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Finance And Trade

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Tlio raoney rnarket ia in a quiet condition, tlie demand for loans being Üght and almost wholly from grain and provisión dealers. The general wkoletsale merchante are not borrowing to any extent. Interest rato 7@9 per cent for cali ' loaiiH and 10 pir cent to regular customers. (lovcrninent bonds Bteady and firm. U. S. j 5-208 of 'C2, 1158(5115%; 5-20s of '65, 119%. Ooirenoy Sb, 119. Latest gold quotatious - ■ New York. U:tall3. Chicago, 112%@113. i UIIEADSTUÏ'FS. The following vero the receipts and , menta for the week, a compared ivith the same time last year : lleceipta". ShipmenU. "U.TT37Í 1875. I ÏSUT Flour, brlB...' M,k 65,51 50,191 64,033 W-hi-at, ba .... 609 0 HS,"" B0S,212 Opfubxt (tin 12892 W,Q 61,117 Oats, hu 'J8,757 130,9(1,363 Bve bu 7,2O XC,119 2,880 8;3ï6 Barfcy.bu.::.: 86 32Ö 90.8ÓÜ 37,787 Lili Dreüscd hoüs l'J,'J7:i 10,172 21,540 16,616 wTSSm?!fe 79 050 uÈfiVA 22,50! 37.808 : Wtlo, lo 12,882 11,2a, 7.8 Tlie grain markets continuo to ruic very quiet and the fluctuations iu prioee are very limited. 1 The past few weoka havo devoloped no new loaturea of interest in connection with the grain : trade, the influenooa brought to boar on the markctH bfing of a-bout the name general tenor, dull Eastern advices, comparatively liberal receipts and a general lack of activity on tho part oL KpeouUtors. ïlso movcmentij of npoeulatoiïj are more or Icbh refitricted by the Hteiuluie in pricea, the poor chancea for qmck returns jiroventing extensive trading. The provisión market aff ords more favorable opportunitiea foï speculation, and many Bpeculators I who usaally trade in gTMn re now speevilating in hog producía. Kolders show considerable oonfldence in the futnre of tbc markets, niv.l no disposition to-foivo Hale at tho expense of lower priees. A fair bnainsa waa tranaaeted in speeulative (áreles in the way of transferring contracta, partios Helling February and buymg Maren futures, toot wanting to receive Iw oaah pjreerty. As a general rale pricea were well maíntained. the long futuren eapeoiaUy ruling flrmer. At times a woak feeling ■mild bè devoloped, and again a firmèr niarket, but on the whole range there DM but litüe change to note. Flour haw beeu yery dull. ïlie receipts of all ldnds of grain were again quito large, and fte flgnfea giving the receipta ad shipmente publialied above show a further increao in the Btock in store. Spring wlieat waa firmly held. Gom tras quite flrm at tupés, but easy t the close. Oatu'wsre Bteady and firm. live firm. liarely was drJl aud unchanged. The following were the ruling quotatious at the opening and clone of tho week : Openinj. Cloxing. No. 2 wheat, cash 88 88 No. ïwheat MllerMaroh 89.V 89,',, No 2 wheat, ki-Hit April. OO'i voy, No.' 2 eorn, cash UU M %@ B ! ■ , No. '2 corn, fieller March.. C5 66)j No. 2 corn, scUer Moy .... 71 g , No. 2 oats, cash ■ 52J4(! " No. 2oats, scllerMarcli.. 62 Sd. Mrt ï nnfrt. srller !M?.v S6 5Ö o "Nío 2 ryc cash 96 97 Ño' 2 Irarley, canh Í1.24ÍU.26 fl.23 @1.ÍT No' 2 buriey, wlkrFob.. 1.24ci1.24'í 1.23 (,1.211',, No., Ibarley, Beller IHr,. 1.24% 1.24 Cil-'-M.1 paoyisIONS. Tho provisión market has beeu very active, and a very large bn.ninesH was traUBacteu. S;eculative operators were t'o principal tradera, althougb a number of orderH wore receiyea for unmediate deüvery. A conHiJerablo portion of the trading was in' tho way of changing l'cbrnnry contracta to March, operators not wantinu' to reccive the cash property. Tricen advaneed 80 Ytf35e brl on pork, 20c ï 100 ïb ou Iard j closing at #1H.3O(18.35 for cmh pol, and ei8.G2J4öfll8.C5 for Beller March. Cash Iard, Jl3k37j2 aellcr March; closed at ci:!.57.'i. Meato tiini. The cattle market wae steady, and a fair degrco of activity was Rkovrn. with satisfactory prioee for the b'eat grades, but with lower figuren tor common and medium stock. Eastern advieea wero rather uni'avorable iu their tenor. Fair to good stoor. 