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Thebe are few wlio need to be told ' that the Slicrman House is the bost liotol iu Chicago. But aU mny not havo a: learned tliat its prices have recently been - materially reduced. L HOWISTOB rioli ft man may be, howover I titled, however proud, let liim p lus wuy witli humility, remembering that ke is ! I only about the two-billionth part of the , population of the world, and that he will ] some day die, and be missed by mea just about as muoh as a mashed grasshopper " is missecl by hia swarin. Pianos aml Urgaim. Fine new rosewood pianon for 8300. Fine walnut organs, six tops. H25. Good Booond-hand piano. Í150 to ?200. lieed'u Temple of Music, Chicago. Dantetí Webster, Avhpii in college, paid his board for a year by J ing a little weekly newspaper, and ing selectioiiH for it trom books of j ture and from the contemporary tions, and oooaaionally f umishing original articles. - - , Heart Dtsease. - Many persons suffor ■with heiu-t diseaae without knowing it - suddonly they drop ott', and thcir friends aro astoniahed, on a poHt-mortem i tion, to learn that they died of heart disease. The heart, like the brain, is tho seat of life - its diseases are of severa] characters. The most common are valvular disease, fatty degeneración and functional derangement. If the liver becomes deranged, and digestión impaired, the heart, throiigh sympatliy and jnxtaposition, becomes abnormal. The followiug symptoms indícate ing disaase : Palpitation, giddincss, ! ness, nervous proatration, derauged gestión, vértigo, cold extremities, etc., ! etc. , for which the old school will administer iron, opium, autimony, mercury, and many other mineral poisons. Heart disease is a blood disease - purif y the blood ; remove obstruotion to a limpid cireulation by taking that Vegetable Atterative, Vinegab Bittep.s, and yon will be a sound person in two or fchree mohths. Over 168,000 Mennonites have already their homes -vith Us, and their ! tion to tlie United States is on tho ! increase. WnjioFT's Feveb and Agub ToNia - Tlüs medieiue is xised by conntruction companiea for t.lie benefit of their employcH, when angagcd in mularious districts. The highest testimoniáis have been given by coiitraetors and by the Prosideut of somo of tlie leading raüroadfl in tho South and West. When men are congregated in large numbera in the neighborhood of BWUnpa and rivers, Willioft'a Tonic will prove a valuablo addition to the Htock of medicines, and will amply reward the compauy I iu the saving of time, labor and money. We recommend it to all. WHEELOOK, Fdclaï & Co., Proprietors, New OrleauH. Foraaleby all druggista. For loss of end, hom ail, red water in cows, losa of appetitc, rot. or murrain in sheep ; thick wind. broken wind and roaring, and for all obstructions of the kidueys in horHen, uae Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Pmtderi, The Northwestekn Horse-Naití Co. 's " Finialied " Nail ia the beet in the world. ! VBGBTÍBLK "PÜÜMO'STAHY BLSAJ)I; i Moet ■nprovod, rellabfe and well-known remedy for Oouühs, iloUis iind Onnsumutiim. OH thegrnuine. Prioe $1 ; smáll, 50c. CUTLKR BROS. 4 0O„ Boston. A GENTS. OhMW Chañe w-lls At sieht. MycoMarl .is ■onp. Goodatrpe. Chang Ohang M'fg Co., Boton. CX } i i a month to mrenta everywhere. Addresa M'f Excelsior M'f'ciCo.. Iiuchjmün. Mich. Cï Pfc (U fí fi '1er !l5 " homo. Torms frro. Addross V) 3 Ö ' U Geo. Stissos 4 Co., Portland, Maine. i5 A WERK to Agents. Ruginosa legitímate. 35 S J Addroaa W. E. lil.ISS k CO.. tDO' r A WEEK. Aücnts wantod cvcrywlierc. For p i O outllt 2öc I'iutcii & Walker, llayton. Otilo. OOMIÍTHIN'G POR Sond stamp and get 0 it. Frfte t' .-11. Address HURST & CO., 75 Nassau Street, New York. L i i Daily to Agenta. 85 new ci-ticles nnd the best dSJ' FamilyPaiierin Amonen, vlthií ÍS Chromos, freo. AMERICAN M'F'G CO.. 3U0 Broadway. N. Y. (tjn 1 nn n yearsalary. fialary and expenses pnid. Outl)iiQJJ ril froe. A valnablo packajïo sent for 15c roturn postage. C. H. Gumley, waterboro Conter, Me. A GENTS W1STED-Hm or Womon. $34 a . weelt nr$l(iO furfüiled. The ttcrtt r'rre. W rite at -nee to CO WEN & CO., Elfrhth Street, liew York. {Jije PER DA Y Commission, or 830 a weok sala DfaW ry, and expenses. We offor it and will pny it. Apply norvr. C. "VV. "Velbcr & Co., Marión, O. (One box of rarr'iliutent fnk Powdw V wülmakeapiritof BEST BLACK INK in ñy mínate. ■ Ê1.2Ó per d2., $1.35 by mail. H. G. O. Cl&T, Zaaesville, O. ƒ vi Catalogue Freo. RuáT3UT! "B "STl GS. lolpH &to., 1018 N. 1iöSir 9. B.JE.JSS5 sth St. Locis, üo. GENTS WMTE1) in evorj' towu inthe country il to snll Downer's Uttlt lilant Waslior. The most liberal induoamontfl ftffored. Fr paiticulars Duwnor .Manufacturing Co., Cantón, Fulton connty, 111. 