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ON HAND AAIN! LX3l nni I E Subsoribei lias juW hv. . .L reci-ivctl. (;iii'l i con jf$ jbLjJ "nnl'y recciviiig) lio1 í gftí NfW YoillUII fl:ülil M ' Vv l uJlfi3P wt" bC'ccicl' ossortincn' Jcwelry, Elocks, Watclies, iSe. &c. which !ii nrtnda to eil m f-w na nt r.ny other establishment íltlí de of BuffaJo lor re.ady puy on'tj aiuong whioli muy bc lound ihciollow 115: a (jood nfeöriifient "f Gdd Fineer Rings. Gold Brcast pini Gunrd Chains nnd Keys. Zilver Spouns, Gcrmnn Silvcr Ton nd ThIiIc Spomis (fil qnality.) Sil ver and Germán do Sujjiir Tonga. Silver Snli.Mustard and Oream spooii.. Dnimr Knivis. Silvor Pneil Cnscs, Silver nnd Commoii Thnnbles. Silver Ppectaeles, Germ.r.i nnd Strel üo. Goo..les, Clolhes. Huir and Tooih iirushoi, Laiïier Brnshog, Rasora nnd l'ockc! Kriire,' Fine Sliu;ir ntul Soiers, Knivrs nn.l ForKS. Briltannin Ton Potsand Cnstors. Fine jhtcd do Hrittnnin nnd Brnfs Cnudlci-tick. Siinviniï boxesnnd Sonps, Chnpmnn's lk-st Rn.or Strop, Cali nnd .Inrocco VVullels. Silk nud Cotlon pursps, loluia nnd Rows, Violin nnd Das? Viol Sinnes HuW, Files. ClarioniP, Accordeon M"tto Sca.s. Steel Pons nnd Tweer, IVn caWa, Snufl ond Tobncco boxei., Ivorj' Drcssinp Combe, ond Rnck and Pocket CómJ. Neodle caeCÍ, Stclc'.tocs. Water Painiii Ty n vnneiy o) Dólla. in sliert :ho greniesi variciy f loys BW) 10 mnrket: F.Dcy work l'oxcs. c lulda n-s tea telt.. Colonne Mn.r Olie, PipélKóf Snlm. Curl Pingar. Tci Bflllt,,. Ger.nnn P.pos, Ch.ldren's Work toake.j. BhM und PencHs, "Wond l'oncdd. BRASö Aiu WOO1) CÍQCK9, i" f? nlmot evc-v lrng to plcneo .1.0 fancy. Lnd.c nd Gommen cill und i-.xaniineloryoursc.vrs. '"Ciock,. Wa.chc, nn.1 .-ewelry nplM - warrnn.ed on short noucc. SW ál h old stond, oPpo.oH.I!etkcr.flj..fifiss_ N R -Cash paid for old Gold &. Silver. aVa.Uh. Nov. 6.hfl845L 2S7-I)TEKTH! TEETHÜ TKETIl ! ! ! f A8TICA'! ION nnd Ani eukdon, warfaüi LVXc'I Iv lv iieir Vins properly rrpincod. S. . BURNETT, =iill coniiinH-3 the pi artice f DKNTISTRY in ,[ fa vunoaa btnnolie; yh : Kcaling. rilling;, an.l I.isertm on {jolt! platea 01 pivois. frorti one to nn entire pelt. OU1 pJatM, Or mislöi rcrtio dlcd. and inndc cut to ncw. - ♦OlliccovorC B. Thompt.scii & fVsslioe ötor.'-. Lndii-H rho requeftt lt, oan bc waitc.J n nt their d#ellinga. N. B. Chnrges unusunJIy low, aml nl! kindc „fproJuccmkcr. Aun Aii-or, 23tb, lfc(. til - tlVKaiihattan Store. Cttmcr of JiJTlt son Arcniic aud liales streel, Dttroit. BR surc and visit the Manhniian Store whc aro mak ing purcKllO, Tlie üris wliicli ymi will liml ilicro are excellent in quality and rditsunnble in pricc. We have I (í .)d Heavy Sheccinga, Alnpain, Diülirn;-, McríiUH, Tickiiijj.t, Musliu I)t'luinc3, I.inácys. ('ohliiiierca, Kki and wliiic F'lanntls, Calicos, Saiiiioit3. Lntü Vcils, ruil Clötha, 5rcn Bnrregc, Ciatiinerei (Jlnvcs, VcsiinsTS. ' llusiery, Broa Icloih. Ginphnnw, sh.iwls. RibLon-, Lint Caailtric lldklb. Lacet, v-. iS:'1. S C 'i.niiiif!. Coito Vm ti. Wickini;. Wliitc Cnrpot Warp. ('oloreii (lo. do.. Siraw TioWing, ülnclietl Cottors of n'l nnnlhie. Fine unblonched Collona. H-irred Musluia, Ve. i'. A!so. PF-ATÖERS and PAPER ANC INGS, M ■uili-niii'. Windów papar, Fire board pupeis, Travelins Uahkeis. Firs'raioTKA an-l COFFKE, Ac o. Aml oilir nrticlos too mmuTous to incniioii. Farmera partnot Inil ol tinding ihu ManWonnn St ire a (Irsiniblc placa to do ilieir irmÜiii.' 