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A NÑTJAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31, A. . 1874, of the eondition and affairs of the VASHTBNAW MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO.. ..orated at Ann Arhor, organized under the laws of he Mate of Michigan, and doing business in the Cíounlv of Wa-litenaw, in said State. BENJ. W WAITE, President. NEWTON SHELDON, Sec'y. MKMBERSItIP.-i. Number of Memben December ;ilt, of previous year, 2,210 fumber of members rddci during the present year, 112 Total, 2,322 educt number of niembers withdrawu during the year, 185 fumbei oi' members now be louglng to company, 2,137 RISKS. Amount of property at risk JJec. Sist. of previous year, 85,345,772.00 Vinounf of risks addea during present year, 435,170.00 ■ Total, 5,780,942.00 educt risks cancelad, withdrawn or terminated, 722,215.00 iet nmount now at risk by company, $5,058,727.00 RESOURCES. Amount oí' premium or deposit notes noV in foroe, none Amount oi' cash premiums (orassessments) actually on hand, 710.0o Amount of outstauding assessments not cauceled, 6,565.09 Mature and amount of all other resource, vlz: Premium, $251.16. Policy Fee, $124.00, "75.16 nrphu S149.60. Interest and Discount, 8155.62, 305.22 Total Resources, 87,955.52 I.IABILITIE3. . Claims for Io3ses due and payable, noae . Claim for loases not niatured $3,6G4.02 . Claims for losses resisted, none . Nature and amount of all other claim via: Stack of hay not adjusted ; barns and contents of G. E. Willitms, I.iina, not adjusted; pay of Officers and Town Agents, part estimated, 578.00 Total Liabilitiea, Í4.242.02 IHCOME. Amount of premium on deposit note3 taken during the year, none Amount of cash premiums received during the year, $251.16 Amount collected on assessments which were levied during the present year, 18,359.69 Amount collected this year on assessments which were levled in prior years, 277.31 Amount received from memberehip or policy fees, J24.00 Amount received from percentage on increa-sed or decreased Insurance, 149.60 Income fromall other sources, viz: Interest and discount, 155.62 Balance Dec. 31, 1873, 213.43 Total Income for the year, 19,530.81 EXPENDITUBES. Amount paid fol losses during the year (of which $G,363.24 occurrea tn prior years,) $16,241.65 Amount of salary and feos paid to Officers and Directora as per items iu Schedule A, . 1,045.64 Amount of all other expenditures during the year as per Schedule B, 853.09 Total expendifures during year, 818,140.33 SCHEDULE A. NAME OF OFFICER OR DIRECTO TO TVHOM PAID. President, ltenj. W. Walte, 897.67 Secretary, N. Sheldon, 850.00 Director, Robert McColl, 67.00 Director, H. M. Mowry, 20.97 Auditor, John J. Robison, 10.00 Total Schedule A, 1,045.64 SCHEDULE B. ITEMS OF '' ALL OTHEF EXJPF.N3IÏS." 'own agents, ?395.00 rinting and binding, 64.00 Postage, Wood for office, O-4 ixpress charges, 10.80 Investigation of losses, 89..M Rent of office, 125.00 Refunded, J8-67 Interest paid, 18.70 Stationery, - Sundries, 17.99 Total Schedule B, SJ53.09 ÏIISCELLANEOUS QL'ESTIOKS. 1. How many assessments have been made during the year? Ans. Two ; February and October. 2 What ís the amount of all the assessments made during the year? Ans, 824,924.78. 3. What is the rate per cent. of such assessments on the property iuaured? Ans. .0474 per cent., or $4.74 per $1,000. 4. What is the rate per cent. of such assessment on the premium or deposit notes? Ans. None. 5. What amount was ke-assessed for assessments that were not paid? Ans. None; collect all collectaMe. 6. What amount of losses are allowed to accumulate before an assessment is levied? Ans. Losses paid in 90 days by assessment or surplus. 