 00 Agent, Daniel Heininger, 10 00 11 J.Keppler, 9 00 Total schedule A, $276 37 SCHEDULE B. ITEMS Oí' "ALL OTHEB F.ÏPENSF.8." Amount. Printing bill, $ 10 90 Wm. F. Buas, for services, 3 00 For the use of a School house for holding meetings, 5 Oo C. Krapf , for services, 5 Oo J. Keppler, colUxünv fees. 4 27 J. Raab, " " 17 88 ti. F. Hirth, " " 11 45 Daniel Heininger, collecting fee, 2 14 J.Jedele, " " 15 47 A. L. Feldkamp, " " 14 75 Policy blank, 15 00 Total Hchedule B, (103 86 MISCELLAHKOCS QUE8TI0NB. 1. How mnny assessments hard been made during the year ! Ans. Cne. '1. What is the amount of all the assessxnents made during the yeai ? Ans. $1,659 19. 3. What is the rate per cent. of such assessmenta on the property ineured ? Ans. 1-10 per cent. 4. What ia the rate per cent. of such aasessment on the premium or deposit notes í Ana. No per ceut. 5. What amount vas re-asseased for aaaessments that were not paid ' Ana. None. What amount of loases are allowed to accumulate before an assessment is levied ! AnB. None. 7. Does the Company, in making an assessment, provide therein for any surplus fund over the actual losses accrued : Itao. howmuch ï Ans. When an assessraent is neceasary, it is made at a certain percentage, and the surplus, if any, la keut for future use. 8 What proportion of the actual losa sustained by a policy-holder does the Company pay ! Ana. The luli loss covered by policy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) CoONTY OF WASHTENAW, Í Simón F. Hirth, President, and William F. Buss, Secretary of said Company, do, and each for himself doth depose and say, that they have retid the foregoing siatement, and know the contenta thereof, and that t.hry have iïüod reaHon to believe, and do believe, said statement to be true SIMON F. HIRTH, President. Wm. F. BU8S, Secretary. Sworn and subscribed before me, at the village of Dexter, in said State and County, this 12th day of January, A. P. 1875. GEO. C. PAGE, Justice of the Peace, Washtonaw County, Mich. Estáte of Richard Flannery. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the oity of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twentieth day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-flve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judgeof Probate In the matter of the estáte of Richard Flannery, deceased. Ou reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Mary Flannery, praying that an Administratur may he appointed on the estáte of said deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monduy, the flfteenth day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a seasion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show oause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shoula not be granted : Aïid it ia further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons intereated in suid estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauuing a copy of this order to be publiahed in the Mictdgan Argus, a newspaper printed and oirculatcd in said county, three succesaive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true eopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1514 Judge of Probate. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a certain mortgage exeouted by Frederick Kirn and Christina Kirn, of the cit of Ann Arbor, county of Wftshtenaw and State of Michigan, to Leonard Vaughn and Murtha Vaughn, of the same place, on the ñrst day of November, one thousand eight hundped and sixty-mne, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the county of Washtenaw , aloresaid, on the 4th day of November, A D. 1869, at 'Y o'clock P, M., of said day, in Líber 43, of moitgagea , on page 48, and there is now olaimed to be due upou said mortgage and bond acoompanying the game, the aum of one thousand and seventy-two dollars and aeventyeight oents, also an attorney fee of thirty-five dollars, should any proceedings be taken to forecloae the same ; and no proceedings in law or equity having been had to reoover suid sum of money or any part thereof. Now, therefore notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, I shall sell at public auction to the highast bidder, on the seventeenth day of April next, at 2 o'clock p. M. of said day at the iront door of the Court House in the city'of Aun Arbor, oounty aforesaid, fthat being the place of holding the Cirouit Court for said counlyj all that oertain piecE or parcel of land, situated in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State o Michigan, aforesaid. known, bounded and ilescribed as lollows, to wit : Being lot number six, (6) block numbei four [4J, south, range number two, f2) weat, according to a plat of Wiïliam 8 Maynard's addilion to the city of Ann Arbor, oounty of Wüfhteuaw, aforeaaip. DaUd, January 22d, 1876. LEONAED VAUGHN, MARTHA VAUGHN, John N. Gott, Mongageea. Attorney lor Mortgagees. 