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The PEOPLES' DRÜGSÏÜRE II, I STAND OÍ1 R. IV. Ellis & Co. PURE Drugs and Liquors of ehoice aelection. Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oila and Brushes of all kimU. Large assortnient ot Toilet Goocls and superior i'erfumerieii. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS aspeoinlty, of Tiemann's, Kolbe's, aiid Ford's man u facture. PRICES LO"W_ Prescriptiona put up by men of expsrionce at all honra of the day or night. No 2 Main St., Ann AkBOE. HALE & TREMAIN, ROOFBIC! HI8 ROOFING 18 DURABLE AND WATER l'ROOF ; VERY FLEXIBLE ; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKS AROUND CHIMNETS AND CONNECTIONa BKTWEKN WOOD and BRICK. ihis Rooflng has been in use íive years and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT ! This paint will preserve shiugled roofs an indeflDite eriod, and ia equally adapted to tin or iron roofa. It is flre and water proof ! 'hia paint will be put on by the Company or aold by he gallon, with instruotions how to apply the same. W3 No Coal Tar is uscd in eitber. We aolicit the public patronage. All work will be warianted. AU Communications should be addressed to the HUTCHINS R00FINO CO., P. O. Box 222, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Residence 43 South Thayer Street. 1478 tf TO THE Citizens of Ann Arlior ANI THE STDDINTS OF THE IMBRSITY. I would reapectiully nnnounce that my stock of Fine Woolens for Winter Wear is now cniplete, aad will be constantly replenished witU The Novelties of the Season. Gentlemen wisbing Comfort in DreRe, combinei with ELEGANCE AND STYLE, will befully aatipfied by giving us a tral, and are iuvited to favor uh with a cali. H. HINTKRMISTER, Merchant Tailop 209 Jefferaon Ave., between Batea and Randolph Hts ESTABLIíhHED IN 1860. Attachment Notice. THE CIRCUIT COURT ior the County of Waahtenaw. Williara W. Wines mdCharlee H Worden vs. Mary R. Stringhani. Notice is hereby i ven that on the thlrd day of December, A. D 1874, a writ of attachment was duly iwsned ou of the Circuit Court for the Countv of Washtenaw at the suit of William W.Wines and Charles H.Wor den the above named plainliffs, agaiiiHt the lands tenement, goods and chattels, moneys and elfects of Mary B. Ötringhara, the defendant above iiamed, for the sum of one hundrecl and three dol lars and eighty-five cents, which said writ was roturnnble on the ÍKth day of January, A. D. 1875. Hated tbiifith day of -Iftnuary, A. D. 1B75. 161ï D. CRAMER, Att'y fur PlaintWTa RAILRÜAM il rHIAJ GBSTBAL R.ULKOAl). WINTER T1MR TABLE. ooihoVut. i è ' m TATios. _: & "al w '_a_ _o_ __ c_ jS L A. M. A. M. T. U. r. M. f. M. r. u. Detroit, leave, 7 00 10 20 1 50 4 00 Í I ui 20 Wayne, Í il 11 06 2 36 4 55 6 40 1 47 Vpsilanti, 8 31 11 31; 3 05 6 30 7 lu 11 12 AnnArbor, ! 8 56 11 49 3 25 J 63 7 4J 11 30 „ , P. K.I A ii. Jexter, W 22 I 3 5' 6 20 8 1 helsea, 9 40 4 10 8 30 rassLake, 10071 4 38 g ooi Bcknon, 10 43 1 15 5 10 Si1 12 55 Kalamaioo, J 05 3 45 8 30 íí J6 3 15 hicagoamye, 8 0 9 oo:io 35 6 S0 8 10 _ oomo uñí „ ík Mi ii iilílill! a. ui. m. p. si. p. k.' hicago, leave, 6 00 8 30 5 15 V 00 P.H. A.H.' A.H. Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 23 4 45 10 30 2 5 PM. A.H. ackson. 2 10 4 00 "45 12 55 5 lo! rassLake, , 2 48i 8 15 I i.elsea, SU, ! 