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It Might Be Well For Those Radical

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journalist and pohtician wno piu about the libustering of the Democrutic minority i Congres (the House,) in the protracted ftttempta to prevent gaglegislation, and who sorrow o sadly over the infringed rightH of tho taajority, to remeuiber that in this caso the majority is not the majority, that H dow not represent the wishes and will of the majority of the people or electora of this nation. Let Speaker Blaine, or General Butler, or any of their allies in Congress or out, run their eyes along the long columns of yeas and nays of theprotracted session of Wednesday (and Friday) of last week, and they will see at a glance that a large Hst of mtmbers voting for new gag rules, and attempting to force legislation upon the country, have atready been repudiated hy their constituent, and are now really winreprosentatives rather than Rapresentutives in any sense of that word. In this State, Begole and BURE0W8 and PlKLDS, who vote for gag law, and would force tbe civil rights bill down the throats of the uiinorily, have received their " ticnets 01 leare " aud reprusent ouly themselves- not their districts. TUe same may be said of numerous other uamns swalling the arrogant niajority. Reflection on this point may open the eyes of these men and their abettors, or ovgkt to at least. Anotber point : and it inay be fouiul in theold proverb, " Curses, like chickens, oome home to roost." In the next House theRepublicans will be larguly iu the ininority. Are they not now sowiug dragon'g teeth, or, in plain Englisb, inviting a Democratio House to so tarapor with rules found necessary to proteot the rights of the minority, that a Republioan minority may havo tío rigbts the Democratie majority will be bound to respect V A short look ahead ought to teaoh the insolent and arrogant leadrs in the House that they are about at tbeir rope's end, and witli that lesson a tithe of prudenco, foresight, nd wisdom. TlIK Lausing Republiain, diacusüing the coming election of Judgog and regentg, saya: "The Aun Arbor Argut ' would not object to an agreement upon one republican and one democrat for each of the offices niiiiied,' tht is a democratie judge and a democratie regent,1' the republicana to tako the other judge and regent. The RepuMkan adds : " We commend the idea to the chairraan of the Democratie 8tate Central Cotnmittee; and if the proposal to make ' honors easy ' is addressed to the Republican State Central Coniinitte before the meeting of the State Convention, it should be well considered and we hope adopted. What can be gained by a partisan contest this spring, over offioera that are in no sense partisans ?" We presume that neither State Couimittee can coinmit its party. With the two conventions rests the power to determine. The Democratie State Convention inight be called to be held the game day and place as the Republican - Jaokson, March 3d- when a oommittee of conference could open the, negotiationa. If theDemocratio Convention is held later, authority to the Republican State Committee to withdraw a man or to fill a place left vacant, might pave the way. It is the non-yartisan character of both offices- judge and regent- which indines us to a unión on a single ticket. If the Republicans holding the first convention make no advances or offers of union, the Demócrata will have nothing to do but to nomínate and elect a full ticket. Last week the Aegus said, apeaking of a newspaper item connectingthe naine of Ashley Pond, of Detroit, and D. Dabwin Hughes, of Grand Rápida, with the nominatiou, by the Demooraoy, for candidatea for Judges of the Supreme Court : " We presume that neither gentleman is a party to being brought out." We now feel authorized to aay that neither of thn gentlemen named will acoept a nominatioa if tendered. Mr. Hughes has permitted the use of his name several times, when that there wasno prospect of an eleotion, "just to fill the ticket," but declares that he must positively decline now there ia danger of an election. Mr. Pond has no aapir&tions for a seat on the bench. In thia connection the Arous would present foT the consideratiou of the Democracy of the State, the name of Hon. Lyman D. NORRIS, formerly of this oounty, now of Grand Rápida. Mr. Norris ia a good lawyer, of aoholarly taatea