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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS By a young lady, a Bituation in a goed famlly, fco Jo general house woik, wherp she ill be eui one of the famlly H;is god reference. Apply by aoti throtiiili postofllce. ' ANNA MAY, Ann Ariior. rrHE TENNES8EE JUBILEE SINGERS! Will ivo twoofthelr Slvc CABIN GONCERTS -AT- Hill's Opera House, Satttrday and Montlapi Fcb.tithandHlh. TenneBseeanö siog tho "l'l Keligio-as Molodios ■rhlcn Hicy Learned from their old Auuties In tho lowly (abins oi' Ilio Bouth. ♦- 8iiiíuR tor the purpose of r&ising the oeceasary fiindB tO i tril B N 1 W (■)[.I:lK líl" H.IINt ;tt l.i'XiiiKton. AdinUsion, - 86, , and T3 Cts. Seata reservad al Fiske a" I las' book store iilioni extra chftrge. pjISSOI.lTTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership existiñg imder Ihe flrm name of Trtpp, Aile & Prioe, is this claydiiolved by mutaal agreement. All litibilities of the cotnpany, will be settled a,t tliuir oíd plncu oí buiseas; and hII who owe them, either by note or account, are rennested to crill ;íu(1 inake imiíH'iUate setUcineni. (HAS. TRTPI', ROBKRT K. AI1.KS, ROBEB.T J, PBÏCK. Duled Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1876. K16wfi Valuable Farining Lands, FOB SALE. Th farm ltely ocnuiiied by ByronC Whitaker, on section 23, Townnliip oí' Lima eonsialing of -40 aeren, in a high Btate ot' oultivtttion, with one hundred acres of wheat, on the grounS in good condition. MIST BK SOI,I WITIIIN KHTY HAYS, RiiildinK niw and conimodioua, with nll inodora iniprovemenfu. Furrn well watered and felice? in good condition. Alao í( acres of woodhind on seotTon 11, in same township, whieh will le sold in ji body or in pareéis to auit. lnquirie can he addreased to either of the undersigned. M .1. NOYBf", Chelaen. W. 1). HA li Hl MAN, Ann Arbor. isi(iw4 C.S.GEEGOKT, Destar. Estáte of GeorgH Sutton, 2d. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washten:iw, as. At asession of the l'romite Oourt íor the pounty of Waahtenaw, holden ut the l'robíite Offiro in the city of Ann Arbor, on Honday, the flrst day of February, in the year olie Ihouaand eiht hnn dred and seventy flvePresent, Noafa W. ('heever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of George Button, 2d, incompetent. Sedgwick Dean, Guardian of said estáte, comen into oourt and represent that he is now prepated to rendtr his iitt.h account au hucIi fiuardian. Thereupon it íh ordered, tbat Wedneaday, ththird day of March, next, at ten oV-lock in the forenoon, be aasigned for examining and allnwini; eucb account, and that the uext of kin of aaid incompetent, and all other poraona interested in said estáte, are required lo appoar at n aeaKioii of said oourt. then to be holden at the Probato OtHcc, ín th city of Ann Arbor. in aaid connty. and huw r.miK",' if any there be why the aaid COOUnt ehould uot be allowed: And it ia further ordered that aaid Guardian, Rive notice to th peraonn lntereated in said eatate, of the pendency of aaid account, and the hearing thereof, by causins a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a nowspuper printed and eireulating in ■aid county, three auceeasive weeka previous to aaid day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. OHKEVRH, 1511 Judge of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MIOHMAN, Oounty of Wnshtenaw s. In the matter of the estáte of Nathan Wooster. deceased. is hereby given, that in purnuance of an order granted to the underrigned, Administratrlx, of the Estáte of aid decoased, by theHon. Judgeof Probate for theCounty 01 Wushtenaw, ou thesucond diiy of February, A. D. 1875, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late! reaidence of said deceased iu the townahip ot' Novthiitld, ia the t'ounty of WashtenftW, in aaid State, on Thuraday, the flrst dayof April, A. D. 1875, at teno'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eneumbranoe by mortsaga orotheiwise cxistingat the time of the death of sftid decpftned, and ilso üubjoctto the right of dower of tbe widow of naiddeoeased therein) the following deBcribed real eatate to-wlt : Thirty-sii and 80-100 acres of land, on the east half of the northwest quarter of ooction thirteen, iu town o e outh,ranj;e hïx east, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the east half of the northwest quarter of said section, and running thence north along the west line thirty-three chama and twenty-three links, thence eaat parallel to the north line of said section eleven chainsand nine