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Tuk flrat tfmtM)tó Uirougi ü Hwaiwo . unnel on the 9th nrt.,;.iiBlwtsjiaiKlrel llw.iHaii4,.a9%rii'71SPIi(1tVím])''!"lt.V "'' Miv.w.l 1, íiíftin -].lrtlTli.on íBaá ■■ wa8 geen to p no attention lo Iiíh team, iui'1 ;i coUision %mHMïcr Öf fc ii:t,,l. ' H w,.s t'.iaii asc'ortjinwl ilmt Ujo mm en-stilT, was Btill ji.i :i ■inii'üiiif jTWitijtt, uithone h:ui(l grasping WK Ihmb d tlií mln-r upoaotiio' brke. Tjhs therniouctt-r iinliwtrd l.ut iík degreea CoxiimiïkjaFn)kMi!l HdiVrtfe of Hic Fourth ÍI:i.s.s:i'!iiiacttH JJipti'iw, wKw1 dcatii i.i suiiDiiiu-cd. ■ vnsl nuf o! tht wi-iilbient ïncu in Xow : :ci:h largèlv ta)ga;-?cJ iu maaufaoltlNA UbiM J fa . The Pacific Jlail Directom havo approyed the iK'tion of 11 i ifi oirioring tlip intítitution oí uit tlia-c ku-üoa lliiged to have reccived huíísí.Iv nnuiev. liont tïiirty lcrwü]s vi I'S jnvijved, ;_,'■'; THE WESYi Wan PMifaWSV-iiHx Jtwt heeft enjoj-iifs on of her periodiQnl í;ivííhuuko shocUtf. . . . Ine Indiana '3ifil%jSíW i" tíi'ing fc neguWe goge-smaflmig ÍM umiislirrs. . . .('hira-o Ht vator, n per oülcial returns, uouuined 011 the lOthinst. 3.556.005 Imshejs oí wlieat. 1.542,070 bushel.s ni' i-..ri i. r7. U:i luit!'] of oïtB, 12,364 lmxliels of rye, and.84.!3S' jünshela of barley. making a nvijU total . of, ,.33,125 bushels, agaiuat 6,138,840. be!l8 attic same period last ycar. , J ATTonh'ET-fíENnr.AL. Wii]lAts, iu behalf ofí the govrrmüi'iit. tas nstitutcd suit against tlift , Burlingtqnl Mis.souri lüver raüroail fol' more tlinn a inilííon üCTBs o'flïiid. Patenta for" theae lanoa u'pop wiich c rouijiany !ma j rc.idy naiil - -21)0, 00. jn ajes- were, it i I claimod, víron!;íaily iáiued :by 3Ir. Dclano. whilc Scorc'.nry of Rití Iulurior Chicago' deatli roll for Janvuiry roaoüelt Uie renpectaMe figure Of 50a vA ,!1M.1ÍI3I (!■:■ THE'?11'1 ' The C'eugre!ioimJ ooimiiitiou Iiikj couclmlo 1 tts inveetigation at New Orlcans and reUirnol to Washiugtu.r-.Mwíli Gras..w celebi-ated ni líOiiisville, Memphi. Little Hock and m:ny ' other Sotitliérrti Hties. Irt New Orteans tlio day vfas pasued'tivr-ili silence. ..' ;. ..q.ib , The Uiát ptíp8SÍSBM 18 ■ianühtored threc rirflnoad sul Wuíhington. ('incinnali nnd St. Lpnw.jmwjfpw gimgeiiiH', t'uo proposefl Dakota and M(iitii1ria-rtAite,ctócl--the' couteinplatod road from LakwlErío i tbe MisBoari, on tjhe forttífst ajgjjijh" Ifonw baa refused to èxtéiid üiè SVheelor & Wilsoii turno to" tho aepartment aa wero expeectod. Tbere, w a serian miscaloujatiou 1-iotli of the amount of postage annnílly nueollocted and of the printed matter traimmitted .... Tho Committee of WayH and lëanH have prepared a draft of a Tariff and Tax bilí. The 10 eotton, wools, iron and steel, paper, books, India-rnbber gutta-perdia, lentlier. etc. Tea and coffee are to remain freo of duty. Sugar and molasaes must beur ui additional duty of 25 per (Alt UiH Wf 4f IfH matches shoiüd be reheved from tax, and that I the tax on spirits should be increased 15 cents a gallon, opgftjijjjgjgif5flin(íi{f that 30 ceilcá isnoula bcMmposeuupon all spirits manufacturad