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Tuesbay, Jan. 26.- Señale- The C'liair laid before the. Senate a meiaase fro'.n the President transmitting the rejiort of tho OommiBsion of ■ giuoerH wlio were appointed to investígate and report a permanent plan for thc reclaniation of the allnvial busiu of the Missiösippi rivor. Eeferred - EdlnunJs introiluced a bilí to próvido for and regn&Xé thc countins of votos for President and Vioe-PreBldont ...The Senate reamned couBkleratiÓO of the Schuiv. reRotutlon in regard to thc i;:'!' oí the peoplc of Louifíiana to elf-govc-rninont. House- Eldredge, froin thc Jiidicmry Oommittec, rcportod advcraoly on the bilí to créate a ncw State out of certaiu portions nt Texas and louislana - l'oit.'r, from thp Judloilry Oqmmittee, reportd a joint resolution proposing thc follewlng ami ndnji ut to Ue (vmstitution : " Artk-lcli!. Trom and after thc next oloction for President of thc United States, the President shall hold his office . during Uw tenn of six yenrs, mul, togcmer with tno Vioe-Prosidcnt, clnwon i'or the name term, be elected in tho manuer as now provided, or that may hereaftor be preyMed; but ncither the Ircsident nor Yi.-e-Presider.t (v.ben the office of President has volvfed upou Uini) shall bo ügible for re-eiectdon as President." Alter debate, participated in by Kou, Butler, Qarfield, Wiir.l and others, the rieolutlon was rejectcd- yens 134, naya 104. }oss than two-thirds in the aiïirmative Butler, of 5Ia8achuneU.-i, rejiorted a ïvsolution in referenoe to the MeGarraban and New Idria Mining Compauy's claims in California, directing the Commissionor of the General Land Oüïco to Iñstitute legal proceedings In the name of the government against the New Idria Mining Compny in the Circuit Court of tho United Stito for California to reetrain furthcr waste of property, for tho appointment of a recfiiyer, and for the recovery of poaai - sion; and alo for the recovery of $7,000,0001116Kitimately and wrongfully taken therefrem by tlic New Hria Mining Oompany, which waa adoptod- 36 to 11. Wednesday, Jan. 27.- Señale- Dorsey iutrodneed a bilí to establish certain tclegraphic Unes in the nevera! States and Territorios as poet-roads, to j recúlate the transinifl&ion of commercial and other intelligenoe by telegraph. Refe.rred Morton submitted a reBolution to repeal the 22J .joint rule of the. two housoB of i'ongreps in regard to the couniins of the electoral voto Debate on Schurz's Louiüiana resotution was resiuued. Houm - There was no logislative business trausacted. Filibustcring on fue Civil Bigbta bül oonsumed the time of the day and far into the night ' tho táctica of tho ltepnblicans being to fonv the HoiTae to a direct vote, and the Demócrata determined to prevent it. Up to 11 o:clock p. m., the roll had been called sixteen times, occupying about halt an hour each time. Thuksday, Jau. 28.- Senate- Bogy submitted a resoltition inKtructinjï the Judiciary Committee to inquire as to the expediency of repealing the act of Juno 1, 1S72. granting a sr.bpidy to the Paciflc Mail Bteamsbip Company. Eeferred Iiüls passed: Houne biU grauting the riglit of way and depot grounda to the Oregon Central Pacific Kailway Company through the public lands of the United 1 States, "froni Winnemucca, Novada, to the Columbia river, via Portland, Oregon : provldixxg for tho appointxïient of a commissioner to : ascertain the right of eubjecta of Great Britain to lande in territory which was tho subject of word of the Emperor of "Germany under the ireatie.B of 181G and 1HT1 betwocn tho üniled States and Grcat Brit-Uu sniendatory of, and Bitppïementary to, the act of Mardh 1, 1871!, entitled, " An act to act apart a oertain tract of land Ivíur near the hcad waters of the Yellowhtoue riveras' a public park." Fenton ■ ppoke at leugth on the Louisiana resolution. Hmise-M noon the House had been in contmuoüs i session for twenty-four hours, and fitiU the monoti nous cali of the roll procceded. The voices of half a 1 dozen readiug derks had been used up, and several snbstitutei were iutroduced. Therc had been no attempt uu ëitherHide to como to an understand! ing. The. last roll cali ct miduight showed the presence of 15Ü rucinbera. Fkiday, Jan. 29.