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TcESttCr, Feb. %-8enate The credentialn of W. A. Wallace, elcct from Pennsylvania for bíx yeara from March 4, 3875, were read and placed on file . . . . Shercnan submitted a reeolution instructing the Judiclary Oomxaittee to inqiiirc aud ivport whether thcre is now in foree any act of li;iisUtioa onder which the authorities of the District of Colunibia are empowered to prevent and supprePB notorious gambling establishments in the Dintriet, and, if there is not Huch legislatïoB, to report a bilí to confer bucIi power. Agreed to Allison introducid a bül to authorize tbc conatruo tion of a pontoou bridge acroBB the ftÜBsisaippl river at or near Dubuque, lowa Ingalls callod up the House bill to authorize the Séneca nation of New York Indiana to lease their land wituin the Cattaraugus and Allegheny reaervations, and to coniirni the exinting lease. IIfAUf.-The question of sunpending aud amending the rules was again tho subject of diseuawion. Garüeld offered a resolution preventing the Speaker enUrtaining motions of a düatory cbaracter, when Kandall and Cox raised the point of order that the Comuiittee on liulcR had had no meeting Hinco itwaa ord( ri'd to n-port, which vas overruled, The gentlemen tlun retened any further connection with the CommittPi1 on IIuIcb ; but this was declarod not in order at the present timo. Puring theday, however, the rewiguations were iusisttul npon and aooeptod. . .. The Committf-e on Ktüc-h preaented a new ruk; providing that whrnevt-r aqutiction is pending beforo the house, tlie Speaker fhall not entertain but one niotion to adjonrn, and one motíon to flx a day to which the House ehall adjourn ; but the previoiis quefition on the tngroement and the third reading of any bill or joiut r.-Bolution sliall not bo orderrd during the first day of its conHideration, unies two-thirda of the mcinbers prrsrnt eiOffl Êend fhe demand ; provided that the rulo ehaJl not apply to Houbc repolutione offcrud in tho moVrtmg hoTirs of Monday, the panago of wfaich wb advooated by the Speaker, 'ho came down on the floor. This rule was .i'lopf'l - yeas 171, naya 87 Butler, of Massachunetts. moved to talie u] Civil Higbtfl bill, but without aotlng on the motion t'ie Houne udjourned. Wednesdat, Feb. 3.-&!naf Logan inlroduced a bill aulhorizing the retirement of Gen. W. II. Eniory, U. S. A., with the rank and pay of Brigactif r-Gonr-ral The bill nppropriating $05,000 to' deíruy expenses incurred during the visit of King Ktilakiiua wób pa'wsed'. ... Logan prosented a re sol ution adopted by a nieeting of citizenf of (Tiicago in favor of the of n. bfH io f ■stnbliwh a hr.inch mint üt Chicago, which waa referred to the Conimittee on Finance The Sennte adjourned a f tor executive scsnion. Honte - Prcllminary questions connected with the j sènate Civil Rights bill were voted upon, and the ', proceedinga were enlivened by eomo unparliament ry language that pasied betweeH Butler, of puchuHetts, and McLoan, of Texas, Butler referrd to porticmn of tho Sonthffn propio ns banditti an'l mur.U'rrrn, whn coda tfonod at niirht in nniform and diQguised. McLean eaid that the meuibcr f rom Masaachusfetta vu fhe only imirdorcr on tho floor that ho knew of; ho lunl murlrred a man m New (rleann. JíutJi r rotorted tuat tlim laneruage was ruflianly, and muid notnowaffVrthmi, for whlob b v$p8 reprixuraded by the sn tker. Tho House tooU a recosa until 7:30, the evening Bessioñ to be exdusively for debute 011 thc Civil RigMs bilí. Thitiisday, Fcb. 4. - fíenate - Logan, from the (Vmmitteu on Militury Affaira, reportad back the BoiU lill to pro vide for tlic relief of pencan tuiíTeriug from the ravages of grasflhoppersi illl'l i waH I paAsed. . . . Morton