4 DVERTISBRS ! Send 26 emito to GEO. P. ROW. A. ELL 4 CO., -11 Park Row, New York, for thcir Pam pfifeï oflOOpagea, containinc lists of 3,000 uewspapers anc estimates showins cost of ndvortiding. mi I CGCV or PITS cured bï tho oso of Ross Epi trlLCrOI leptio Remedies. Trial Packago FnKH. HHiiawgnWËg For circulars, evidence of succees, etc address ROSS BROS., Kichmond, lnd. I F YOU AVANT 5 GOOD PHOTOO! Ak'U ! of sirls ih tho Unitd State, th.iir n .in ■-. izi ■ nd 1". Ü addreas.send 50 cents Unmediatuly to J. H. MORRIS, MUI Springs, Kontuokj-. 1ONSTANT EMPLOYMKMT-At home, Male and vy Female. $30 a weck insured. No capital required. Fa-ticular3 and valuablw saiplo frea. AildrRBS with 6c return stamp, C. RO83, WiniaiusbnrKh, N. Y. LT C ff f A MONTH- Agents wan'rd evcrywhere. Tl tT B Kusiaesï hnnorablo and Rrát-olaaB. & Co-, St. Louis. Mo. 1nritui5 Doctors- lir. N. Ö. Doncï.or 10tkuth Ralitvd St., Chimbo, III., hu uo vwtnuror tru-iling -;eut. Sueh trovell Doctors ire mrrflr pretenders. Hii it-.'íl íii;ravÍDg of hiiRRelf (jirice 3' ett 1 will funnl n( ;it lait Impoiitlon. Th paor WMlra pmoiptloiia tirr. llii ■pcdnltj ia tho ,-u. f nf Ctiroio comnliinti, a. ml] a 11 líos uffeotíoní peculiar to tho r'ecmlc HL Hia remediei ar cliosra ciüstlj Crom tLe vreWblt kiugiiuiu. Of any jrnd exery Tcind. Sond stamp EBW ieï Catalosim. AiMroM Grct "Wtrr Gul H and ril Wrbi, JPIT TS BUKlCtn, FA. aJJ V -KálLíL J.öJEd-EE53 TVho (U'sire to roacli country readers can do ao in the best and cheapest inann(!r by usingoiie or ntrresectiona of Tuk (reat Xkwspapkiï Atxiliary Ltkts. Apply toK. ïi. PllA'IT, Í1Í Jackaon-st., Chicago. Tho Ani'.'j-irivn. N'vsíipcr l'ïiion nivmbers over l,60U papt'rs, aop.initud into MTcn subdivisions. For sennrate lists nnd cost of advortising, addresa S. P. SANBORN, 114 Monroo St, ChicaKo. SENT FR E E A Book exposing tho myBteries of Uf H I I QT and how any one may operato IVMLL Öl . fully wltha capital of QSO or $T,00. (Jomphfto inr'tructions and illuatrations to any address. Tltl IlUIIIDGK i O., Bankebs AKD BltOKEKS, 2 WaU Street, Nev York. HAVE YOU READ JOSIAH ALLES'S IHFE'S NEAV BOOK The book that (ut'rybody who has seen it is tolling his friends to buy. tiet it and read it at home aloud ; it wili takt! yóu by storm and pleaso your wife amaztncly. It is the siiarnest and fuimiest bonte out. Keen as a nriT. A.UKNT8 W XiiCI). ddrew AMKH1OAN PUBLKniNe (JO., 11S Knndulph Street, Chieiigo, III. AjyjgJT s -F Hardwaro DealerB sell t h om, JVBX Binger,$1.00; Tin Einea.per s-JVV 10' co ■' Coppered Rings, SSSÍBlKKaDSTKiBOo. ; TongB. 81.25; by mail, f M5BÍp'cftl;poGtpaid. Circulara free. Wy yH.W.HUlA Co. Decatur,m. Agents are selling with reat succesa LIVINGSTONE'S LIFE WORK, Thabook that eolls fa-atcst and mys best of all others. New, coinpltïto and nnthfntic. Tho whole story told in one Bliperb volume of WJtl paaeê RojmU Octavo icilh lOOf uilratf Engravingn. Unequaled in beauty nnd cheaunees. liest of cnmmiseions pala. Sond for rircular to Coltimbian Rook Co., Chicago, 111. SOCS OF JOY! A KEW COLLECTION OF IIjtïuis ,ïxcI 1" unes F.specially adaptad for Prayer and Camp Metlus, Christlan Associationv and tamily Worslnp lïy J. H. TEN3IET, Boards, Uil cents ; Flexible Cloth, 35 eenta Sent postpatd on receifit "f Ilic nrice. LliË S; SHEPARD, Boston. m j) J. s. Winilow : Co., mm AarrtÊf lljBriihr.. l'onlantl, Me., uy .- "We átiíaL&:la íoneetly think y ur Sea Follín W5r=a.W mperior to all othera." jrSSHX'W West, Stonc Si Co., Groeft, loiLïSi2n combines ill qvmütios deRired in a liftf I firat-class Bakini! Powdor." ílV'SwaÍ " Itis tho thinfïfor dyspepticsand IVfe - ■SSAl woak persons, and lietler for the iii'tfi stronK and well." Many Valuable tjHÏPSk iS cookinR recipoi sent froe. hi nd toi mJijijlMP (;ircular to liEO. F. Gantz il o 1 iiZS=Sír_17G IMiinc St., i Vork. penny the champion book of the season. for THE GEEAT SOUTH. AGENTS - Specimen Pases In SCRTBNER'S HUI. 11 I O. MjKjIzINE. foi NLve.iili.-r, li SOO PAGES, AND 000 IM.USTRATIONS, The most niriKnificent work ever nublished in thls country. Apent who oan wil a grod book panobtii) territnry on most liberal term!, by ddreirtnK MLKI CA Pl'BUSHM'e CO., 1X8 Uau'lolpn St., Chicago, IH.


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