and habita, and ha peculiar qualificationa for the poaition. He has aerved the people of this county in the Senate, also in the Conatitutional ConTention of 18G7, and bis old conatituenta would be pleased to give him their yotes again. AlDED by the mis-rulings of Speaker BLAINE, the House succeeded in adopting a new rule on Tuesday, enabling the majority to foroe legislation over a determined and filibustering minority. The civil rights bill, for which the new rule was made, was taken up on Wednesday. and probably passed yesterday. " Whom the goda would destroy they fii-at make inad." And now comes a rumor all the way from Waahington that Zack Chandler is to go into the Cabinet aa Secretary of the Treasury. Bristow does not prove a man after (írant's own heart. And this, too, after Don Henderson had given us to understand that Zack was to have Fiske's place. Well, the British Kon will breathe easier. Matt (Jaepenter may be given the State Department. _ ■■ r ■ --- ■■■ RAM8EY is still trying to climb the Senatorial greased pole in Minnesota, but with about the same luck of the frog which jumped up two feet each day and feil back three feet eaoh night. The Legislaturas of West Virginia and Flori da make a Senatorial shot each day, but yt scatUr Urribly. " On morp onibïtuiiaU Baihlj iiuportuuHte, Goo6 io lii1 (ipatli." Whioh hi name it ia Carfentkk. Prophetic were the words conoluding hi brief biograpby in the Congressional Directory for the Vorty third Congruas : " Hi term of sorvion will expire Maroh :i, 1H7ó." Writ of ouster was aervod by the Legislature of Wtaoonsin, in joint conventiou convonod, on Wedn.isdny, Felruftry 3. The rote stood : For Angus Cameron, " Matthow H. Carpen, ■'■ " HazUton, H J. O. Clark, 1 Mr. CARFENTEK ia now on the l8t month of his six yoarB' torm : and the Seuatü Chambei and the preriding orHoer's chnir will soou know biui no more for eror. He has proved uimself au unscrupulous legiBlator ; his hands are soilyd with the tains of jobbery and 8ftlary-grab ; his position has enabled him to oommand large foes in the courts, including that big retainer in behalf of a fraudulent Louisiaua goveruiuentt whilu his personal reputation bas not shed lustre upon the title of Senator or the body of whioh he was a momber. His defoat, like that of CllAXDl.EK's, is another warning to the party 80 long dominant and rampaut, that its day of probation is ended, that the legend inscribod upon its forefrout is, " Mene, ne, ttkd, iiph artin," and anothiir illustration of the truth of the proverb, " Vox populi, vu:i' Dei." Exit Carpenter, who will now have time to enjugo in the active prosecution of his Hbullers (i), ' CHANCLES, under the Poland gRg-law. Perhaps he may find timo to go to Washington, CllANDLER Hke, aud miike an effort to earn the galary he has alwuys drawn with promptnoas and regularity. The telegraph ay that the " bolting" Ropublioana offred the Domocrnts four name to ohoose from, Judge Cor.K, exGov. Lkwis, Gon. Guppy, and Angits CamEKON ; that the Democrnti in cauous accopted Cameron on a platform including "hard niunoy, a tari ft' tor revenue only, and the supremacy of the civil authority in time of peaoe," with the result as iudicated. The telegraph alsosayg: " Mr. Cameroií, the Senator elect, was bom iu Caledouia, Livingston County, N. Y., in 1820. He caiue to Wíhcoiibíu in 1857, and has served sis years in the Legislature. He was Speaker of the Assembly in 1867. Hu is a lawyer and prominent member of the Episcopal Church." The Legislatura hns ordend a joint special oomuiittee of tive (two Senators and three Representativos), " to visit and examine the University of Michigan and the Stato Agrioultural Collego, for the purpose of asoertaining and roporting 11)1011 the respective fácil itios of eaoh institution, to determine at which there could be established, with tho greatest economy to the State and most sure prospect of success, a department for inatrnction in uiining, mechanics, and tachnology-" The Legislature is to take a recess froin the 5th (to-day) to the lóth, aud the coiumittee will probably make its visits duriug the recuss. A BILL has been introduced into the the House (Lausing) appropriatiug $5,000 a year for the payment of the salaries of two professors of homeopathy. either in the University or eUewhere, as the Regento inay determine.


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