after the passage of the bill, and I The House Committee on Kailjraja, and Cañáis has favorably repai&ia tíibffl fó aid in the construction of a narroiv-gauge railroad from cago . . .TlEliyWl lCjlJfciIWiJleeidHiaMl there is to be an extra sesaion of the Senate to consider the Ilvaijíw(llt9aipne'ájtj:tpatr. Tíik uoiv Tariff bíll has been reported to the House by the Ways and Arn .jo C""lT3Mfr"l_ Vnder rJHJt tig 1UYelJtaI8ffl from fcSldul!ra underthe act of June, 2 1 1872, is restored ; the articlen tlms to be affected are manctwAJcjflonj Jffjiií'pníittl steel, paper, bookk India-rubber, gutta-poreha, leather, etc. Tea and coffee are to remain free of duty. ydm m4 l3aMh ditionaS flfltyof 2o per cent., and tobáceo an increase of i cents per P.W1PU1. Matches are. re-, lieved from tnx. and fBe tax ou 'spiritfi is increased 15 cents a gallon, operating upon all uow on itup. Kit 30 eetw Mhposed on all Hpirita müiaaturod after tho paesage of tbc bill. ..The -stamp ou bank ehecks to M ft!a01 thfe JA.; Gen. JolJiSl 'jflb-31)lNolra8ki, l3bI?a$pointed Govemor of Wyomiug, vice Campbell, appoiuted Tliird Assistant Secretare of State. ÏHESeuate bas concliülêd t admit Colorado lo the siaterhood of States. It íh now ascertained that the President'a message uii Alternas iras-preparéd 'tvithont any general eonmütation with, or knowledge' of , hia Cabinet, or of any of the members of it. . . . Congrega has refused to investígate Mullett Senator Xomui "rn)r"iaiT Jt Jjiji home Titfa Ulneas Mp y yjiial0 ijftered. Ja.the present Uongress have coat $500,000.. . .The House Comrnittee on Appropriationa has agi-eod to recommcnd an apiropriation of .500,000 to defray the expenacw attendjiig the diplay! of theseveral depSrtnW'nt'Vcff tlie ggvernnient at the Centennial Exposition. . . .CongreHsman Beek, of Kentncky, had his Svrlst broken by a l'all on fue ice the otliefoda ,„,„#. 'ïiu: Seci-etary of War has iseued orderti for the enyjjpjei.jqi J t.lifvaVitWifalltia] graeshopper-affligted dJMtrk ui order that eaehmayri. ,j Qie $150,000 relief fund voted by CongreBH The House has passed the bill introduced by Mr. amfuí ffiiyfá$f?imvtmÁñ bountfes. It provideH that there ahall be VM to every non-coMirtïfiiwSiW'Bblflifr, miisici'an. artifleer, Wigoner, and private soldier, includingthose borne nyon the roÜH as alavés, who permonth for WSmeen April 12, 1801, and May B, 18i;5, In case of (leath the payment is to be made to the widow or minor i-hiliircji, Ijijt iii.tiui, jiaymaet of aficii b uiity any fííriiifr !,:'mih i-. ti lic dwlucted. Substitutes arenot miittfèa in tlu l-f-nelits of the bill, nor are those discharged from service on tl.eiJvlicalJYiMcjÖxi of boiflrty miilcr thö bill f jg,.ví8 than í100 the person cutitled to receive has the-ophowever, to be isüucd -ïtitJiout rcuuirüttf ,-ji9of - i'M(naiüate)iiWttMmaibr,fi,; PüttAtí Md] ('ompny, bf?re "tne; Way, an.l lia, Committee the ether dayy-jind rpad a leugthy paper relative toitlií 'fchWidy öfiTip'tióü. He ifi])ui!iatoíl .It,vrin,#Jlhtós,6Obdnctinmt emtaá XtfftkyefcfQ n Jírge.sijiouijfe I i Tta breaoh in thS'íSwSíae'' wide