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I fc T TO $20 PER DY enslly mude bj U. M any one. We want men, womeo. boys and " "W girls all over the country to eelí our Fine %AS # Rtoel Eugravínfíe, Chromos, Crayon Draw"■ iniís, Illumination-, Photo(traphs,etc.,etc We now publiah the fi nest assortment ever placed before the public, and erar prices are marked down ro low as to dofy all competition. Those who caonot give the bnsiness thiiir whole tim, nr go f ar away from home, can add a bandsome little Biim tó thoir income by workiug for ub Ín their oivn localities during ttieir spare time. We have many old agents at work for us who havo made canvassing for books, papers, etc, thoir business foryears, and tbey all report that they canmakemucb morO inonoy at work for us than at anytbing else. Onr prices are so low that all can afford to pnrchase, and therefore tho pictures sell at sight at almost every honae. New bginnera do as well as agents who have had large experience, for our bcautif ui subjects and low prices are appreciated by all. To mako íargH salea everywhere, all an agent has tj do la to show the pictures fnm houee to house Don't look for work elsewhero until you have Been what great inducement we offer you to make inoney. "We have not space to explain all here, but Eend ns your address and we will snd full particnlars, free, by in:t il. l)on't delay ïf you want profitable work for your leisure honrs, or for your whole time. Now la tho favorable tiine to ongage ín thls business. Our pictures are the fi iiert and most pleaeing in this conntry, and are indorsed by all tho leading papers, including the New York Herald. Those who cannot give the businoss tboir entire attention, can work op their own localities and make a handsome sum without ever being away frora home over □ightX Let all who want pleasant, profitable employment, withrut riskiug capital, send us their addresses at once, and leam all nbout the business for themselves. Pleaee rtate what paper yoa saw this advertisement in. GE01iULSTINS0N & CO., Art Fabllshe, Portland, Malne. MfiMCV mode rapidty with Stencil A Kev-Check ITlUrECl Outñts. Catalogues, samples & f uil particulariree. S. M. Spencer, 117 Hauover-st., Boston. The diseoTcry of Dr. Dodgi's Germán Lito Poirnwi orrurred in this wsj i Tho Dr. u trentitij; pcrïon for spinal complúnt who hm liten Bubject to nwelled lirer tor jears. The veeWble remedie prescriU'd for tbe purpoie of riiving aud Titaliiing the spinc, not onlj cured tno fljjin! afieetion, but iiBo the Uvsr. Thia eircurattance led to aoomseof experiincnti, tht, in ten jears, rcflultod ín thia Lirer puac. AOTiJTC U A UT f fl for the fastest selling ABENTS WANTtD .„, ..j. panen and our extra terms to Agents. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. rflHIS paper is printed with luk fumished by i Charlea Eneu Johnson & Co., 50 South lOth St., Philadelphi, and 5!) Oold St., New York. Por eale in 10 and 25-pound cans by THE NEWSPAPER UNIOK, Chicago, 111. prof. d. Pairiippo flnimn flnppU1"" Meeker's 1 dlluuud UpiUlil UlliD.succes'sful remedy of tho present day. Send for Paper on Opium Eating. P. O. Box 475, LaPORTE, IND. Tí fifi k XC.'UTQ eet Best Book and Best KUUI HULII I O TermSi Send for circalars. Ml "Cyclopedia of Tilinga Wortli Knowln(, or a 3,000 Wallis Supplieit." Th King of Kiiceipt Books. lC-crtlor Chromo free. CO-OPERATIVE PDBHSHING CO., Muscatiae, lowa. ui US"C7n aOEXTS for the "Ufeaiul WAli I tUliiilora(ioin ol DR LI VUXt3ST'K.'