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Manï of the manufacturera in Grand lïapids havo been obliged to discharge workmen on i cimiii oi1 tlio f.carcity of water, and oUiert are running on lulf-thne. Tfita, with the extremo Cola, ai eauned inuch fiuffcrmg. Dik Wachter, the organof the Dutch Reform Ohurcb, publiahed at Holland City, inthoDutch j .iMimmja ha been soldto ,i3rtie at flraud i T.K where it vül bo publiibed herourtfr. 1'EIiSONATi. Sojoübnee Teuth, wlio hu been eick at j her home at Battie Creek, is reported better. ■ -PbOï} HABPiKinniNS of Ar.u Arbpr, is ing a hppk wjiieli wül contaiu tablen for the truc unalyfiirt of medicinal ))lantrf and preparatie hh for tkem. ___- Judoe CimisTiAXOY haa tendered his resiguation as Judge of the Snpreme Oourt, to t:k effect on the 27th day of February. . ( I LEGAL. The trial of Dr. W. N. Keeler, of Conccrdl, ! for adultery. ohargod to have been committed with Mis. Mary Kinney, ended at Jaekaon, after Men days' t#Ho had boen coitHiuued, by tbi jury . din-jL-iveiiijí. ' r Tur. HTrfM"rintcndent tlM 'or.uty Poor at ._ - . I ft t f . . ■!ƒ■'., 1 1 ui..wlll the latrt HCKKion ot tne l'ireuit courr urougm suit against Jolm P. Smith, of Burlington, Lapeer eounty, te oompel liim to support hm mothet, who ia eighty-fivo years oíd, and who has been ftn inmoto oí tho eounty poor-house for uearlv Iwo yeara. The jury gave judgment, and the court ordered Jlr. Nmith to pay flve dollara por week for her support. U ' CASUALTUSC A fi:w day.! ngo, Sunnier Colliy. of T-Tomii livingston roimty, on bis way bom, while coming through the woods. waH inHtantly killed hy a tree falling on him. He was crnshed to a jelly. JIcCoemick's Hotel at Ntwhville waH deBtroyed by lire a few nights ago. The losa ia L5,000, fully covered by insnraooe. A TEnsiBi.E waming íh given tu uld bujiclora ,u rauc of Ciwli Hipjian, an .UI Jjaclifioi' uf fjiiMiiisit' in, wbo froze to iVath üi bo,d one uiglit ■at weoa 3 I f .Toiix'VfAL'ri. au cmloyc of iloyt's p]aniug mili at Eaac Sagina w, wan ïnsta'ntly kÍHeu a" few daya ago by the bursting of an emery wheel. Deeeafied leavea a wife and child. DEATI1S. Three childreu in the family of E. H. lirnwn, of Albion, diod of diphtheria in oue w;.lt. mi the ïuother ík in a rritical oondltloD trom the same diaease. Miss MabtHA Iíobkiíts, the largeet wonian in the State, died recently at her home near Nashville, Barry oounty, aged 22 yeaxa and weighing 400 paniidflI r -" a ,' n ■hiW 15 nv ntttS old. !!:■■ daughtíTOf Tni'ii i1,!-'-' ,: -.;'li. nl H:ul !p ( 'iw K. was Hcalti'-il to death a few day agu by the i.viTtunim of a teapot of boiling rater n tver hcad aurt face. ckimjí;. [■ _Vn oíd man wan íoimd deml in bcd nt tlio (Irand Biver Hotel at Jackson a few days ago. Au inquest showed that his name was William Grabara,, ktamlu tinsmitli. He wok without frienilK and in destithte eironmatánceB, 'ana in Hur.poBed to have takeu poieon, The Fort Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw líailroad Oompany held its aimual election at ; ififWR few dayH ago, reHulting iu the election of the f'illnwing pfflccafi: Pre.Jident. 1'. 