1514 Sheriff 's Sale. BY VIRTUE of one writ of eiecution issued out of and under the seal of the Cirouit Court for the Cnunty of Washtenaw, to me directcd and delivered I have on this 2Oth day of January, A. D. 1875 le'vied upou all the right, title and interest of James H. Hioks and Hirum P. Ludden, in and to Hu. fi'illowiiiK described real estáte situated in the county of Washtenaw, State of Miohigan, to wit : The eaual, uudivided one-haif part oí all that certain piece, or parcel oi land, situated in the village of üexter in the county of Washtenaw and State afuresaid kuown, bounded and deucribed aa follow to wit : Beginning on A. street, at the oorner of lots four and ttve, in blook one, and running thence on the line of said Iota four and fiye, sixtysevenieet; thouce parallel with A. street, thlrtytwo feet; thence parallel with the line of lots four and üve, twenty-eight feet; thence in a. straight line across Iota Hve and six, to a poiut on A. street, ou lot six, seventy nine feet f rom the corner of lote Bv.' and six ; thence trom such pomt aloug the line of Á atreet to the place of begiumng, wbich above describid propert 1 sball expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Aon Arbor, on the Cth day ot Maich, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock A. M. ofsaidday. Uated, J",} ah„rig. OTICE." An adjourned annual meeting of the membels of the Washteuaw Mutual Fire Insurauoe Coinpauy will be held at the Court House, lu this city on Weduesday, February 24, 1875, at 10 o'clock i. m., fir the purpose of amending the Charter of suid company. Ud Auu Arbor, J.u, IJ 1 f flu-i ONli PBICE TO AI.L,. M I THe New York World. THE DKMOCBATIC l'Al'KB OF NEW YQBK. THE CHEAPËST and BEST. Postagc PrcpiiiU by us. The Wcckly, One ïear - - - One Oollar. An extra copy to getter-up ei club of ten. The Weekly to getter up of club of twenty. The Daily to getter-up of club of üity. All the news of the past seven (laya is given in the weekly edition of The World ( Wedneaday'a), which contains, in addition the news, muny special features prepared expressly for it. The örange department gives ach week the latest news of the order and of the Patrón. The agricultural de partment presenta the latnst experimenta and ex periences of practical culturist, full reporte of the Farmers' Club of the American Institute, letters from practical farmer, and intereating discussions of profltable farmmg. The page for the family furnishes interest and amusomeut for the fireside during the long wiuter evenings. Full and trufitworthy live stock country produce, and general produce market reporta show the state of trade. The Seml-Heefcly World, 1 ïear, $2.00. An extra coppy to getter-up of club of ten. The Daily to getter-up of club of twentytlve. The Weekly contains (TupBrtnys and Fridaysl all the oontents of thn Weekly, one or two flret-rate Novéis during the yenr. and all the croam of the Daily World. " THE WOSLD " AND II 'S WOUK. Those of our Democratie friendw who desire to subscribe for a New York Paper will tiud none that equals Thr. World in ability, or that so fearlesxly and clearly advocates Democratie principies. In the news from all parts of the world, it iB complete, and ita editorials on all subjects are vigorous ana loijical. To the farmer it is ihvaluabln : teaches him many things that tend to promote his best interest which he sore needs hia eyea opened to. Tte. World ia now doing a great work in behalf cf the Dnmoi-ratic party, and should be fully sustained. - ilinyhajnton Leader. A THOUOUOH NEWSPAPER. Thr. World, iu point of ability, and nfluencn, stands at the head of the Democratie pieau in this country, - Manchester Union. Address, "THE WORLD." 1508w6 35 Park Row, New York. OUT YOUE MÖNEY Wil E RE IT WILL DO THE MO3T QOOD. A. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PIIIGÊS T O DE F Y COMPK T1T1O N AL80, A FULL. LINE OF Gents' Furnishing Goods. pjy Cali before purchasiug. 