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Poiaoned to Death. A hoalthy liver secretes eacli day about two and a half 'pounds oí bile. which contams a ■ groat anionnt of ivaate material taken from the j blood Wben the liver becomes torpid or congested, it faüs to elimínate thia vast amount of j ïiuiious sulwtance, whicii, therefore, remaina to J poisou the blood aud beeonveyed to every part 1 óf thesystem. What munt be tho coutfitum .of the blood when it ia receiving and retaiumg each day two and a half pounds of poiaon 't Nature 'tries to work off tuis poison throngh other ehanuels aud organn- the ladneyu, luugs, ! kin etje. : bat theae organs becomo overtaxed in perfórming tilia labor, in addition to their natural fuuctiona, and cannot long witiistand j flie prosaure, but beoome variously diseased. Tlie brWn, whii ifl tbo great eleotrieal I ter of all vitaliiy, ín nnduly timulated by tho unhealtUv blood "which passes to it from tbc lioftrt an'd it failb to perform ita ofnco healthfillT ilcuoO the Hvinptoina of bile poisouiii",' 'which are dulínes, hendadle, incapacity to keep the mind on njf subject, impairment of memo, dizzy, sleepy, or nervous iochngH. rloomy foreboiüngH. and irritability of temper. The blood Uself bèius diseased, aa it fonns the sweat ij.on tii'e urfaoe of tlie km, is bo j ing and pWCBOMB that it produces discolored j browii BBOtei pimples, blotehes and other Sons, eore. boils. earbnnolcn, andscrcfuloua tumors. The Btomaoh. bowels, and ot' organa apoken of .cannot escape becomiug affected.Rooneror lateri and costivenesa. pilos, dropsy, i dia diarrbeva. f emale calinosa, and many otlicr forms of chronic diseaae, are niaoug the , narv reBults. A a remedy Tor all tnese inaiufeatationa of diseaso, Dr. Pierce'd Golden Medical Discovery with small daily éOBBS of lna Picaaant Pmyativo Pelleta are poaitively nneöïSed. By them the üvcr and stomach are cÜAittjed to au active and healthy state, tho appotite rogulated airl restored, the blood ana aeoretioua tboroughly pnrilieil and eimebed, and the wholo system renovated and built up anew. Sold by' all lirat-claas dniggista and dealers in medicino. Dr. WiiiHoft's Anti-Peeiodic or Fevku and A'uk Tonk: !- Wilhoft's Tonic ha i-stabii .-ilied itealí aa tho real infallible Chili euro. It is univeri-ally iidmitted to bo the only ; relialio BJKl liamilefis' Chili mediciue now in ' ute. Oa offica.'y is confirmcd by thousanda of certtücsies of' the yèry best people from all paris of tiic comitry. It cures mahu-ious disc asea o) every type. from the shaking agues of the takea and' viilleys to the raging fevers of i the torrid zone. ïry it ! Jt bas never been i luiov.n to fiül. AVrtKELOcK. Finiy & Co., I .'ropj-iotors, New Orieana. For sale by aD Just Caüse fou Being Aíarmed ! - When a cough htm been ruiming for a toog time, aiul you begin to foei a pain ttetting in I upon your Luug. atteuded witli tightnesB icioHs the chest, rt íb high time that yon Shoold awaken to the danger of your disease, which is faet running