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SAILR0AD8. : M'CHIttAS CENTRAt KAILKOU WINTER TIME TABLE. oomo wit. STATIOKK. m W j! I M a i.-lJ_dll Ia. m. a. m. r. m. p. m. . m. . etroat, laare, 7 00 10 20 1 50 4 00 J Oiio ju nf, 7 56 11 06! 2 36 4 65 6 40 10 47 pailanti, 8 31 11 31 3 05 6 30 7 10 11 12 nnArbor, 8 56 11 49 3 25 53 7 45 11 30 P.M. A.M. )exter, 9 K 3 51 6 20 8 10 heUa, 9 40 4 10 8 50 tas Lake, 10 07 4 38 9 00 ackion, 10 43 1 15 5 10 9 34 11 6 _ , r.u.) a.u. Kalamaioo, 1 05 8 45 8 30 li 16 3 15 X. M hicago airive, 8 05 900 10 35 6 30 8 M aoiKa uñ! t_ J_ l& l_a _fjl_! A. M. A. M. P. M. f. M. hicago, leove, 6 00 8 30 5 15 9 00 P. M. A. M. A. U. Kalamaioo, 10 60 1 23 4 45 10 SO 3 33 P.M. A. U. aclraon, 3 10 4 00 7 46 12 66 'S 10 rasa Lake, 2 48 8 16 .;elea, 3 13 8 40 U. m Dexter, 3 S8 8 56j 8 SO nn Arbor, 3 56 5 08 36 2 22 6 30 7 00 Ypsllanti, 4 80 I 35 9 60 2 42 50 7 Si Vayne, 4 51 5 43 10 13 3 03 7 10 7 65 Detroit, arrlv, 6 45 e 30,11 00 I 50 1 8 00; I 45 The Atlantic and Paclflc Exprau run btvs aolcaon and Nilea on the Air Line. The Kalamazoo Acommodation runs eait dailj, west daily except Saturdaf. UNADA SOUTHERN J Railway Line. The route opened for through travel. DECEMBER 7, 1874. Until further notice, trains wül leava Dftroit rom Depot, foot of Third 8t.( at the following tours, Sundays exoepted : 8:05 a. M., for Toledo, ariivlng at Toledo 10.15 . m. 11:30 a. m., for Buffalo, arrivinj at BuSalo at :0'j P. M. 1:00 r. m., for Toledo, arrlrlng at 3:10 r. u. 5:00 p. m., for Fayette, arriring at 8:50 r. u. 8:23 p. m., (daily) for Buffalo and Toledo, arrivng at Toledo at 10:38, Buffalo at 6:40 A. u. Thu rain has sleeping ooafíhes to Buffalo. Traína arrive at Detroit at 6:40 a. m., from Bnfalo, 9:35 a. m., from Toledo, 10:30 r. u., from 'nyotte, 4:35 p. m., from Toledo, 10:03 p. at., from 'oledo and Buffalo, daily. ThiouKh ticket to all parta of the East, Wttt nd South, muy be obtained at the Compaoy'a Depot ticket office, and at office corner Jelfenon arelue and Second streets, office corner Atwater and :andolpb atreets, and at Michigan Exchange Hotel. b. mochan, öaneral Pauenger Agent, Buffalo. W 8NYDEE, General Superintendent, 8t. Thomas. Plint & Pere Marquette R. E, TOLEDO. SAGINAW AND NOETHWE8TEBN MICHIGAN. Cloae and reliable connectiona made at Wayna unctiou with trainu of the Michigan Central K. B. Four traim North and four South daily except unday. Time Cabd op Dkcxmbeb 14th, 1875 OOINO HOBTH. A.H. P.M. P. H. P.H. Wayne, leave Itt 2 0 6 03 11 10 lolly, 10 45 3 17 T 46 i 50 "lint, 11 28 4 00 8 34 4 58 East Saginnw, 12 46 6 05 9 60 t Ï5 Saginaw City, 13 52 6 12 9 67 Bay City, 1 20 6 46 10 16 7 35 r.u. Reed City, t 30 13 2 Baldwin City, 6 20 1 16 Ludington, 8 00 - t 66 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. CtOINO OOTH. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Wayne, leave 8 80 11 S0 3 00 6 03 p. m. Monroe, 9 35 12 30 3 55 T 20 Toledo, arr. 10 30 6 00 9 6 SANFOBD KEELEB, Aaa-t Hupt. J. P. Noubse, Gen'i Tickat Agent. DETROIT, HILL8DALE & INDIANA RAILBOAD. OOINO WEST. -1874- OO1HO EAÜT, stations. Mail. Exp. BTATiosa. Exp. Mail. Detroit, dep...7:00' 4:0o' " YpsUanti.... 8:35 6:46 Banken 4:45 3:16 Saline 9:16 6:15 HUUdale ... 6:03 2:Ï5 ridgewater.. 9:6S 6:32 Manoheater.. 7:6T 4)7 Manchester. 10:27 6:62 Bridgewater 8:30 4:37 P.M. Salina 9:15 4t. HilUdale 1:12 8:36 YpailanU.... 9:60 6:16 Bankera 1:30 8:45 Detroit 11:00 6:8fl Trains run by Chicago time. To take effect Aug. 13, 1874 WTg. PABKEB. Bap't. YpallMti. CLOTHIIÍG! :=C=: OKEAT CLOSING OUT SALE -OP- READY-MADË GL0TBI1VG Gents' Fumishing Öoods, HATS AND CAPS TKÜJíKS Ac, JT COST For the next Thirty Dayg ai MABLEY t CO'S. 33 South Main St. MARTIN'S BLOCK, Ann Akbob, Michigan, GEORGE BULL, 1508 Iflanaaxer. FIRE! FIREZ! (- i For Insurance against_Fire, go to the old ageucy of C. H. MILLEN, No. 4 Sodth Main Stbkbt. . A remt for Ue HOME INSURANCE CO. of New York, Capital and Surplus nearly $5,000,XK', CONTINENTAL FIEE INS. CO., N. Y.. Capital and Surplus 12,600,000, ORIËNT, of Hartford, Connectlcut, Capital and Surplua 1700,000. (.1 KAKI, of Phlladelphla, Capital and Surplus $800,000, C. H. MILLEN, Agent. 1509m3