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OBTBE FOK ïnE ABÖUS- W-50 a yiar. __ 'x lie Cuinniuu Uouucü will meet ou Moajty ereuing next. 1. The -Deraocrat ie Couiity Convontion will i,e lieiil this uioiiiing at the Court House. - Oue weck froin n xt Jloiulay tlie trial oi cl.imj„al cases will commenoe in the Circuit - "Tho Destinies of the Eepublio" was the fiit'iert pi' Victoria VVoodhuli's lecture at Ypsilaoti Wednesday evening. - The robes worn by Bishop Gillespie at j,iS conseoration wcre pre9ented by the ludios „fSt. Andrew's Church of this city. - Mouday evening beiug the regular monthly meeting of Company B, they will meet at tl,eir arraory íor inspeotion awd drill. - Tlie annual masqaerado ball, given by the Turn Verein oi tliïs city at the armory of Com,ouy B Monday eveuing, was well attended. - Alarge nuinber of the colored people of liiií city had a ' tílgh oíd time" in Saline Tuesdav evening at a dance held iu Burkhardt's Hall Tlie pulpit of the Presbytenan Church vas occupied Sundny by Rev. George DufHeld. Iu the evening he deíivered a lecture to youug uien. - Tlie case of The Ppople vs. James Lony for euticiug away and inairying a minor, has beeu diacontinued by the Prosecuting Attorney. - Kev. J. S. Large, of Grand Rapids, who il! occupy the pulpit of the Episcopal Church during Lent, preached his firstseruion Sunday morning. - About twenty youug people celebrated Washington's birthday with a sleigh ride to the residence of Mr. Ed. L. Boyden iu Websten in the evenint;. - Elsewhere will be found au arti&le f rom Prof. Watson's Transit of Venus Party, which mll be all the more interesting, as it is the trst accouut received. - Friday, a United States Deputy Marshall, from Detroit, was in the city, serviug writs on members of the Ann Arbor Trading AssociatioD, in the interest of Eastern parties. - Dr. Cocker preached a powerf ui sermón at the M. E. Church Sunday evening, on the ricissitudes of life and the terrors to the sinnerand hope to the Chnstian in death. - Owing to a leak in the punfying apparatus at the gas works, 45,000 feet of gas escaped, which accounts for the city being left nearty in durkness so suddünly on ïuesday night. - Workmen succeeded ia discovering the leak in the gas pipe on the corner of Huron and Second streets, Saturday atternoon. Tliey füuud the ground fruzeu to the depth of four feet. - Geerde F. Ijutz was before Justice McMahüu Saturday on a charge of keeping a saloon the 17th iust, without a license. He ptaul guilly and was let off by paying the costs of the suit. - Seventeen dollara and flfty cents is what it will cost for seuding and keeping Hiram K. Cotant at the county jail for fifteen days, on a senteuce yesterday by Justice Clark, for (lruukenness. - Jusoph McNamee, one of the euterprising individuáis who has driven a thrifty business iu robbing grave-yards, has come to grief by bcing convicted iu the Circuit Court at Flint du Wednesday. - Coleinan Townsend, a tramp irom Cauada, who was charged with vagrancy, plead Luüty belor Justice McMahon yesterduy, md was giveu 30 minutes to get outside of ie Corporation. - Uompany B, about 60 in number, headed jï Owinner's band, pariided some of the prinlipal atreets Monday. They made a very fine ippearanee, aud were vociferously clieered tlong their line ot' march. - For some time there has been a scarcity )i water at the depot, and on an inspection of ;be supply pipe Weduesday, where it crosses tbe river, there was fouud to be a leak at one oí the joints near the shore. - Ou account of the inclemency of the weather, Monday evening the entertainment, wiiich was to be given in McMahon's Hall by tlib Boy's Amateur Dramatic Club, was postpüued until to-morrow evening. - Duriug the early part ot last week, David Potter, who resides iu the township of Augusta, lost a span of horses and a yoke of oxen, by giïiug them Paris green for coudition powders. By their death he is out about Ï32Ó. - William Cooper, in attempting to start an empty freight car with a crobar in the f reight