into fatal" Consumption. Now, beforo it is too late, use Alleu'B Lung Balsani, v.l'h'li vill ciut the diBease, anrt all will bo ivell Mith ymi. ïor Bale ly all medicino dealers. We noticecl iii one of our excliangos thirt week the Btatement of Dea. John Hodgkina. of South JelïerBon, Me., whose eon was onrod of ineipient consumption by tbe UBe ftf jfottiiion'a Anoiltne Linimcnt. We relcr to this at this time aa tending to con-oborato the statement we made last week in relatiou to this Unimont as applied to consüniption. If Congi'CBs liad employed as, inncli Hcientitíf slíill in tbo aiTangemeut of its 'I Keconstractioii polk'y " at the close as the War Departtneilt did in tho bezinning of tbo war, in arraiiging for th maiiufactnre of w' wís eallëd Siïei-itfaiCs Cavalry Coudüion jporoders fat tho use óf the Cavalry hoi-ses, no doubt the. Cnion woiüd lmve been ' reetored long aga- K.nhdinji'. ■ Ei.kctkicity is LiïE. - All neïvous disorders. cbroni.1 diseasesof the elietít, head, livor, stomach, kidnej-s and blood, achea and pains, nervonH and general debilitr. etc, qiücldy cured iftcr drugs fail liy weariDy Volta Electro Belte and Baiidii. Valuablo book free, by Volta Belt Cu.. Ciiichmuti. ühio. The NoRTHVESTEliN Hoksiï-Naxl Co. 's ' Finished " Kail is the bost in the world. il i to 'i5 PER DAV-Send for Chrorau" ?plU catsloguo. J. H. BUFFORD'S SONS, oston AGF.XTS. CHfcflg OKSmJ 11 at sight N!essry as ioab. Gooda fi.-4J. (JhonaC:hane M'fgUn., Boston. CïOiri a month to nfnt.i everywhere. Address SPmJ J BxcELSJonM'F'oC'O..Buclianiin. Mioh. ORflïn ï"sr llilJ' "' lMnl"' 'i'tirn"! '"■■ Address V Q lp C U üEO. STIN6ON Jfc Co., Portland, Mato!. IÍÍJ Daily to Agenta. Sö nflff art teles íind tho best TJP XI l'junilv Vinnjriii Ai:k-tíi;'i. witli '-i :?" (Miromos, (reo. A.AUiRILIAN irF'CÏ CO.. 8Ü0 Broadwuv. K. Y. CO inrtaycarsaliiry. Salafy ohd expensosbaia. . Í,ÚT:UU fit Wèê. A valinU" pai-kap' Bèftt lot lúe returnt tw. t'. II. mumli.y, Waterboro Center, Mo. i 'f r Addreis E. R. Oochran, lid11et'.'vni New-Oaptlt? 5 1 ri . ííl'1., im irt-o cMak'Kui' ottmoa pfeibfa llw 0 .UJJ Smull iruits at büttom prieta. C:mice v;hüm.. AGFATS 'WAXTKTi-M.n or ■V'.mion, fü a i . tteele orSlOU forfelted. n.c neni j'r., Wriicat Moe t:i ( 'O WEN A CO., F.ighth Stroet, Sob Vork, i?K. Cents a Yoar! flaeapest naper and most UbJ eral premiums in the world. specimens freo. Address THE FIRESIDK VISITOR, Snndusky, Ohio. ÏXh The American Patrón is the most popular Granga .AO and farm paper- $1.25 h year. Sperinion froe. Adp , dress J. K. BARND," Publiiher, lindlay, Ohio. ftE PER ' Y Ciimmis:+m, or SO n weok nnl.i A;ly so. ti. W.Wl'lllKTiil'l)., .Mari! ,n. O. M(1 SI CV '"'"'' p""' "ith R'i-n"' an1Ky-()ho,-k. HIURCI Outtits. Oatalr.Klies, Sampte nl fnU particular ree. S. M. Spencer, 117 U.inivürt., Bosion. ifiONSTAST EMPl.Oi'.MI'.