Consecration Of Bishop Gillespie

Hoboken, Feb. 6th, 1875. A majority of the standing coramittees of all ie Dioceses of the Protestant Episcopal hurch, aud also a majority of its Bishops, havng consented to the consecration of the Kev. eorge DeNormandie (Jillespie, D. D., Bishop Dieet of the Diocese of Western Michigan, and ie having signifled his acceptanoe, order is ïereby taken for his consecration as follows : Time- St. Matthias day, Feb. 24, 187S. Place - St. Mark's Church, Grand Hapids. Consecrator. - Bishop of Michigan. Preacher. - Bishop of Long Islaud. Presentors. - Bishop of Indiana and Bishop f Massachusetts. Present and Assisting. - Bishop of Missouri nd Bishop of Wisconsin. B. B. SMITH, Presiding Bishop. The rector of St. Andrew's Church will close is rectorship next Sunday evening with apiropriate services.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Michigan Argus
Old News
George D. Gillespie