! Complete, authentic; a freñ book. Prico suited to the times. Addres B. B. BUSSELL, Pabllsher, Boston, Mas. ADVËHTISERS JVho desire to reach country readers can do so In tho Destamlcheapqsc manncr by usingoni; or rnore sectlOlia Of TjtEUHEATNHWSl-APEr.AUXlLIAKYLlSTB. ApplytoK. K. PR.ÍTT, T9 Jackson-st., Chicago. The American Newspaper Union number ver Iffi00 papers, separated into scven subdivia lons. For separate lista and cost of advertisiogr :ddreB8 S. P. SANBORN, 114 Alonroe St., Chicago SNftffiFMfrto Thls PATENT CABINETfl IWVi'Mffrffr rimtffflr LETTER FILE isu&cful toevei EáaMÜí] lp3S businessman, to keep BlIiLS.LE-, EíBilW'IPS TEES or PAPERS alwaya clea: p'grHf jí wfW}, aiid in elphabotical order; hold Laifli i HítjÍS 4,000 LetterB,.can be uaed on a des Hfe3lii 'liJi' hMíE or hung to the wall. Wo p.-epay %J3Pail'! il 1 F5iSS Expresa charges. Sendforcirjula agff..„. . - and priee list with 1,000 references, Address C. A. COOK & CO., Chicago, m. 4?VÍwfl . . 16,000,000 Rlnif, KjZ&ffW V 70,001 Kliicom, -VnflWifiT VVP .00 TonffS Bold J%È& VS. H!rlTra'e Dealera Sel I Thm r H Hill t Co. Docatur, IU E?Dl C1 C Our CATALOGITK r f E.E. For 1875, of FEESH L JL JJ ]J g P URE WESTERN GBOWN". Send your name to the largest SEED FAU3I1SHS IN THE TVEST. GEO. S. HASKELL & CO., Bockford, IU. KANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM, 23 & 25 RANDOLPH ST., CHICAGO MMBaHBn This new Truss is worn -j. w'th perfect comforl MBjiffi a o r flnfR"'1 autl Jay Adapts BTM X íi ix o x í v wlitiielf to overy motion 01 V_ T E U S S. WÊ 'he body, retainingRupLfcjgpwjiMjinjfcrffMr ure uniier the hardest KHHPy "W exercise or severest % ff strain until permanont jr yjf Jf ly cured. Soldcheapby ELASTIC TRUSS CO., No. 683 Brondwn) , Ui. Y. City, and sent by mail. Cali or send tot Circular, and be cured. fWftllLy per day. To sell the HOME SrtlTTLKSKW' - ti IH.% OtlNK. i'KlC ■ sa."-. BeaJMll TOuraumako meney selling thn "IIOW SH( TT1.K," whetber you are KXPK1UE CKUm ttin l.uai - ut'Ksnriiot. Ifyui wiah to buy a SEWIXO MACHINE for family uae, our circulara will sJiüw yim how to save money. Address JUU.SU..C -Al.K. , Co . CHICAGO, Ilü. J)r. .1. Walkcr's California Vin. ■gar Killers nrc a puioly Yegetabi, eparation, made chielly from tbe m. ;ive lierbs found on tho lower rangesV the Sierra Novaiia mountains of Califa. lia, the medicinal proporties of ni ire extracted tUcrefrom without the ïue of Alcohol. The question is alinoat duily asked, " Wliat is the cause of tl unparallelcd success of Vixeoau Biti'eks?" Üur answer is, tliat tliey removu tho cause of disease, and the patiënt re. covers his liealth. Tliey are the mj( blood purifierand C Hfe-givjug principie a perfect Renovator anti Invigoratcr of tho system. Xever before in history of tho world has a niediciiw ' r. compouu'lcd possessing tbo r" i: quaiities of Vi.nkoar Bittkrs in hcalinttki { sick of every distaso nia.i is heir to. Tl are a gentío Purgativa as ■well as a Ton i relieving Congestión or Inflninmation tj I tho Liver aud Visceral Organs, ia lfilioj. I Uiseases. Tlie properties of Dn. Walkbj Vixküar Bittkrs are