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SuiïSCBIBF. koe the Akous - $1.50 a year. - The ice on the rivet 18 thirty inches in tiiick' _yn account of the evore oold all trains jete tot" duri"K tlie l'asl week-. - N'ednesday, hcing AkIi Woduesday, was the beg"n'nS 'ne Wentel season. - A coru crib for sale cheap for cash, or will .e nood in exchange. Inquire at this office. „Diutheria and pneumonía are prevaihng ..considerable extent in this city and vicin- A number of sheep and hogs were f rozen death in the township of Lodi, Monday _It being impor.sible to warm the Union School building last Friday, exercisos for the , ore closcd. __ünehundred and flt'ty copies of the Chif mes, were snld at the News depot, in . . Saturday. __jlandy, Wurster & McLean, received order Monday from parties in the Saginaw Vallei fr W,000 worth of work. _The sidewalks are in such a slippery condition, tliat it is almost impossible for oven os, to keep their equilibrium. - A smash-up occurred m some way MoniiV on south State street, and a bob I CTh with a load of lumber was wrecked. _ Mra. Dr. Murray, delivered a lecture in Ae Unitarian Church Saturday evening, and chose for her subject "Philosophy of Thinking." The proposed Oíd Folks Concert, now be. „rrauged for by the raembers of the Con„rafational Church, will take place in about Ihree weeks. -The Banks of this city have discontinued the use of receipts for checks. Beason : Au oihcer from the Eevenue Department was in Ion last week. - Charles Holliday, drawing water from the river Saturday, broke down when ciossing the nilroad track, and the front wheels of his mgoii were demolished. - On a post in front of Leroh's drug store, hangs a thermometer, and during the past ievt days hundreds of persons passing by have stopped and gazed opon it. - For the first time in the memory of the oldest " inhabitant," laborera and teams are busily eugaged iu cutting and haulingice from the nver Deiow wie unuge. - Supervisor Krapp, has had the Germán who was taken in charge by the pólice and 'liiioeil iu jail last week, on account of having üts, sent to the County House. - In a fight with William Logan, Saturday evening, on the corner of Huron and Fourth streets, Kit Kearns, had a " head " put on him, snd lus eyes draped in mourning. - We learn trom " Boss," who has charge of the ireight denüi'tmeut at the depot, that he jon not remeraber the time when business iras so ílull at this seasou of the year. -The Goocl Templare intend to remove their Lodge Koora to the room formerly occupied by the Young Men's Christiau Association, over Wiues & Wordeu's store. - The Washteuaw county pioneer society, hu preseuted the State pioneer society with a Billet made bom a log taken trom the first iumse huilt in this county, in 1825. -The (ïrand Lodge of Michigan, I. O. O. F., huida its animal session at Detroit, comraencmg Tuesdny next. The Ropresentatives f rom iw Loilge are D. Oramer and Dr. P. B. Bom. - Aliop and social was held at the resideuce of Eli Moore in the Fith ward, TuesJav evening, for the benefit of the Fifth ward Monument Association, wlncn was largely ittmded. -Au old gentleman was quite seriously injured, on the corner of Main and Aun streets, Fridry afternoon, by being throwu from his sleigh, in atternptiug to make the turn, up Aim street. - Sfow is the time to make your purchases of dress and staple goods, and in order to get s large araouut for a small sum of money go to Mark v Schmid's. They liave a large and tractive stock. - A case is now on file in the County Clerk's office to be heard at the February term of the Circuit Court, where the attorneys tol the complainant and defeudaut are members of the 3ame firm. - A colored man was beiore Justice McMalion Tuesday, charged with assault and liattery, committed the evening before at a iiair dressing establishment on Main street, pon Fauny Phinny. - The inacliinory in the flouring mili of Swathel, Ailea & Keyer, gave out Saturday morning, when machinists were immediately iet tn work, and the mili put in running order Monday afternoon. - The reduction sale of Joe T. Jacobs & Co. is fery mteresting to the people on account of the extremely cold weather. They have reduced not only overcoats, gloves, mittens and nderwear, but nearly all the stock. - It is said that a new time table will go luto effect on the Central road next Sunday. Among the changes the Kalamazoo train will be taken off, and the Doxter Accommodation eitends its route to and frorn Jackson. - Gillie S. Pitkina, while going trom the depot to the resideuce ot J. N. Gott, one of the cold evemngs of last week, had his right ear frozen, and James Davis, coming to the tity Saturday morning, suffered a like fate. - The Ypsilanti Light Ouards, Company H, will visit this city February 22d and pande with Company B, of thia city. This is uit should be, to remove the monotony of the severe cold wsather that has so long been with us. - A large sleigh load of young and old Pple went to Lima, Monday night and had high old time. The only wonder is they W not ireeze to death coming home Tuesday Bormng, with the thermometer away down Wow zero. - Two boys by the names of Collina and Sanford, who reside in the Third ward, while slidiug on the mili race, Sunday, broke