5 pnina wil! lie panul in wnlüog on ciistoniers nnd all nro iuviied to ml! nnd oxoinino our goodsbeforo mking ilnir purChnts. WhU o nr cpnödent tint all wlio exhtnina mr stock will buy, yei we will lako uo ufienoe, if -Jör sliowing our goodá. people choose io irade iMwhare. V. A. RAYMOÏNL). Detroit. Dec. 2T, 1P45. 24-1- tim NEW COOKlNtt STOYE,And Stovcs of all kinds. Tho subseriber wuuld cali the attunüon ui ihe iiiblic tol7oolson's Hot Air Cooking STOVE Which he can confidemly recomnirnd ns hcing Jccidcdly super or to nny Cooking Slovc m use. For einiplic'uy ín opcratioii- -cronoiuy u lm-l. nnd for uiu-qualkd Baking aad Uoastino qftall iiy, it is .ii' i-, .il'i-.l. Tha ncw and impormnt irnprovemrni in troduccd in iis construction ticiiig ttltib " to in sure yreat ndvnnmcs over all otlier kinds u Couktng StDvcs. WH.LIAM R. NOYES. Jr. 7Í Woodward Avcnuu, Ücroit. Doe. 19, 1846. 42Cheap Hardware Store. ' TUK Sub3cribcr tnkrs this mctliod 10 infbrm 1 his i'iil customers nnd ihc public ireiierally ( hat lio still continúes lo keep a largennd general i8?irt!uent of Foreign nnl Doincslio ] HARDWARE, püTLERY, &c. Also. Spike. VVrouglit, GM aml Hurse Shue Nails, Glaps. Sheet Iron, Hoop Iron. Sheet nnd Bar LeaÜ, Zync, liright nnd Anenlod Wire, ( lassea Gales and Fnssetts, Mili Sawa. Cross ('ui ] Snws, Hand nnd Wood Sawe, Uack and Ky Hnlc Saws, Anvils. Vico?, IJcllows.Adzos.Cooper'a Tool.-, Urawing Knivcs, Spoke Shavcs. Tup Borers, Cdst Steel Augura, Comnión ' crnrp. Angur Bitts. Hollow Auguis. Steel nnd ' ïron Squares. G ound Plasiet, Water Lime. Grind Sioncs, 'Paiosh.Cnldron and Ru?nr Kcttlep. Cable. Lor. Trace nnd Halter Chnins, Brond, Hand and Narrow Axes, Spirit nnd Plumb Lovels, togethcr with a cènera! assortment of I lol- lew Ware, whieh wili lo sold low for Cush 01 approved credit at 123, Jeflerson Avenue. Eldreil's Block. 11. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. lGth. 1846. 248-1 y "" 15OOTS AND SÏIOES, AT WHOLESALE. A. C. M'GRAW & CO., WUOI.KSAI.K AM) RXTAIL UKM.VMS tti BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINOINQS. Corner of ' Jrffcrson nnd Woudmiid .'Ivcnues, Detroit.A C. MTfllA vv & CU. woiilíl rojpectíuliy c. infortn thc Mcrchmts '' Michigan, tlint licy have opciu:J a VVllpLESAliE J?OOT M SHOK STORE, in ilie rdoma over ilieir Iclnil Sioru. t' 8 Comer. 'I'lioir long nc juaintnncé with ilie S!boé Uüsinéw, ñnd lUo kinds )fsnoc8thni nre noedeil u tliis Sinte. will cnnjle tlicm to furriish nicrclnuts wilh mich sliocs te ihcy neod. u beuer ltrii;s ilmii ilicy con by n ilie New Yrk innrkti. n? nll tiir-ir twxls nrp hnught iVom fi m hands, nn'd imriicular otlorition a p 'ni In thé sclccúon oí sizts. Dciroit. 