-Nl M home, Mlo nd y KprkiIc 30fl.WieeUibaareu.; Nü oapital rcquii-ed. ï'nrfiouljvrs and valuftble sampla (ree. Addresö witU6c return HlMiip.C. Riibh, Wffll-iinhiirgh. ff. Y. __ AnVKKTlHKKS ! Hand 2ü cents to G HO. P. J! OWBIJ. i. CO., 41 Pttrit liui' . New 'i'rk, fpt tluiir i'a)ihl- i"'WU ji.;, coi'tniniiiis listo nf3,(KK)iie-aiiaiior8 mul éstunatd afdwing cust of advertising. ' Prf)An A Aeel and expenses to all. Arricies Jm new, stnple as ilour. Sample froe. CM. ■ Ij) JU LIKINGTON URO., N. Y. or Chicago. rS'HIK paper in printed with Ink f rnisued by. Charlea 1 Kneu .Inhnson O..i509 South Tenth Stifut, HhilsgSfiS"! ■■■"' ;'' '■'l1'1 S1?"1''. New York. Por sal in 10 ■■ T-iKjivsin-u ryioM.cnue.go.nL ÍÍOEÍ Z" A MONTH- Auonts wantod ivnrywhere. Jt%VÍÍÍÍ l Hu.i.irHJ lmn.irablu and fitat-clans. ijifei;4V' ] „,.(uu!.ir:.Tt fn. Addroas WúJlIU ,t (;.. Sc. Loui0 Mo. prof. d Pfnijipw íiíiiiifn íliirpí"1 D6mfnl rt'Uipi'.y ii the (irf.vuit. dWi Send for PaPW on Oiiium KuiiiiK. P, O.Bi :., i,i'OK rii, im). ABYERTÏSÈBS Vo drüire to rcach country readers can do bo In the In t ui il cheapenc uianner by usiDgonc or Jiuro ectiona of TJia GkkatXewsx'apbk ArxiLiARY Lists. A;ply toE. E. FUATT, ÍU Jticksou-st., Clücaïo. til Ir ■s,Sil()T-irSS,l'ISTOI.S KEVOLTERS, OfitiT.indCTerjíltlní. Scnd ta-mp SSfl iidrMO Warhn. PlT'ISUL'Klia. ?A. gatUUwSKè Igo9, Cuntilnmg tl!'' Ki'-.-l.'--C-, T-, j.-nrrTiT vartety ol Oarjeri ■■■'! í'lqsrft 'IlOWN S,v. .:,n,l ih"ln -t str.iü " íírMalKM)(trrrtWrt 2" K? S2 IPíí ÍP ;'.!i:i:!v ilanlans, SÖ BSi ÜCS I' i Illt.-. Tlil I.i.wJ I ;m;w.;,'!■■. ■VI'.Y &:. :r: Ni, lía vlct Si . - Ome ai sfnd r. rnrtettaaPtriUS FT,O - ff KH SiKP.HS, (yoiirchoicB fnun ■rur l.Utan luu . I :i:.vsr [1 ril. Sond K' i p íi Ju ,-ir ' T:tt 'Incnf of Danrestic and Iörptntea 8rtds Lk%j Corl87&. Lddna DOSKELLÏ & CO., Rochenter, N. Y. Cl I til i PEK WEEK can be mde )y ííí TpA WIJ mart man who can keop hls bnsinees to uimself. Addross O. Fw HES91AII, Ilobokcn, New Jersey. saffiaa voosupérs varietíes ofbbiish II nOTiri 600,000 Greenhouse Plants. TJIlvFv K I l I Mailing Planto a Speoialty ñuájjú ; LJüJjU IUustrSted Catalogue Frea. BIWMttW ■ lMllME.T.TLAS&CO.RIchmnd.lml Thr TThhmiv I.iym PcwiBns ftre not a patent medicine, bal n presrripÚmvttftetei ín !"■' tt Poj'pi priM jwictiw tlufinst iptrioifíif tKeuy fíjrfí, mvi i thí ni--! ffflctual remcilj all lcranfrm-iiti! ï Livet nt ilt tlii r.'nrVot. Tl-li mtiectr U iv.mpowl of itcveral iermiin locücin, fWiírtott ■ ■ M íU hy U Umeïlali, ití-Ocrt. peí' fHËFAVORÏTËsT FAMIIiV EAVOKlTjE .( TheTitlM I St.V'i]K'ACíí'rHF,:S'FWOÍ{ÍTE. Indícate UKKKMKAVKIrrii. , i the Uses. Kor f:i1I infonnation rHspfclinff onr Gooos, or AgéntUts lor mué, mlrtrew WKED SK VIU MA.CH1IÍE ('OJIMJil , at ll.i.tionl, Comí., or our Brallch Office iu leadine citias. v i.' I The Tribune Aimanac AND Poitica! Register for 1378. Olelist, Laigrst, Host: HSPapi. Standurri Pi]jtivil umi Stolistiual AnnOtl. Prtce postpnid, 'Zü Cení - : SevonforSl. „ Addresi, THE T!i!B! VE, Kew TniU. L&{ Vs. VTili oí Rbai or mcl.o iJbo jjjQS L Hardware Dealcra Bell tbem. %RVT' VxBlnGcr,$i.0O; TinEíneB.per mmBSB&P n@B5(li,po8tpald. Círoulars SENT FE 'BB. A Book oxpoaing tbo mysterie OÍ Ui ñ l I O T and how any Otte itnay o'mmte lf#%.w O I . íully witha cupitalof .jO or SX,ÜOO. Complet löstructions and UlústrationB tu any ddre8, TIf.lT!