8 40 1 a. h exter, I 5 28] 8 55 1 6 30 nn Arbor, 3 55 4 08 9 25 2 22 6 30 7 00 Ypailanti, i 4 0 t 25 9 50 2 42' 6 50i 7 26 Wayne, 4 511 5 43 10 IS1 S 02! 7 10' 7 65 etroit, arriTe, i 5 45' 30 11 00, 3 501 8 00 8 45 The Atlantic and Pacific Expreai run bstween acknon and Nileii on the Air Line. The Kalamazoo Accommodation run eatt dailv, est daily except Baturday. E __ PARADA SOI 1 III 11 Railvay Line. The route opèned for through trarel. DECEMBER 7, 1874. L'ntil further notie, trains will leave D troit rom Depot, foot of Third 8t., mX the following uurrt, Bundays exoepted : 8:05 a. m., for Toledo, aniving at Toledo 10.15 11:30 a. m„ for Búrlalo, arriving at Buft'alu at 1:00 p. m., for Toledo, arrirlng at 8:10 r. u. 5:00 v. m., for Fayette, arriving at 8:50 p. m 8:23 p. M., (daily) for Buffalo and Toledo, arrivng at Toledo at 10:38, BufFalo at 6:40 a. m. Thi rain has uleeping coaches to BuSalo. Trams arrive at Detroit at 6:40 a. m., from Bufalo, 9:35 a. m., lrom Toledo, l:30 p. u. from ayette, 4:35 p. m., from Toledo, 10:02 p. ai., from 'oledo and Buifalo, daily. Through tickets to all parts of the East, Wet nd South, inay be obtained at the Company's Depot ticket ofüce, and at oflica corner Jeffersou aveue aud Sccond streets, office corner Atwater and landolph streets. and at Michigan Exchanee Hotel. B. McCHAN, General Passenger Ageut, Buffalo. W 8NYDER, ííeneral Superintendent, 8t. Thomas. Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. OLEDO, SAOINAW AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable connoctions made at Wayuê unction with trains of the Michigan Central K. R. Four trama North aud four South daily exceot uniiay. r Time Card ov Deobmbeb 14th, 187S OOIKQ HOBTH. A.M. P.M. P. M.l P.M. Wayne, leave e 00 2 0(1 8 03 1110 olly, I 10 45 3 17 ï 46 12 5(1 lint, II 28 4 00 8 24 4 5S aat Kaginw, 12 451 5 05 9 60 6 25 aginawCity, IS 52 5 12 9 57 ay City, 1 20 5 45 10 16 7 25 P. m. eed City, 6 30 12 26 inldwm City, G 'O 1 15 udiugton, 8 00 2 55 P. M.l P.M. P.M. V.M. OOINO BOUTH. I A.M. A. M.l P.M. P. M. Wayne, leave 8 20 1130 3 00 6 03 Í ! lonroe, 9 25, 12 30 3 55 Í 20 oledo, arr. 10 30 1 5 00 9 C5 8ANFOED KEELER, An't 8upt. J. P. Noüese. Gen'i Ticket Agent. ÜETEOIT, HILLSDALEA INDIANA RAILROAD. OOtNO WEST. -1874- OOIVO EART. stations. Mail. Exp.j stations. Exp. Mail. A. M. P. M. )etroit, dep... 7:00 4:00 I M " Ypsilanti.... 8:35 6:45 i Banken 4:45 2:15 aline 9:16 6:15 HiUsdale . 5:03 2:25 iridgewater. . 9:55 6:32 Manchester.. 7:ST 4:07 Manchester. 10:27 6:52 Bridgewater 8:30 4:37 r. M. Saline 9:15 4:4ó tillsdale 1:12 8:35 Ypsilanti.... 9:5(1 5:26 Bunkers 1:30 8:45 I Detroit 11:00 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take effect Aug. 13, 1874 W. F. PAKKER, Bup't, Ypsilinti. clothing] OREAT GLOSING OUT SALE -OF- REAHADECLOTUG Gents' Fumishing Goods, H ATS AND CAPS TBU1VKS &c., .r oost For the next Thirty Days at MABLEY $c CO'S. 33 South Main St. MARTIN'S BLOCK, Auir Aeboe, Michigan, 0E0R6E BULL, 1503 mauairer. FIRE! FIREÜ ü For Insurance against Fire, go to the old ageucy oí C. H. MILLEN, No. 4 Soüth Main Steekt. Agent for tUe HOME INSUE4NCE CO. of New York, Capital and Surplus nearly $6,(00,000, CONTINENTAL FIRE INS. CO., N. Y., Capital an.l Surplus 2,500,000. ORIËNT, of Hartford, Conoecticut, Capital and Hurplu $700,000. enUBB. of Phlladelphia, Capital and Burplua $800,000, C. H. MILLEN, Aa;ent. 1509m3


Old News
Michigan Argus