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New Ice Company. The unclersigned wishes to inform the citizena of Ann Arhor that he ia now ready to take orders and make contracts for FURNISHING ICE next summer, to private families, hotels, &c, and At Veey Reasonable Rates. J. Win. HANGSTERFER. ORAND PACÏFICT HOTEL. Huvinf? purehased all the furniture and taken a lease of this magnifleent hotel, I have admitted Mr. Samuel M. Turner formerly of the old Ti-emunt House and late of the Palmer House, Chicago, and Mr. Tyler B Gaskill, formerly of the Kevere House, Boston, to an interest in the hasineas, which will be conducted under the name of JOHN BDKAKE&CO. THE HOUSE Covers one entire block, huving a frontage south and east of over 500 feet. Is admirably located for the convenience of guests ; is tboroughly built in the best manner, with all modern improvements Every flcorfrom basement toiooí, endoses a four inch layer ot' cement, which with other afeguards, render it practically fire-proof The vililutioii is perfect, and the whole ia being refltted with the addition of new and elegant furniture aa required. The service, table and other acoommodationsbeing the same to all ffiiests. will be maintained fully up to the high standard of their predecessors, and equal to any house iu this or any othor country, but the proprietora have decided to meet the just expectationa of the publii in these timee of finan - cial depression by graduating the prices from $3.00 to $4.50 per day, according to the loeation of the rooms occu pi ed. JOHN II. DKAKEi T IN8EY & ÖEABOLT'S BAKERY, GR0CERY - AND - FLOUR &. F EED STORE. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. "We shall aleo keep a supply of DELHI FLOUB, 3 M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOÜR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKVVWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, Ac, &;. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS con8tantly oihand, whioh will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any otber house in tbie city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce grenerally. ■" Goods delivered 10 any , part of the city without extra charge. III sr. Y Sí SHA HOI, I . Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1, 1876. 1514tf TO THE Gitizens ofAnn Aroor AND THE STIWTS OF THE M1VERSITY, I would respectfully announce that my stock of Fine Woolens fou WINTER WEAE is now complete, and will be constantly replenished with The Novelties of the Season. Gentlemen wishing Comfort in Press, combined with ELEGANCE AND STYLE, will be fully satisfled by giving ub a trial, and are invited to favor as with a cali. H. HINTERMISTER, Mebchant Tailob. 209 Jepfron Avbntte, between Bates and Randolph Sts. ESTABLISHED IN 1860. BUSINESS COLLEGE ANN ARBOR, MICH., Devotvd to the Practical Education of Young and Middle-Aged Men and Women. lay Classes throughout the ycar. Evening Classes rom September to June. Inatruction accordingto he most approved plans, and mostly individuAl. jtudents can enter at any time and receive superior nstruction in Business Penmanship, Commercial jüw, Business Correspondence, Business Arithmeic, 8ingle and Doublé Eutry Book-keepmg, Graïam'a Standard l'honography, and Practical Tel(graphy, Main line wires pass diiectly through the ■ooms of the Telegraphic Department, affording ;he siudent every advantuge of "Actual Office PraoAce." The progress of the stadent in Book-lceeping is rreatly facilitated by the use of a ntw Ch:irt entitled " Book-keeping at. One View," just published by the Principal of this College. Cali at the room during school hours, or adiress, C. K. PON D, Ann Arbor, Mioh. 1493tf OTICE. An adjourned annual meeting of the members of the Washtenaw Mutual Pire Insuranoe Company will be held at the Court House, in thie city on Wednesday, February 24, 1875, at 10 oV.lock a. m., lui the purpose of amending the Charter o said company. Dated Aun Arbor, Jan, 13, 18T6. N. SHELDOS, Secy. ÜUT YOUR MONET WIIEKE IT WILLDO THE MOST GOOD A. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y COMPETlTIOPi ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Gents' Furnisliing Goods. pg Call before purchanug. 1 5 South Main Htreet. 8F ■VTOTICE! All persons indebted tfl the late Ann Arbor Trading AaMooiation are notifled to call and settle Iheir acccountB immediately, and thereby save coste. Bettlements will be made at the late place of buaineBs, 18 South Main street. GBO. BUTTON, Assignee. Ann Arbor, Feb. 10, 1873. DON'T RE AD THIS! That ever reliable dealer, WE WAGNER has in store a futí stock of Ready-Made F ALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Wliieb must and will be eold ui PRIOES TO SUIT THE TIMES Also a full stock of Cloths, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER, Style nd Work warranted to luit. Also a TW11 Line of Furnishing Goods. CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 South Main St. Ann Arboe. 