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Finance And Trade

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The mclemoncy of the weather interferod somewhat with tho general wholeHalo trade, and conRcquently withthemovomentin finanrial circlea. j Moneyingood mipply aml in moderate dcniand. i Bankors very autious in grnnting favora exespt on A 1 paper, Hearings for the week j 931, 412,613.30. Intcrettt rates 8@10 per cent. accordingtosecurity. Government bond utoady i at U5%@U6 for 5-20'h '62, W.)X(m% for 5-20'b 'C5, Í16%@117 for 10-40'n. and 119 ! (r119% for eun-ency C's. IUinois school bonds ; 9?@98j. Latest'gold quotütioits - Chicago, BUEADSTUFFÜ. The following were the reeeipta and ' mente for tlie week, aa oompared with the aame time last year : Jteceijits. SHjments. A rticlcs. ■ j 1875. 187. 1875. 1874. Flour, brls.... ar),765 7I2,755 37,020 57,933 i Wheal,bu 397,3311 83J.1C5 193,949 342,930 Corn, bu 304,642 270,056 303,043 10,448 OatB, bu 97,480 15'2,9C0 54,230 44,280 Bye, bu 3.992 25,230 2,501 6,63 Barloy, lm 38,731 138,640 1 36,952 85,05fl Drusscil hogs. . 10,25'. 19,781 10,80-1 20,710 J.ivr ]in8, No. 104,821 110,723 28,716 49,046 ünttla, Nfl 1 13,884 11,M66_ 8,538 The courfle of the grain markets Bince ourlast review ha been etcaclilv downwnrd, and a eral reduetion ba taken place in coireut pricen. ! At the Hamo timo au active buBiuosa wrh transacted, the apeculative element of the trade tuking hold quite freely. Tl:e principal causo of I the prevaüing weakiiean was the heavy deliveriea - on líouday and the Hucceeding two dayn - oí' property on February contráete. Shorts had made liberal proviniona for their trades ou a declining market, aud wheu their contracta nmtured they wero ready to malte their deliveries. As had been antieipated, tho partiea having grain coming to theni on contracta did uot want to recoive puy íor and enrrv the property, and their only alternativo tuto forcé the grain on tbe market and aell out, or truuBÍer the tradea to March. Of courae the heavy offeringa weakened the market and wërê the principié eauae of the decline. The umial governing influences were alBO of an uufuvorablo tenor, and calculated to atiH.ii4 in producing & weak feeling. The New York and Liverpool advicea were indicative of unlavorable market and lower prices, consequenüy there iva nci encouragement for ahipperrt to do nnythiiig in the way of buying. Tho receípte wero lighter, owing largely to Ihe prevaüing inclemont weather. Tliw fact had no influonce, however, as the atocks in fitoro are atill quite large, and thero ia, of course, no probability of any reduction until after the opening of navigation. Spring wheat declined about 21ÍC corn lV(ñil5c, oats ?ic, and barley about G(t8c. Toward the clono of the week an " iruproved iceliug waa shown all ! round, and a filight reaction wa8 shown in i prices. Bpeculatorfl had generaïly Hettled thoir i February trados, and were ready for a new deal. Itegarding tlio future of the leading marketa npeculators differ wideiy in their opinions, and both parties