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Ben Wade is spoken of as the next Republican candidate for Govornor of. Ohio. Cabzi Schubz is going to Europr oou af ter Congress adjouma, aocompanied by his family. Senator Matt Cabpenteb, it is reported, will hereafter resido in me Enst, probably in Washington &i $ov.' i'ork. The Governor of Connecticut lias appointed Senator-elect Eaton to the vacaucy in the Gpited Statea Senato crc.-ated by the death of Mr. Bucldiigham. The Cincinnati (hunnt rcil sayseveiy United States Senator recently elected - with thé exception probably of Andy Johnson - is opposed to expansión of the curreucy. Gov. Campbell, of' Wyoming, who has rast been appointed by President Grátít Tliird Assistant Secretiiiy of State, wius at. the:breokinf out of Üie war a compositor on the St. Louis licpublican. Brooklyn Argus : " Charles Francos Adams lwB.aettleil down again. He is ohe of those ra-re -und delicate oojects prserved in tho oaljiuet. of national esteem, that are ouly taken out on great occasioiis, and exiet rat her for ornament than for use." Sestator -Ttstotht Howe, of Wisconsin, is quoted as Saying of Conkling's Lonisiana speech in the bénate : " I imiy change my. jnind upon iurther consideration. Btit as it strikes me now, this peech of Mr. Conkliug's is, vithont auy xceptioli whatever; the greatest oratorical effort of -which -ere havo any record in iuglish litei'ature." The wardrobe of the Speaker pro tem. of the Louisiana House of Representaives ia thns described by a New York rimes' correspondent: " He presented a very romarkable appearance. His Clothes were rrnich too small for him, nnd ïad cracked in two or three places Through these holes a soiled shirt apseared, and in the bosom of this garment i valuable diamond pin was plaoedi The rouiig raan wore a dirty shirt collar nnd and a namiug red neoktio." Mr. Anguö Cameron, the new Senator rom Wisconsin, as already amiOTUiced, ís a native of Néw York State. Previous liis removal to Wisconmn, aboutj ;welve years ago, ho was a bauker and Nroker in Buffiüo, aml tíae (bnrirr oí ;hat city gives tliis remembrance of him : " He íb' remembcred in tíiis oity as a mau of sterling integi:ity and charaetcr,whoRe genial addrcss uul tcmpf'ramentattaclicd to liira as personal friends all tliose wlio had tho pleasure of liis acqnaintancc. " New ïokk Tribune: ." The election; of a new Senator to Huoceed GaiBeatar wlllrequlre Uie clectlon of a ncw ! deutp-o ton. of the Souate fpr the Fortyfourth Ooiiía'ess. Vice-President Wilson being frorn the East, it is claimed that tho Presidency pro U.m. proprly belougs t the West. The ñamo of Senator Ferry of Miehigan has been proiriiucntly ; bi-ought iorward, not only on i-sectioiial fji-diinda but bpcanse of his qnalification for íhe pusition, which has beeu xpeatedly sluwn l)y his temporurv occupaney of tho ehair."" The editor of the Fleimugslmrg (Ky.) )( inocraf has roceivoil i cali from Gen. ; John S. Williams, i BepwcrakLe candidate for (Jovrrnor : "Wc wro . prisod," says this cundid editor in é- knowledgin'g tho visit, "toñud him so fiúl of enmity toward the mombers of j the Kentuoky pesa, and jiaitiiiulailv against thow; vhom he termcd the ' kid glovo ' and ' suolby ' portion of it. Gen. Williams is a íhieiit talki-r, nndour readers can imagino the sconng we !■■- ceived focan him. His ím Minear toward us vas harsh, asad NS parted froiïi him iu (UsgUHt." A Washinuton correspondent s.iyk : " The Wiscousiu aelegaíioa wétBt that ('X-Hi'untor Doolittle fihould iiot claim tho exclusive credit for Iiüvíhíí deiented Matt '(iarpiaiter. Thoy say that Alexandeï Mitcliell, of Mi'hvaukee, filó Ltsï iu ! Wisconsin dnring the (Uitire Benatorial I carniiaign, decide! which ik of the fonr ñames submitted to thé Pemocrate by the eighteen ljolturs ahould b(( United Htafcr-ti ! Senator. It is presumeil that the fact that i Angxis. Oameron is of Seotch desceñí had somethiiif; to do v.-ith Aloxnnder ll's choice." Judge Chribtiahcy, tlie ifewly elected Senator fröm Micliisriin, thm defines his wlitical creed in a recent letter to i Tiend in Wasliington : "I wae oléete is a RépuUltóen, witb whicli political örr anization I liave been cunneoted siïiee tïie day when we were called woolylicads ;' but I du Uft fe4 bound ooï by Ycry many ut' n:ts of tlie President tre oontrary to Ole spirit of republican institutioiiH ; boside.s, I have bean on ttie beneh so rnany yearB tliat it is impdssible that I can be, in my eareor as Senntor, a prti.:an." The Naslmllo Jianncr say oí the young man whom the BwtW stetesmsin " lately stmvd np: " Wc fnuik to say tbat we do Böt admiro aitatudfe wliieiitlw Hon. Jolin Y. Bi-own, of Ré(ntucky, (jcoiL])ics iu, 8 a typical SouiJu'ni )v])i'frt'nüit-v-, so woll an that of Lam-ar, of ■Mississippi, or Gorilon, af ■ Georgia. Somcliow tha beiügcvoncy df] om Kentucky politiciaTis - always eiewtiug Beek and Knott - is ko Öförfe ostentatious thaa twelve years ago, tbat it sopiiLS just n ■littl; ill-timnl. l?rown iniprcssoK iis as a yoiuiK enÖfiinkri il' more Weat than tnct, and lesa discretioh than valor. He eertniiilr gfct wprste(i in liis littlo tilt; bpjfc Khouldu't jniiul tliat but for tlie fact tliat in srll1ívssxiitmmI rule of the Soiitb'tt J iivid lie nissert the onc-cycd Gulinth o!' liiidiculism, uní khvh the Phiüetinea ono maije chfince to ciy ' i'onl. ' "


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