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"the Can-can Of Journalism."

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Mr J. H. McVicker, of MoVicker s Theater, Chicago, is not only a good actor but a sucwssful miuiagcr. As a cartlwriter he likewiso oxeóla- not 111 tlio beauty of his oMrography, but in terse, caustic and satirioal languageand beaulafuUY-rounded sentenoes. Thé follovulg is a specimen of bis style, being a reioindor to tbo Chicago Times' hoax áboui the suppotótitious bimiuig of a theater in tliat city : WHfi the "hoax" part of H,o "Bnrnëd Alivo " articlo, I bave nothmg to it i witl) the attcmpt at justiñeation I am deahng. llio artiolo itaelf máy bo looked upon iw tlio cau,, .1. ■„ n-M ii-nií-li iu iipvnnttíítl IO 019v (■111 Oí jmUlliUlHHl, liii-ii ín j.".v i from the fact tbat wc American are bo proud of the "freerlomof the prosa " we wonld not "ata it bv law," oven írom tino uttornuco oí fnlsclK,oa and indeeeney. Tho prese nwsthwe ita way, and there i no coneBponding vohicle, vrith eqiial Bpeea, tluougli whioh to cope with it n equal seusation to tho ' ' Bunicd Alivo articlo, wntten and signed by ono of the Judges f tlicSupremi! ('ourt, attmted by a " compeent, practical" pliysician, and postad ni l.fty thoróand places in the city during the night might rea thus : " Every Ufe m danger ! "Printers1 ink imprognated with üheaBo!" "Beware oí tho daily papers . .mu. -Altnr nf tll TliliCS dod ! 'Ho read bis own paper and expned Sniall-pox in cvery printcd sheet! ihe Time arcbitoct attempte to save hiniBelt dj umpiuK into the lake, bot is drowned ! Une mmhcd reportera found among the dead ( 'An attempt mado to fumígate tbc ri office, but faite!" ' A dreadfu 1 ho loc.. j! Readnodaüvpapeni!" "Death will follow their touch r "These WOTlH bo a fair sample of "hcad-lines," to bo followcd by twenty pages of leSal-cap giving a deacription of the drcat - ful om of lifc froni "reaUmg tho papera, all rouched for by a " responáble ' Judge mduttered bv a "competent, practical physician. Somethihg of this kind might "touch home to journaliam could it be acoompliHhod. Impious the pubüc mind that thero is danger 111 the touch of a newBpaww-ö;t the ink contams and cireulation would decreaae rapully. party would be believed by many and have ïta n-t-iut such an effect bh the "líurncd Alive" articleivas calculated to have ou amusement. I mako no upology íor asldng yon to give tliiB room in your columns. It i not one-event h tho lengtli and quite as interesting aB tlie aiucle to wUoh it aUudes, and with good 4eadlinea" will help the circulation oí the Tunes.


Old News
Michigan Argus