íJ I IIUÏOUE A tü., Uaniujis ani Biiokeiis. Wall Strcftt, New York. ■ ■ Jr B B J Hva liO%v iíilhI suri lU'mo'ly, BWlwB A) tHAKGK for ti'cUtmcut until curial. CM ou or acldreso DR. J. C. SECK, 112 John Strcrt, UXCIXNATI, 00. -dÖSSM CAB1NET OP niLLj , .'. 'ITZTLETTFP. FH F fn-infr1 -r . SïSSilïf fL2L knep BILLS, ' : :J TLÜÍJ or PAPüJití alwayo olean , "ïidBön i i'o&iíiüi I and in alptiabetical ordof; hoMB t Ml ffiÜSft 4,000 Letters, can be ueod, on a detik SBFril IPR r hu"R to tho well. we prepay iïllWi 'ffJas i Express ohareS. Seudíou circula wg=!itm" t and prico list with 1,000 referencea. Address C. A. COOK & CO., Cbicago, IH. il flRKADl "VLAIK BLUT - Vswte II l"'-w York. Seotl-KKKloall B Joarls of the United Síntcs oa ■ B B l'ruceipt ül' a lulter stamp. , SEEDTIME C01ETHÜ Our Flowcr and ICitclicn Garden DJtt(rVtítl lJirrrtory for 1N75 (the 2M Kílition), tM D. T. CURTÍS i CO., Uostun, JlaM. i I POC S? Our CAT4IOCBB : i ' y rKËC. Furl875,of i rnEíii- s EED S- P u u E 1 ' WESTEEN GEOWS. M Scnd yoír ñamo lo tho farífésí y SEI3I F,VBMKHS IN XJBK) WEST,,B , GEO. 3. HASKELL&qO.,Rocktod. 111, F , tPoiíü's 8tiP Wood hfflpsl ■Wanteegan Parta Lnmps, Wood Eave-Trough Tubing. If yon want thc Ssbt of tieso artlcles,ep to yonr naxdT.areor Ag ricultnral implomenc Storus. If theT ao notteep thcm,pry-ill npt set tíiem for you, send direct to tho 1 actory. Catalógaos and Pi-ioe LlBte maUed Kvért canl aOhr-imo." 5ÜMÏïoïoWthï?55f!3?i íiicndj itis capital." " 'Jno lost g:imc ct." TJiiits whattleylav. l'ricé. 75 cents By iVfün ortv íHn scndthcbouk ofCoroim 24pai;cs); . -b ce"!, gamo aníl a ;t"2 pi'-ííe ilhistrated oataltgue of amusomeilts for'?0 oonts- or ttm rat;I(ipiic Fot" astsrrvp; Mil. TON I.I;Ani.;:V CO., SiiriiiKfiolrt. Míisr. iowa R. R. Land Co, lasfor 8alel,SOO.OOO Acbï of Railroad Lands in , tho Middle Región of Western Iowa. RETTEIt LAXDS AT CHEAPEK l'RÏCFS ' hnn caí! ho fonnd olsewhere wfthin civiüzcj j-r No ruisbMppers. fio afïUB. No Indians. Average credit j jtice $5 and $6 per acre. Start riflllt. Cali or aond to he OumlMiny's OIBöe, M Randolph strnet. Ohic.wo. una ; btain fttll informatlon and huw to reauii the land freo, li'or mapa and ptmphtets, wiih pricos and trm, adtirusa IM RMlroadiand Co., "gHoÜN.5 " IU"a' 1 Laad Uummi$aioner. TosfiH tho IIOJIK SHUTTLE SEWlïfG MACHMK. Plllt'13 :M. Roader ! ! you cn m:ike mono tnlling the " IHIE SHUTTLK," wbetbar you aro KXPKR1ESCKD in the business or nqt If you irlsh to bny o SHWING MACHINE for tanliryb,' our ciruulars wül show j-ou bow to save inoney. Ad.roiIN'SON, CLAKK & CO.. Chicago. Iliouois.. WATERS'liËW SCALE PIANOS are the best mnclr : the toncH clasï ie, and afine sinL us tone, iioivtiful, pure andr ven. #AÍERé' Concerto ORCANS mnno; lic execlled i" tone or b-unty; Avlcty coropitliTon. r, Contrito Stop ;-. (nieïmitatiun nf the. Iltimaii Voice. PRICES F.X-. TREMÊlï L()W for cBsll Uuiiig. lis oi IMi.i.o, S1U 10 S5O ; Ol S" .is, $jo S10 ; : - aftevèr-rtneposit. AGKTS WANTKU. A libT!tl discount to Tenrhen .. Jinnler, !,urchr, Srhooi,,Lorli's,eic Special ïnclinements t Uu(nul.