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Kast Saoinaw is very nnioli excited over the disappearance of Hortensia Carie. SuspicioiiH I ol foul plny are cntertRined, and soem to point to Albert Moliter, a wealthy lumbennan of KogeiH City, agMart whom she had brought suit for bastarday. (haham, of theSt Louis Berald, bas got in earnest about it, and "speaks out iu meeting" 11 tliin plahi fasliion : "Ilereafier, the I ual who gotn bw name down on our booka ! outdrawing 'hiaweasel skin' will bo a Tcry odd aort of a rooster, in a Cocliin China nocktio, who can intonate in accent sweeter far than ti:e dulcet strains of an E-flat jackass- and then J he icuti'l. Wc know there are plcuty of fairmindod people in Gratiot county who will rejoico in paying the mail amount of their : tions in advonco, and tlius not only acciiro a livclier and better paper, but aid uu in j tually killing off and ridding this Bection of the continent of a clans of reader ( blood-suckers 'm a better word), who, though perhaps unintentionally sinful and forgetful, are tho bane of ! the hanl-working printer, and where oncouraged, detract at least one-third from the value and completencBB which would otherwise attach to his labors. Henccforth there will 1 nó more dunning done in the reading columns of the i MeraUU" [ INDUSTRIAL I'KOfiKKSH. The Lanuing liepuhlican Bays : The Grand ' Rapids Engle contains some tabidar Btatistica from tho report of the Btato Pomológica] Society, and Baya that the aggregate of fruit prwlnced will surprise many persons who havo not herteofore givcn spocial atteution to this subject. There not being room for tho footings at tho bottom of tho table, wc give tliem Jiere : ATIHA PLANTKÜ TO FRUIT. Aeren of orcharding 237,001.00 Acres of vinyartlH l,007.(U Actos of naspberr; bunhcs Ü46.3Ü Acn'H of Hlruwborry vinp.n 1,047.32 Acjuh of currant and gooBbtrry, bu :thG.3T Total acre of fruit 241,048.85 FRUIT PRODUCT FOR TWO YKAR9. 1872. 173. Apple, lm 7,236,471 5,927,875 ronchen, bu 318,454 22,031 Peari, bu 33,932 40,857 Pluma, bu 6,301 3,067 ChOTien, bu 00,958 60,740 8trwbcrries. bu 50,420 48,922 Currante and gooabcrries 30,484 40,502 Total, bu 7,743,020 6,1 50,600 Pounds of grupea 2,323,500 2,960,100 l'ASUAIHES. An accident happened near Plymouth, Wayno county, last week, which resulted in the death of John Manning, of the ñrm of Safford & Mauuing. They were boring a well, when .some part of the apparatus gave way, throwing him several feet against orno Btave bolta, and cauwing inytant death. A FiííE occuiTed at Beunett's livery utable, at Bay City, last week, involving a loss of H(J(). The Union Bchool building at Flint was dinoovered to be on tiro eme night last week, but was extingiiishod beforo any serious dainago had been done. The liro originated from the carelesBiieHH of the plumbors employed in the building, in leaving a smoldering flre on a piece of tin, when they left work, which ignited the , wooden floor. S. CounwelTj, of Varear, Tuscola county, was burned to death last week in an outaido cellar, where he had kept a vessel of coals burniug. He seems to have been made unconscioufl by I the heat and to have fainted. falling over the coal vessel, from which his clothe i caught tire. j When found he waa entirely dead, and his body i burned to a crisp. LEGAL. A peculiar case was argued In the Supremo Court at Lansing last weok. . A lawyer, desirovia of receiving a recognition of his ability and services at the hand; of the people, Bold a newspaper he was publihing, having tho proniise of the p'urchaser that nothing detrimental to his character would be published in case he should j secvvro the nomination. Tho ncmination was secured and the paper witliheld it commeuts for a considerable timo. Finally, upou outeide prennure, the editor veiitod his feelings. and allowed artiele to bo pubüsbed attaeking tlic personal charaeter ol the candidato, theroby j proventing his election. Suit was brought for damagee, and failing in the Circuit Court, it is i appealod. ISAAC P. CHKI8TIANCY. - BIOOEAI'UY OF KB. CHANDLEIl 8 SUCCEHSOR. Judge Christiancy wa bom in Jamectown, Montgomery county, N. Y., Marea 12, 1812. He came to Honroo, thia State, iu the spring of 183G, residüig there nntil last Bpring, wlion he removed to Lausing. He was a law pupil of Hon. Kobert McClelland, t Monroe, and