1496 BAILROADS. PANADA SOUTHERN Fïailway Line. The route opened for through travel. DECEMBER 7, 1874. Until further notice, traína will leave Detroit from Depot, fuot of Third St., t the tollowing hours, Sunduy excepted : 8:05 A. H., for Toledo, arliving at Toledo 10.15 a. M. 11:30 a. M., for BuSalo, arrivini? at Buffalo at 9:05 p. M. 1:00 p. m., for Toledo, anivlng at 3:10 t. m. 5:00 p. m.. for Fayette, arriving at 8:60 p. m. 8:28 p. k., (daily) for Buffalo and Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 10:38, Buffalo at 6:40 a. M. Thii train has sleeping coaches to Buffalo. Trams arrive at Detroit at 6:40 a. M., from Buffalo, 9:36 a. m., lrom Toledo, 10-30 p. H., trom Fayette, 4:36 p. m., from Toledo, 10:02 p. m., from Toledo and Buffalo, daily. Through tickets to all parts of the East, West and South, may be obtained at the Compasy's Depot ticket office, and at office corner Jcfferson avenue and Second streets, office corner Atwater and Kandolph treets, and at Michigan fexchange Hotel. b. Mochan, General Passenger Agent, Buffalo. W SNYDEK, General Superintendent, St. Thomas. FÍint & Pere Marquette R. R. TOLEDO, SAGINA W AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable connections made at Waj-nr Junction with trains of the Miohigan Central R. R. Pour traini North and four South daily except Sunday. Time Card of Decembeb 14th, 1875 OOIN9 NOETH. A.M. P. M. P. M.! P. II'. Wayne, leave 9 00 2 00 6 03 i 1110 Holly, 10 45 8 17 7 46 12 "j Flint, II 28 4 00! 8 14 4 SS Kast Saginnw, 12 4." 9 0 9 60 8 25 HaninawClty, IJ 62; 6 12 9 67 Bay City, 1 20 5 4S 10 U 7 M V.M. Reed City, e 30; ! 12 2 Baldwiti City,. 6 20 j 1 15 Ludington, 6 00 - - - t 55 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. OOINÍ1 OÜTh! ; A. M. I A. M. P. M. P. M. Wayne, leavo 8 90; 11 30 3 oo! 6 03 p. m. Monroe, 9 26 12 30 3 H 7 20 Toledo, air. 10 30 ! 6 00 1 9 05 SANFORDKEELER, Ass't Supt. J. F. Noubse. Gen'i Ticket Agent. DETEOITrHILLSDALE & INDIANA RAILROAD. OOINO WEST. - 18T5- IIDINO EAT. STATIONS. Mail. ExpJ 8TATIONS. Kip. Mail. Detroit, dep... 7:00 3:;i0 M M' Ypsilanti.... 9:15 5:45 Bankers 4:00 2:15 Saline.. 10:00 6:21 "Hillsdale ... 4:18 2:25 Bridgewater.. 10:27 6:42 Manchester.. 7:07 4:07 Manchester. 10:57 7:05 Bridgewater 7:40 4:2" P.M. Saline 8:10 4:45 Hillsdale 1:30 9:04 Ypsilanti... . 9:00 5:15 Bankers ,1:44 9:15 I Detroit 10:30 (:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take effect Aug. 13, 1874 W.F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. CLOTHING! GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE -OP- READY-MADECLOTHIM Gents' FurnisMng Goods, HATS AND CAPS TRCSKS &c, -A.T OOST For the next Thirty Days at MABLEY $e CO'S. 33 South Main St. MARTIN'S BLOCK, Ann Arbor, Michigan, GEORGE BULL, 158 Olanairer. FIRE! FIREÜ For Insurance againat Fire, go to the old agency of C. H. MILLEN, No. 4 Sodth Main Stkeet. Agrent for tbe HOME INSURANCE CO. of New York, Capital and Surplus nearly $5,000,000, CONTINENTAL FIRE INS. CO., N. Y., Capital and Surplus $2,600,000, ORIËNT, of Hartford, Connecticnt, Capital and Surplus $700,000. GIRARD, of Phlladelpliia, Capital and Surplu $800.000. C. H. MILLEN, Agent. 1609m3 MOBÊ 1BW TEAS AND COFFEESÏ LOWER PRICES ! LOWER PRICES t Don't fail to vluit the Cash Grocïbt House of of Edward Duffy, during tha next thirty days, and examine hii Teas and Coffees of the lateat importationa, which will be sold AT NEW YORK PRICES. Sugars, Syrups, and Spices, together with a full line of General Groceries, very low for Cash. Cheap bargaina for the next Thirty Days in BOOTS & SHOES India Rubber and wool lined Good, together with a full line of Geutlemen'a Furniahing and Hosiery öood. Please cali and examine gooda and pricea, and I will ensure Batisfaotion. II paya for everybodr to trade at the CASH GROMY HOUSE EDWARD DUFFY. Muynard Block, Cor. Main and Ann Bt„ 1SU Ann Arbor, Mich iumii I IID-V OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing under the Brui name )t Tripp, Ailes & Price, i thia day diasolved by mutual agreement. All liabilitiea of the company, will be aettled at their old place of buiiseBb ; and all wlio owe them, either by note or account, are requested to cali and make ïmmediat settlement. CHAS. TBIPP, KOBERT K. AILE8, ROBEKT J, PRICS. Dated Ann Arbor, Feb. 1,1876. Iflw6


Old News
Michigan Argus