are backinfi their espressed etatementn by liberal trading. It is generally j ceded that wheat -nill not go mucli lower ; that : corn ia too high, and that oats will mie lirra. These are onlv. Hpeciüatoi"' views, however, and are not based on auy positivo statement of factH and ligares ; although it i diih'cult to see how any cf the grainn named can nell higher unlesfi the markets at the East improve matcrially. Tho followiiiK wero the current quotations at tho opening and close of the week: Opening, Cloaing. No. 1 spring wheat, cash.. 88, 86 No. 2 spring wheat, seller March 89?L 874' No. 2 spring wheat, seller April 90j 88f„' No. 'i corn, cash 04;„ 63JÍ No. 2 corn, geiler March. . 65,, 64a' No. 2 corn, Beller May 12 71 s N' o. 2 onta, cash 52 } 52;„" No. '2 outs, Beller March. . 53 52' No. 2 rye, CBf h 9K, 97 9(S. 97 No.2barloy, cash, $1.24(1.28 $1.16@1.23 No. 2 bcrley, teller Mar.. XM% @1.18X Ne. 3 burle'y. canh 1.12 1.14 1.06 (il.08 rilOVlHIONS. The market tliroughout tbe week was active both for present and futuro delivery. Trices were somewhat higher, thongh tlie advance wan ' not maintainod throughout, the market closing at 18.8S ior cash pork. $18. 40(i 18.424 for ! seller March, and 818.80 for Beller April. Lard closed at $13.G5 for cash. and 13.75 for soller March ; seller April 13.05. Groen meata were firm and in fair demand. Bacon meats in fair demand for small lots. LIVE STOCK. Therc was a fair degree of activity shown in the cattle market, and pricea were steady and fli-in at $4.75(rt:5.00 for fair. .?5.00@G.25 for good to choice, and í6.25(a7.00 for extra shipping stcers ; stockers, t&70@4.80 ; butchors' cattle, Í3.OO(Í4.75 for cominos to choice cows and fair steens. Hogs were fairly active and prices werc iirm ; weather unfavorablefor handling ; eloaint' at 6.50@0.80 for Yorkera, 0.70C'fC.0O for poor to fair, and $7.00@?.88 for good to dioico heavy grados ; extra sokl at ít7.40(7.50. Sheep steady and in f ah' demand at $4(S 6. DEESHIÏI) UOiiK. HKEDH, indHWINEB, KTC. Dretised hogs were somewliat irregular, althoiiRli ruling fairly active. Demand mainly for liglit weigiito. Olosing at 7.55(c:7.(!0 for M)0@a00 ïb averages, aud 8.(J0(í8.10 for heavy weightw. PigH, 7.ü5(a;7.5O. Beeila were iirmer and fairly active, closing at i.4U(-i2.75 for fair to fancy tiiuothy, $C.75C)6.85 for clover, 85e for Hungaï'ian and' ÜO(iiU5c for millet. HighwineH were quiet but steady, closing firm at 93c. PKODUCE. Demand very ligbt and market dnll, andshippers and local dealers only buyiug spariugly. Fair to ehcice roll butter 2ü(24c ; commou 18c ; packed slow at 18(7 27 for conimon to choice. Beans dull. Broom corn in good demand aud Iirm ut Il(al3c for No. 1 to exbTi. lieeswax steady. Cranberriea dull. Cider steadv and Iirm út ■5.75cC.UÜ for choiee sweet. 'heefie in activo local and BhipxÑng demand, and pricti were t'irm at I5('tl7c for good to choica factory. Dried fruita steady and firm. Eggs were in moderate requeat and prices were Bteody at 24(a2Gc for fresh ; pickled duil at 15(a 20e for good to choiee. Feathers were in fair domand and stoady ; primo live geeae, 45c ; cbicken, 35c. (ame was qniet ; sbipineuts froin neighboring Htatea solí readily at #2. Ü0 (12. '25 i'or prairie ebiekens ; -1.5U @ï.