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The Louisiana Disorders--reports Of Army Officers

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President Grant, in response to tno Menate b I rerolntions of tnqtrfryi has sent to tbat body a:iother largo mass of manuscript copies oí correspondentie rolative to disorders in Louisiana. The correspondence. naya the Associated Press , report, dates back to Oct. 25, 1874, and beghis vrith various cipher telegrams sent by Gen. ] Emory to the War Department, in which he exn: . m strong disapprobation oí Maj. MerrilFs action in making aftidavita against citizens of Bhrevepott, under whicü tbey were an-ested for alleged violation of the Enforcement act. Gen. Kmory informei! Icnill that he considerad his pereoual appearanco as prosccutor was a doparture from the entablifïliod nücs of the service, and mischievous in ita tendency. Slemll thereupon explaiued that his action was due to the fact thct no citizcn eould have made these I aftidavits except ut the risk of his lile, and submittéd sundry voluminous reports detailiiig the lawloèB conditiou of nffaira in the Ked river region. TlioKe reports beiiig all beforo the department, idiutant fieneral Townsend teleKranhed to Merrill Uec. 7, 1874. through the headquartcrs of tlio anny, that ths dcpartment connidered Uia action juatüied by the circumatancea. Among the papera ia tho report of Lieut. Col. Ilenry A. Morrow, who waa detailed by Gen. '■ Emory to mako a thorough oxantination of the oonditiou of aiïairo iii the Bed river country. He fiys tliiit o fiir au relate to the Uuited HtateB tliere is not tbc alightest diHposition to oppose the general govermnent, Ijut the oppoeitiou to the State govemnient ia deterniinod and exrireesod, and wil! maniíext : itaelf in open viofence whenever and wherever ' opportunily ollcm. ïhis dmaatisf actiou and ! content affect uil departmeuta of bunineHS, and the whole apect of the country han a look of i i poverty and neglect The law ha fallen into disregard and diareapute : Unitedstates Ueputy j Mai-HhalH have ucd United State Boldicrs in ' cases where there wan no neeeseity for tliem, and in somo pariflhes have discharged their dutisa in an unneccssarüy hareh, if not cruel ! manner. Col. Mon'ow gives the following as his deepBOiitod convictione : ' ' The present State govern; ment cannot maintain íteeií in power a single : hour without the protection of Federal troopa, ; i and even with thi protection they will not be ', able to collect the taxes aid perfoim the ' tions of the government. The Ktate government ha not the conñdence or respect of any ! ixirtion of the comraunity." Furtheron. he Ra;,-8: " If expreBBions of the poople are to be believod ( ruiii I do beüeve them), thero is a very Hincero desire to live quietly onder tho protection of thu I Constitution of tho United State, and enioy tho blebBinga of the national government ; hut thero is no disguising the fact that the protec: tion afforded by the focieral governmeut to the government of' the preHont Ktate Executivu ia the caase of bitter personal and political feelmg ■ 'n the hearts of nineteen-twentieths ofthO white inhabitants of the State." In forwardlng this report, Deo. 27, Gen. Emory saye: "i"or nearly two yeaxa tho condition of Bffüirs has been very precarious, and tho Htat.e frovernniont hn oonstantly iihoun itnc]f unable to oope with tbe dilïicnlties of the ! bituation iu wliicU it ia placed. Tliifl Htato of thingH is daüy groving worse, and I eommend the subject to yerar BcriooB oonsideration. The mÍHsion of tlie iirmy to keep tlio ponoe. without the power of removinpr the causes whieh diaturb it. bas, I tliinli, been cameü BS fax ae practioa ble, and I thorefore respcctfully recommenu that. if it enn be done, the powera' of the military commaii'.lcr be greatly inoreased, or that öome othcr meaaure he resorted to to obtain tlie desired end. " Gen. Sherman makes the folloiving mdorsement : Headquautkkr of the Absiy, ) Kt. Louib, Jan. 4, 1H75. ( Thifl paper in uinst respactfully forivanlert tr tho Socrctarv ot Wor, wilb the requeat that he Bubmit :t for tho pVrsonal porusal of tho lTonident. I know of no offleor of Col. Morrow' rank wbo ie bittrr qualifloil to sprak anil wfitü of matters likc thiw, and hifi opinlona ure entltled to great conniclcration. I profesB to hare somo knowlodge of üio people of that section, l)oth white and Wnck, from a lons residence amone the brfoM the war, and severa] iMti sinoe, luit I hall not intraiU' my opinión in the confUBiou in which tho subject is now envclopod. (Sigaed) W. X. Sukbman, General.


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