4.00(15.50 ; choice, M60 ((0.10; extra, .C;.25(0. 75"; Rtock cattle were Rteady and Jirm at if2.75(á4.00 ; butchera' cattle, )?2.50(a:i.75 for poor to choice cow and fair fleehy steens, líogn were activo and tirm, and prioes were 30@50o liigber. Sales at the alose ranged at ï'G.iï5(rö6.83 for Yorkera and H;.7Oci7.!(l for p&cking grade; extra, $7.25. fcieep were firm for best; dnll for common; quotations range at ííS.SüCííO.OO lor poor to extra. DBESSED HOOS, SEEPH, KTC. ïiie market for dreaaed hojs opened at f7.25 ■for ligUt. and $7.75 for heavy, declined on Wodneaday to $7.10@7.15 and 7.50@7.6S. Towai-d the cloie of the week a flrmerfeeBng waö devcloped, anJ undér encouraging Eastern advices, and with lighter rebeipts, price agaln advanccd and closed at $7.85 for hglit, and 7 80(ü)7.85 for heavy. Seeda wore in fair domand, and cloHed t ï2.10@2.C0 for poor to timothy, 6.26@6.8Ö for clover, $1M 2.00.for Üax. uid 80(:a0c for Huiiganan. Highwinêa closod at 93Jc l'EODUCE. Butter v.-a dnll and easy ; good to choice roll ! in moderate requeat at 23((L24c ; packcd 20(ffi24c Í for fair to good and 25@3Oc for dioico to extra. I Ueeswax wan dull and Blow at Ï5@26o per lb for prime yollow. Oider iu fair deinand at &5.7o3 C.00 per brl for choice sweet. Cheeao was Itnn i and in fair ahipping deuiaud. Prime Venteru KW, 17c. good 15(153'2'c. common to fair 8(rf He. Diied f mits ivere mm" and in demand. Michigan apples, 8@8Jio; Houtiiern. MJo. aspBorrieB, S5@S6c. EggB were in fair local demand and uteady at 21(((25c for fresh : pickled i duU at 10@18o for poor to choice. FeatUcns qniet at 15c for prime live gcene. flamo dull, ' with prices weak at $2.00@2.25 per doz for prairie chickens, and d:2B@1.8S for qnaiL ■Viiples weroin largo Biippiy and dull at .il. 00(ï 2.50 lor poor to choice. Hito were in good demand and prtce were firm a't 1:((i0c for green frozen, 8(d$}4c for heavy, and '.in, .)„■ for light green a!ted. Hops dull at i!3(i(;40c for prime nciv. Honey was dull and quiet at 28@ 25c for good to choice comb. Hay dull tfed easy. No. 1 timothy 5ilG.50il7.00. Poultry wafi in fair local demand at 8@l()c for turkeys, 7@9c for chickeix, and 8c for ducks. i Vegetables wero in moderate domaiid. Ked ! onions. ir2.75W3.25 : yellow i.25.:!.5O ; silver 'skin $4.25@é.5O ; turüipB, 4ü@60c : celery 50@66o V dozTcabbago, 75c(il por doz ; beetH, -1.2") V brl; Hquanh, 75c(iil for Hubbard. 1 Vaal steady at 5@9c. COOPEBAHK. IjUSIEirR AND WOOD. Tackers' goodu. Üour ban-el, etc., are in fair demand at il. 40 for lard tierces and 50o for flour ' i„.vw.1k lmnber vards exhibited soms tivitv, city and eomitry orders being fair for tho neaeon. The supply of Iumber was quite large at mout of tlie yardR, and priceH vtere steacty and mic-haiigod at Ü50.00tó.55.00 for flret ana seeoiwl clear, and $11.00@12.00 for coramon i boards. Trade in wood is active, and prioes remaiu Btoady at 88.50 for mapje, and 7.50 for bccch, delivered. Telegrapl"11 Havket Keports. NEW YOUK. jjeeves 9 @ 13 i Dressed 8 'J,'-i I COTTO ij @ 15'-i ■ lLüUK- Supcrflne Wefteru 4 00 @ 4 25 i WHÈAT- No. 2 ( hic-ago 1 08 1 12 Ho, 1 Sliriug 1 18 (i 1 22 c„i;s ...: M ê lx o,. B7 W '0 r„. 94 (4 96 Poiix- Ni-w Mese 19 SU @19 76 Labd- fiteam 13,M 14 ST. LOUIS. Wiieat-No. 2 Rep 1 06 & 1 07 Ho. 2 New 62 @ 04 "ats-No.2 Il f W KYE- ï."o 2 98 (.i. 1 00 Poim-Mcss 18 50 18 75 kr ::;:::::::::;: c g-vB Slë:::::::::::: milvauki:e. i Wheat-No. i "' ;;' No. 2 89 @ 00 i Coks- No. i! ';?, (" '- 51ir-No'2 ::::::: " - -■■■■kVáNiíÁTL---1"'11" w„rAT-ReJ 1 OS @1 10 rvvnv V(.i 66 (' 67 (ATB 58 @ fi YE 1 1Ü (j 1 U ;":;;;:::: :::::::13K,;;19 TOLEDO. Wheat- No. 1 1 IJ g } 1'" AmljCT Michigan 1 07 l 'Jp Cohn- Xra 9 (e' OATS 5' @ 6J DETROIT. Wi ik vr -Extra J I M rnIl„ (8 (, 00 wi:i::::::::.:::::::;,iS i


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