7. Does the Company, in making an assessraent, provide therein for any surplus fund over the actual loases accrued? Ans. Yes. If so, how inuch? Ans. One mili per dollar. 8. What proportion of the actual loss sustained by a policy-hofiier does the Company pay ? Ans, All to the amount insured. STATE OF MICHIGAN,) County os Washtenaw, ƒ ' Benj. W. Waite, President, and Newton Sheldon. Secretary of said Company, do, and each for himself doth depose and say, that they have read the foregoing statement, and know the contents thereuï and that they have good reason to believe, and do believe, said statement to be true. BENJ. W. WAITE, President. NEWTON SHELDON, Secretary. Sworn and subscrlbed before me, at Ann Arbor, iu said State and Couuty, this 20th day of January,A.D.1875, PETER TUITE, Notary Public, Washtenaw County, Mlch. OINSEY & SKABOLT'S KAKERY, GROCERY - AND - rjLOIJB & FEED STORE. We keep conatantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and BETAIL TRADE. We shall also keep a upply of DELHI FLOUIfc, J M SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOt'R RYK FLOUR, BrCKWWHEAT FLOUR, OORN MEAL, FEED, &c, &c. At wholosale ana retaü. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constanlly on hand, which will be old on as resonnble ternis ub at any other house in thi city. Caah paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce Kenerally. ... ... war Goods delivered 10 any part of the city with out .. BIHgBT & 8EABOtT. Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1, 1875. lH4tf Uk f (SOAP" (iay "d home. Term free. AiJJ)O t0 5wUdrcss Q.StistonACo., Portland, Me The PEOPLES' DRUGSTORE OLD STAND OF R. W. Ellis & Co. TXTH.DEI Drugs and Liquors of cholee selection. Dye Btuffs, Paints, (Hls and lirushes of all kinds. Large asaortment of Toilet Goods and superior Parfumeries. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS aspecialty, of Tiemann's, Kolbe's, and Ford'a man ufactura. PRICES LO"WPrescriptions put up by men of expericnce at all ïours of the day or night. No 3 Main St., Ann Abbob. HALE & TREMAIN. ROOFING! THI8 ROOFING 18 DUBABLE AND WATER PROOF ; VEEY FLEXIBLE ; FAB BETTER THAN ZINCTO STOP LEAKS AEOÜND CHIHNEY8 AND CONNECTION8 BBTWEKN WOOD and BBICK. This Booflng has been in use five years and is the best in nse ! ROOFING PAINT! This palat will preserve Bhingled roofs an indefinito ertod, and Ij equully dapted to tin ot iron roofsIt is flre and water proof ! Thii paint will be put on by the Company or sold by ;he gallon, with instruetions how to apply the same. 9 No Ceal Tar is nsed in either. We solicit the public patronage. All work will be wananted. AU oommunioations should be addressed to the HUTCHINS ROOFING CO., P. O. Box 222, ANN AEBOK, MICHIGAN. Besidenee 43 South Thayer Street. 1478 tf TO THE Citizens of Ann Arlior ANU THE STUDENTS OF THE LiMVERSITY. I would respectully announce that niy stock of Fine Woolens for Winter Wear is now complete, and will be constantly replenished with The Novelties of the Seasoï Oentlemen wishing Comfort ia Dress, combined rita ELEGANOE AND STYLE, will be fully Batisfied by ffiving us a trial, and ar iuvited to favor üb with a cali. H. HINTERMISTER, Mkbchant Tailor 209 Jefferaon Are., between Bates and Randolph 8ts ESTABL18HED IN 1860. TWELLING H0USE8 ï uR SALE A Urge and very well built brick house, with tw or mor1 Iota. Two large framed houaes. Alaoagooi ised brick house and framed house ; and a urna frame house on a good lot, in tended for adding a fron for ml on fairterma and a reasonable credit. Altwother buildings, lots, and property. nOW KV W So many wifhing t orrmv mouey apph to me that I eau readily obtai !forïf ndrrt good satlsfactory invostuienta at ten pe ent. ntere . E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, April 29. 1873. M23tf