1!. ijOomiH ; Vico-loJLienjQLï O. ürtHvcnor ; Sdcrctnry, , Eagcne Priugle ; TrcaHurcr, B. K. Ohapin ; ' ecutive Committea, V. i. LopioiB, E. A. (irosve-, „,,r, K A. V.'riter.: 0T STATE FINANCICS. In acAÓrdaneQ -with tlie reeoniuiomhition of J Cïov. lïagiey, alülliáü ]iB8wi both liunsen o1 lie IjOgmlaturn imt'i oriing the Hoard of Fond Ci-ijiinÍHnionerB, alter reaerviiifc a auMciuj aun of money tur thc culTcnt expenses of tho Wtate govennnent, to devote the nui-plus to the purchase of the bonfiH ór othor KabiliticH of the State. If it isdiscovered ly tho bidstobereceiwd, tliat the premium dcjrjindcd for the liíjnidation of the bands is two high, the Finid CommibHionera are iiiHtructejd ;to invefit the Treasury supina in United Ktates bonds, :ui'l retain the imu uniil ajjoh time aj tb,e proceed can be advantaRcmiily uaed in extifiguteling "Wft((ate debt. The interest-bearing debt of the SJate of Michigan is au íoIIoivh : Kaïilt pta. Marie canal loan 6's, duc 1878. . . .$ 61,000 Renewed loan 6!Aftnel979 Ui..mui; T,hi,. IVp-iiiÏÏion loan C'k. ilur isfti 69O,00U War bminty loan 7'f, duo 1HÍK) ;:i!C,,mu , liy t!:p . terniH of Uio Htate ('üiihUtrttion it in ' expreealy prorided that uil Eeceipta torn apeciflc taxen, except üioho derived from niinin,'. pftniei xe to ]■ devoted to tlie extinguiBhment oftheStat dchl. Tlxs n-vcnue l'runi t tuxc;. i. "00 a year. inri the. üoWaf is upwiird of í.".0ro ]f r nnniun. A calrvüatiou (ltowii tbftl, ti'c rcreiptii from tliw source will pay tïSe annual interest on and extiiiguish the bonded debt of the State by the year 1883, and ljnvc a surplus of i52H.67ll.Hl. Tlie bd of thotftato hoaboon climinuüiral as followfi : lLg sÜS !:;!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r.: - - ... ii i IoM $80082.85 Mlfcmi to now 97,087.53 tp the credit of tlwi iiiUiii;' f uiid, which cuuld be Uovotfxl tp the fmiiMo of tlie üiiinctiucd bmli üf the SMe} üi.l tii.i Hiuii of .f4G.828.10 not iieeiled for tlio eiirront BnyMuai of tlio State govern.ment, m!'Íc!i ronlfl bc ttSM for tlie pmc purjmioif t kw foimd mlv.intiigeoiiB or flesiralilo. y ■ ■ MISCIOI.I.ANKOIS. ' David Thubstom, whowaHHent to the Peniiciitiary from Genweo county for twouty-fivo yi-MV., wns pardoned n few dAys ago. after haviDg Hvrvetl Hcvrnt' on aVrouiit of good coïidtièt íumI ÍaililnlSui ét tlio f .ick last Hiutnner. Tuk fruit pros.ict in tuit vrry encouraging. fiiiiiij Ike reporta : :-The poacli bwl are all killed, mul fcurs are ontcrt :iii ied tliat inimv trêèa ;iic Injurea. (iraud Haven: 'Tlie icad) budn in Ibin vieinityare ill dCHtroyed. and t ík probable thífí mnny tree are injurod." iranil llapid : ■(Irapo-vineH not luid down. 'o:ic!i and sweet clioiry taaét in tliis viciiüty ,ro ui lulled. , A,KiiNTAH), a Liat, ca]) and l'ur dealer 'ot liuttlo 'reek. made nn Dflsignment to Charlea . L'iumms. rerently. for the hnnofit of tía credidt. llw Jiabilitieaarei7,100. Tur. nnnual iint-tiiii: nf tiic l'nviucin' .Mutual ?u-e IiiHuranee ('ompany of Ilillndale couuty ,fas liQld at tho conrt-lionse ut Hilludale, last i ,vock. wlic-a the followini,' oilicerK wero eleeted ' 'ot tho ensoingyear : Albert Keuyon, of Adim, oidont : .1. W. Fnlley. of HiUwlale. Hecretary; d