-. lllurael Catalogáis Nllrt. way, S-iï York. Soa: 3567. _ TEAÍ TEAS. TEAS. ,1. J3. DTCKINSOSr, (L;ir Dickingon ft Oö.) DEALER IN TEAS. GÜOUND C0FFEE8 AN'D SPICES, i No. 109 K;ist Madison Sfc., (Jhiïyigo. Avt miatüiHa sold at uholfta'' !'''■'■ A spectilty raadciiifilliTiKorclais l'rom Íu6.. Nociiargeforiiaokaeoí, and f rviRht prepiid on all bilis amuuntiiw to $ or on-r. A'ents franfèa in Bveft town'in the 'Wisc. Kcnd for C,rruiar (b 'írüí. Tlip Ií8t Teas in the mallet for the Tfiriofc PRICE8 : Yonns Hyson óUo, 80o, TOe, 80c, 90c and 1.011 Gun folviler Mc, Göt-, 75c, 8ó and al.Utt XnV:-:-:::::::::::::::: ÍÍS?ISSáp' Kiigüsh BreaKfast 60c, 70c, 80c, wc aim $1.00 Waukesha Water. MIKEEAL E00K SPRINa, Cures Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Diabetes, CVip&tdpationi G nivel Jaundice. lirightVDÍsease, Scrofula, Fever Sores, Femue WfiJiknQss, in all ita forma, all diseast of tho Kidneye p.nd Livor. Pitre E- Barróla, $12 ; half do, $7 óñtis, jugs, demiJohnsand bottles, ftí cents per Kllon ; pa;knoB extra. Money must aocompany tho order. Sena níamu for our tHíük üf 32 iagee, giring dtjscríptfem vi ího aoove disC. C. OLSN & CO., WawlLcshaVts. - ; jm && k 1 JrJ ,n :,v SEI OF CH2Íffi(3E ■ SI'ECIMSN COPIES OF Tllf: A -n-oi'kly 1:5 page qnarto, iíhhihímI ionrna), coptaipina ful! i-' ;.-i rl' sitien nt th New York Stock Exchange. Thp nexïi nitrhbor wïll coni tin tloable informa tin r'aií':i' ' the most suroessïul niothoil STOCK PR1VILEG-ES, A ínll axpla'at)á wífi 1. ;vi of Puís, Cilla $10, $100, os $1,000 Iki investí ■ ■■■ reaujílng ttortoáá ; ■'■"■ ;'" flhr will be isiih.1 : ! iMWtoi Wall Streít Pnljli-siiiiig Oo., i 135 & 137 Wilüarn Street, New York. Dr. .). W'alkerV GwïforjiTii Vint"Gu- Uilters aro i patwiji Vegetable )ie;íi;-ption, marta eliielly frotn the native hcrbfj f;ii)(l on tlic foWter ranges of the Siori-a Neve!n ittmM5ns tf Califor. ',:e ïiiedieliiftj prppertíes iT vhich iiio'cxtiaetcd therciiWH .vitliont tnc so Of Alcoliol. The q!CKU'.í I nlniTOi ilnily n.skod, " NVIiat is the (5H8 of tha i'.lclod snecoss of VixiofiA); B - i Ki:.sf'! Our miswer is, that thoy reuwvo the causo of disenso, and the patiënt - Cflvcra bis healtlr. Thoy aio tlie Rreat iWqíkí puiincr and a life-givhrc principie, a i".:'bct Kcnovator W3 Invigorator of'ti'.j systcm. Ncvcr beforo in the r of tlio world lias a medicine Iwen compqqnéwl posaessing the ri;:natkallo qaalitlK! of fJKKOAB BÍTTKES in bcUÜDfí tha sick of evevr diseasc man is heir lo. TBey ave a gentio rurpativo as wcll as a Tnnic, relicving Congestión or Inflammation 0( the Livor and Visceral öifaa, in Bilions Discttes. The proporties of De. Walker'8 1 Vinkgar Bittkbs are Aperieut.Diaphoretic,. ("'nrm'.nniivp. Xntritious. Laxativc. Uiuretfc, SoíUlive. Counter-Irritant, Sudoritic, Alterativn. nuil Anti-Iiiliouí. Grateful Thotisands proclaim Viseüak Bitters the most wonderful Iuvígorant that ever sustained tile sinking systfiin. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, aud remain long ntmcll, providedtbeir bonos aro not dostroyed by mineral poison ov ofter meana, and vital organs wasted beyond icpaii'. Bilious, Reniittent and ínter mittent Fevers, wlíicü are so pïèVsi lent in the valley.s of our great rirtóa throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Oliio, Maèbh, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Hio Grantlí, l'earl, AUbainav'Mffbile, Savaunah, Hoanoke, James, and'ffinny othets, with .iheir vast tributaries, throughout onr entire country during thc Suminer and Autamn, and remavkably so during se :ons of un usual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensivederangöments of the stomauh and liver, and otber abdominal viscera. ín their treatmínt, a purgativo, exérting a poworful iníiuence upon these vaíiwis organs, is essentiaüy necessury. There is no cathartic for the puvposo equa! to Dk. J. Walker'S Vineoak üitters,. as they will speedily remove the dark oolored viscid matter with which the bowel8 aro loaded, at the same time Btiituilating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the heaitby 1 functioua of the digestivo organs. Fortify tlie botly íigainst disease by purtfying all its tluidswith Vixegab B"ittei:s. No epidemie can takc hold : oí' a systcm thus fore-armed. Dispepsia or Indigestión, Head' ache Puin in the Shoulders, Cóúgbs, 1 Tightness of the Chest. Dizzincss, Sotir ! Eructatiqns of the Stomach, Bad Taste ril thc Mouth, lïilions Attaeks. I'alpitatation of the I'íeart, [nflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the fBgrou of tlio Kidneys, and .a Imndrcd othor paiuful symptoms, aro tlie oiTsprings of Dvspepsia. One bottle will prove a bettergiurantee of' its luerits tiian a leDtliy adiortiselueut. Scrofnla, or King's E vil, W& Swelliugs.-UU'er.s Erysipelas, Swolled Xeck, Goitre, Scrufulous Intlammalions, Indolent lnflwiiniations. Mercurial ÁnéctioiÍH Old Sores, Eriiptiona of tlio Skin, Sore Kyes. etc. In these, ns in all othor constitutional DisCaSUS, WílKEUS .YlXKÍÍAR JilTTHKK haTO shown their great ciinvtive uowevá iu the most obstinate iiud intractablc 'Sftses. For Iiilliunni:itory and Chronic llhieuniatisiii, Gout, ÖTOqu's, Keniittont and Iiitcnuittent Fevcrs, Diseasesof tho Blood, Liver. Kidncys and rüaddcr, these BtfteM liave no pqiuU. Baeb Discases aro causod by Vitiated 131ood. Medliaiiieal Discases.-PQisons engaged iu Pailita and liucrals, sucli as l'lambers, ïype-sutters, Gold-beütci-Sj aud Minerïj, as tliev adv.inco in lite, aro subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To gnard ngaittst tíiis. take a úose of AValkek's vis eg-Ar BiWR3 occasionally. For Ski il Disenses, Eniptioua.Tet tor, Salt-Kbeum, Blotchos. Spots, Pimples Kistules, Boii.s, Ca'rbunclcf:. King-ivoniii, Scald-head, bofe Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Biscolorations of the Skm, Htimors and DUeases of tho Skin of whatevor name