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The Warning

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Night liad scttled down over the dieary seu-eoast, mul over the throbbmg, _mtles sen. The wind lifted itself with a swelling sound, and roved abou t a lqnelylooking fisliermau's cottage tliat stood on tko beacli, sliaking tho doorn and windowR, ever and anon süiking into ( low murmurs. Sliapoloss clouds (Iviitdd aoros.s tli(3 dim, blue fii-inament. The mopn kIioiio at intersils ; but its fitful light leut no cliai-m to tlu; dismal scène. There was only one other liabitation in siglit ; iind it was a largo, old-fa-sliioned mnusion, standing far back in the country, yet wliose massive frame stoocl ont boldïy against the steely blue. Those dwi'llings were tlie only visible token that man had invaded this di-ai-y waste ; for, aside from tluuii, notliing met the eye save a sinuous, curving road, grc;at jaggcd clilfs, and stretehes of barren land, broken here and there with patches of gaunt, leaiiess trees. A light glowed in the lattieed window of tlie fisherman's (hvolliiig- it look(-n eheerful. Befóte a firo whicli tmrnea on tne hearth oí the capacious firoplace wiétim, a young girl sat, listening to tifié roariug, m'oiming anthem of tlie winds. It was a beautiful face that, at times, beiit meditativo! y toward tlie fflfe, or gazcd out if tlifí wimlow. A palé, ye't SVeét face, with bright. carmine eyea, and iíá dance of koií, ilavk hair - tho ínco, oí a young girl past her sovent(!eiith year. Tliis was Lila Wyndo., the oiily child of an oíd üsherinnñ, who had ciwolt in Httkèé on tlie boach as fái back as i ■■ ■ '-rnld rom''inb(T. Their was SOÍnBthing rémáíkilble abont tlie young girl. Looïdng at her, olio would piÖïOy cali her lov.-ly; but add, weak and timid. Slíe was weak, tnily, ns as ]ihysical strength U cóncerned ; but benenth !ieiümidity hirked a firmness of purpose wliich waited only the proper moment to bring it into life and action. ' Tliere were two doors l(;ading f rom tho room in which she sat - bne to a sort of. closet used as a f eceatoclc for books and various miscelfeuaeons &rticle.s ( the other into u largor room, which was uëcnpied uow by hrr father aml a mnu ki.whose kiihT she had iutrusted lior liappiness. Cüïl Oonnjor was ■' eailor - a. torn, trae friewtl of oíd ÍGasper Wynde ; and altliougb Lila feit biily an ordiuary regard for him, sho had, wlieö ho usked her to lm his-vvifo, obeyed the oiten-expressed aèsiré of hor father, and accêpted him. More than ouco dark whispers regaïding Carl's parly lit'o canie to hev, for She had kiiovn him but a short Eme ; but thesa she refused to beüeve - or, at least, affectedinorcdnlily. They had been engagea at tne time ivo write uuward of a ycur. lf they had baen married'Mhöü, the curren of her life might have flowed on as smoothly and evenly as ever, -without even a rippla marring ïts placidity. Eut destiny bad decreed it otherwise. will ïiof enter into details as. to the mannor in which Kliuilcrick Oivis bêcaiïie acqiiainted with Ella Wyirfe. Sniïu e it t siiy, he resided, vntfi his sister Aliee, a beautiful girl about Lilas, age, in the eapaeions mansión on tlie nu. They lived in alniost ragua secliisionj but Lila, íiomeluiw, becsimo a weloomá guest beneath tlieir roof ; aud in tlus way an iutimacy sprang up bctwíH'ii he andthc your.K "man whieh daily ripenod Lato deeper feehngs- ay, intoaéep, pure esdwRWg lo ve. But Bhoderick hesitated to In-cathe his passion ; and Lila did not knpw bOT dce) hér fejngs -svcro pnlisted in lus favor, until Cari, who liad kept a strict surveillance ou actdons, broke icith in a storm of' jcalonsy. Tlien Lila knew she loved Knoaénok Orvis, althougli lier faitii wiw plighted to ann . . L Her position was pmame. iu ippt;i n to Oarrs better nature- to teil liim that nuiiTiiige-TowR to liiin were lies to kill l„,r Koul__f.0 isk liiin tu release h- was, i she intuitively feit, futile. lustrad, therefore, of denymg his accusation, , she butst into a wild ftt of weepmg, wliich fullv ecntimied bis suspkicma, ■Vliile it addecl fuel to tlie flamcs of , ousy smoldering in liis lieart. His ynm a nature at onoe craftj, evilaiidOTninng. j