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.„SCKIIIK FOK TUE AHOUS - Í1.60 ft y6MX. __A Ge111 fel1 Jow 'n a ttt yesterday "muig, iu Itoat of Bach & Abel's. -L'ompany B mot Monday evening in full uilJforlDr it being tlieir monthly meeting ior jmpection. prof. M'Aö'erty gflTe dramatic readmgs in ,!lf M. E. Church, Tuesday evening, to a large judience. __Jobn O'Kief, in the employ of Ferdon & Co while unloadiug lumber, teil and broke his ñpbt arm, Monday. _ A runaway team on Main street caused isiderable eiciteraent in front of the Savings Bank. Tuesday morning. _A newly mamed couple in the weBtern „jrt of the city received a benefit in " the f orm j serenade" Monday evening. _A young man by the name of Lathrop j5 thrown f rom a sleigh on Williams street, Siturday, and was quite severely injured. _ our city is the owner of a " Town Clock " ndthe fire alarm towar would be a first rate ]„ce tor it. Will our city Fatheni think of it t _"Bev." George Flowers, the African MiaBionary from Liberia, received h severe hsating by colored people in Jackaou, Friday iveniug. - A large gathering of maaona took place tt Saline, Tuesday evening. Anu Arbor, Ypsitoti, Manchester and Milan were each lirgelr represented. _Ia front of Winslow & Swartout's, Sunijjr morniug, a little girl on her way home (torn church dislocated her ankle by stepping uto a nole in the side-walk. _ Barney Morrison, who was 9enteuced by Justice McMahon one day laat week to the Vork House, has given bonda in the suia of flöO, for his good behavior for 66 days. _ K. Schuyler retired from tne position of igent at the Central Depot, Tuesday morning, beiiig superseded by George W. Sharplesa, from the Burlington and Missouri road. - A large amount of ice has been harvested md as there will be oousiderable competition the coming season, a reduction in the price is jniiously looked for by a number of consumare. _ Jas. Louey was arrested Wednesday, for eiticiug away and marrying Miss Laura. Carter, a minor, against the consent of her mother. Esamination before Justice Beahan, the 17th nstaut. - Kev. Dr. Stibbius, who is now occupying the pulpit of the Unitarian Church, will i tura Sunday evening on the following subject: i Human Freedom, Kegulative and Philoi sophical Necessity." ! - One of Polhemus' hacks, making a short i tura at the sonthwest corner of the court yard, ] was blown over by the wind on Wednesday ' nïternooD. The occupants, three in number, caped without injury. , - State Btreet i thronged every afternoon the owners of f ast "nags," and livery tunioute, who endeavor to excel each other iu making fast time. This ia particularly the case on Saturday afternoons. -At the poultry show lately held in Detroit, John J. Walker of thU city was awardei tour first and two second premiums, wnoimting in all to $24, for game bantam and white leghorns, which he had on exhibition . - A young man by the name of Strong, who waaonMs way to the depot, while passing a rocery establishment on Detroit street, Wedneriav evening, was injured on the head by a iign ffhich waa torn f rom its fastenings by the wmd. -Two Prusiana, residents of the Third ard, on their way home Saturday evening, talked off the bridge on Felch street into the mee. They received a thorough renovating, kt complained of the temperatura oi the water. - A deaf tramp tra veling the Central Eailtosd track was run over by the Kalamazoo train goiug west Monday afternoon, tiiis side ol Yprilanti. Both limbs were cut off belowthe knees, and he was seriously injured lbout the head. - Bach & Abel have received a large stock of goods, tor the early spring trade, and offer wat hargaius in domestic goods and alpacas. Their goods have been purchased at favorable rites, and their customers will receive the benefit theref rom. -The Senior class of the High School, coninting of about flfty young ladies and gentlemen, on Friday evening took a sleighride to t A. Nordman's, near Lima Centre, where they enjoyed the evening with an oyster supper and Social dance. -Thomas Condón, a notorious character who hae served one term in the Work Hoi W w arrested Tuesday night for being a disor4erly person, by the chief of Pólice. Wednesly morning Justice McMahon sent Condón to the Work House for six months. - Last Friday morning, John Keegan died ry suddenly at his reeidence in the Third ard. VV'hen in the aot ot passing out doors, ■was noticed to stumbte and fall backwards. Partie hastened to his relief, but before they eould reach him he had breathed his last. -Saturday evening as a number of young wies and gentlemen were coastiug on long hU on a bob sleigh, while crowing 1 railroad track, Miss French wa tlrown from her seat and seriously injured, by klling into a sluce way at one side of the hek. -Horatio Burch and a fhend of his, on ikeit way to this city Sunday evening, when 10011 after lea ving Saline their outter was overtaraediü some way and the occupants thrown t, seriously injuring Mr Buren, who was "epped upou by a team following olose in Ni rear. -Br. Gillespie, bishop elect of the diocese oi ffn Michigan, will deliver his farewell sermón at St. Audrew's Church on Suuday "t, aud will be oonsecrated in St. Mark's ■wa, Graud Eapids, Feb. 24. Rev. Joseph barge, of Grand Bapids will officiate in the urch here during Lent. -Mosea Marks, charged with mayhem, had amiuation Weduesday before Justice lan. Six witnesses were sworn in behalf 'he PeoP'e. and four f or the accused. The imony being againat him, he was commit tojail, in default of 1500 