or nature, ara liténlly dog up and carried out of the system in a üliort time by the usa of these ISilters. Pin. Tape, and other frt lurking in tho system of so many thousamU. aro ellectually destroyed and removed. o systom nf medicine, no venniluge?, "o aff thelminitics will Veo the system fïon oiins like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, inyoung ■ or old, marriod r sinsile, at the dawii of womanhood, or tho turn of life, these Tuwc Hitters display eo deeided au inüuence tuit improvenienl 'is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Titiatel Ulood wher ever yon Í5nd its impurities burstius thrung the kin in Pimplas, Eruptions, ur Spri cleanse it when vou find it obstructed ara ! sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when i' ". fou!; vonv leeliugs will teil youwhen. Ky th:e blond pure, and the health of the systcl will folïow. n. n. McDosalp & co.. Dmggiste iwd Gen. Agts., San Francisco, CaHfonu , uní} cor. of Wnsliinffton nnd Clmrltoli Sts., ■ ■ Sold by uil lirvfigists imd Heulers. i TbAnïciióaii reo-íviilrr Inloii """ff" orer 1,60 fcmerfr, scpirrtetl smn iMiraWS Korseparatn Tllrt luid cost ff udverüsing, addri' SAKBORW. 114 Mcr.rn,. St., C&04M 2m onestly think your f ca Fo1" aTfftM superior to all oths. nrnferi, 7áf cómbíni r.iltiuilitiosdisirei1'"1 iSiöPB') I fimKluffl BalrfnK Powr. j kir7 "Itiatliotliioi:fori)frcplic!'i„ ÍHÍ rfr mu#rii(i of :i. Prlí3)cls. by mail. , iMrcss Dr. Bill ary. IJ N'ortti EIMiMr Sirect, St. LüiiK. M" . "mTwSlTTIEB, ITo. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, tfo„ coDtfuea to trct all casea of obstaales to mrriie( blo1 h:i;urities, evftry Ailment or dlctaesa which rcyults ftoffl iadiscretlon or imwHdeopa, wiLh ynparsllcled líE .. Cr. W.'s Cfltiiblishnjcot Is c-harterc by the State of Mis■ntiri, was founded and hus beea (wtabliahed 10 ure anff, cortoia and reHable relief. Belng a grndunie of overal taedictl oollcuk, nnd baving .h experienue of loog nd BucctMifii] lifeiu his speciahics he has perfecte MMfliffl ihataroofleoKk-il ia all these cwca. Uh putlen Ue tio treated bjr mail or express grerrwbflr. o nnit'T wbo f-tiled, oall or wrlte. J'mm tb e great nu" Der of poiioallopj bo is nabled Lo keep hit chJK lo. 3ti pasjes, (rlvinf full cymptoms, fortwo s!mpJ MARJFtüÁciÉ CUIDE, . a impelir booft whioh éhbuld tc bj e6J bdy. No marricd pair, or persons oontQtpUUinl ri-iRi', can áffoW todo without It. Itcontnlüs tbr crean; t t,, ï al literafjre on tl-ti sutij-ot thu rasulis o.( 1' I-in, ftperienre; a'in the béél ftímáüts frirtn Int W ia Kurope aad America. Spn) iealed. , ■■st-i. .i ! forSQct; DR. C. A. BOHAHNg JN l.ISUKDiraT. Otn-snllsnlTiTraswlthouttlieuso Meróuty. Clmotc reiscnablo foe. „ whlch B.'B -TroatiBi; on Speoll I"WM"id uu fully ciplnins ho nature, canso, si-mi'tnms. M ■ „d t,. rq all forma of Norvoiw JJeWlity. 1 lsr '1', ,n or - F.rrors o Youth," and vlublB inw" , .h.-r sulyects, solit FUEE in vUia ■ oiiv lopa Su í ïihi paper.


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