house, Friday, slipped on the ice, and in falling, struck his face against the bumper, aud received a sevejre cut over the left eye. - A number of the vestrymeu of St. Andraw' Church witnessed tne consecration oi Bishop Gülespie at Grand Bapids W edneslay- To-day a number of persons will be couirmed by him in Tnuity Church, Marshall. - (jcorge Gilbert and Benjamin Brown, two celebrated draught players, are engaged iu a eries of 100 games. Brown is the ackuowledged champiou of the city, and considerable interest is manifested in the game, especially by outsiders. - George DeBaptiste, who was well known to many of our citizens as the leading caterist f Detroit, and who acted in such capacity at fflerent times in this city, died at his resideuce in Detroit Monday morning with cáncer i the stomach. - Peter Ü'Brien, a resident of the township oi Augusta, for threatening to kill his wife aud limily with au ax, is now languishing in jail a seuteuce of six moriths, being unable to Sive il,000 bouds for his good beliavior for l"at length of time. - Two gentlemen passing by the Opera House block, and a young man standing in front of it Monday eveuing, were conaiderably startled at a large quantity of suow which iell "om the mansard roof and struck the side alk just in front of them. - The oommittee appointed by the memkfs of the Presbyterian society, to suppiy 'keir pulpit, unule vacant by the resignatiou ' Kov. S. W Duffield, have reported in favor "f Rev. Dr. Brown, ot St. Paul, Minn., and it is proljalo that he will be the " coming man." - A horse attached to a cutter containing '"o littlo ohildren, became friglitened on Libe"y Street, ut a banuer carriud in ouo of the pMouooa Monday, and came very near ruu"""g away. As it was, the cutter waa over'"med aud the clnldren tluown out, but "either were mjured. - A meeting of the Washteuaw Couuty Fire 'osuraiice Coinpany was held in the Court loase Weduesday. B. VV. Waite was elected nendent and Newton Sheldon, Secretary. ' principal business transacted was the "áoptiou ut an aweuded charter, af ter which 'm meetmg odjourued. JaiBus Waluh, a pauper f rom the Couuty House, was before Justice McMahon Saturday 'r lieing drunk on Main street the eveniug tofore. üllieor Gidley, who made the arrest, "ated to the Court tlie circumstances of the Cl'e, wlieu the accused was sent to the Detroit "ork Hu,i!.u tor six month. " A mau by the uume ot Whittemore at"fflpted suïcide at ihe lock-up in Ypsilanti náíf. Emética benig adrnimstered, his life ffas saved, aud the ueit uioruing he was ready for a jree rja o inspoot the Detroit "rk Uouae, he having been seuteuced 65 'y by Justice Crane for iudulging in atrong Jriuk to axeeu. - That fat sheep exhibited on the strect Thursday of last week by J. W. Nanary, of Superior, was purchased by Henry Matthews, the Huron Street butcher, at 7 cents per lb., live wdinlit. It has been laugatered and is aam on exhibition at Mr. Matthews' niarket, optoorite the post postothYe, and attracts coneiderable attention. --■H. C. Dow, a resident of Kansas, and n bnther of J. B. Dow of this city. is now here soliciting oontributions in behalf of the suffcrers in Kansas, inany of whom he represents to be in a vory d?atitute condition. As the objor.t is a worthy one, it is to hoped that Mr. Itow wlll meet with that succo.s3 which the causo deserves. ■ - One of our subscribcrs who gets his paper at tliis office, sent his son after it two weeks ago, who after perusinft it a few momento canie to a local in whieh his name was mentioned in connection with a fight. The young man before delivering the paper to his parental sire, cut the notico out, woll knowing that there would be trouble in camp unless he took this procaution. - The case of The People vs. Henry Wells, charged with assault and battery upou one Sweet, was hcard Tluusday of last week by Justice McMalion. Eight witnesses were examiued, and the jury after being out a short time, rendered a verdict agaiust the defendant, who was fined two dollars and costs, aniounting to $28.14, The