1S4(5. 24R !v Carpcís! Carpclsí! Carpeísf!! BKECIIER Se ABBOTT,- DETROIT, WOULD respectfu)l,v cn!l ilie ntíeniíon oí purebasura froni 'lie r.nmiry. vsítií (liitily, (■) our stock ( (.'A III'KTS. consisiing ol Extra Siiporfine, Superfina nnd Fine Tlireu-jíly Carpetini;; Fine nnd Suptrfíne Lowell :v.i Vú !;aU-!)hin Ingrain (Müi: WooljDnd Co.tldn Dugrcits; Brusela and Tmte.1 Rupfif, Printed Floor Cloil?, A-c. &c, wbitli they ofl'ur to scll nt pnce Ices tlian have ever befure bcen oílerol n llm ('nrpct Room in chnmlirr nvrr Store. Na TV.' Jefferson Avemio. uno duor bolow ilie Michigan Sime Bnk. Datrpll. Jnn. 2:5, 140. 24ft-3-noWOOLËN MACHI iN ER Y. H&. R PAUTHJDGE havo on Innd m ilicir shpp, n larguauioiini of Wooluu Mochiu.,iy. whícli is nb'w ready fur sale, colisistms ol DÓuble t'.irdiny Wnchincf, i'ickinu Machines. Uro.ul and Pínrrow Power Loom, Nnpping and Tenzling Machines: nll of which Nviil be oU ai priccd nnd on torno to curfpond v% i 1 1 1 ihe tinics. Tlicy are nlso piopnrcd lo malte 10 conirnct Condenséis ;md Jncks. or ;niy otlitr Machi nory l.ut mny l'c wan led r monufacliTÍiig or coai.m wnrk; nnd nll Mnchints made ly tlicin wilt he fvarrnnted good. nnd lor duraliiliiy nnd despnic-li of luisincrts arciMt excalledi fequolkd. by anyufjUiQ Knstcrn or Ohm Machines. And Op mucli luis liccn nnd i 9iud lv A'ntljinc makers "i neiglilioring Simes, of the upariority ofihcir M:ic'ii'i.-i y nvBi :il! nilicrs. wc now otfer FJVK rlUNDRCU DOLLARS il ?hey will prducn -i Mndiiii. oí lhi'r oirn nrikc. (EatH'i.ih ".he sume ninounl o" power, v:i!l do more and bflCiei wnrk. n n (riveq linif, tlwn Njqoh'mca uiad,e by iliern.Those wislmig tn pnrclmso nreiuviiuil m cjiiI n:i(' o.xnmine jhcir Machines, and 'enrn ili. ir prïcoi nnd leritiH heiorc purchusinc elwhcioAnn Art..r. .lai.ur.ry IS. 18 6. - ; -"' Wardwcll éc Ilixon, rSïPOKTERS AND iVflOfiESALEDffALÍIARDWAKKAV) CüTIiBRY. 0-TiNo 4, Cednr tÁtt. ? !""" óbovo J't-ari si. IVcw Vork. .1. M. U'AKDWhLl CüCltTLAM) I'. DlX-.N. V. .1 are rnceivine a f" nd poneral ns siilinpnt of Cnglfih nnH Amcricnti Hnrdw.-irr'. cnnsisnrm in nr' f ï'nhfc mifl Pookéi Cnilory, BmchetH Rmon, FiIp. Cliiscb. Plaiie lroiií tun! SnwK. American Buttïénd Sciewsi. AinCb" SbO' v.Ih nn Spnilod. Vn. flow'DJa Mijl IMI ACutSnw. f larris'. Uloods' . Dcmiih' and Ta-i loi's Sryihcs- which are oficred 'n the h.okI favor.iMÓ ternm for cnrfi r !x nio'itli" rfilu. {j Nuw York. tcb. 1346. 'J.V2- Om IDry Goods at Wholesale. BEKCIIER fc ABBOT OFFER tor sale for ch I iie followingr goods at New Vork whalesales pnces, transportación onlv nüded : 40 Bules Bmwn Sheeling6 and Sliirtings, 10 C.i.-eri Blenclicd ilr du 10 B.iles Brown DriHing, ti Ctipcs HlcQched do 000 Ibs BHttinjr, 1000 Cotlon Warp, Nus. 5 to ÏQ 500 ' Cnnd'c Wicking, 7)0 Curpet Wnrp, 100 pieces Sh(ops Gry Cloth, luo M Sauinetls, 00 " Cossiinere, 5ü filtie, Blnck, Brown, Groen, Steel Mixed, nnd Cadet Mixed Hroüd Cloths. 