presentad the meinorlal of the lïoartl of Iniiuftj-y ot í'iinnoltun, IikI., nsliinf? un ;ipprojiriation for the Improvexrwotoí UicOhiorivor.. . Ferry, of Michitíau, prcHontcd the memorial of settlorfl on tho Indian OÍBWfte land in línmet county, .Mich., praving Congresa to províde mcasures to Bocure them in thcír homcftcads. - Sener defended hla artion in opposition to th6 Civil HightH bilí ; he was tho only Kepublican imiiilMT vilio votcxl againut the motion to BUöpend tho riües....An excited episode oceurred duriug the debate on the paitaga of the bilí, lirown, of Keutucky, payinfí hit) respecta to Butler, iu whicli ho used the following language, speaking of the people of IjOUÍp iana : "Wehaví hiard it tichoud tlwewliere that Uxey were thiövcs and murden-ra auil night riders. The dergy of the Htate- Jew and Gentiles - have donied it. The )ufiiiifíBs men and Northern rosidenta have deáled it. A coiutuittee of your ovn House, a majority being Kepublicau, hun glyeQ it it toleran and eniphatie contradíction, and nailed the plander to thfl counter. Tíow, what fhould be vaid ií that accusation ehould eomc from ove - I speak uot of men, but in language within the rules of this llouae- if that accuMation against tliut people fíhould come ftctn one, who íh outlawed in hin owu home froiu rcepoctablo Rocicty, whose uame-n BynonymóUs with falsehood, whoiBtheohamplon,and oftabécu such on au oceaeione, oí irauu ; wüo m uit' apoiogibi 01 nueves ; wii o ie Biich a prorïigy of viee and meantrèSB that tc doscr j.bi_' liini iniaginotion would flicken and invective would exhauet itself ? In Seotlund. numy yrars gO, here was i man whose trado was murder, and lie earaed his liroliliood by the Helling of his victime for gold. He linked his namo tp bis criiue, and today, tliroïighout the world, it is known aa " lïnrking." The Speaker - Does the Chair wntlerstand the gentluiuan to bc rcferring in tliis langiiago to a meniber of tliis Houae Y Mr. lirown - fto, eir ; I ani describing a character in njy mind's eyo. The Speaker- The Chair underotood the gentleman to refer to a member of thin House'. Mr. BrCwn - So, sir ; I cali no name. Tbis niim's name I was liuked to his crime, and to-day, Uironghout the world, it is known aa " Burking." If I were to deniro to expresa aU that was pueiUa&imom in war, inhuman in peace, forbidden in moral, and infamous in politics, I Bhonld cali it lt Bntlerizing." [Sensation.3 The Speaker (interrupting Brown)- The {(■'.itli'itian did not deal in good faith wlth the Chair. He did not answer in good faith the questiou addroscact to kim. líali; olíered a retiolution that lirown waa guilty of prevarication, and that lie bc puMicly consiircd by tbc Speaker, vhú h was adopted - yeas 161, naya 79. The íicrgeant-at-Arnis then encorted Brown to the bar of the Honse, and the Speaker lulniiiiifltered the censure iu the ioilowing terins : " Mr. John ïoung Brown, yon are irraigued at the bar of the Ilouse, under its formal reHolutions, faPhavlngtransgresbea Lts 1-ule by di.orderly remarks, and lniving reforted to prevarication whenyour attent ion waHcullcd tothe rutee of decorum by the Speaker. For thit duplícate offense the House directed that you be publicly centiurod at its bar. ïso words from tho Chair in performance of thiHinost painfnl clntycould poKsibly add to the gravity of the otateskm or overity of the punishmont. It remains oitfy to prouounce, in the ti;mie oí' the Hou-e, its cansufft for the two offeusea cliarged in the reaolution." KFr. Brown - 1 wish now to Rtate that I intended no evasion or prevarication to the Speaker and no disrespect to the House. With these reniarks BP9WTt rcturiuul to his eeat, and this exciting iilcideut carne to u close. Friday, Feb. 5.-Scjiate.