Rev. George D. Gillespie Resigns Rectorship at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church In Ann Arbor

Dr. Gillespie closed his rectorship with an appropriate discourse on last Sunday evening. The church was completely filled. The rector reviewed the work of his pastorate of over 13 years, and that the record is a creditable one will be seen by reading the discourse itself, published elsewhere in this issue. The following is a schedule of the parochial acts of St. Andrew's Church during Dr. Gillespie's pastorate, commencing October 13, 1861, and ending February 14, 1875 : Baptisms- Adults, - - " ,?„ lufants, - - - 352 Total, 45 Conflrmed, - 222 Communicanta admitted, - 227 Beceived, - l'8 Added total, 375 Died, - - 39 Removed, - - - 210 Uropped or withdrawn, - o Total loss 277 Net gaiii, - - - "8 Present number, - 198 Of the commuincants at commencement of rectorskip just euded, remain, - Marriages, - - - }T, Funerals, - - ■ ■iao Collections.subacriptionsforpnrochial objects, excluding pew rent, W.BUb.H For objeots without the purish, b.yfaO.bU Total ■ $69,566.71