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At Home Again. Dr. North having concluded to sell or rent bis Muntry Beat, hae again taken up the practico of )ontistry, and opened rooms over Johnson's Hat tore, where he will bepleased to meethisoldfriends who may need his professional skill. He is prepard to insert teeth on rubber baae, celluloid, gold or ilver, aa may be desired. Teeth fllled with pure oíd, and by other approved principies. DR. OEO. W. NOETH. Ann Arbor, December, 1874. 151üm3 THE ANN ARBOR SAVIBTGS BANK Ann Arbor, BüchigaTi. Receives deposita of One Dollar and upwards anc 1II0W8 Five per cent. interest on all deposita rermiiung three rnonths or longer. Interest Compounded Scml-Annually. Also buys and sells ü. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New Yurk, Detroit aud Chicago Exchange. Also sells Sight Drafts on Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, or auy other part of the European Continent. This Bank is organized under the General Banking Law of thia State. The Stockholders are indivldually liable to the amount of their stock, and the whole capital is security for depositors, while with Banks of issue, the capital isinvested forthe security of bill-holders. ïhis fact makes this Iustitution a very safe depository of monies. Married Wonien can deposit subject to their own draftsonly. .Uonev to Loan on Approved Securltles. DIRECTOES : R. 8. Smith, C. Mack, w. W. Winks K. A. Bkal, VV. D. Harrimas. D. Hlscot'K ' W. Deubkl. OFFICEES : R. S. Smith, Pres't. C. Mack, Vice-Pres't C. E. Hiscock, Teller. DUT YOUB MONEY WHERE IT WILLDO THE MOST 3-OOIA. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y COMPETITIOH ALSO, A FÜLL LINK OF Gents' Furnishing Goods. JaP Call before purchasiug. 1 5 South Main titreet. H TVJOTICEl AH persona indebted to the late Ann Arbor Trading Association ure notifled to call and settle Ihcir accoountB immediately, and tbei-eby save costa. Settleiaenta will be made at the late plaoe of bu&ir-w, 18 Bouth Main street. ÖEÜ. SUTTON, Assignee. Ann Arbor, Feb. 10, 1875. DON'T READ THIS! That ever reliable dealer, WM. WAGNER has in store a full stock of Ready-Made FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Which must and will be sold at PltlCES ÏO SUIT THE TIMES Alo a i'jll stock of Cloths, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Stjle and Work warranted to suit. Also a Full Line of Furnishing Gooils CALL and C. WM. WAGNER 21 South Maik St. Ann Aebob. 149 RAILROADg. ITCHltíji CENTRAL BAILBOAlh WINTER TIME TABLE. opino ti.t. M M STATIONS. w 2 p. fx o i__i__.1i J_J_ U.K.A.M. r. 11. K m. i', h. etroit, leave, ! 7 00 10 20 3 30 4 40; 10 00 ayne, 7 56 11 06 4 24 6 40 10 47 psilanti, 8 31 11 31 i 02] 7 10 11 12 nnArbor, 8 55 11 49! 4 35 7 45,11 30 r. M. a m. )exter, 9 52 6 02 8 10 helse, 9 40 0 19 8 30 rassLake, 10 07 6 46 00! ackson, ,10 43 1 15 7 15 ! 9 35 12 5Í r.K. A.M. Kalamazoo, a 05 3 45 12 30 3 15 hicago arrive, 8 05 9 00 7 00! 8 SU OOINO ZABT. 4 í &1 % I j_sj_o_ 2_?._ - A. Mi. H. Ir. H. P. M. Chicago, leave, 6 00 8 30 1 5 15 w mi P. M. A. U. Kalamazoo, 10 50 123 10 80 2 35 P. U. A. M. A. M. Jackson, 2 10 i 00 7 10 12 55 4 55 Grasa Lake, 2 46 7 39 6 23 Oi.tlBea, ; 3 10, 8 07; i 50 Dexter, S 25 8 26 6 08; Aun Arbor, 3 Mi 5 08 8 55 2 22 8 28: Tpsilanti, 4 20 5 25 9 15 2 42! 