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The Great Scandal

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[New York Tuh'grnm.] At rocosa, to-day, Ju il go Noilson surveyed the court with a serutinizing look, and liis eye feil on a femalo hat and feather in the spaoe set apart for bert of the bar, Iu two iecondë he was i stwiding bohind that femalo, and calling for au offloer in loud and enger tones. The offioer hnrried along in great alarm. "Didn't I teil yon í" demandad his honor, " tliat these rows of chairs are reserved for the bar Í" The officer admitted that such was Üie tmquestionable ] fact. " Tlion, tako that woman out," said the Judge sternly, "and let no woman enter tho court merely as a spectator." The officer took tho lady by the arm and led her out, followecl by her male friend. Tho Judge did not, appareutly, notice tho Lidies lunching in the gallery. THE FARTIES TO THE SUIT. [From the New Y9rk Graphic.]; Mr. Beecher is scarccly a dignüied person in tlüs trial. He srniles and ) sneers, and has as many oxpressions as a chamelion. I do not see the iitneas of bringing hin wife into court. She is not j accuscd of doing anything of the things j for which he is rmdergoing trial, and her j white hairs and grown-up children should ; have protectcd her from tho publicity : whicli it is optional -nith him to gire. Mrs Tilton'a appoaranco in tho court i room was a gross violation of good taste. She is paraded among the enemies of her j hiiBband, whero she Iwlongs if what he charges is true. If she has injured him ■ as ho saya, sho can do liim no further enmity by braving him in open court, but she has added to tíio probability of hor vnworthiness by this bold display. j on has not opened his mouth to suggsat anything or expresa the slightest shad of 'eeling. THE ANCIENT YENDEK OF PIES. [New York DiHputch.] After the principal characters in the freat Buit, the ancient vender of pies who haunts the Court-House ranks next [ in importance. This high-strung pieman has become a part of the trial now, j and ho brooks no familiarity. He ministered, yesterday, to a prominent membor of rivmoiith Church, a crushiiig rebuke. "Thoae mince-pies are veiy ] bad," remarked the church-member in question. "Werry bail, sir!" i-eplied the pie-man; "but they're not half M bad dB the lungwedge as you'vo been a : listening to all day." This pie-man, on ! the iirst day of the trial, was the meekest man in the court-room. BOTLEB THE AUTHOR OF MOÜLTONTJ STATEMENTS. [Tcstimony of F. D. Moiütou.] I made two statements after the publicatiön of Beecher's ; they were prepared, the lirat nt liuy Vimv and tlie other at Lowell. I gave the papers to Gen. Butler and he made out the statements. I did not dictate any of the first statement to a stenographer, but did a portion of the second. Was present when Gen. Butler dictated to the stenographer. I gave the facts to Gen. Butler for the manufacture of the statements. The drufting of the iirat statement occupied several days. The second statement was nlso in preparation aeveral days. FBISKY OLD ROOSTERa [New York Telegram.] One peculiar feature of this gathering was the presence of a number of feeble, gray-haired old men. Despite tho cúrrente of biting, frosty air whieh Kwept through tho corridors, these thin-blooded old men lingered witli the crowd, and gazed with envious eyes upon those upon u-hom the doora wero not closed. Juut bef ore 11 Vclock sorne one shouted, " Here tliey come!" nnd immediately there waa a race to the rear of the CourtHouse. Mrs. Tilton, her lace covcred with a lnavy lace veil, liuug on the arm of a youiig man with Dundreary whiskers ; next came Mrs. Shearman and Mrs. Auna M. Field, each with a gentleman. As the party made their way toward the court room the conduct of the crowd was simply outrageous. Audible comments upon the appearance of Mrs. Tilton, and eoarso jibes about the plaintiff and defendant as well, passed froely. With considerable difficulty the party threaded their way through the files of rude spectators into the coiu-t room. MOULTON AS A SJIILEH. [Cor. Chicago Tribune] Zealous admirers of Mr. Beecher, who expoctod to see the witness niuch and liis testimony shrivol and crack undor a hot fire of cross-examination, went to lunch and nubsequently to supper with impaired appetito and temper. Mr. Moulton smüed wheu ho took his seat, smilcd all the way through, and, when he rose to get Lis overcoat, smilcd again as he whispered to a friend that it was easy to teil the trcvth. Ho was not disconcerted at any stage of the prooeedings, but playea with his handkerchief with ui expression of amusement on his face, and was entirely at his ease, and, as many of Mr. Tilton's friends clabned, was the best witness ever seen iu court. A LUNGH-BEAKINO AUDITOIÏY. [New York Tolegraru.] Mnny spectators oanie provided with lunches - notably those who occupy seate in the gallery. Between 1 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon, hani-sandwiches and minoe-pies are in great demand, and when tin supply of these articles fails the Lun py spectator is obliged to satisfy hi app Jtite Avith a ineasure of roasted peanuta. IN CASE OF BEECHEK6 CONVICTION, WHAT ? [Cor. Chicago Timos.] Already the spectators in court begin to SBecuIate on wliat will happen in the event of Beecher's conviction. Will Plymouth Church drop him, and shall the remauider oi lus days be pussen m pioua meditation, and revisinff and annotating his " LitV of Chriat?' Nu, say most of tlio audience ; Beecher ia the ohnrch, and Plymouth has virtually kicked over the traces of Congregationalism. These people are not so much CongregationaEsta as Beecheritos, and should the trial resnlt disiifttrously to him, tho majority of the c'hurch will rally Biound liim and snap their flngera at the jury and the