- Senate- A large numbci of reporta were made froni the Committoe on dom The crcdcntials of Kcrnan and Cpckrcll, j Benators-elect froin ITc.w York anti Missouri, wortread and plsoed on file....After tlio eipiration of the morning honr Conkling took the fio'T and coucluded his speech on the Louisiana queetion, Houhc- The 1 wit in the House nn brought to a close at 10:25 o'clock by the adoption oí a motion. offerod by Ward (Bei).), of Illinois, to adjourn UU 12 o'clocï to-morrow. Both sides wcrc complctely I worn outby the protractod Beasion of forty-Hixeonsic! ntivc honra. In otïering the motion, Ward said it wai; cidi'nt that the extcnt of huniau anduranwi liail hoen reached, and he was unwilling to Bubmlt to torture longer. Tbs i oto IU 75 against 60, lunctcen lii!.ubiicans voting in the affrmative. ïhu roll si:ik caUed seventy-ñve times during the protiacted ! Bitting. Satdkday, Jan. 30.- Scnate- The Seuate was I not in session, hu vin adjourned to Monday. 7,,,(s(,__NoUiing was done in the House save the ■ rcading of tho journal of the previous day's proceedings, ivhieh the Clerk was about to do, omittiug tho i yeas and nays in detaii, whsn Kandall nlsed the point of order that thcy must be read. The Speaker deeided the point weil takeu, and as thiH reading wnui.i liave cousumed almost as lnuch tijn-1 as tlupivvious KCKi-iou, the House adjourned at 4:;, eighteen of the roll-ealls having been read out of the seventy-peven taken. Mosday, Feb. 1. - Senato- Logan presented the rcsolutiona of the Board of Trade of Chicago, In rofcrenco to the bill introduced for an approprintion tbestablish a mint at Chicago Fratt presented the Joint resolutions of the Iudiana Legialflture in fator F 41. lujuonn nf !l ltitl Ifl'üntiíli IHíIISÍOI'. t') (i lili 14 M K -, " -' ' " ■ ■ ■ - ww- v f-y J ing soldier and Bailo of Uie war with Mexico. He sent to Uio Clcrk's dctk and ■'1 u lit!i-r from üie Oomiuiísioner oí; Pensions, tatilig that tUc number of mirvivors of that war was ■ryfiai ; nmnbe of widows of soldiers and tnilors, about 12,000 Doraey submitted arcsoLuüon LEstrucUng tiie Committee nn Postoffices and Post-roads to ioquire iuto Ule nature and extent of the operation of the rcgistored k-tter B.vstem and tts afe ts, if any exist, and to recommend such . latior. as may be needed to attain greater security in the bmasmlulon of registeied matter, to extcnd tho uBefulnens of thc BVBtem. and lo procure accurats knowiodgo of it opcratión (Jonrfdcration of Si -h'ir'.'s Louisiana rosalution wa- resumed. jXuum - Hale, of Maine, mtroducud a resolution to changü the ruiea, by the adoption of a new rule, the object of wliich i to prevent tho Speaker entertainiiiT motions of düatory character. Eeferrod Oaulfleld, who waa eleoted to lili the vacaney caused j by the death of Mr. Kice, from Illlnola, was swora I i,ñ and took his Boat .... Tbs Senatt: hill pjr ipriatillg $182.500 to paj the interest on D.liö bonds of the Díktrict of Coluiabia was passed l'latt, from the Postofflce Committee, oflered a resoluüon autliorizing au amendment to the Postofiice Appropriatlon bill as f oHowb : Fixlng the Balarles of postmastere and the mode of comnnüiug same ; autliorizing the Po;-;tmaster-(ieneral to pay the expense of taking the weightn of maüH on rallroads, anl to pay experts and othcr employés in ih : preparatlon and publioatiou of poet-route maps; also to abolisn the pablication of oertsln poetómeO advertigementa in three Washington papera - Butler, of Mas.sachuHetts, moved to BUBpenO the ruku. to pirmit the r.'afling of a report from the Coimuittee on Kuloft, with a view of ooBiing to a vote on the Civil Itlghts bill. The motlon wan rejected- yeaa 170, nays 80. Tho only exceptiou to the vote being a Btrlct party ono was that of Sener, Kepublican, who voted no. Hi tote tbí ottier way would have carried the motion The bill directing the PreBident to snpply food and dieuïed army clothing to all destitute and hnlpleBB peraons living on the i estera front; r who have been Kndered destitute and helplega bv the ravages of grStehoppers last summer wan agreed to- ya 170, nays 49.... A recesa was then tuken to II) o'elock on Tuivday.


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