- The Senate adjournod immediatcly aftcr the readiiig of the journal, as a mark of respect to the mcniory of Senator Biickingham. Senators Hanilin, Öherman, StevenBon, FcntoD, and Waehburn ware appoiutea a comïnittcn to attend bis fnncral. gmtae- -TKe Civil Iiights bilí was taken up at halfpast 10, and iminteresting ten-ininute speeches wero made until nearly 1 o'clock, when Butler, of MattsachUBetts, roso to close the debate, llie ecene preseuted in the House has Cgrely hwn Burpaeed. Evcry gallery, iu'cluding the diplomatic, the ladjes', etc., ivas crowded, and nearly a Inotisand perrons were arouud the door. entleavoring to obtain adniission. A niotion to admit ladies to the floor was oh jeeted to. Afttr Butler had spoken at Home length i lo the quet-tion the House proceeeded to vote on the bill and amendnaents, and it wan paHfied by a vote of 162 to 100. The bill now goes to the Senate as an original Koubc bill, without any relat ion whatever to the Sánate biU alrcady passed Af ter the trjmaetion of eome unimportant ïniscellaneous businees, the House adjourned at 5:40. Saturday, Feb. G. - Senate -Weet preeented a memorial from P. B. B. Pinchback asking action on hia claim to admission as a Senator. Keforred. Consideraron of the bilí to organizo the Territory of Oklahoma was postponed to tlio second Monday in December next Hitehcock introduced a bilí for tho eonütructiou of a bridge Krosa t&e Missouri river at Dècatur, Nebraaka The atcamboat bill wan discussed at considerable liuftli and po&tppned. . ., Morton, froni tho Ooinmitler on Privileges aud Elections, reported back the Hnnito bill to regnlato the coiintitig oí' voten for President and Vico-rrenident, and aaked that the Oomnüttee be dichnrgod froni further ooniUirat:on. Öo order d Morton alKO reported, trom the same cominittee, a bill to provide for and regtüaté the cminting oí votes for rrenident and Vloe l'n'wident. and the deeiiïón of quösüüllf ariainR Ihercirom . . . . The Ciil Eightu bill was rcad a second time aüd roferredto the Judiciary Comniittee. Houuc- Tho majority and minority reports froni the Arkausas Invebtigating Committce wtre read aud rrferred.. ..Savjxr iutroduced a bill for the improvement of the Fox aml Wisconwn rivera Tlio Hesovplxf Canal bill was discussed at lungth, and pending a motion to lay it on tbr tubiu the ïlouao adjDurned. Moniiay, Feb. 8.-$enateVy & voto of 23 naya to 13 yea3, the House bill for the relief of John W. Miireh was rcjectod. Thia wa3 thö newing-machino patout bill. .. .Chandler prcsüntod the rewolutioiiK of the of Michigan, a-kiug an pi-ojiriütion tor tü.1 mipro vemen t ni tne nar nor at Kagle Harbor, Bentou Harbor, New Buffalo, South Haven, Nüw Joweph, and Sangatuek, aiid for the iinprovtinent oi' the uavigatjou of Pino river. . ..Schurz pri'Kented the memorial of citizena of the Uuited States, praylng au amöndtnent {■.- the Coüsiitution, l alwlish thö oftictïB oí' I'rt'aidcnt aud Vioo Preaideut, aud vcBting the powers uow belouging to Ümm iu a couucil oi bi-vuu uiembers, to be choKon by tle House of itnpresentativeB, to hich btxly thoy shall be responsable. Home- Bills iutroducod : Providiug for a tax on i incomes aboya $2,000 ; to establisii a brauch mint at I Dayton, ü. ; to uxato Ashluud, Wia., a port of j delivery ; to continue the iinprjvement of Ka cinc i and Kenosfia baxbrs, Wiaconsin The bfll giving ■ bounties tj the heirs of eoldiers who served Ion than I oue year ia the aruiy, cauie up a uufinished ! ueas frorn la-t llonóay, and was paused by a vote of 191; ayoa tt) 'Ü noca Sayler, of Indiana, f rom the I Conimittoe ou Patents, made au adverse report ou tho application for exteuaion of e cv,-ing-m achine patento.


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