igiQljl gmoJioömfêOC cauouB, agreod upen a compromiae byliirh "■■ , t'he'xiousq, prorAíiíiiifymoUi-gatÚKC abd süppwrt Kfelogg as the legal Exerativfe! hnt public fëëlmg Ws HO5fDgiigfciMltè )tfWÍfWri'fhatvhfcí H ■ 'wlím1 WHBwwí pomtoB1 tb-ÍPIranc vacflncy m tiioTliiitea States Benate caased by the death oí Benatpr Bucku,,ili;r:.'f%r4tpíííof W4K4, has beeu u.ut teDMtm "' ■ ' ' ' . ilttee appointea somc tirno ugo to devise! lct;isl;lfcH i. I stntcH li:in mmiHjilltH of theiinre'' Lawa ün Presidí rit ton&pend the writl habSií4yíñSiAAÍjhrtaiu cases, and ] , to hiippresK ■ Second - The appointment of Deputy United States Maxèbals and supervisors of elections, with liill iowit tu comluH ikitionn, lOiinl Ui iinllots, j thr returns, :ilil .rr'M n.;r.-"n.i -,r, ;t hitiliihliiifV'4' I. nr ti'ii-ili'v:nl] int rfOT wlth thr rrmclilH nf the d' ct'.ons. ! Third- RFqinringtHi' ramtrfo hf4otmfii i tV eleothm offloen 011 thp nlght foUowing tln lay otf alfipUouJ at the r-liu-o of clfction, Ixfori' oIIh-.i-k flppoioío. Hoven1 pcnalti-'B BX6 jiroviilcd fnr tbfl -it .l;:i ;, .11 f tliis j-l-in is'u'-i. fwirth- ;i'o i)l'. .uli fór a ítill an-l l---:-tr't'"U 0( !■;,'! -,o' r. iiu.l ioru : i: ■ n ! - í v. i 1 1 ! l'.'i :m of thr nvc.r.-tvnrt'"! Sta!i i" in. ! nws% r jmH ■ of require the paymont "f BUoh fcuas .iniiliti.-;itio!is ior voting =t my OougresBioual II rl!.-.n. ■■,,' -lirrUirinKfhcixliil.itinn nr usv qt wcapons "h l:iys o!' regíptrátiou or i'leeiïoli. ior tin' iniri'.s. of inttmidalion or violeííco,:iíiliidalio i, il.-. . puuliaMe by fliie aml iiiiiirisomucut, at the dicn l'iwnf.tbn.raiyt , _. _, _. _.-._. Ttte 11oriii;t LfiWature. itftcr si protnu'tpil coiitoft hn elertod (.'. V. .lone. J) auxriit. of l'scHtnbi:i c.nliity, Tli!fi''l Stiltes H. Mi:rnr. Jo!OB,üienew Benator [rom FUrid, ia au IriHiiman. a iMf& of avi mire ability. and in J5 jtga olil. THI5 TILTOÍí-UKECHKK TUIAL. Tv.KXrï-SEVENTlI DaY. - TiltlHl WIIH btill 011 the stiinJ. inuler tlic crosrvoxmuinaUoii of }Tt. Evarts. The witnmi wa: nini;mally afof liimself, ftrjd W.hi.-i balance at linie:.. He xliuitUxl tliat tlte scandal was firet published through liim. Judjii! NeiMon iiiformed t'io. jury ihut he had redeived a note infpiimng lñiu that íümsoiih in the rear of tio jury-box wcre iv tlio habit of 1 iiiteulioiiiilly diKCusHinj; tlie tcKÜnipny in the hearing cl1 jiuoi'a. He warnèd :ill snch i'rsñts th;it, il' thoy ri'])paifil tho offenso. tlicy wonjki ! bc Heverely and Hiimmariiy dealt witb. TwKKiY-KiniriK Uay.- The ; tion of ïilipn va.s ooptinuod b Mr. I l'iif Jatrcr road i letter which was vmiter Ry I the, witnctin explainid;,' (til Winsteil Conii.) ■ fair. lic Baid the lady waa a protege of bia "vvife'w. 8he ïïhh ntaying at the name hotel, but being no lire in her roopi aiul a. utove in liin, liD bad come into bis rooDi to haj'e tl)elioiit. and at by the lire. reading to him. while ho lay on the-bed. l!e va quentioned dowely tfegrdinL; hiffrulationa with Victoria W'otxlhull. llu saici li never viftited her lioune moro t'wm a docai times, and upent but me night under Leiroof. Tiie fitness títatcd