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A DiROBACEim, row occurred in tbo vania House oi iíoproaentativefl, at Harriaburg, last week, growing out of a dispute on a nicntnry point. The Bpea&r ortored a momier under arrest, when lus frionda ruslied to hin asfíistance md rcacued hira from the Horiïcantat-Armn. Piatofe wcrci drawn during tho melce. Samuel F. IIersf.y, a member of tlic preeout Cougrcss, from Maine, and elected to the next. in dead Senator Wni. A. Buckingham, of Connocticut, clied at Norwicli on tlio 4th iiiwt., aged 71. It ia reportetl from New York that one of the Jurara in tho Ti) nen-Beecter trial will hooh preBent a phymcian'a certüicate to the effect that the jiiror' lmigh will 110 longer hear tho tho utmosphcre of the crowded coiirt-room, and that death will certivinly ensue upoii further expoaure. His foroed wiüiüUuwal would, of conre, permauently end the prenent proceetlingn. An accident that oecnrred near Norwood Station, Long Mand, ou tho Hempetead branch of the Southern road, waa cansed by the waxhing away of a part of the track by tho heavy rains. Danger being reported from that point, the conductor ordered tho train to be run over that part of the line before the arrival of tbc 7 o'clock exproKH from New York. The train paned safely over, but on the return tho wbolo train was throivn down the einbauknient instantly killing Eli Thorpo, road-master ; JamoB Scott, engineer ; Barney Callaban, fireman ; Benjaniin Cowan, brakeman ; aud fatally woiuiding two others. Tlie men wero all okl employcu of the road and leave families Daniel Horey, John Sweeney, and JameH Drew are under arrewt in New York, charged with haring been concerned in Btealing a Bafe which íh said to hnve contained orer Í500.000 in bondH and money from tho Adama ExpreBS (!ompany. The company ban been reiy reticeut about thi hupe obbery, but it íh runiored that a considerable amoniit of the plunder han been recoveivd. THE WEST. Chicago eTeraíoq, aa per official ügnron, oontained ou the 3d inst. 8.139,768 bushela of vheat, 1.5GÍJH7 IjuuIiuIh oí coru, 545,775 ! els of oate, 14,806 bushols of rye, and 292,395 ; buKholB of barloy, making a grond total of 5,856,731 bushels, agaiimt 5,432.387 buehels at the same period lant year. The Episcopal C'onvention for tho diocese of IUíuoíh. in sesHÍoii at Chicago laat week, elected Rev. Dr. James De Koven, Warden of Baoine (Wis.) CoUcge. asUiBhop of Illinois, to Bucceed ; the late Bishop Whitehouse The people of Yankton, Dakota, are verv indignant becauso the Supremo Comí gnuited a new trial to Wiutermute, the slayer of McCook Bishoprics in the West go a-begging these days. Rot. Leighton I Ooieman declinos to serve as Bishop of Wisconein, to Avhich oflice he was recently electod. The loiver houBe of the Ohio Legislatura has i refused, by a vote of forty-four to forty-two, to ]ass a bilí to abolinh capital punishment. THE SOITII. . Waed, alias Hall, alias Blakely and Henry Johnson, colored, two of the men ít.plicated in the bold robbory of the expresa mesieuger at Jlemphis a few days ago, have been arrentcd. an.t have divulged the name of their ar soo'atcp. WASHINGTON. From the time of the pasnage of the Currency law on Jan. 14 to the 4th inst., the Comptroller of the (iirrency liad received applications for tho orgonization of new rmtional banka aa Iowb: Two baaia iu Maino, $150,000; two banks in Massachusettíf, Í 200. 000 ; two banka In Coimecticut, Í200.000 ; thirteen bunks in reunsylvaiiia, SI. 700, 000 ; ono bnnk iu New Jersey, .f 75,000 ; three banks iu Kcutucky, i?3rtil.i)00 ; ono bank in IllinoiR, $50,000 ; ono bank in Iown. 5o,000. ApplieatioiiB were also : received ior au increase of capital from : Maine, j $300,000 ; Vermont, 150,000 ; MasaacliuBetts, j 8150,000 ; Oonnccticut. ■■JSöó.OOO r-ylvania, HCO.OOO ; other States, $15(1,000. ; plieations were also made for ui increaso of . ;.. ,.i..Livii upui , ..rii.a aiready paia ap as i Iowb : Maasaclrasetts, $1,300.000 ; Conneeticut, ! ■300,000 ; other States, S241,0O0. Total authorized increase, '6.131,0O0. The Sonate Conimitteo on Territories have , ajreeel to report and recommeiul the passage ! of a bil! to oréate the Tcrritc.ry of Pembina out of the northem half of Dakota. Tnr. Commisaioner of Internal Revenuo is urging upon the Waya and Means Committee an increa;e of thirty cents on the whiaky, and four centa en the tobáceo, tax. THE TILTONBEFXHER TRIAL. TwKNTY-sF.eo.ND Day.- The teBtimony of Theodore Tïlton was continued. Itwaa devoted inainly to an expl&nattoli of the witnesa' reIntionf) to the Vv'oodlnill, ehomng that lus object in niaintaining thoni wa to protect Bceclier. The moet revolt ny port of the whole case was touched nheu the witneps relatcd the pointa of on interview held between him and Becchor for the purpoee of determiaing the parentüge of little Ralph Tilton. It is not poanible to cenceive anythiug more dingustng, yet a number of ladies sat through it all, and appearel to enjoy the rocital. ISvE.NiY-TiiiiiD Day- Thie was one of the most interesting davB of the trial. Tüton's examination waa coutinued. Tho witness testified to his action regarding the Bacou letter, and towartl the Plymontu Cliurcli InveBtigatiiig Committee. A few of -the letters which pwwed between tr. Tilton and his wife before the al!cged commJHaion of the crime ivere lntrbdttced to inüuence the jury in tho quetition of damages. Tlio cro3a-exaniinati#n then begau, SIr. Evarta condueüng it. and by liim the religión view of tlie witness were drawn out and made to compare with these of Ui wilu and Mr. Beecher. TwENTY-röunTii Daï.