through d received a cold bath. After getting out 'key made all possible haste íor their respective homes. - Charles Lang was f ound at nine o'clook Monday evening uear the Opera House, in an "sensible coudition, aud with a bad cut on his W wliicli he received in falling, Pohcoman Mown aud Felch took pity on the unfortunate Wilproperlycarediorhim, -Theagedmother of E. G. Schaffer, Eegistet oí Deeds, haa for the last 18 years suffered jwribly with the rehumatism, and last week erright side was paralized, since which time 'le has been unable to speak. Little hopes lt eutertained of her recovery. -Itwouldbe well before the river breaks Pi to take such precautionary measures as "'il: "ogw safety to the bridges. For unleas e ice is cut fiüm them, every bridge along " Huro river will be carried down stream )' the pressuie of the ice, in case of a Wdden fieshet. -The treasurers of the following additional rawns have settled with the County ïreasurer !1"ce our last issue, and have made returns of 'le luWwmg amount of unpaid taxes : Augusu. .1306 07 ; Dexter, 18 29 ; Lodi, Í73 38 ; Manchester, tlU 52 ; Northfield, $82 30; tMeld, 171 7B; Superior, 17 40; Sylvan, 'ü; Webster, 34 95; Ypsilauti Towu, U 03,- Uaving Aun Arbor city, Ypsilanti J, üalinu and Salem, yet to be settlad with. - J. V. N. Gregory savad a lge number of the residente oí the Third ward a vast. amount of shoveling Thursday morning, l)y oausing the snow, which in some places had drifted to thn dopth of three feet to he removed from the side walks with a snow plow. This is wliat we ca.ll ganuosity. - This year St. Valeiitine's Day coming on Sunday, valeutinen will bfl written on Saturday and Monday. The fact of its being on Suuday will only aid to throw it into 'obsoleteness, as it has been going for years past. We doubt whether one-half of the valontines will be writton as fonnerly. - John Keating, engag&d in business in the lower town, was going home Thursday evening of last week when he was run into by a nuraber of boys on a hand sled, noar Hooper's Brewery, knocked down, and rendered insensible fora few minutos. He wascontind to his room until Saturday. - Judge Lawrence has kept a record of the weather, ever since a resident of this city and says that Tuesday morning was the coldest, the thermometer at his house indicating 28 degrees below zero, - the same at Dr. Wells' and John Loveland's. At the residence of C. H. Millen at 8 1-2 o'clock it was 20 degrees below. . - Edwin Hiñes, a resident of the town of Sharou, was in the city Monday, and had with him a silver mounted revolver, taken by him, from Jett'erson Davis at the time of his capture. The revolver is a self-cocker, and originally cost $100. Mr. Hines, soon after obtaining possession of it, was offered fl,000 for the property. - Some time during Saturday morning, the smoke house of John Korburg, in the Third ward, was broken open and about 150 pounds of hmns and shoulders carried off. A small iron bar which had been left near, told how the thief affected an eutrance, which was by pi'ying out a large iron staple that held the lock. - Rev. C. H. Brigham has returned from his visit to Ithaca, N. Y., and will preach in the Unitarian Church on Sunday at the usual hours, giving in the eveuing the flrst of a course of lectures on the Dark Ages. To the students class at 9 1-4 o'clock a. ar., he will give the flrst of a course of lectures on Pales tine. - The weather took a sudden turn Wednesday, and snow feil to the depths of six inches dursng the afternoon and evening. In the uight, a heavy gale comnienced blowing ; yesterday moming it had not abated, and it was almost impossible for pedestrians to get through some of the streets on account of the snow drifts. - As a man was driving along State street Monday morning, with a load of wood, when passing the residence of E. J. Knowlton, the tugs in some way became unfastened and for a moment there was danger ahead. There being at this place a small incline, the Bleigh was carried a short distance down the hil ïvhen the horses turned to oue side, and the load tipped over. - Three vagrants called at the jail Monday evening, and asked for quarters. They were taken in and given something to eat, which they devoured like cormorints, but had the impudence to aak for beef steak, pie, &c, and when assigned a cell howled fearfully, beoau8e there were no sheets on the little cots. Such croatures should be seut to Moimensing prison, and conipelled to pound stone for the reinainder of their lives. - For a nuraber of weeks past, a series of hops have been held in MoMahou's Hall, but lately a certain party who has taken au active part in securing a large attendance, rarae to the conclusión a few days ago that he would get up oue on his om accouut. Oonsequently the dance which was to come off Monday evening was slimly atteuded, probably owing to the fact, that two persons were stationed, one opposite the flouring mili on North Main Street, the other on the bridge in the Fifth ward, to meet those coming in to attend the aforesaid dance. As each party drove by, they were notifled that one was to come off in the Secoud ward, which would excel in every way the one formerly attended, and such we have been informed was the case.


Old News
Michigan Argus