tliat aniong }: pcrHiiiial aequaintancea waa Bialiop UUbert JJavcn, wlio wsh a frequent vi.sitor atlii-i hoifce previmm to the eonimenceineat of tlüa tiouMo. TwKNTï-N'iNTit Day. - The court-room wan ileiiHoly packed, ïiotwithstanding the terrible coudition of the weather. The croKH-qucetioi)iua of Tilton by Evarts was continued, but no frewli flovelopments were made. CounKel oc,(;!l)ied most of tho time in reading Tilton'a ' True Story, aiiü calluig npon tbe author to verify fcach of iU allegatious. It wivh a very 'ljilkdjiy, the proceedings boing wholly unintellièlilf! 6j the andiciicfi, ior the toost ptxt, 1 and not xfery intereptiiig, altjiötigli niportimi tui iii(Ueatiufftffifeiin'8 thcory ("oüeeiiiing Tilton'B1 conduflt in the tripartite coveuant and the compositioli of the Boven letter, whloh probably j will bc tliat he was tiyihg to Ueeji the Bcaudil open for a purposc. Thiutieth Day. - Whcn the eourt opcueil at 1 b'Qlook. it was found that all of defendant'ö ■ cöuuftï] ïiinl une furor weit; afentiit. Ijfiiiïg tlieu mi tlif fen-;. Una; which pot MocJvaiied in thé , ice whiloTfW-8Íb tlie Éát rj-iTr, aiid tho couit : adjourhéd tn 2 i'. m. On the reassenibJin;; oí ' t!u' cuui't. ftH tho tertiH Were prtut : bnt e tliore wa.s danser of their being unallo to rej tiíi"nto New York, in the prefient condition of avigajtion, llr. Evarts moved to adjourn to . tondajy. which was concurred in. Just aa I pidatyt .i usual, utood htill at a particular face, to pormit his wife to paffl by Eis Bide, Mr. , ïoaeh carne up behind. Defendaut took a noUtp survey the gallery, as lie oftpn does, and ï üiijning around lie waa face to face with the omiHel. ...Witi v, guuij smi , the PljioutH lastoK sy&ea ltlelirifed cniBael' huè aïd rarinly shcxili it. A brieï' interrlumge oï civilïies tejóle placo, and as he was passing into his hW-'c. Mr. Beach placed his hands on Bechir' liipH. in a playful and friendly war. TiiniTïvkRST Day. - Tlio fti-st cróRé-eyaimnaion df Til ton was cloned without anytUmg nmt r HcuKational being brought out. The letter 3Í:jfEHÍgnation Miich Beecher wrotn. Imt dlil not pnmiih, was read. Tilton's tentimony in his reáirecí examinattosí was an endeavor to reconcile tlip fkct oï liirt wüc'h fall ivith his theory of her piirity. Rhe would have obeyed Beecher if he bajde her throw herself nnder his chariot tricéis. TUton etated that Beecher's lack of (Wrage made him unwittingly the autlior of Tin: r.niririn OnttioITc Pís!io]13íoh; of Üï-wton, Iihvnukec. and fianta Va havft lippn vninfl ir, tíjedígmtyof Archbishoprics A. H. Dg, the missing Pacific Mail witness wbo was I wanted ko bdly, has been found in tlie mida of , ijimaila The National Board of Ciiifcrtvritefti t in faling to pieces. Ministeu Washbuhne indignantly denies the charle that he placed Fremont's Mempbia and El Paso bonds on th9,.PáTÍs Bffiffcet. é TliJE sale of PaeifidHI 'Joppfiy fe cisco at a ruinons sa'flrüiei ■íiuiCivrfiui ' the Central Pacific raihoad is commonly understood to be part of a mutually profitable arrangement between the two companies for exclusiTe control of the Asiatic carrying trade by wat pf America. 