verdict. Indeed, ono of the congregation deolared, thi.s moruinii, that he, for one, wolüd stand by Beecher in any event. " Ever sinoe tl) is ioandal business becan," said he, " Beecher has been mounting liigher and higher toward heaven. With him, it is truly, ' Nearer, rny God, to Thee,' and there is no man in the country better able to lead his people toGod." "THE OLD MAN." [Dlep&tch to Chicago Times.] The Beeoher f(wnüy were out, or ther in, to-day, in full forcé, and severa] clerical-looking individuáis, fríends of the family, sanctifled the proceedings, in a measure, by their presen ce. There was the " old man," as they begin to cali Hemy Ward Beecher ; lus wife ; liis sou, Col. Beècher ; his younger son ; his brother, Dr. E. Beooher ; his brother-m-law, O. C. ' Bullard, and his daughter-in-law, the ; wife of Col. Beecher. The lady ! od general nttention. She is a plump littlo black-eyed beauty, with a laughing expression of faoo. Siie woro a black liat and foatlier, and a browniah, close-fitting suit. Beecher walked in with a very nubdned air, and quietly took his place, dispensing with the hand-sliaking business, as did also his wife, who possed Mrs. Tilton and her f riends rapidly, saluting all with a comprehensivo Dow. Soon after business cornmeneed, Beecher crosaed over, with a somewhat foeble stop, to his counsel, and sat between Tracy and Evarts. His coat-collar was turned up, disarranging his long, thin, grayish liair. His eyes look weak and watery, as if lately subject to unusnal sti'ain, and no doubt he uses up a good deal of tho "midnight oil," whille wrestling with tho spirit and arranging matters in i shape for his counsel. Most of üie time he nat motionless, gazing intently at the carpet at iiis feet, na if iutensely ested in the complicated pattern. It is plnin that the worry and anxiety of trial are boginning to teil on him ; and, if guilty, lis is paying dear for his whistle. But anything must bo preforable to squatting all the time on that ' ' ragged edge." NO MORE BOUQUETS. [l'rüm the New York Tribuno.] Everybody romarked this morning tlie absence of bonquets f rom Boechor'a table. It appears that the little incident of the prosüutation of flowers to Tilton, the i other day, has determined the Beechor party to have no more bouqnets in court, and thus all that pretty nonsense is played out, to tho great relief of the audifMice. THE LETTER OF CONTRITION. Beecher's famous "letter of coutrition " wra produced in court tho other day, and the great preacher's counsel at once began to attack the aiithonticity of tho document.. The letter was read by Mr. Shearman, who, on finishing the recital, aaid that the word "can't" had been amended by the letter "t" being stricken out, and the words "for myself " inserted after the word " : od ; " and Mr. Shearman further added that these alterations had been made with different ink. This statement, made in a most significant nianner, croated j tonso excitement among the andience, ; and plaintiffB counsel, Judge Morris, in a most excited manne.r, jumpud to his feet and said that the süitement was false, and, despite the objections of tho défend&nt'a counsel, claimed that, owing to the pen Osed by Monlton, the ink had ! been imperfectly and unevenly laid on ■ the paper at different porta of different I words, wlüch accounted for the peculiar appearance of the document. During i this period of the proceedings the ex! citement in the court was tremendous. Mr. Beecher left his seat by the side of I his wife, and was engaged in close and ] eomcHt couversation with Mossrs. Evarts ! and Tracy. Mrs. Beecher evincod the greatest concern, and Mrs. Tilton leanod forward, as if eagor to catch every word of tho discusaion. SERIOUS. [From Friday'B K'occodings.t Mr. Evarta- I object. Don't go oii untü the court rules. Mr. Fullerton (shai-ply) - I shall go on until the court rules. Mr. Evarts - I object to his saying thing while wo nre exammmg the witnosa. ïlie Judge - It may be a serious matter. Perhape you ought t) reserve your criticism ; but the poiut raay be resorved for ï'edirect. Mr. Fullerton (bittorly) - Yes, it is a . serious matter, and we will mako it a j OU8 matter for the other sido. [ Exultation aniong Tiltou'fi friends.] Mr. Tracy - We are all sorious peoplo here. [Laughter.] Mr. riillerton - And you grow moro and more serious every day. [Laughter ' by tho Tiltonites.] CESSIE TUKSER. [From tho CLicftgo Journal.] Perhaps tho most retaarkablo feature of the proceedings iu the Beeclier trial yesterday was the fact that both sides seemod to agree in wanting tho letters of Bessie Tnmer introduced as a part of the evidence iii tho case. It will be remomberod that Rhe was a ward of tho Tiltons, sent to Ohio to be educated, and that Mr. Beecher footed her bilis. Tho nrst ji the èxchided letters pronounccs the story that Tilton tried to viólate her peraon a " wicked lie. " The second, dated Jamiary 10, 1871, is as follows : Mï Deae Mus. Tilton : I want to toll you Bometbiug. Your raother, MrH. Morso, has repentedly attempted to Lire me. by offering me ilreseH' aml presenta, to go to certaiu peraons and teil thera Btories injm-iou to the cLiaraoter of your huBband. that I havo been poiminded that the kind attentions nhown me by Jlr. Tilton for yenra were dihonorable domoiiHtrntiona. I never at that time thought that Mr. Tilton's cai'esea were for such u pui-pose. I do not want to be made une of by Mrs. Morse, or amone ele, to bring trouble ou my two bent friemlH - you and your kusband. By-by. 1ÍE8SIE TUBNEB. Tliis letter was offored by the defeuse, and accepted with alacrity by the proseoutioü. What use this letter can be to tho defense we are at a loss to imderstond. It is not at all strange, however, that the proseeution aoceptod it gladly.


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