admitted to practipe in 1838 ; appointed pronecuting attorney of Mouroe county in 1841, and held tho ixinition until 1846. In 1848, witU other leading Domocrat of the State, he joined the Froo-8oil movement, and attended the Buffalo Convention, which nominated Mai"tin Van Buren for tho Preuidcni'y. In 1849 ho was nominated by the Democratu, WbigS, and Free-Soüera for the State Senato, and olected without opponition, scrving tlirough the regular session of 1850, and : the regular and extra sesaiona of 1851. In 1854 lie : partieipated prominently in the orgauization of tho Iïepublican party at Jnckson. Thia movement was in reality organized according to a plan viously submitted by Judge Christiancy, at a i coufereuco of Whigs and l'ree-Soilers held in Detroit. In 1856 he purchased the Moin'oo Commercial, a Democratie paper, changed its politics, and edited it for about a year, contributing largely to the cousolidation of the ' lican party in Michigan. Tho act for tho reor-"' ganization of tho Wnpremo Court wás pasaed in 1857, and in the spring of tliat yoar he whh elected to tlie Supremo Bench, with Judges Campbell, Martin and Mauning. In Janumy, 18C5, the question of tho conBtitutionality of the Soldiern' Suffrage act camo bofore the Snpreme Court for deciaion. A snecesnor waa to be elected to Judge Christiancy the following spring, and iu joiniiig in the decisión agaiust the vididity of that act, he incurred some rink of ' offending tho sentiment of hu party, which synipatliized so gencrally with the object of thO act. Ho was renoniinated, however. unanimously, by tho RepublicffiM, and tho Deraoorata made no noiniiiatioii. In 1873 bo was rcuomiimtcd by both partiea, and again elocted without opposition. MIM'IOLI.AMCOUS. The Nimrods of Ludington wcio thrown iuto irreat excitcmcnt by ttic report tbat tbree bears had been neen between there and Lincoln. After hunting all nigbt it waa diHcoverod tbat t ie trucks they had been following wore mado by doge inatend of beurs. Tui: Odd Fellowa of Michigan, at their recent (Jnind Encainpment at lonia, cleotodthe followIng ofticera : lüght Worthy Grand Patriarch, Payette Q. Dny, Allegan ; High Prieat, O. W. ; Ovatt, Ovid ; Henior Warden, ft. 11. Shearer, BayCity; Bonbe, E. H. wlutucv, LuiiKiug ; Trennurer, II. II. MorriHOn, Kturgis ; Junior Warden, Norman lï;;iloy, jlastingö ; (rund lloprcseiitativo to the Cïraml Lodge of the United t Staten, Dexter Day. LK(ISLATIVK 11KCOKD. Tuesday, Jan. ld.-Senae-A joiut resolution ; alluwinR Uw ncccBary exiUBC8 of Circuit JodgeB, to recompense in purt for tho meagc.r and inailonualo ealury allowort thum by the ConjUtutton, Mld which the pcople on oevcral occasions havo dediucd ! to alter by ameudment, was passed. iin,unIHÚ wcr? jrlfoduced rcgultiDg h power, dnttai md rlghts of idnrnlstntora, execulon und RniirdianH in th ■ manarme nt and Kale of rotetea of de H6d peruana or minors: alno to regtitftte the ohargee ou palace, dining aivl itSeepingcars, and tho prectice m medicino ani nurgery Tho House pftd joint roocdutiona rolabre to t!i iniproveincnt or' hajrbon of HaviRHtuk an 1 Hoiith Haven NoitU'T luuwc tranwwtod much )niMint), owing to the ei;itement upon baUotinafor Unitod stut -H Hvimtor. Weintehdav. Jan. 20. - lïotlv liouion aro engaged ín ballolinii in joint. convi'iiLion on Uiü Sonatoï'iiil iiueatioii. The roault of the last ballot takon Bhowed Chanilkr to have G4 rotea ; C. V. K, I-athrop, Dt'inoorat. of Detroit, 00 ; Julgc I. P. CliriHtiaucy, 5 ; J. W. Chiida, S. Thuhhiia, J:ui. 21.- Señóte -Nobuninesfl was done ecopt the hearing of one or two imimportant bilis. The Ht.auitoriul eloction occupied the time of the 8enutors. IIouHc-kñ the joint convention was aasembling, it was apparunt that tho Democratw and anti-Chandlor Rt'publicans had fonnfid a combination. Upon caülin the rolla ovcry Sonator and EpMa&tallv ranjionded. The journaJ of the prowiinRü will Hhow tliH following vote : Inaac P. (íhristianey, (7 ; CTiandlor, 38 ; John J. liagley, 7 ; L. M. Cutchoon, 7 ; J, WcbMtor Chüdft, 3; C. M.'flroRBw. ü, 3; W.B. W1Uiams, 2 ; and Congreasman Cong r, W. A. Hownr 1, I'. Wnlto, B. Hanchrt, and Judge Graven, 1 each. Fbiday, Jan. 22. - Senate - No biuüneHH trauwactod to-day. Kenatc adjourncd to Tueaday, Jan. '20. HovêOm QnSet reigns supreme. House adjournod until the 26th inat.


Old News
Michigan Argus