6 4H Wayne, 4 51; 5 43 9 43 3 02 1 11 Detroit, arrire, I 5 45! A 30:10 30 S 501 8 001 The Atlantio and Pacific Expresa nin totween Jackson ii 'iil NiIpm on the Aii Line. The Kalamzoo Accommodatiou runs east dnily. weat daily oicept 8aturday. Flint & Pere Marquette R.1Ï. TOLEDO, 8AGINAW AND NOETHWESTEEN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable connections made at Wuyiie Junction with traína of the Michigan Central K. lí. Four tram Nortb and four South daily exccpt Sunday. Timb Card of Deoembeb 14th, 1875 oomo nobtu. A.M.; P. M.l P. M. P. M. Wayne, leve 9 00! 2 00 6 03 1110 A. U. Holly, 10 45 3 17 7 46 12 50 Flint, 11 28 4 00 8 24 4 58 Sainnw , 12 46 5 05 9 60 6 91 HaginawCify, 12 52' 5 121 9 6T Bay City, 1 20 5 45 10 16 7 25 p. m. Reed City, 6 30 i 12 26 Baldwiu'(;ity, 6 ao! 1 i: Ludington, 8 00, i 55 _______ p' "' F M.i p. M. p.m. OOINO 8OÜTH. A. M. A. M. P. M. F. H. Wayne, leave ; 8 201 11 30 3 0O e lis P.M. Monroe, 9 26 12 30 S 55! 7 20 Toledo, arr. 10 30 1 S oo 9 i'5 SAN FORD KEELEE, Aís't 8upt. J. P. Noübse. Gen'i Titkat Agent. DETEOIT, HILLSDALË& INDIANA RAILROAD. OOINO WEST. -1876- OOIKO EAST. stations. Mail. Exp. stations. Kxp. Mail. A. 11. p. M. Detroit, dep... 7:00 3:S0 a. M. P. M. Ypailantí.... 9:15 6:45 Banken 4:00 2:15 Saline.. 10:00 6:21 Hillsdale... 4:18 2:-5 Bridnrewater.. 10:27 6:42 Manchester.. 7:07 4:07 Manchester. 10:57 7:05 Bridgewater 7:40 4:27 P.H. Saline 8:10 4:46 Hillsdale 1:30 9:04 Ypsilanti... . 9:00 5:15 Bankers 1:46 9:15 Detroit 10:30 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. T( talie efieot Aug. 1.1, 1874 W. F. PARKER, Sup't, YpBÜanti. CLOTHING! GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE -OF- READY-MADB CLOTHIKG Gents' Furnishing Goods, HATS AIMD CAPS TRUNES &c, _A_T OOST For the next Thirty Days at MABLEY CO'S. 33 South Main St. MARTIN'S BLOCK, Ann Aebor, Michigan, GEORGE BULL, 15M Wlananer. FIRE! FIREÜ For Insurance against Fire, go to the old ageucj of C. H. MILLEN, No. 4 South Main Street. Agent for thn HOME INSÜROCE CO. of New York, Capital and Surplus nearly f 5,000,000, CONTINENTAL FIRE INS. CO., N. Y., O.ipiul an 1 Surplus $2,500,000, ORIËNT, of Hartford, Connecticnt, Capital and Surplus $700,000. GIRARD, of Phlladelphia, Capital and Surplus $800,000, C. H. MILLEiV, Agent. UMal MORE IEW TEAS AIdÍFFIBIs'! LOWER PRICES ! LOWER PRICES ! Don't fail to visit the Cash Grookrt House of of Edward Duffy, during th nxt thirty days and examine nis Teas and Coffees of the lateat importations, which will be old AT NEW YORK PKICES. Sugars, Syrup, and Spices, together with a full line of General Groceries, very low lor Cash. Cheap bargaina for the next Thirty Dayi in BOOTS ól SHOES India Rubber and wool lined Goodi, together with a full line of Gentlemen' Furnishing and Hoaiery (■Joods. Please cali nnd examine gooda and prïce, and 1 will ensure BatUfaction. I f pays for ever) body to trade at the CASH (IIIHIil HOUSE OF EDWARD DUFFT. Maynard Block, Cor. Main and Ann St„ I511 Ann Arbor, Mioh


Old News
Michigan Argus