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The Electoral College

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Senator Morton bas reportod a bill to tho ; United States Sonate providing for the ootmting of votes in the Electoral Oollego by botli housen of Otmgrces. The object of the bill ia to prepare for auticipated doublo returns in the next rreidentil electiou. It provides tliat both houset) of Congress Hhall meet together at ouo o'clock on the lost Wadtoesflay in January noxt ] suooeedlhg tlie meeting of the Electoral College, and bc preaided over by tho President . of tho Senato. Oue teller hall be appointed by j the tiuuatc and two by the Houso, and they Hhall roeeivo (rom tHe presiding ollicer the; certificates, a they are opeued, and, aftel reading them aloud," shall mako a list of the votes, iiH they appear from the certificaten. The resnlt of" their coiint, and the names of the persons, if any, elected, shall then be 1111ncrunced by the Fresidout of tho Senate. If, however, 'upon the reading of auy of the ! certiiientes, any quentiun shall bo rnised in regard to counting the votes tUerein cerlifted, the Henato Bhall withdraw to it.-i chamber, and each houne Biinll decide upon the queation rained. No electoral vote or votes from any Stnte, to the counting of whioh objcotiiJiis nu boen made. fihall be rejected, except by the aflirmative vetes of tho two housen. WlieB t!io twu hoiwes havo voted. they shall lmmediately reassemble, and the prewiding otïïcer shall then nanounee the decisión of the question Buhmitted. And any otlier question pertinent to the object for whioh the two hounea are anscmbled may be submitted and determined in liko marnier. The Kecond seotion of tho biü provides that " if more than oue return hall bo received by the President of the Kenate from nny State purporting to be a certincato of electoral votes given at tho preceding electiou for l'renident and Vioe-Preeident in snch Utate. all such returns may be opeued by hira, iu preaence of the two houses, when afisembled to oouut tho votes, find that return shall be eounted ■whieh the two houses, actiug separately, Bhall decide to bo the truo and valid return." The remaining sections of the bill limit each Senator and Representativo to ten minutes, in speaking on any oue question ; provided that, after fmeh debato has lasted two -hours. the majority of each lumue mav direct tho main qnestion to be put, without deWte, and provided that the joint meeting of the two houBcs shall not be dissolved until tho electoral votes are all counted and the result announced ; but it shall be competent for eitlior house, aeting aeparately, in the mannor hereinbeforo provided, to'take a reeess not beyoud 10 o'clock tiie next morning.


Old News
Michigan Argus