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UL? Extra copies of the Arous can he obtained at this office or at the News-Depot. Js'o inoro cuf-cs of smail pox, and the scaro is over. - A uumber of our citizuus liavc been "doing'1 Lansing for a few days. - Charles A. Chapín goes to Lansing next week to commence "biz." - Business men say that trade is unuaually brisk for this season of the year. - Johu J. Walker represented this city at the Poultry Show held in Detroit. - A large uumber of pickerel are (being tinglit through the ice on the dam. - On Friday evening, the 28th inst., the Webster Public is to take place in University Hall- A young Germán boy was seriously ïnjured while coasting on West Liberty street, Monday morning. _ Prof. Moses Coit Tyler preached at the Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Ia9t Sunday. - The remains of William Herman, of KanSJ!, Miiiu-, were brought to this city lor interrment on Monday. - There was a runaway on Main street Wednesday evening, which resulted in no serious dainage. - The pulpit of the Presbyterian Church was occupied last Sunday by the Rev. Mr. Sailor, of Allegan. _Eev. H. L. Hubbell, of this city, will preach at the First Congregational Church, Detroit, next Sunday. - Prof. McAferty gave readings before the writing class of Pond & Horton's commercial college, on Saturday evening. - Hon. Wm F. Wells of Detroit has been elected by the Senior Law clas to deliver the address at the Law Commcement. - Mrs. Edward P. Jewett, of Buffalo, K. Y., and daughter, of Mrs. George Danforth, is spending a few days in this city. - On account of the small-pox scare, the doctors oí this city have been doing a hvely Imsiaess in the vacciuation line. - During the late cold snap, large numbers uf house plants, which were not properly cured for, wcro permaneutly iujured. - Hack & Sclunid have opened a large obsottment of new prints, bleached and brown cottous of the best make, at very low prices. - Fitty putters have been manufactured fcy a tinn doing business in this city , and shipped to the Lake Superior región this season. - A two days aession of the Women's Tempeiance association is to be held in the village of Dexter, commeucing on ïhursday next. - Seiviees were held in the parlora of M. E. Cliiuvh last Sunday, the steam pipes of the audience rooms having frozen up the night before. - Last Saturday Dand DePue, of Pittsfield, íliaghtered a number of fine porkers, the largest one wheu dressed weighing 504 pouMls. - A large amount of wood is now being hauled, most of it coming from Mooreville where it eau be purchased for two dollars a cord on the ground. - These beautiful moonlight evenings, and the fine coasting on the hills near the cat hole biiug out the boys ; also the young lovers for a moonlight stroll. - Thomas E. Ellison of Indiana, a gradúate of the Law Department, class of "i, while on his way East Tuesday, stopped over to visit his iriends iu this city. - L. W. Bodvrell, while returning home from church Sunday moruing, sprained his arm severely by f alling ou au icy side walk near the Presbyterian church. - The lecture delivered by the HDn. C. I Walker, of Detroit, last Sunday alternoon in University Hall, ujion " Work and Self deuial'' was largely attended. - It will require about two weeks more labor, should the weather continue favorable, to fill the large ioe houses on the banks oi the Huron river, at this place. Uur friends thoughout the county are requested to send us for publication, items of local news transpiring in their viciuity ; also notices of marriages and deaths. - The Senior class of the TJniversity are i having considerable discussion whether they will have the regular Commencement speeches i by members of the class or not. - In the Supreme Court on Wednesday, the second appeal of the case of E. A. Beal vs. A. j W. Chase and the Ann Arbor Priuting and j Publishing Co. was argued and submitted. - Driviug f aster than six miles au hour is ] prohibited by one of the city ordinances, j cept on State street, when between the hours of , two and uve in the afternoon itis suspended. - Capt. S. B. Eevenaugh and Jacob F. Schub, have been apointed by Company B to t represent tliem in the Military convention, to be held at Lansing the the 30th of February. , - D. Cramer and C. H. Eichmond have been ( appointed by the directora of the Ann Arbor , Trading Association and S. T. Otis by the creditors, to settle up the business of the . cera. ■ ( - Afterthis week the Ann Arbor , tural Company, on account of the pressure of business, will put on an extra force of hands in tneir new fouudry, when they will cast . every day. ( - The Directora of the First National , Bank met on Thursday last, and elected as , their officers : Dr. E. Wells, President ; . Wiiup Bach, Vice President ; J. W. Knight, Cashier. -J. C. Higgins and F. W. Goodale, of Delhi, were awarded a number of premiums Tuesday, for a choice lot of chickens, which 'hey had on exhibihon at the Poultry Show held in Detroit. - The Common Council met on Monday eTeuing, and the time was occupied by Mr. Coate of Kalamazoo, S. H. Douglas, Dr. B. S. Smith and otners, who expressed their views in regard to Water Works. - Tho Whitmore Lake Dramatic Club give an entertainment at the Chfton House Friday eveuing next, consisting of drama, burlesque, songs, recitations, etc. A social hop will take P'ace after the exhibition. - In the case of penple vs. Theo Bliss, charged with assault and battery, and whose xaminahon was billed for Saturday, before Justice Mc Mahon, paid up the costs Wednes%, and was discharged. - Miss Carrie Norton, one of the lady c'erk8 in the Postoftice, was taken suddeuly 111 while in the discharge of her duties, last Monday morniug, and was assisted to Gen. Clark's, where she makes it her home. - There are now confined in the county jail ouly six persons. One is awaiting trial tor wurder, two for larceny, two are serving out a seutence for beiug " full," and the sixth was "icarcerated for GO days for stealing a satchel. - The young men of this city have long feit the neeil of a reading room, a place where they Ca" go aud pass their leisure moments, wheu fl6t frui the cares of busiuess. Nearly every ':"y in the Htate has oue, why not Anu Arbor 'i Uave Collius, a lad of twolve years, who Raides ou Sccoud struet, while ou bis way to "■■hooi Monday, to make a short cut undertook i0 ttw the mili race, supposing the ice to be of snfficieut streugth to hold him up, but when "w the center of the race he broke through a"d stood in water up to hia ueck. He mauago(i) iu 8ome way, to crawl out, but lost hi booka. - Rev. Dr. Z. Eddy, of the First Congregational Church, of Detroit, will preach at the Congregational Church, in this city, next Suuday morning, and address the Students Christian Association in tlie svening, at University Hall. - A grand muqaei&cUi linll is aunounced to come off at McMahoiis Hall next Tuead} evening. Preparations are being made by the colored people who anticípate big time, as large numbers are expacted from abroad to take part in the evening's entertainment. - Wednesday, B. S. Swcet, a little curley headed fellow with a black eye, caused the arrest of Wells, of Salem, for assault and hattery Not being ready for trial, on motion of defendant's counsel, the case was adjourncd h Justico McMalion until Wcduosday next. - The gift entertainment advertised to come off at the Opera House last Saturday eveuiug, turned out to be a complete fizzle. ïhe gifts advertised to be given away amounted in the aggregate to more than would have been realized from the sale of admission tickets, probably. - In the Secoiul and Third wards, there are a number of sidewalks of sufftcient incline as to afford fine coasting for children, which have been made so slipperry in the Ias1 few days as to make them dangerous for pedestrians to travel. Can this nuisance be abated ? - The Flannery establishment on X. Main street, which has been closedfor the past week will uot be re-opened as the propnetor has been unable thus far to comply with the city ordinance, which requires one to give bonds when taking out a license, bef ore branching out in the saloon business. - Last Saturday afteruoon a young man from Detroit was looking after hia wife, who left his bed and board some days ago and came to this city, where she has been engaged in canvassing for a numbei of books. But in some way she learned that she was " shadowed" and kept out of the sight of her anxious ' man." - A large number of prominent ladies haviug learned that the Hospital connected with the Medical Department was in ueed oí articles necessary für the comiort of its inmates, have taken hold with a determination of relieving its wants, and it is to be hoped they will meet with that süccess which the cause deserves. - On Wednesday evening an audience estitnated at 2,500 were present at the Caroline Richings-BeruaTd concert iu Univorsity Hall. The costumes were vory fine, and tlio musió excellent. During