bonds, for trial at '"February term of the Circuit Court. - Another noted horse is now owned in this iWi'JOhn Douovau has purchased the grey "ion, Eagle-Eye, which will be kept for a 'naii'8 driviog horse. John appeared on state Street Track last Saturday afternoon, , ""tonishment of the throng, and took ""concert out of all our iast-horee men. nTi'ltUrIay 0veuln8. a number of Medical u Law studente assembled at Rettich1 old ' . and after beiug waited upon by the PPneton, they began to discus, the prooi I Oí hay'Ug a game of foot ball wnich turk thC 're f " others Pre8ent" that a di fcriu06 WaS "ly avertod by outsiders interSabhThe COI100rt giveD by the Congregational fiae (Í lMt Sunday evening, was a anair, surpaasmg anything of the kind bend 8'V6n 'n the city' datteuded by a large , . ihe exercises consisted of inging, b,7l0D8' by the school, and addr.e, Mr.HubbeU, Dr. Angelí, and Prof. UOo,th.Sup,riBWn(i.Ilt. - A number of young lads were engaged in carrying up wood into the Akqus office Tuesday morning, on their way down stairs, Milo Jöhiibon, while taking a retrospectivo view of Main utree!, from the top of the lower stairs, lost hi balance and feil to the nidewalk below, a dmtance of ten feot. He was senously irijuved and had to bv amistad home. - Ou the coniplaint ut Samuel Shermau, a warrant was issuod and placed in Sheriff Fleming's hauds, for the arrest of Charles Merritt, of Katon Rápida, oharged with forgery. When taken beforo Justico Clark, Tuesday, he plead " not guilty," and the case was adjourned until the 18th of Kobruary. He gave bail in the sum of ")00 for lus appearance. - Saturday evening, Henry TI. Wissler, a sewing machine agent, w:ih arrested at th depot on a charge oí ombe.zlement, by W. B. Sumner, Deputy Sherift. Ho was taken before Juatice Clark, and gave bail in the sum of $600 for his appearance Mouday, when on motion of the accused and consent of the Prosecuting Attorney, the case was again continuad until the 15th of February. - We cali attention to the advertisement of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. The object of the bank is to piovide for the public a secure place for such sums of money as they may wish to deposit for safe keeping, ai interest, 8uc.h sums may be withdiawn at auy time, The bank was organizud in 18Ü9, under the State law, with a capital of 150,000. The bank loans money on uniucumbered real estáte and other approved securities. - John Harrison, who resides in the town of Auu Arbor, was on his way home Saturday afternoon, when his sleigU iu some mauner became fastened in a passing cutter, going in the same directioii, and for a distance of ten rods, it was drawn up Broadway, the occupants every moment expecting to be thrown out, but whon near the top of the hill, Harrison was persuaded to stop, much to the relief of the lady and geutleman who occupied the cutter. - Monday evening a large sleigh-riding party trom Ypsilanti, arrived in this city, stopping at Cook's Hotel, where they took supper, after which a danoe was had. Aniong the party we noticed John Starkweather, D. M. Uhl, W. H. Hawkins, Philo Ferrier, F. P. Bogaidus, K W. Hemphill, D. L. Quirk, E. F. Uhl, F. H. Pease, J. M. Cutler, F. Emerick, L. X). Showerman, H. Van Tuyl, and Cap. E. Yost, of Omaha. The party numbered over 100 ladies and gentlemen. - The time for colleetiug taxes hna been extended in the folio wing cities and towns: Anu Arbor city, Augusta, Salem, Saline, and Ypsilanti city. The treasurers of the following towns have settled with the County Treasurer, witli the amount oi taxes returned unpaid : Ann Arbor town, $122 27 ; Bridgewater, $6 84 ; Freedom, Ï21 42 ; Lima, $7 40 ; Scio, $41 51 ; Sharon, $14 63 ; York, $4 39. Lyndon makes a clean Bweep - no taxes retumed unpaid. - A laborer eraployed by Peter Vanee, met with a singular accident Tuesday evening. While on his way to the city, and when oppoiite the Third Ward school house, a number of urchins thought it would be a good idea to set el match to hia passing load of straw, and in his andeavor to extinguish tlie ñames, which he iid in a few moments, he lost a good share of tis hair ; his mustache burned off aud he was Dtherwise 'aeverely injured. He made his appearance before Dr. Woodrutt' and had his wounda dressed. - J. Q. A. Sessions, Esq., buing present at a temperance meeting, held in the Fourth street Congregational Church, Detroit, on Wednesday evening of last week, was called upou for some remarks peitaiuiug to the subject of taxatiou of saloons and how the tax law worked in Ann Arbor. He favoied taxation as reeommended in Oov. Bagley's message, as a substituto for the l'roliibition law, and as a fair settlement of the question covering the liquor trafflc, as it avoided the two extremes of Prohibition on the one hand and License on the other. - A young man emploved b}T a leading house doing business in this city, after mature deliberation, came to the conclusión that his services could not be dispeused with, and " struck for higher waes." He was informed by the proprietor, that as he was now receiving ten dollars a week, - he received as much as hia services were actually worth, but in coosideration of past periormanee of duties his salary would be incroased, conimenciug with the first of February, to ten dollars and a quarter per week. As the young man expected to receive an advance of five dollars, he was sadly disappointed when advised to better himself if he could. He stayed.


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