case lias been appcaled to the Circuit Court. - On Friday evening last, a number of sleigh riding parties went to Whitmore Lake to attend a dance at the Lake House, and dancing was kept up until au early hour the noxt morning. A nuiubor of tipovrs and one runaway occurred on their return, Saturday morniug. One cutter was badly wrecked, and others more or less damaged. Fortunately the oecupants escaped injury. - There is to be in Old Folks' Concert at the Opera House next Wednesday evening, for the benefit of the new Congregational Church. The singers, tweuty-five in number, including studeuts and citizens, will be dresaed in the postume of oldeu tiines. Sacred piecef, medly songs, and instrumental music wül make up the prograinme. Tickets for the concert may be had at the book stores. The Republican County Convention, held in this city Monday, re-nominated George S. Wheeler, of Salem, for County Superintendent it Schools. R. A. Beal, L. W. Briggs, Clinton Spencer, G. S. Wheeler, S. Webster Childs, Andrew ' Campbell were eleoted delegates to the State Conveution ; and E. P. Allen, A. J. Sawyer, J. T. Honey, AI. J. Noyes, Peter Gook, and W. H. Dell, delegates to the Judicial Conventioii. - A. K. Hale, of the firm of Hale & Treinain, who has beeu sick íor several weeks fmding improvenieut almost impossible while remaining in this citj', left for kis old home in Adams, New York, Tuesday evenmg, accompauied by his wiie and father, where he will remain uutil health is restored. Iu order that the business of the store will uot suffer, the services of Johu ï. Fuller, a well kuown and practical pharmacist, have been secured to take charge of the prescription departinent. - Saturday the 13th inst., a student preseuted a postofiice money order at the Anu Arbor postoflice, amountiug to $20, and coming f rom Marine City, Mich. This same order, although daily presented for collection for one week, could not be cashed on account of lack ot the Marine City postinaster's advice. Ii this is the way Uucle Sam's postoliices trausact business, studeuts will do well to advise their friünds that ït will be öafer and niore convenieut to reueive their money by lueans oi a draf t. üi - The resideuta of Whitemore Lake and vicinity, with a large uumber of ladies and gentlemen iroua this city, celcbrated Washington's birth day with a grand ball in the uvening at the Cliftoii House. Lumbard's Band furnished niusic íor the occasion, and during the " Fireniau's Dance," Mr. Lumbard sang the cali in a masterly inanuer. Mr. Delos F. Smith, the proprietor of the house, had made ampie arrangements for a large attendance, and eveiy tlung was done by him to make ït pleasant for his guusts, who numbered over two hundred. ■ - A cadttverous looping individual called at a bakery on Hain streot, Fiïday, and after devouriug a quautity of oysters, urackei-s, pie, cake, and cheese, ïuformed the clerk that he had no inouey, but expected sume in the afternoon, wheu he would cali iu and settle. As he was preparing to leave the propriotor came in, and learning how matters stood, immediately locked the door, and notified the would be " dead beat" that uuiess he squared up, and mighty quick too, he would cali oue of the pólice, tíeeing that he meant business, he pulled out five dollars and settled the account. - - Three medical students were arrested Saturday mght for disorderly conduct iu attemptiug to break up a social on Thompson street. They were taken to jail, where they remained untij Monday, when they were released by the Cliiuf of Pólice, on giving security for their appearauce Tuesday afternoon before Justice Mc.vlahon. At the appointed hour they put in an appearauce, accompauied by au attorney , who made a to pay the costs and dismiss the suit, whlch was accepted by the Court, and after a short address by his Honor, they filed out of the Court room in mournful procession, and at the foot of the stairs received the congratulations of their friends.


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Michigan Argus