15 South Main Street. _üEI HORS IEWWsTNDCOÏÏÏH! LOWER PRICES t LOWER PRICES ! Don't fail to visit the Cash Okoceby Hodsf. of of Edward Duffy, during the next thirty days, and examine his Teas and Ooffkes of the latest importations, which will be sold AT NEW YORK PRICES. Sugars, Syrups, and Spices, together with a full line of General (iroceriea, very low for Cash. Cheap bargains for the next Thirty Days in BOOTS & SHOES India Rubber and wool lined Goods, together with a full line of Gentlemen's Furnishing and Hosiory Goods. Please cali and examine goods und pricee, and I will ensure ÍSatisfactioa. It paya for everybody to trade at the cash grikm non OF EDWARD DUFFY. Maynard Block, Cor. Main and Ann St., 511 Ann Arbor, Mich. Estáte of Caleb Moore. OTATE OF MTCHIGAN, County ofWashtenaw, Ö es. At a seesion of the Probate Court for the county of Wuahteiiaw, holden at the Probate Üflioe, inthe city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twentyeifrhth day of December, iu tbe year ono thousand eitrbt hundied and seventy-four. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. On readinft and tiling the petiiioD,duly verined, of B. Franklin Gooding, praying that a certain instrument now on file in this court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to Probate, and that he iiiay be appoiiited hu Ie ex ecu tor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered , that Monday, the twenty-flfth day of Jnnuary next, at ten o'clock in theforenoon, be aBsigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law of eaid eatate, and all other persons interested in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a Beasion of öaid court, then t be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show oauae. if any there be, why the prayerof the petitioner ahould not be granted . And it is further ordered, that taid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in eaid estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cansing tt copy of this order to be publshed in the Michigan Argus, a newHpaper prmled and cinculating in said county, three suecetjaive weeks previous to aaid day of hearing. (A true copy.] NOAH VV. CHEEVER, 1511 Judge of Probate. Judicial Notioe. WIIEREAS, by the order fixing the time for the several ternis of the Circuit Court ín the different counties, for the years 1874 and 1875, inthe Fourth Judicial Circuit, the first day of the regular February term oi' said Court, for the county oí' Washtenaw, for the year 1875, will fall upon the TVPENTY-Í5ECONT DAY OF FkïIRUARY, wllich day is, by the provisions of the öiutute, made aholy day, upon which it ís not lawful to hold any Court ; And whereas, it appcars to me to be necessary for the transaction oí' legal business, that the said February term shouM not be lost: Therefore it is ordered in pursuance of the statute iu siuh case. made and provided, that a special term of said Court will be held at the Court House, in said county, to commence on Tuesday, the twenty-third (23) day of February, 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day: And it ís further ordered that a petit jury bedrawn for said special term, in pursuance of the Statute in such case made and provided, and that such jury (■ sumYnoaed t appear at suofa term, on Mopday, the first day of March, 1875, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day : and it. is further ordered that this order be Bied in the office of the Clerk of said Court, and that the Clerk cause a copy of the same to bè publfshed in , each of the two weekly áewapapera pubttehed iu the city of Anu Arbor, vi..-. The I'mnsu.lar Carrier and Family Visitanl and Tlit Michigan Araus, for at least three suceessive weeks, fchfl firat puhllcation to be at least thirty days prevloua to the said 23 day of February next. Dated January '2, 18TC. 1513 A. D. CRANK, Cirfuit Jadge. Sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUK of one executiou issued out of and under tho seul of tbc Circuit Couvt, for the county of Waöhtcnuw, to me directed, .ud beHiinii date the eighth day of Octoler, 1874, whoreiu A. H. Fillinore is plaintitf intl Jtiü" 'A aruer aud Teter Montgomery ure defendants, iind for the want of goods aud chattels to levy upon, I have thia day lêvied upon all tlu right, t i tic and interest of the defendant, Jeö' Waiuer, hu,- in and to the foilowiug real e.stuto. towit: All thut parcol of land bounded north by nuarter line, west by city, BOuth by (ieddea road aud Scott, east by Scctt and stctton line, section tweuty-cight, containiuf? twetityeight acres ; also the northwent corner of west onehalf of Houthwest one-fourtli of section tweutyaeven, oontaluinp twelve aerea, mere or less, situated in the town of Ann Arbor, Watihtenaw Couuty, Michigan, which I htiU expose for ale to the bightiBt bidder, ua the law direct, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Anu Arbnr, on Haturday, the eixtb day of Muren, A. D. 187S, ut eltven o'clock in the iorenoon. Dated December 29, 1874. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. 1 1611 Thomas J. Hoíkiní, Dep'y Slieriff


Old News
Michigan Argus