150 " Black, Colored, Figure2 nnd Pluin Alpaccas, 50 Whito, Red, Green and Vcllovv Flonnolp, 30 Super Moni Bncrpinp, &0 Plain and Figured Kentucky JeoM, '0 " Linseyp, iO Cnoton Flannols. 50 pnirs Mnekmnw ülankof?, bO Dieces M. DcLnine nnd Caslimcroe, 100 ninnket Shawls, 'oO pieces 7 U nnd 0-4 BcdTicking, 50 Slripc Shirtini, 50 ' Blue Drill?, 100 " Prussinn Dicpor, 1000 " English and American Prinla, togethcr with o gonernl nssorlmont of Thrcndp, PinSi ButtotiF, Combs,Glovcs, Ribbons, Lnces. Hdkfs, ïic. kc, makingr the Inroept nnd best aBsortment of poods to be fonnd in tliis Btoie. 132JefTnt8on nvenne, one door bclow llie St. Clair Bank Building. Detroit, Oef. 7, 1845, Omo.1846, X HOLMES & CO., A'IIOLESALK AND RETA1L ÜEALEU3 IN STAP1.K AND TAVCï DRY GOODS, 9rt Groceries, Carpeting, Wtul paper Hangen gs, Vb. G3 IVoodward Avenue, Lamed" Vloek', Detroit. 3 Roiinu, A'cír Vori:. } S M. IIOI.MKS. Detroit. f X7E inko tliis method of nforming our frionda TT and cnsioincrs throughout the State, ïhnt ve are still pursuins the even tenor of oor v.ys, oiuienvoring to do our businena upon md honorable principies. We would olso lénler our ncknowledgmrnts for the pnttonnce ex icndcd 10 iis by ovir customerp, nnd won'd lu ; lenve to n tlie nucntion f tlio public to n vci v wt'll estcctcA nsbortment of itasonablc Gooiis, wbich nro ofJcrcd at wholcsnlc or rrtail at cry tov priccB. Our IncilinVs lor pi'rriin.vinn Goodi nro unsurpn8Bcd by nny concern in the tttulc - . One ofthodrm, Air. J. Jlolmes resides in tlio oity of New York, nnd from liia long eXperJénco in the Joliliins trado in tlint city. nnd froni bis ihorough kriowlcdgo of tbc mnrket, be is citubied to ovoll himsclf of tlic nnrtions nnd nny declino in pricee. Wc also purchnse from tho Irnportcrs. Manufacturcr'd A (en tí, nnd fsom llio nuctions, by the [.a?kngo, iho ttivnt ns N. Y. Jobber? purehnFC, tbua snvin? tlicir jirofii.,- . Wiih these fncilitire we can snlrly p.'iy thnt duf (loods nrc eoid chkat for tho evidncc of uhich we invite the nt tent ion of the public to uu stock. We hold to tlie crent cnrdinn! principie of "the greatat rond tn tlifi irhols. vuviber," 80 if you wniillo buy Goods rhtap, ond buy a liuse qunn}ttj lor a VtVc money givo ue a trial. Our stock is as exteneivc as any in the city, and wc nro constnntly receiving ncw nnd freeh Goodí from New York. 50,000 Ibs. Wool. Wantod, thenbovo qunntity ol'good morchantnblc Wool for which the highest market prio will bo paid. J. HOLMES CO. Dmoir, 184.". 214-tfBOOKS! BOOKS!! At Pcrry's Kook Store. Xexl door East of the A Yorl; Chetip Store. TH F. subscriber has just opened nnd is now rcndy to sell the must extensivo nhortmi'tu it ÜOOKS, RLAMi B0OK8 and STATIONAM. cvcroITcrcd in Ann Arbor. His stock consista uf SCHOOL BOOKS rf ucnrly evcry variety in nqJ in tliis Slnic-- HistDr'cs. Hio{,'raliic. Tr.ivc!