So lie pretended contritioii, asked pardon tot clonbting hor lovo, professitig tip %.i:-.m íí- wou wlinllv Tii. iLTid tilianti(Jd . thé convrmiüon. His plans wre already laid. Wliatthry ■were reinuins to be seen. All Üliá, HKl WMfei )iii'il thnniLíh ],iht Wvuuf's muid :■■■ slic st tlu'vc, anfl bad gro-wn weaiy f ustenuijg to toe olamor of the winde. The lire dieH out; the old-f tüuöned olook in the eornerfcruck twejve. Lija rose,, walked to ■■the window, and pushed vnidi tho ciir■hdn. The sea shono ük' molten jüver in the dim moonlight, girdled by the wcii-d-lookiiiK beaohj which Kti-etched nviiv iu1o shadow of night, ftiong which tne ïnoonung cicie was uïeHJv with no little tumult. Lila sinilml; phe was thinking of Bhoderick Orvis. Then a cloud jjatiscil over her Loe M souu: pft jilcufiant tihaagkt (Mme iátO her inind, and dropping the ourtain, she turneil ;nvny linstiiy. A bTiRljt five burneil in ! the other room, where lier futher iud CmiI süt; V)nt now tnërë was a lidl iu 1 thail coliveratition, and the silence of death reigned everywhere. It, inuf;t Jiptn instinct tbat pj-ouipted Lila to walk to the closet, tako u hwh, íiiatelujs, and a small lunii) from a i h.eÖ oear Ihe door; aa she come out, a IV-w words i.'nrl illiv--wl lifT fatlicv tVll npon her ears and traustíxed her to the spot. She listened breathleaely. "I teil yon lio has tho mone.y-will bring it iïom tbc tmvn to-night," Car] .said'eagerly. "A tbou.saud pouutls are not to be pioked ip every day." "No," ber J'atber answered; there was a strange hesitation in bis voiee, lie tbouglit. "And ve must bixveit. " He may make a desperate reaifitancc. Are wc prcpared fpf ití" Voy answor, Cui'l di'ew out a ivvoIvit, mid laid it un Üu; table beside liim; bis i'vc Jlaslicd drfiantly, and lii.s w:us agÍQV witb vrry wiok'.'dncss. "Xo, no! íiuttluxt!" tbe oíd fisbrrmansai.l lioara.'lv. "Aud wby imt í Cari rciiondcd, h:viigely. " Wby not, avIicu tbe mpney váll (abld us to live lik mní i This is iny plan : we will gct tbc uojicy- we rnliát not let u lift: Ktand in tbo yay. Once in posscsHion, wo ayíH fly tbe country, Lila and all ! It will be tyo bot to bolit u:í," be addcd, witli a bitter, ncldeHs, ringing laufílu Her futbcr made some reply whièli Lila failed to overbeiir j bnt sbe cáugbt tb:-se vvords, after tne lapse oí Rome míuutes : " In balt' r.n hour. 'ïvill he after midnigbt tben ; and tbe dar!;, lonely glenijust tbe place. No pryinft ev.s All tbis Lila beard distinctly- beard a one b(ars in a droam. Long before tbey cea-sed speaking, tbe tmth dawiifd upon lér. The mau whom tlicy proposea ro ol), and, perliaps, nmrder, was Ithodjrick Orvis. Ho had lately purchased a tract of and adjoining bis om, and the money ivas to pny ihè porson from whom he ixmght it. It was au awful moment fc Ehe young fcirl ! For an instant she ïéëmèa aliout to lose her sensos ; the next she gvcw calm, and her heart rose lip proud, d(üant and courageons. She wonld save him ! 'P.nt she must uct qiickly ; not a minute -nas to bc lost. Cari and her father were mnkiiig ready to start. To snatch a heavy cloak from the opposite wall, wrap it iibout lur shoiüders, and move swiftly iieross the room to the door, was for Lila the work of searoely more than a seoond. She uniastoned the door, elosed it ñoiselessly, and fonnd herself in the littte yard otttside. It was some distanee from the house to the glen ; but the joxirney was one of rapid execution. And hardly had she gained the top of the narrow gorge, wíien the sound of wheels coming s-nftly ov(r the rough road feil npon her ears, iind pwsently a phaeton containing Khoderick and Ali'ce Or-is eame in sight. With a fervent prayor ou hov white lipa, the yonng girl glÜBd forward as they tlrew htët the 960) where she was tremblingly stationed, and the phaeton lmlted whên the occnpants observed the dark-i'oliMl filtre standing in the center f the vond, effectually lian-ing fiirther i progresB. Lila a4dresaed tliem afc onoe. ! "Back, bak!" sho cri(Ml, in sharp, exciting tones. " If yon valué yomlives, titm bfadk ! Doath lnrks iii the p'ath yon Bti pm-sning !" A thrill of Rupei-Htitions awe ran througli Ikt. KstwtólW Alioe uttered a cr ui' mingled terror and alarm ; fat IVÏKnl. -L iv lv i ....