- TUton's ination, with Ml EpTta un interlocutor. was ■ ontinued. Hejjersieted in nis account, given 11 hi direct testimony, of the oocurrenees involving Bc-echer in adultery, and tlie most thorougb cra-ut-quetitioning failed to involve him in auv materud eoiitraclictioiir!. The whole ' courseol Tilton's vagaries, bis political ditt'er eucee witli Beecher, bis champioiiHliip of ' woman'e righte, hi editorial in the Indepond ent, bis letter to Horace Greeley, were run over in rapid review. T t.xty-1 iiTii -Til ton Htill occupied the witneHH Htand, under tlie qiieHtioning of Mr. Evarts. A largo part of the ly whh ooiwumed in reading the gushing correspondent of ÏUeodore and EHzabeth. Tilton teötified that when ; hia wife left hls home ahe took only hiu love i and good ivill, and han it Htill. The publication ! of t 10 oorrespondenoe between him and his ■ ivife in the Chicago Tribune was done at the ' sujgestion of lii counsel, Judge Morris, and j withont hifi (Tilton'H) proenrement. Twen-ty-siith Day- ThiB dfty's sesHion wan ' interesting mainly on account of the contentions between the counsel. There wero sorae sharp passages, in which all the attorneys in the case participated. Tlie cross-examination of Tilton by Evarts was continuad, but nothing of importance was elicitod f rom the ivitnesf. Mucli time was coniiumed in reading the corrcHpondeuce of Theodore and Eünabeth. GKNKKAX. The National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry met at Charleston, S. (!., on Wednesdy, Fcb. 3, Manter Adams, of Iowa, in the ohair. Ail of the oflicen? werc prenent, maldng, with delegatcs, over GpQ membern. The order of 'brmmesa UfiCd at the serenth annual Hesnion wa adopted. Jlafiter Adams then delivered an addresB, in which he congratulated the public ! on the otrength gained during the past year. Aftcr the delivery of the addresses the report f the Treafiurer was Toad and standing committces appointed. In the evening a public meeting of welcome was held and speeches delivered by prominent cittzens and delegates .... Two Hcrious dÍBaütcrs, reaulting in large Io88 of life, are reported froro Canada. At Cape lllanc eight peoplc were crushed to death by a falling rack, and in the vicinity of Quebec a family of six persons were overwhelmed and BaffoctttM by a Bnow-slide. Eight icsane peraon3 lost their lives by the burning of the Bcufort (Canada) Luuatic Aeylum, last week. The missing Billl King turns np on a Htock farm in Canada President (rant ha aigned fae Little Tariff bill Fivo States are bidding for the proposod new mint. .'. .Cbngreèe ha killed the chorno for a narrow-gauge niilroad between the East and West. FOKEIGN. Tue widow of tho late Emperor of China, overwhelmed with grief at tho death of her husband, has committcd suicide. lier name was Alute. and nho waa the diuightcr of a distingutehed ChincHO military offleer. She was wedded to T'ouiit; Chi on the lGth of Octobcr, 1872. BesiilcH the lady Alute, the Emperor hnd [ tliirty-uine otlier ivives, who took rank after her in various degrecs. Tue Marquia of Hartington has been elected j leader of tho Libaral party in the British House j of Commona, in placo of Mr. (lladhtone, who, after a long and aueeeHsful leadership, haa tiix-d to privato lifc. The cable briugti newa of heavy fighting in Spain on the 4th inst. The CurlistH werodriven out of Puente la Keina at the bayonet'a point. Heveral otlier engagement have occun-ed with likc resulta Egypt prospere uuder Ismail l'aBha. News comes that üarfour haa been amiexed Auother royal marriage - Philip, Duke of Saxony, to Louise, eldest daughter of tlie King of Belgium. Tue Britiah Parliamcut reaasembled on the 5th inst. The Queen, in her meaaage, says the peuoe of Em-opo remains unbroken, and shc will exert her efforta to havo it coutinuc so. Exerlions for tho snppressiou of i the Eivat Afriean alave-trade continue, and ite complete extinction ia contidently looked for. In tho colouies during the past year thero hae been general prosperity. Slavory has been abolished on the gold coaflt, and hencefonvnrd thfcre will be freedom thero as elsewhere. By providential Messing, the government has been i ab!e entirely to avert the loaa of life which was ; apprehended from t!ie fsmine in India, Abvices from Spain report heavy lightiug, in wliich the Cai-listh lnive been badly worsted. A eommitteo of Anatriaa noblea, whieh has hitherto contributed liberally for the Cariist canse, haa advined Don Crjloa to conclude n peaoe witn Alfonso. Füix partieulars of the loas of the steamer ' Japan have been published, and tlic dinaster tnniri out to hare been quite as frightfnl as the Conpatrick affair. Nearly 500 human beings were either drownetl or burned to doath.


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