1 oable telegram to the New York Freeman's Jmtrncd aunouncee that the liov. Jama A. Ilealy. pf líostou. ■ lm toen irade a („,,.;! Biniiop of l'oiáauJ, Slè. ;.tho Vi-ry }. v. 'J'li:iinM i Galbercy. tiic A'instinia.n Jíishnp ,r Haití J. J. iiaín, of Hariier'a F.ary. Hmlujp ir Wheeli, -ftif-Eet. E$ofitfey%rh5f MilWafflffe. Biahqp of Oreen Bay ; the liev. Hmley, of Peorja, Bishop of a see created for that city Ü{lSev. John Ireland, of Kt. Paul, Minn., Vicar Apóstolic of Nebraska and Abbott Seidenbush, the Bénédictine Vicar Apoütolic for a part of ' Minnesota ; aluo, that the Pope has continuad [ the promotion of Boston, Philadelphia, Mihvankee.and Santa Pe a Archpiscopal Bees. FOKEIGf. Tiip reports from Spain are ooxifiictiiig and Htteily-iiñTeüablp. Ole dayre hcar tliat the )avr b.:ni baiUy w hippel, ajiüthcr tbat jÜey ÉirWWtorTOSf, Wid 'fcerbuf' I Aeemsvi? dont that the anny of King AU'ohho ha uot been acliieyinf; the victories claimed in the Madrid telegramB;-nd -rtis tnore than-protraHe! that it haa met with a great disaster The Carlist Ooinmittoe in London claims a great victory, and puts tho Spanisli loan ni 7.0(10 men killed and wounded. Madrid dispatches admit a "sKght" reverse to the advanee -guard of üie left wing. The Kahn of Khiva has paid the last installment of his war indemnity to RiisHia. . . .Bis tltrclï will not resign China is threatened ■'11' I . . with a civil war. „- ■ f " y LËt CficiuiANï lms prohibited the impoitatioa oi the American potato The bill for the i üoji of a SenatehaH been dcf eated iu theFrench j AsBembly Scvcnty tliousaud men are wauted, aïid munt be forthcoming. for the Spanish army, Tlic govapunciit propuse, te sewl 15,000 of tliem to C'nbJi; aiKÍ the remuihdor wi Ho tnsptl against ('arlos. Tuk Ii'ish home. rule niemlxirs. propose tp withdraw in a body trom PurEanient tinlenB adoiiied. Bx-Marshal Bazaink, on his arrival at Saiitnnder to assvime an important command in üu SjianiHli i-oTiü anny. was hisHOfl by Oio rrcnrh residents, who had obtained permission to ménade him. The pólice were obliged to t him from violence and insult when he Ê-ted for Madrid . . . . M. Achille Foujd, the Hiifcent French statesman and financier, fnnnrrbiMyuBfK Tildar NawlgcmjíII,,, djpá ini Paria Muil.. Mat JMÍGOImI of contention. the Manitoba amnesty question, ha át last been removed fitfln i'n'iadian pofailea by lije passage oí' a bilí pnrdoiiing al] eugaged ,in lile but Riel, fiëjftM nnd O'ï)(,no;Mnic. 4'ik Axchbishop of Dublin Iihh written a pas' Her cohdemniog t!io mimrón of tbp ('li - ■ vivuliniH. Moody nul Saukey . . . ilujyr ot 'tli lÁshinxfcnioludláfleVÍ'tm. lia ivrittcii n letter. Btating tlmt tlie animal IkImlI' (rrach Challenge Shield. wlüch has been boretofore open to Iriah pjubi pqb'i ifi "OW Pe 'o Amorioauü alsa but, to no other nationality The British Foreign Department has instnioted its representatives at MiwlrUl t rcicv4ui.' Alfuf-(i n8 7ili;; nf ; Sp:iiii. AM otbtr r.:;r''i'e,'.ii Miworti v.iil ) probabl) ilo ükmvisr jlmrtly.


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