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Finance And Trade

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There was a botter demand for loans, and he monoy market rulod steady and ratea were firm at 10 per cent. Grain and provisión men aro the principal applicants for avora ; while there waa a good Bupply of oanable f dude. Bonda quite firm and a trifle higher, cloaing at 114J to 114} for ü. S. 5-20'b of 'G2, 115 to 116 of '64, and 114J to Híj for O-40'o. (Jurroncy 0'n, 117} to 117J. L'itest gold quntationa- Chicago, toll2}; New York, 112}. BREADSTUFFB. The vieible supply of graiu, compriBing the stocks in granary, at the principal pointa of accumulation, at luko and so&board porta, and n transit by rail Jau. 9, 1875, aud the coinparative stocks at tho other underinentioned )erioda, wero aa followa : 1875. 1875. 1874. 1873. Jan. 9. Jan. 2. Jan. 10. Jan. 11. Wlieat ... 11, 79(1,579 11, UII6 8:1 9.91S.343 5,6H7,020 Corn 4,866,988 4,21.734 6,404,96 9,882,818 ).ita 2,013,113 2,B8S,117 2,428,838 8,a6,078 Uarley... 2,074,902 2,ï.r!l,sr0 1,791,871 2,255,035 Bye 193,073 189,977 218,790 Total bll.21,539,315 21,276,218 19,757,238 20,982,052 The followiug are tlie receipta and Bhiumenta for tlio week, aa comparecí with the same timo last year : J!e:eiuea. Shipped. ArticlM. 1875. 1874. 1875. 1874. Flour, brls 4",,001 69 017 30,108 77,027 Wttear, ba 305.319 1,100,100 83,583 651,224 Corn, bu 208,243 285,840 115,786 21,221 Oüta, bu 90,337 262.9 6 68,241 110,625 Kyc, bu 8,390 15.C84 3 285 7,446 Birlev, bu 41,KiM 103,512 3(1,068 102,877 D. U(;s, Nu... 25,527 23,H6l 21,G0 19 247 L. Hogs, Nu... 168,125 100,204 35,189 1,702 Ciittle, No 15.55'J 12,893 9,055 8,394 The movement in the grin markots has iucreased aomowhat during the past week, hut Htill there was no special ac'ivity Khown, and tho amount of bueineas transacted waa rolatively light. Thia inactivity on the part of the Bpeculative interest is acconnted for by the unfavorable circumstances curroundicg tho trede and affecting the moveinents of speculütorH. Tbe ïepoita received f rom Liverpool aud New York were of a dineouragmg tenor, quotiug a decliuiug tendency in values and a general weaknesa. The local speculativs movement here duriug the fall was Buch that prices for all grains were f orced to a higher range than to allow any Bhipping movemeut, and the result has been a stoady and quite rapid acouraul&tiou of the stock iii store The " beais" have had the en tire control of the trade and forced a general and steady decline ín prices. At the prceeut writing and during the weuk under review, the coudition of affaird has been improving. The low prices are begiuning to attract the att ention of partiea havmg money to iuvebt, and there is aleo a better demand from shorts, who are covering their contracts at tho proüt offered by the liberal reduction in valuea, Eastern advices were again unfavorable, but the receipts are decreasiug, and speculators seem to havo more confidence in tho future. Farmers are holding back grain, aud tho current pnces, eepecislly of heat, are certainly very low. Spring heat ruled fairly act've, and coru was aleo selling more readily. Oats were regalar and firm. Rye Bcarce and firm. Barley atrong under light receipta The maiketa closed steady and arm, with a more favorable outlook for the future. 1 he following were the current quotations at the opening aud at tho cose: Opening. Closing. No. 2 spring wheat ... 88 % g) 88)f 885L Beller Feuruary 88JÍ 8954 Now No. 2 corn t&% eo1, St-ller February 6ü 66% Seller May 71 % 72%@72'i No. 2 oats caflh 52 52J2&ó2 Saller Fobruary. .. B2J4 52-iL No. 2 rye 96 97 @97x No. 2 terley $1.24H@1.25 $1.27@1.3o Seller IVbruary . . . . 1.2554 1.27(1.27J4 LIVE STOCK. The cattlo mai ket was sleady and firm and quite an activo buaineBSwas transacted. The receipta were liberal, but the quality was good. Shippers boujjht fraely at $4.75 to $5. V0 for fair, $5.25 to $5.70 for good, aud $5.75 to $6 25 for choice. Extra, $6.50 to $7.00. Stock cattle ste&dy and firm at f 2.75 to $4 00. Butcbers' stock, $2.50 to $1 75. Hoga dull aud 30c to 40c loiver under the heavy receipts ; cloaing at $6.00 to $6 50 for poor to good light aud Í6 50 to $7.10 f ar common to very choice heavy ; pi ospecta more favorable. Steop firm aud higher ; closing at $3.50 to 65.75 for common to choice grades. DEES8ED HOOS. Opened firm, but soon ruled weak and remained dull aud easy until the extreme cloao, wüön a firmer feeling was developed, and under an iucreaeed and urgent competition betweeu buyers, tlie market rulod active and ciosed fiim with a c onsiderable portion of the decliue recovered, closing at $7.25 to $7.