-;. Memoirs, Misccllancoun. Iteligious and Classical Books. BIJ5LF.S nnd TESTAMENTS, cv.iry Törieiy of sizc, stylc nnd binding. Sonie silcndidly nniahsd. l'llAYKft BOOKS. POKMR & ANNUALS beuutiitilly boiind fur Holyifay Ifts. PnrcnM nnd otiiois wisllirig to niake spicndid liolduy presciüd al smoll cnot, will r!i wcll to culi nt Perry's nnl mnk thcir selic'-ions fruni n full suc't. D.Mi't delny'. Alo, on bninl the l.irircst nfsorfir.cnt of I'APF,R ovor nilKrnd west of Doiroit; s:ich ns Cnp, í nji, Loltcr. Frencli LOU6r, Bnnkrrs Pbt, Copyín, ''".sbiie, Cnril Batk, Envelopé, nnd 1U kinds oï noto paper, wíth n fn!l nssortment of Bied Pont, 4'ull-s Waferg: Black. Biise, Red, nnd Hopying luk; Sn'nd, rhkslnndff, Fnlkif. Pin lli-Iilers. Slumps. Multo Scnl.-?. Gold and Hilvrr WaTcre; Indin Rubhpr. Pencilsnnd Poinl, Knvrlop, s. nnd ï.-mnv .wiÍLiir.= of VjsitinjfOorift. AIsd, GOU) l'KNK, nu article coinbiumg èlcgnnco wïth écOnomy. He Ims on Imnd u iooJ selc.'üon of Ronks suimblü for Family, School District nnd TownshipIt wiil iiot In; pnssiblc to name all llio nrticlö m Ktsüno: Suflkciito sny, iJiai liis ossormwnt in general nnd chcapcr litan was ever Iclbre offcred n c!mh vilhtge. Ho hns lünde n rongemenls in New Vi U wliicli v. II entibie kim al all times to obtnin nnytliir.g in liis line direct from New York at sluw nntice. by Kxproro. !i will lc sfen that lus (a cilities fr nocuiDodntmi: insc-iistoniera wiih nttic!cs not on hnml is Luyond preceden and lie ia reruly nnd wiHinj.' to docvory tliinjr rvounnlilc t indkc lus csinMishmc-ni 3iic.Íi nn nu ns nn rnüslii icd ond dnoarnipg commumiy roquire, snd lie hópes ti trtcrit n thnru nfpnironoue. Purii na wishiiii' nny nriicle in his lint will ir, veU to all belore puichaainc elscwhere. lf you forgpt Üie Icr, rnqinra br 1'm.j t Boiikstof!, Ann Arbor. Upprr Villnjic - 2d u'oor Tusi u( Muin streel, on Iluron etreet. ww n. i-nut y. December, 1 - 1". TLJkX StiEn, lBiiprt;ioit I Farmers. TIJi; subscribe 1im now öriaied a Mili for rnojiofttciunijsr Likkko Ou.. The ocnuou of tlx; M1! is .") inHc fijönh of PentónvilU, Ci.nCHt-e ('o.. Mic!i. Tins loraiinn will acc'imjnodiilt.- tlic luniiers in üetiCCÖ, Lnpcr-r, Sliinvnsee and n pnrt af J.iv'ngsion nd Onldnud Coumits. The Miflin 'cipulle of nrinding 10.000 buehein of Sced. Aijd f ln'i"' ! lic nljle rq get I lint quanmy qnoihcr yc:r. Tliè Flox Crop i bclie ved to bc tri ilini the fartnei can niisfe. - In lbo Stato of NTcw York. in norr.c srciioim wliicli ero Mc-l;i!"wlr:!"Ofl tü bo .'rjtirtl to nny o her fnr rai.inj; wli.-nt. tiio U r.ncr. have proven ly nn :iice cf 'A or 4 yeais. ihat il"1}' enn laakfi rhore monej at persing Qax .eed :ii rwe dtllur per 'ruihlicl lliun i!icy o.;n ;n niiéing wlitat nt the prsc( -, a O'rlinarily bringf. I t hall linve n qmntiiii y i1 sci] reaily rlcqned lor Qwing to furnisli thosc wlio cnnnct procuro ülev'here. I will con:r:ii-r fc.cA nt hv.: dr Var por 1 ;i%!h', to r!olirred nt Üic Mili ncx' fall or wintrr. A uod assortment ot Dry (iooii?. Groeri?, CrnckiTv, nul [{iiiRwnn:. and ni! the nuienals for pnintinjr kcjt cninntly nn Jmnd. Cnsh paid at all timea for Fhix Sccd. D. „ Lx TOURF.TTr. Loitè Luko, Dor. -2-i. ;... w- rui DIÖöLCTKD MAPS -An in.structie nn-l nrrunna irtto'r for vokpít. foi 0' ' PJgRAY'd ÖOOKSTORK. Ihc. q:. -fttl