links , thence south tbirty-throe chains and fifteen links to the quarter line ; thence west "ü quarter line eleven chains and nine links to the plaoe of beginning. Also the reversionary interest of said deoeased in the following described piece of land on said section thirteen, it being a part of the dower of the widow ol Alpheus Wooster, late of aid county. deceased, towitl: The equal nndivid ed one-half thereof , begiuning at the northwest corner of the east half of the northwest quarter of aidsection thirteen, and running east along the north line of said section flfteen chains ; thence outh six chain and seventy-flve links ; thence west ftefln chains ; thence north six chains and seven,y-flve links to the place of beginning, contaiuing -en aoreB and twelve-hundredths of an acre, i'U in aid State. Dated February 2d, A. T). 1875. ANNA WOOSTER, 1518 Ad:ninistr:itrix. DINSEY & BEAB0IP8 BAKERY, GKOCERY - AND - FLOUR & PEED STORE. We keep constantly on hnnd, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and RKTAIL TRADE. We hall also keep a aupply of DELHI FLOUE, J M. KWIFT & OO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT KLOUR, RYK KLOUR, DUCKWWHEAT FLOUK, OORN MEAL, FEED, &c, &o. At Wholesale sud retail. A general stook of GROCERlttS ANI PROVISIONS conntantly tin hand, which will be sold on as reasonable term as at, any other house in thia city. Cash paid for Biitter, Eggs, and Country l'roduce generally. Goods delivered 10 any part of the city wit n out extra charge. llsi: & SEABOIT. Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1, 1S75. 1514tf MORE m TEÏS ANÍCOFFEES ! LOWER TRICES ! LOWEB P1UCES ! Don't fail to visit the Cabh Gkoceut Houbk of of Rdward Tluffy, durina the next thirty day, and exumine his Teas and Coffbes of the lateat imitortations, which will be sold AT NEW Y011K PRICES. Suifari, Syrnps, and Spieën, to)?cther with a full line of OBncrnl Groceries, viry low for (Jash. Cheap bargains for the next Thirty Days in BOOTS & SHOES India llubber and wool Hned Gooda, together with a full line of (untlenien's Kurnishiufr and Hoeiery Goods. l'leane cali and examine goods and price, and I will ensure Öatisfaction. It paya for everybody to trade al the cash mm mm 01' EDWARD DUFFY. Maynard ISlock, Cor. Main and Ann St., 1511 Ann Arbor.Mioh. HOUSE FOR SALE! k House aud Lot, situated on Mosley street, one L- lot trom South Main street. The house is ncw and has been newly painted ; enntains O rooms, a irood collar, well ot water, aud ciatern. The lot is encloied by a picket fencc, and is set with maples, evergreens and fruit trees. Will be sold at a very lowprice. isi4w3 g. WINNINGTON. lOTÍCE. An adiourned annual meeting of the membeis of the Wanhtenaw Mutual Fire lnsur.-moe Comriany will be held at the Court House, in this city on Wednesday, Febmary 24, 1875, at 10 o'clock a m., fir the purpose of amending the Charter oi aid company. .... D.Ud Auu Arbur, J.u, lj 1ELI)ON „#eT. The PEOPLES' DRUGSTÖRE' OLD STAND Of R. W. Ellis & Go. PURE Drugs and Liquors of choiee selection. Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Brushes of all kinds. Large asBOrtment of Toilet öoods und superior I'erfumeries. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS a specittlty, of Tiemann's, Kolbe's, and Ford's man u facture. Prescriptions put up by men of experience at all honrs oi the day or niglit. No 2 Main 8t., Ann Abbob. HALE & TREMÁIN. FABHÏC ROOFlG! I THI8 RüOFING 18 DURABLE AND WATER PROOF VERY FLEXIBLE ; FAR BETTER THAN ZINCTO STOP LEAK8 AROUND CHIMNEYS AND CONNECTIONS BKTWEKN WOOD and BRICK. This Booflng has been in use flve years and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! This paint will preserve shingled roofs an indefinite period, and is equally adapted to tin or iron ron i's Itis flre and water prooi"! Thia paint will be put on by the Cornpttny or sold by the gallon, with innt ructions how to apply thü sume. W No (oal Tur is uncd in eitber. We solicit the public patronage. AU work will be wananted. All communication sbould bu addresised to the HUTCIIÍNS RQOFINtt E0., I'. O. Box 222, 'ANN AUBOR, MICHTOAN. Itesidence 43 South Thayer Street. 147 tf T)UT YOUE MONEY W II E li E 1 T WILL DO THE MOST 3-OOXA. A. TERHY II AS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN TUE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DKFY CüMI'ETITION AL8O, A FULT, LINK OF Gents' Furnishins Ooods. Oall hefore purchatiug. ] 5 South Main ütreet. SF% $r , HOAPerday ad home. Terms freo AdO '" JJ-iUdreMli.STISTONiCo., Pirtlttd, M. DON'T READ THIS! That ever reliable deiiler, WM. WAGNER has injalore a full stook of Ready-Made F ALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Which MUST and will bo soldjat PKICE8 TO SUIT ÏHE TIMfes Alao a f'lll stook of Cloths, to be GUT AND MADE TO ORDER Style and Work warmnted to suit. Also a Full Line of Eurnishing Goods. CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 South Main Bt. Ann Aebor. 