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Democratic County Convention

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A Democratie County Coiiventloii wui e n.ia ni tho Court House, in Anii Albor, un FRIDAY, FEBBUARY 2TH, 1875. at 11 o'clock a. m., for the MIowtag purpossil To appoint twelve delectes to the Staie ConvenUorj to beheldatJackson on the 2d day of March; atoo twelve delégales to the Judicial Dlstnet Convention; also to nomínate a candidate for Superintendent of Schools. ■ Each township and ward will be entltled te. delesates as follows : Ann Arbor CityPittsfield, 8 lstWard, 3 Salem, 2d " 8 Saliin-, 8d " S Scio, 6 4th " 8 Sharon, Sth " 2 Superior, 6tll " -' ylrau, Ann Arbor Town, 8 Webster, Augusta 4 York, ö Brldgewater, 4 Ypsilanti Tmvn. 4 Uexter, 8 Ypsilanti CityFreedoni, 4 lst Ward, Lima, 3 M " . 4 Lodi, 4 8d " 2 Lyndon, S 4th " Manclrester, 5th " Northfleld, 4 liy order of the County Commlttee. CHAS. H. EICHMÜND, Chalrnutn. E. B. POND, Secretary, Ann Arbor, Feby. 9, 1875.


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Michigan Argus