B. A. Whittaker of Adam, Sidny (Ireen !t' PitBCori II. K. Ablmtt of liendms;. Vv'illi:uu BoDoucal of litchtirfd. md Asa-ir. Edwartlt 3f Hillfsdalg. jDiier(mr. _jqQ OOl VI Aïoüno rady froñi itinnesola, who lia Ijccn living witli lier relative at Kaglc, Clinton couutv, fr BOine time past, jvuopod l'roui herijiiow, a few nighh ago, Uivvnig notbing but lier iiresa, sliirt and Htoekings to protoct lier inm tbo cold. and went to tbe bouae of an unele miles iiway. Iii the morning ube Wade hvo atlempta to kill hemelt by eii'tting lier tliroat. The eaiiHO of her irmanity i.i miknowii. STATU riOMiKli SOCIKTY. OFTOTKS nm THE KsriNd YM. { ' ' A President- olivuc C. Cijivistocl!, Marnhall. Vico rn-.iai"iitK- Hcnry A. Gnoclyrar, Jlafry ; AJbort MJller, Buy: Charli-s Dickeï, c'alhnm; m. Besloy, MintoufiL A. Wmw, Ki ; K. JI. TUumBon, aéfesee ; K. (i HiUaaal.J MUios MoBobdrt, Ingliaiu; Louis LmeJL, Juuia ; David Johuons, Jackson ; Hcnry LiBle Illii7.oo ; E. J. Hulbelt lloughtnn; Ur.-on II. Look, Kent; I'. A. Dewi-y, LejlBWCü;; Jnii s Xi ïTill, I-npci-r; II. H. ilnr.u'.-n. livinaston; It. 1'. Kldrid.-, )li-i.:l); Jacöb HmiKllt, Mnrquftt"; Com.'riiiiir Mm-ris. Moar; H. H; Holt, Mrókefeoa? A. t'. lialiiwm. OukljnJ ; Charlen A. Huil, SagiödW ; l!. O. WilU.-uiis. rth!,-iu"ce; m. H. Ciwh; si. .losciili; MibwBJC Farranl. fit: ('lair; TowiifCiKi NortH, Tuseo!'; Bi D Lay, Wa-htt-naw, and Jonathan Klieaïer, Waynu. Sr ■! i ■ftury- Harriet A. Teunoy, Lansing. ' Corretepoudmg -l. Lougycsr, Lansiug. 1 Xreasorer - O.M. Barnee, Masón. Exec.mive -O. (J. i, e uilirio ; . Witter f. Baxter, JohottUR ; lvi Sishhp, Dttpoit. j i,ist K Mxsss&nd Ikltenf 'Í v„„„. FVrféií íiM frtWtt . tóMHWirf1. ' '''■. I , Albcrt Millur Bay City LftjO Wii li r J. Uaxtcr Jnnes-i!lc 1k:U i )liver ('. Cowstóêk tart.); Í898 ï. .lolmson faöksön 1)9 ir II Bingiiam Jackeon IWH Bandoibh WtjcKajifl gt. Jo)s IW4 John M. IijglTsoU Oorunna' 1837 EiJhraipi Longjcar Danetiig tHW vv. v. Miicliru loóla lM;" Eraiitü S. ■■o í iLii 15 E I .akïn Drown : , , . . Si-liook-raf t i31 ulmtl BopÜ Tc Witl SM Hcnry 1'. t'liciv .-y tansmg IW.W Kniitú ToóW Jmt-jng 1m:u L„,i JjWinp v:r:.:t:.. 1H33 Charleé Díokey Marshall 1886 Honu-u Angelí MOB 'IW Warren Hopkins Lansing 18ö'J ! M. V. Wood Album 1838 Hurtict A. Tunucy Laasiug lsll) FoH d Holme.?.. .... . . HSK..!". Wc i' Alviu X. Jlart Imsing 1881 Orson il. Look LoweH ih;m Hcury H.Holt iluskegon 1852 I . Chii.-tiLiucy. Lansinjf...l.&...J18e( Gouv'ri Morris Monroe 1840 JJhjLjl Bagley Detroit 180 V ( üaldwin l'dütm; JS.) Joajah Turner Ovohbo 1S40 Dwlghi May Kkainitófo.. ..'?'. ?! ..' , Loiüb B. Lovell Ionia ■-■:, i F s Eiíiíii'stou GrandBaprae ln.t ! c' A. Sta.-y TrcuiuM-j. ls:n; ; t: St J:.':n:::É::Ti:ï;:ïp[ .[simutii' Jt. Ueslcy Kt. Johna 184:J cll Adria 1W47. G ■■ W Wiiiilov, Kulamtzix) WJ6 NatíiatCM. ïlKiiuai Hunoolcraft U30 ErastiiB HuBsey BatüOrj 1834 T. M. C.wlcy Anu Ai-i. j 8g A L. Miñara Adna:i 18 lCleineEjWífer -íiTríí11'if?v yí I Wm. Weavèii.rr7.?.'?.'.!:.riSSr.'.-. . ï . tBÏ t Ü.M. Biracs Mjibop 1K37 n n. Huil Cöïdwaler 18:1 1 aÁ.EKL.