149 Estáte of Kader, Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, sa. Ata sessiun of the I'robate Court (or the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflïcc in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the thirtieth day of November, in the year one thousand eiht hundred and geventy-fonr. Present, Noah W. Clieever, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estnteof Anna ilary Gr om, Oattaeïina Kader, Caroline Kader, Kmma 8. Kader, and Godtrey H Knder, minor On readintf aud tiling the petition, duly verifled, of John G. Gross, guurdian, prnying that he may be liconaed to sell certain real estáte belongiug to said mino. Therenpon it is ordered. that Tuesday, the ninth day of Kebnmry next, at ten o'qlook in the forenoon, be aatdfpwd forthe hearing of said petition, and that the nuxt of kin of said minors, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a aession of aaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, und show canse, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be graiited : And it ia turthev ordered. that. said petitioner givc notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendenoy of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by caiüiiur a copy of th is order tobe published In the Micüigan Argüí, a newspaper printed and circulated in Mid County, four uocessive weekt "TleW1" "f NOAH W. CHBEVEK, 1512 Jude of Probate. SherifFs Sale. BY VIRTUE of one execution ïsnued out, of and under the seal oi the Circuit Court for the oounty of Washtenaw, to me directed, and bearing date September twcnty-seennd, 1H74, wherein John Clancy is plaintilf and Charles Holder is deíendant, and fot the want oi goods and chattels to levy npon, I have thlt day levied upon all the righl, title and interest of the defendant above named, in and to the following real estáte, to wit: Lot numbor ten (10) in block ihrec (:)) north of Hmon street, in ranije two (2t, acoordinn to the recordod plat of the city ot Ann Arbor, Michigan, which 1 shall exposé for snle to the highost bidder, as the law directs, at the south door ol the Court House in said city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the sixth day of February, A. D. 1S75, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Dated, December 1,. UH. „ „ 15(19 By ff H. McIntibe, Dep'y Sheriff. Sherïffs 8le. BY VIRTUE of one execution issued out of and nnder the senl of the Circuit Court for the roimty of Washtenaw. State of MichigHli, to me dincted, wherein John Clancy is plaintitF and Patrick Kelly and Eliza Kelly are defendanta, and for the want o Koods and chattels, I have this day seized and leviei npon all the right, title and interest of Patriek and Eliza Kelly aforesaid. in and to the following described pronerty, to wit : The east half of the southeast quarter of section thirty ; also the northeast nuarterof the southoast quarter of section twentyuine, all in township number one south of range six east, Washtenaw county, Siate of Michigan, which above desertbed property I shall expon for sale at public auctiou, as the law directs, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the oity of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the flt'teenth day of February next, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock a. M. of said day. Dated, Jannary 1, 1874. 8herjff 1511 By Wm. H. McIntybe, Dep'y Sheiig. Attachmeut Notice. THE CIRCUIT COURT for the County of Washtenaw. Williani W. Wines andCharles H. Wolden os. Mary R. Stringham. Notice is hereby Kiven that ou the thlrd day of December, A. O. 1874, a writ of attachment was duly ïssued out of the Circuit Court for the County of Washteuaw, at the suit of William W.Wines andCharles H.W orden the above named plaintiff., against the, tenements, goods and chattels, monoys and effect of Mary R Ktringham, the dtfendant above namod, for the sum of one huudred and tbrce dollars andeighty-flve oents, which said wnt wu returnable on the tb day of January, A. D. 1875. Dated thi6th day of January, A. D. 1875. 181S D. CKAMlliB, Att'y tot FUlatlff


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Michigan Argus