- .4., Nl.yilift. 'i )if! ilid SU. " 'ho ara yon " A íriend ! J us I bid yon, aad all SriM be well," was answcred. " liemember, you are. -wamod !" flouted bfcïk to theni on the atiü night air. And Lila w;ík gono. Xhere, was 110 mistaking the sineenty of her words. Rhoderick feit this, and, aotiug npon the impulse of the moment, and the wild entreaties of his siater, gtwang i'rom th; whiclo, ussisted hor to alight, iuhI Bccuriug the. terse to a tree, turned UW '■■ fOm Wj led aeroHs the flekis to their house. It was hifi inbMiüon to ïeturu hs sxn as he had conducted his sister homo, tiike chiu-go of thehorse, and, if possible, learii rnore,i;tpoctii)i,' ihe ïiight'n advcjitiire. Neithtr ïocoguizcd Uh; pia-son wlio gave them the tiuiely wavniug; nul Khodcvick had ot the faintest idi'.a tlmt it mB gcntle Ijilii Wyudo who had sayed hia lifo. Their retreatiug ,f ootstops liad not thej away hvún-c oíd CJasjx-r Wynde cntercd the 'lea, and glanciug about him at e.very tóopi m tliough m "ared theiv pn;y hii.l escaped. Wbat lus eonjoctures were o liudmg the horse and veluele fchere, we eannot say; bit a gliramenuí,' ; uL tlio trutli must have eointi to him ' Uier; for, lifter a momont's hesitatiun, , lui ipiapg into the. cIkiísi:, .seized tlie ivin ■■-, uud drove mpiiUy down the glen ,, liie pot where Cari was lying in c-.nlineiit. At the b (Hom of the veliide was a large iwr cloak, wliich Bhoderick had worn aud forgotten iu his liasty depui-hire; aud almost uuconseiously the old man drew this about his shoulders. Attired tluis, a casual . observer wonld haye easily mistaken him for llhodei-ick Orvis. Tlurir heiglit was almost similar, t i :„ 4X .,-.,!.,,■ -vtriwck tvf.mnrv lililí? n auu men uyiuw wu MWHrfrP "■■-■■ the same. By tliis time he liad get6ei the (Aen aiul passed on. A moment after, the , report oL i pistol tang out, mul a bullet wliiKtlod uloug the heach. That hot w,is B fntal ouo. Lila, lmrrying breathlessly homtiwarcl, hemd it and slmddored. Slie had iniiaut to avoid th sjiot where, guessed her fath(r and C!arl laid in wait for thek viotim; bnt iu)v, impelled by i stïonger curiosLty than slie e,(rald rysiat, she ran thitSer. Il It was aii' open spiwe at tíio end of tlie glen, eovered almost with lmge bowlders, i aroimd wliieh the road ran like a great i white serpent; und w-hen nho reached ■ the placo, a strango siglit biet her eyes. Cari wis staudmg besule ie prostnita i'orm OÍ hev futhor; far down tin! rfcad slie saw a tot and jffUMmt goñkg at u fcarful peed, oerttia runuing , awrty. lila grew iale us the dend. Klm i took a stog aaatót Cari, and tliis wus but i to ooiitimn tlio feav tíuit suddelily finóte ker_hr was dcad! Vc, dead! and tlui mounüglit.sto'Hixxiug iliout hiin fslijw-'d u fatal wiranil 10 ls brast, ü-oni which tbe bm& was in a OiimBoaa Htrcum. Whei) MM Raw lvhoilcnrk s donk lymg , H'ivr him - cvui thon uhe rnoguiz'd it i lid grasped the tnitb. GfliA bq mistaken lui' lutliov ior Khodorick Orvis, ,inil shot hún deail. And it wns ko üde ülil li.shci-miin rodn fAgbi t( 'i doom. Slowiy th' homtied kíi:1 timuul kó Cnvl. Il is fftOP lonki'd, iü tlw wtiïdlj limmcriuii im)onliilit,, the color of ,,at j ilsclf; a tremor .sluiok liijn from liiwl t font; lic i-eeiiud jmrulyzicd witli bon-or. lic moved to-.vard lu-r; Imt 4ie uiuedhimoli1. "Go!" shc siiid slowly, Bolcranly, storiily. "(, and uover lot mi Iook upon 'j-ciur fací; ugain. Go, umi nuiythtj) onphgfli'8 curse foivvrr follmv yqu !" Without a word, witlxmt ilaring tu cast i Ltliaicc ut tlia rigul iWm "f Uis wisrlT.hlc Vk'tüll, tllC gUÜty, tl'lTÜicil Ml laiii sllini nway, nc.:r lu return. ïln-n Ijila WmkI.'';í' ki-us.'s rcdfd, una, palc andgliastly, .slie saiik to tli ■ i-irlli peside the il ! l).!y of ln-r fatlier. And IliiiK lílioacrick Oití louna hef a few moments later. It was .a year Ixifore Lila reoovered f rom Hm effect of tlitr ibreadful shock Le ïéeeiv-eU that BW, or eousod to think of hei f itei's terrible iatr. And wkcu slu: beearaeiRliodöricJi's Svifö, ewu. the limii,lesa ha layisJied upon her diil not suflice to baivah it entirely f rom bes miud. ■ IW .ii ui


Old News
Michigan Argus