@i$L for quail ; 1Ü3C1GC fr veiwion. (Jreen fruita in moderate deuiand ; apples, L1.50 (a.3.00 for fair to choiee. Hopa dull and ijlow at' 20((i40c for fair to good prime. Hor.ey Bteady at 23(Vt35c for comb. Hides met witb a good local and shfpping doinand at i(ti9c for i green nalted. diWding on GO lt3 ; green f rozen, T){c ; kip, 10@llc ; calf, 15e ; dry ilint, 18((L lac ; dry calf, 19@21c. Nuts were offerod l'rcely, and wore bIow of sale at .?2 for sbell-bark liickory, and 0 for largc. Ponltry was firm, with a gooil tlemand for good droased lot ; dry picked turkeya, 10@12c ; ebiokeuH, ngllj.c for fair to choiee ; gceno. ly.iw'ic ; duck, 12c. ' ] 'otatoes in fair local deniand ; peaehblowa, T5(9üc Lqt Westen jnd aO@95c for Eastem ; ::uiy roüo, SU(o.lJOc. Tallow waa firm and hig huat 8}(a8;Vi'c. Veal waa firm, witli a good '■ demand tor good lote at 7@lüc. Vegetables in fair supplv and niet ; red oniouB, $3.25(3.79 ; yellow, 4".00((i-1.50 ; tnrnijw, 4!)c(C0c ; cabbage, ! 75c@$1.00 ; carrots, 49@50o V bu. LUMBEli, CUUI'iaiAUK AND WOOI). The yard trado in hmibcr ia ügbt, Ijut fair for tbo Beaaon, and priees wero bteady. ('ommon boards, joiatn and scantling. 12 to 10 ft, ril. 00 ! 12.00 ; fencing, fl2.00@13.00 : long joista, ; ti2.60@l.0Q ; BfaiBglea, ;fa(3.25 ; latii, 2.10 ; ;ii 2. 20. Coopcrage Bteiuly and in fair domand at $1.15 for pork barrels lyl.iü for lard tiereea ; 4Sc50cfor llour bárrela ; and $L90@2.00 for '. whinky bárrela. Wood was firm and ui fair mand ; aales in tho yards at ÍG.50, i7.50 and 8 for beech, maple and hiekory respcctively. Telcgrapliic Market. Keports. NEW YOKK. Beetes 10t9 18X Hobs - Dressed 8.';(& 9,'i I OOTTON 1%@ 16 Fi.our - Snperttne Western 3 75 ( 4 25 Wheat- No. 2 Chicago 1 05 @ 1 08 No. 1 Spriug 1 15 (i. 1 20 Coen Hl (ni. 82 Oath f.7 (..; f.9 Kïe 03 (i. ;lii l'OKK- New Mens 19 00 (o' 19 50 Lard- Steam 13i @ 14 ST. LOUIS. Whkat- No. 2 Eed 1 06 1 07 Coiin- No. 2 New 6 (SI 65 '4 ] Oats- No. 2 57 w, 58 KYE- No. 2 !18 ( 1 00 i PORK- Meta 18 25 (i 18 75 Lard 13 (n) 14 Ho(is 6 30 (; 7 50 Caitle 4 50 @ 5 50 MILWAUKEE. Wheat- No. 1 !)1 (S, 92 No. 2 8fi @ 87 Cohn- No. 2 BI 0 62 Oats- No. 2 51 (rf 52 KïK 99 i. 17 Bajiley- No. 1 115 @118 CrKOISNATI. llod 1 10 (S. 1 14 Coiin- New 66 @ 68; (Iath N @ S3 I Bn 103 a ios I'ohk- Meas 18 75 (,.,19 25 Lard 13 a 14 1 TOLEDO. Wheat- No. 1 1 00 @ 1 11 Amber 1 Ofl (' 1 07 Corn- New 67 @ 68 Oatb 56 (- DETROIT. Wheat- Extra 1 12 @ 1 13 Amber 1 08 @ 1 09 Cobn "7 a 69 Oatb 56 (rf 57 CLEVEI.AND. Wheat- No. 1 Red 1 10 @ 1 12 No. 2Ked 1 04 (■ 1 M Cons 68 @ n OATS 59 (5 M An old bachelor aiys: "Whon I rerncmbor ajl the girls I've met together, I feol like a rooster in the fall exposed to every weathcr; I feel like one who treads alone Borne barn-yard all deserted, whose oats aro fed, wkose hens are dead, or all to maiket started. "


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