í?... Ypmiti y. .is Hcury Litttie Kimiazw lföl Euthlittlc KiíMni&zoo 1831 JosepS ;., .Ul.a.,,. , H... . . .i Betsei Ffef Allegan.,, 1; 1M4 Wm. ï). Calïins LansifliJ 1888 í.Mimg lx vrrria ,'ir"'"1Lliairdtti. 182L IÍ M. Cheefcr..!.. . .CjDetrjfV . . .f. . . A . . . . 18jg John ToddV-X. iiT iñwnCnV V- . . -UOSCarolilic Hawley Kalamazoo 1825 Charlas A. Leill Bridgeport 1881 Wm E McCormick Hay City 1832 Loinutl H. l-'i-ti-her Saginav City 1840 N A. Uakh , Kalamazoo 1837( Slicrmau Jluwkj KaJauíalO i 1 820 .Tonatuitu {ibëarur Pljim.iilh 18ï Curtís F.IiR'rü'iii East Ha;iui ü. O. Ovvosnn CourtlandHilT. Bengal 1837 Lueiiiüa Hill Bengal 18;14 JoBeph Wood St. JohnB 1834 J. D. IWrigbt Flint 1836 E. W. Perry Tuecola 1836 Luiy On2íl'3"i'.féi1MI'rt: 30: ::WM l'i terpesnoyer Detroit A,-B. L. Covert Leslio 1837 SunMck Fraz.T SaBiuaw 1H.1B .ri.sep) Guühott Sijuias. 183B C P Burr I-aiming 1837 JerimíahT. Millcr Vas c:ty lv.,:,r.l836 Jolt McDuwell 1 5? 'ily .......:..:.!. 1840 Muges Uartow "VYestpkalia 1 832 1) Darwiu HtlgUes. Uranii Hapiílrt Istíi B. i', ci'.ivrs BfcttlácaSl..L.rJ.8 Hlrad B. Fargo n.-milli Alcx. Caiiicron Kakuuuzou 1834 C. W. l liinit Ëaït Saüimnv 18$ James) M. I'arsons Mim hall i 89 H. Jilion Blissfleld 1888 Alphefc Feloh Un Arbor . ,. ,:iS% II Sliaw Eaton Baplds I8tí H.O. WelM CateHWej WS P. B. iOOmÍH JaCKBDD 1812 K O ífiroveuor Jooeavllle 1840 lü íi-.úi HUlüdale 1845 Ad.lison i'. (!.k i S. J,.M..m. lilav2l.lyija8Ml II V líoyiiton Grand Haven 18í;" M?ricopleyg..y Dea ÍH r 11. TliDiusim Flint 1832 1 vi-,.' hite ll'jllul. ; jMiraaety.ll J ■ ■ ■ f .1844 tco A Beal Ann Albur 1K:13 Uartuw. MrtUnd 1838 E. B. JPonil .l:l.- fonKÍch :...!mia 1881 SI Müdaell HUlwialo 1838 G ' Lee ïpsilanö 1886 fei::.:wl.ivi:llir Iaá Hura'; Detroit 1834 John H. lioiea HudBon 1845 Jamee Patrick l;li;:i 1841 Jaco íoughton MlcMfiamme: 1842 Ebeneaer Oould ()wohw. 1 Jaoob H. Little BayOit? 1841) E. D. Iay Yp.-ihmti 1H33 Wm. y Webber .íaní SaginaBi - ,. ..188 Wm. 3 Cbupmun Lausiiif! :. IK48 ". Whitndy Jonea J,ansiB. - JE.. WJ T. Vi'. Wcstnitt Lauíiiigi 1849 Daníoi-th Keycn OHlilnu 1830 H. W. P.dfrrnou l'pilant'.s 1836 J. I. Herce Ypsilauti . . .'.... 1831 ji. 4. Oooodyear ltatUngsi..m ...1.1838 I UHrlggs i.'.iii.l limpio 1834 Dycked MeLachlin lvtcrebiH-K 18411 . i . i .-i.irk ShUne.. . . .M. . . . M . .1837 Wm. K. CroKB (Viitfrvilltf ... ..182fi JiilíOf McRoberls Vnihiiu ,. 1837 Kivthani'l 1. Daniels Waooiiíta 1830 W. 'i.nk Hrahür 1831 John Oonatom .'. + .. l . . .Yvltll-(j j .- ■"ylí#2 !l. . H1nvl.-y.fA'Ik.LIt3torf..ffJiyil i-iínr,,: A. DYy;Í.iI.!CauíÍHiHJlA...P Townafend North Vasèar 1838 Cyrni lli'.ntt Laudéis ÏS1S Enoa (torthiTip Vcvüv 1880 WüfettMkJÍ :.- - .Wf.i James v. Klng Laneing 1883 A. II. Ilnrrismi l,.uis:ij; 182. WVUflp Kabumi,...: IMfl Wm. BaJr 8' mnlcrnít Ifrt Amos 1). AHmj. Kíilamnz.w 188f GeorgíStOB Nnrtlirt.-w 1880 H. B. Hliank r.imnitiíí VM I'. 11. Uiiilloiií! 1!í:rMhnll 1881 OhUek H. "ür-wi-y CanlbrtUg 1889 Charlas A. lUinpm Ann Arbor 33 Mi. u ( íamtftMfl ari+elaáa 18jB .1 . S. ( [uTtOI Kant Ksf.inaw 1H20 James Crala Detroit 1820 Ufred kiBnrigM DetiW 9 Fraftl! 8, l'ai-kartl eftogts 1840 ílfdSú Han-i,. 18:m Bamull s. Walker Kt. ftHsü WM Jèaooa íetrott 18'J8


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