Aperient. ' Carminative, Nutritious. Laxativo, binrctii. I Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Budorific, Alten tive, and Anti-Bilious. R. H. ilcUOXALD CO., DrnirtrisíP snd Gen. Apts.. San Franc-isi;'). CiOifnrrand cur. of Wit8hintrt(in nd Charltnn Stfl.. S, Soid by all Drtigísta anci DÍTilers, BIFIiES,SH_OTUXSISTOIjirlEY0LTIR Of snysndeTeryKind. Send stamp utriiioiworki, fir ís iimtii, r,i. SENT PEÉi' iBook exposing the mystorics r Wfll i -R7 xnd howanyone niay opérate íuc-LL 01, jessfully with a capital of 950 or $XOO0. Cw píete imtrncttons and illuatrationi to tj n. Síes. TITMBRIIIGB &- '., Bmois BaoKiKS, 2 Wall Btreat. Hew Tork. m U.IHK BEST Ín tile World, [ aSjtSSSmk VVlWDKllKL'MficonoBJ. ■ÍZaH 40 lbs. more Bread to brl Plor vpá&SOW SAVKS MILK, KliliS,t ' j3LlXA 1 yoar'B BavingB witl bnyiwi fliSitfraíl I NO fllOKK SOUll BKKAD k I V wSwr j Whiter, lihter. sweeter.rict VyJaA KVKKÏBDÏ Pralíi. E V&4H&yía The ladles aveallinluvewitt" I Ííi?i SKIjLS HUTCAKB 1B P.BkLf Lï-8end at once for Circulira jT"mTj UKO. F. UANiZ Cl, ' ' W i 7C, DlianeSt., New Vork m KmVÍJ I Marking Clothing, Books, Printing Envelopes I i Cards, Bags, &c. Bankers Stamps a speciill) Agents Outfit, $2.00. Send Stamp lor Circiluj Sinker, Davis & Co., IXDIAKAPOLIS, INO., Manufacturera of atrictly flrst-clail Portable Engines, Stationary Sngincs. Tubular and Flue Boilers, Lard Tanks, Water Tanks, SAW-jniixs, KcIKlngTatolea, Lever Heail Blockí, PK Mili ílnclililery, Stave ItlacHiiieiy, '"■ Sle Machliiery, Planing-Mill MaeSlMiJ Meen. Piiïleys and SUaflins, BellH Fatent Gorernora, &.v. jta"Sendor " lUtwfrated Catalogue" J BEFORE BÜYING ELSEWHBBjt CÜSHIÑG'S MANUAL1 Of Parlíamentary Practico. Buleiofprooeedinj? and tebate in delibsrlti" 8serablles. 1 indispensable hund -boo jroreBn memher of a aeliberative body, and the autboritl J alj thO States. , . j, "The most authorltatire expouniSer 01 ABin can pari ameiitary law. "-Chas. Sumner. I Prlce 65 cents Snt hy mail on receipto! JM Addresa THOMPSON, BÏ0WN4 CO., Boiton.ïW "SrTWhittieb, No. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Kii rontlcuea to treat all cases of obatacles to roarrt. Woh inpurftlea, every ailraeot or skiaess which rciulu f" mdiscrctioo or iinprudtuce, ith unparalleled succmi Ir. W.'b establishmcut Í3 chartered by tlie PWtóo'"' Bouri, was faunded and has tua CHiabJihed w w-J íaío, certain and reliabla reiiuf. Bfing gndutó1 everal medical col'eee, and bnvlng ibe eiperieac1 long and Baccesarul Ufe ia hit hP., Hiea hehperf remoUea that are efTctaal fa all these HiPlli" are bc ing tre.itt'd by mail or express everfwberí. M maitr who f ulied, cnll or write. From tb m%t ntb?r of applieatlona ho ia eaoled to keep bl" c"7" low. 36 pages, iving Tull symptom, for to itiW MARRIACE CUIDE, ï60 pages, s popular book whkh b&ouM bc rcad V etf' body. No marricd pair, or persons conicni['lat'0L s'j n;ig, ord afford to do wtthoot it. It con taina tbe treí. niiiical literatura oq tbls BulJect, tbe reaultaof P'11. Ion? exnerierco ; also the bent thnughta frm 1U 'u Kurotje aod America. Sent sealod, post-paid fur i' IhoM wi.ii re marrieil or contémplate n'r Prlce 5 cis. liymail. AiMrcss Dr. Bnlls,''1" wry. 12!Nortü Elghtli Street, St.Xoul6____ C. IJ. P. __ílí- WHKM WRIT1IIU It ADVEKTISKM it picase say yon s;iv f ie advertía'1' i tí tiiis paper.


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