the entertainment Mr. Chas. Barnes, iirst tenor, whilo stepping frora a cliair to the platform, foll and was quite severely injured - Snow feil Sunday night to the depth of four inches, making fine slsighing in the city, which was taken advantage of on Monday by the owners of fast horses. State street was thronged in the atternoon with all kinds of " turn outs," and considerable racing was indulged iu. The livery estabhshments did a thriving business. - Tlie exainination of the Clark brother9 for larceny of fura from Bortlü's Hotel some weeks ago, and which was adjourni'd a mimber of times by the defendanta' counsel, canie off Saturday before Jiistice Forbee of Saline. The evideuce being strong agaiust them, they were bound over to the February term of the Circuit Court. - Last Friday evening the cifcy authorities learning that there was a case of small pox near the University, had the patieut removed to the pest houso in the Fifth ward. The doctor who has had the patiënt in charge now reporta that it is a very slight case of varioloid, and no apprehensious need be feit of its spreading, as the utmost caution is being used. - The Rev. R. F. Stebbiu, of Ithica, N. Y. delivered two very able and iuterestiiig discourses at the Unitarian Church last Sunday, morning and evening. His discourse ior next Sunday eveuing will be an examiuatiou of the fundemental tenet of the second part oi Herbert Spencer's " First Principies," that the universe is a product of mechanical forcea aud has existed from eternity. - There are iu tlus coramunity a number of persons who resort to all manner of meaus to obtain a livelihood soonur thau do a day's work. Yet they live just the same, and people wonder how. Harcüy a week passes but ablebodied men cali at the office of the Superintendent of the Poor and aolicit trom him temporary relief, only to be turned away empty handed, as being uuworthy ot public charity. - Last Saturday afternoon we made a flying vi8it to Saline, and while there could not but nDtice the large number of farmers on the streets and in the different business houses. Some were engaged in making purchases, others disposing of their produce, gave every thing a Tery hvely appearance, and we came to the conclusión that Saline was not a bad place to live iu, especially if one was engaged in some branch of trade. - Laura Wells, alias Welch, was arrested last Saturday night by policeman Felch, who found her drunk at an early hour on Main street. She reniained in jail until Mouday tnorniug, wheu, beiug brought before Justice Mc.Mahou, she infomied the court she was guilty, and would leave the city on the firpt train going west, if permittecl to do so. After receiviug some good advico she was allowed to go, when she was escorted to the depot Dy the oöicer in charge. - (Jol. M. B. Walker of the regular army while viaiting his son, a member of the Junior class, Literary Department, who is now sick at Cook's Hotel, was made a member of the Kent Chapter Phi Delta Phi Fraternity. Col. Walker graduated at Yale several years ago and holds the degrees of M. A , and LL. D., and has for several years served as Chief Justice of Texas. He is now retired from active service and has resumed the practice ot law in Ohio. We congratúlate the frateruity. - A gentleman engaged in selling chromos, while on his way to the late train going west last Friday evening, was accosted by two suspicious looking characters near Diehl's Hotel, who iuquired the time of day. K"ot liking their appearances and believing they were bent on mischief, he iuformed them he did uot kuow and started for the depot, they after him, but as he had only a short distance to go he outran his persuers. For some time past a nuniber of suspicious characters have been prowling around, and it behooves our citizeus to be on their watch for them. - Sheriff Fleming went to Fowlerville, Livingstone Couuty, last Tuesday and arrested George Gudekunst, a handsome youug Germán, who made his debut Weduesday moning before Justice McMahon, charged by Miss Cathariue Frey, with seduction. The frequenters of the court were disappointed when an opportunity was given the parties to settle the difficulty between themselves, as they thought some rich develoj)ments would be made if the case went on. The case, however was continued until Saturday, but inasmuch as the costs have been paid, and as the parties ar now Mr. & Mrs. üudekuust, no further actioi will be uecessary.


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