í5 for piga, $7 45 to $7.50forlightweig,its- between 10Ü and 200 lbs- aud S8 for heavy weights. rKOVISIONS. A moderate spcculative business was transacted in this market, but an unsettled feeling prevailed am' pricea íluntuated quite frequently. Mess port was 70c to 90c per brl lower, and lard was accive, higber at the opening, but closed easier. Meata were Jc to Je lower. Mess pork closed at $18.25 cash, $ls - 70 aeller March aod $18.40 for seller February. Cash lard, $13.3?X ; seller March, $13.U5 to $13.67HIGnWINhS AND SEEDS. Highwines coutiuue to rule steady and firm, there being a good demand and reidy sal ut 94c. Seed were quiet and firm, with a moderate Bpeculative inquirv. Timothy quotable at $2.40 to $2.60. Clover, $5.90 to $5 95. Flax, $2. Millet, 70c to 80c. Hungarian quiet at 80c to 85c. PRODUCE MARKETS. Butter remaius very dull and pricea easy ; closing at 20c to 23c for roll, and 20c to 28c for fair to choico shipping lots. Eitailing in small crocks at 30c to 35c. Bagging steady on the basis of $31.50 for Btark A's. Beans in fair local domand at $1.85 to $2.25. Broom corn firm and in demand. Beeswax steady at 27c to 28c for choice yellow. Cooperge cloaed at $1.25 for pork barrels, and Í1.45 to $1.50 for lard tierces. Eggs were in good demand and firm at 24c to 25c for fresh and 12JÍC to 20c for pickled. Hops firm and in better demand at 40c to 50c for best. Totatoes were ateady and firmly held at 8 0c to 90c for peachblowa. Hay was in better demand and pnces advancing. Hides were steady at 19e for kip, 12c for veal kip, 8c to 9c for part cured, 8"c for green heavy, and 15e for grceu calf. Choese firm at 14c to 15c for Western factory, and 'Je to 13c for common. Applea dull at $2 00 to 3.00. Cider was Bteady and firm at $6.50 to $7.00. Honey flrm at 25c for cemb and lic for strained. Feathera firm at 49c to 50c for live geese and Ge to 7e for chickeu. Poultry was firmer and steady at 10c to lic for tnrkeya ; 8c to 10c for chickeiif , and 9c to lic for dueka. Geose quotablo at 6c to To, Vegetables were quiet aud unchangod. Wool remaiua ftteady aud firru, but quiet. Stocka light, Telegraphic Market Rcportg. NEW ÏOBK. Beeves 9@ 13} Hogs - Dreased 7 8 Cotton 15 @ 15J Floüb - Superfino Western 3 75 @ 4 25 Wheat- No. 2 Chicago 1 07 @ 1 09 No. 1 Spring 1 15 @ 1 18 Corn 86 @ 88 Oats 68 70 Rye '. 93 @ 96 Pobk - New Meas 29 00 @ Lahd- Steam _ 14 8T. LODIb. Wheat- No. 2 Bed 1 05 @ 1 06 Coen- No. 2New.. 65 @ 67 Oats- No. 2 _. 56 @ 58 Bye- No. 2 1 01 @ 1 03 Poek- Moae 18 50 @ Lard 13J@ Hoos 6 00 @ 6 75' Cattxe 4 00 @ 5 75 MILWAUKEF.. Whrat- No 1 92 @ 93 No.2 88 @ 89 Ooen- No. 2 81 @ 83 Oats- No. 2 51 @ 52 Rïe 96 @ 98 Bableï- No. 2 1 30 @ 1 32 CINC1NNATI. Wheat- Red 1 04 @ 1 07 Corn- New 70 @ 72 Oats 60 63 Rye 1 08 S 1 10 Pork- Mees 19 00 @ Lard 13} 14} TOLEDO. Wheat- No. 1 Red 1 69 & 1 11 Amber Michigan 1 08 @ 1 09 Corn- Now 67 S 69 Oats 62 @ 64 DETROIT. Wheat- Extra 1 13 @ 1 14 Amber 1 07 @ 1 08 Oorn 68 @ 70 Oats 56 @ 67 OLEVELA'TD. Whfai-No. 1 üfid 1 GA (9 1 11 No. 2 Red 1 Oi @ 1 07 Coen 70 72 Oats 58 g 61 A white marble monument has been placed over the grave of William H. Seward, in tbe Fort Hill Oemetery, at Auburn. It is desor'bed as an immensp, flneJy-Rculptured table, laid entirely over the tornb, raised at the head about tbree feet highor than the suriace of tho plane, iu the form of a cinerary urn, twined with ivy, and surmounted with a cross wreathed with the leaves of the oak and the laurol. The faoe of the table bears the words, " William H. Htward. Born May 16, 1800. Died Oct. 10,1872." And' the baso oí the urn lieir the insoription which, in his life time, be said was the only epitaph he was ambitious to deserve : "He was Faithful."


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