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D. IS. Meu-ott and vrife, uvmg neor moConnelLburg, Va., lefl their tbree djildren lockel up in the hom ■ ono flay Isbí vjei k, ana on tl.eir return from a yiüSt tl.dr ttmae was fouii.l to ba eonsmnocil by te, Ukewise tbil cbildrcn tbref . . . ïlib étrttft-jgoodi houíe oí Viso A Op., of New ïoii, liae '1'lll'ir inclebtèdnesa fa placod t abörit $1,000,000. Thk New V.nk Grand Opeift-House in to be tr&usforfnecl ''■ n 1" tel. Jkske PoMKitüY, the Boston boy muiclercr, has becu Bentenced U be bflfci ■ TIIJS WEST. Neab Helena, Lake comüy. Col., recently, Uie vigilantoe went to tlio haso of onc Gibba, and, ou his refugoug to dolier lümself to them to be hnng, they bet flie io ttie honee, in wbioh were GibbB, íwo w.niu'ii ;iii'l hcxvnú cliildrcu. Gibbl leaped out thröugli the Bamoá witb n revolver. and shot three of the paity dood, and woundei ;i fonrth, when the ree) tooit to their heda mu Bed. Ctíbb had recenilj beet) aoqpitted 11" íioivfi of morder, mil the vütilantea pro posed to take a miinmury appeal from the dcdmoii whicH net liim at lilwrly... The Coinmittee o .V(iop: jr.í.ions kas been uimuiuüly liboral thia yeftr the Northwest ïho miiinuits a]iiiiipriiit.;d for ttw iniprovcment of t!io halben OD LuKch Jlirliigan au Superior are" oertainly h Hbcral tus eoald 1 wish'odfor. By a judioious expeudituro ol tb amounte vóted, tbweneedbe no trouble aboi kiepiag all the harbors in good oandition iwing the coming navigatiga Beaeon. . . .A carcful ciii,iiaíM-.'i oí [ieach-tinci in li Sfiobigan fruit regióos jn-dves that they are not all kiilcd, raid a ligbt erop of fruit niay bc expeoted. ChIcaoo packers thiis Lar during the present Boason have luid'cd Í,527,Í0S hora, against 1,483,338 last neason, and l.i;l(;..ü7S tlic Keason before last Dr. .James De Kof o, of Hacine College, r.irthop-clcct of the Diooase of Illinois, haé aignified Lis aoceptaneo of the dignity of the episcopate conferred apon him bytheaction of the late special eonvention. Bill Kiko, of Pacific Maü aotoriety, bas written a long letter to the Minnesota Logislature, in response fco a resolution requeating bim to eqñiün bia coziiiccliiiii rith the scandal or resign as a member-elect of the next Congres Tlie virtuous William denies the right of the Legislatura to imjuire into private affaire, tb undertake to censure or to demand bis resignation. He puts in italifg a dp.nnnciatioi Legislative lie " of the assumption that he had done anyttiing wroig. He adds tUat imiler what arrangement lie received a largo urna oí rnoney about tho timo of the passage of the subaidy bilí is a matter whíeh he doerai't propose to disclose to the world except in bis owu good time. A HAS in icported to have returned to Yankton, Dakota, recently, from tho Black Hills witíj t2,l tui in gold dust The retornad miner Saja there are abcut G00 people mintng iu the bilis. The folly, if uot crimiiiality, of leaving young ehildren alonn ju tho absence of parenta lias again been demonstrated. At Veedersburg, Ind., recently, Ilenry Eister and lds vriíe went out of town on Mi erraud. leaving their three ehildren, two girls ar.d a boy, aged respectivcly nine, five, and two yeara, alone in the house, when the house took lire from some cause nnknown, and the inmates perished. Mr. and Mrs. Eiuter lost ono cliild this winter by KufTocation. Tho last sad affair completen tbc detstructiou oí the little family Toni yeara ago the muülated trank of n lmmau beiiif;. mimiB head and Boft, was found floating in the river at Chicago, which naturally ed to the belief that a foul murdfir had boen committed. The affair lui ever sinoe remained a myBtery unti! a few dava ago, wlien a roung man vuluntaiily went büforo the pólice authorities aud acciiaed his own father of the horrihlo fleed. Tlie murderer met his victim on the ütreet, deeoyed him into bis house, murdered him, disaectod the corpse, packed it into a barrel, and eoirveyed it in a whcelbarrow to the bank of the river and dmnped it in the waters, where portions of it wero subsequenüy diacovcred. . . .lianliniptcy proceedings have ljeon oommencsd at Den Maiues, Iowa, ayainst B. F. Allen, tlie impended bunker. As a resul t of the railrood war, oue of the mm ('iiii'iiinati to Kt. Louis ba rcduood tlic fare to L1. To dofoat scaïpters, 'passenger reqnired to pay f uil price for Uckets, umi theáj on teaching thcir destination, the condtotor paya bacli all but ■ 1. A GA.Mi of resurnrHcjjíi:4K at rcccntly brokeu mibytiio Chicago poBcepTOd meol tho party arrested. In tlieir posseasion were found a ïumiber of barrelH. coutaiuijig iive Cadavers in ;ood coiidiHon. One of Ene mieereants wbo oscaped received fcwo bullet wounds, andis probbly fntii!i inj.:ri'i!. . . . Wal'l Jin.thciii' cxtcitfive f--.ii! - tactory, in the southern portion of i .; lijr on Mondii;. last, Total lo.-.s atóút ■ föÖ.OÓO'; itisuraiice, $86,500. Tliü SOUTH. IroüB n groéa vérè recently killed m :i öght ■wil li a fltkriff'B posee in St. Jmnaapatish, La A New Orleans telegram of i'eb. 17 givc the particülftra of au cáciting episode in the Leuisiana House of Eepresentatives. Ward, acoloro] nieiiïbor, became caraged at uot being reoog nizcd by tho Sjieaker. The Kergeaiit-ut-AmiH baving bo(üi ortkaet' to hcíií hiin, Warcï declarecl he would lüll hiiii. (o attempted to do so, and plttcod lii.i bands in liis breoches pockets in & threjitening maimcr. flapt. Lawler, of the ipolitan Pólice, ücized Wacd, and took froxn bis pocket a revolver at fiill cot-k. which hc prubabiy iiAonded to lire at the Sergesnt-atAnnïi Mit'.'i'Ut üiking it out of his pocket. WASHINGTON. Tul; Houoo Ooinmittee on Indian Affaire )eeoinmend Btrongly against the bilí to organizo f territorial fr.rm oí govcrnmoiit in the Lidian TfiTitcry. . . .The Senate Judiciary Committec Lavo .givcn the Bo-called press gag-lftw á ceriilirato of goed moral character. On tho áffernoon oí' the 17th insi. an nukooira man, about ■!() yeara oí age, jumped froin the Hecond outüido gallery of the dome of the Oapitol, and Stfuei hcnd flrs{ on the roof of the ranin building. 150 feet below. Of courae he wan instan.!}' killed. . . .Harrison, of Tennesseo, from the roiniuitleo on Ulct-tions, lias reportcd to t'ic Itoüsé a joiñí rêaomtiOD requking the rrciij'lonl and Vioc-Preideut to be elected by a direct vote of the people. Thin mcaHiue correHpondH to tlie move oi Mr. Morton in tl ie Senate. Bilí. Kin'í ík tobe milieted forperjnry, a special bilí looking to that end baving psased Congres Tom Soott'e Southern Pacific Kailroad bilí lian been shelved for the present. . . .The uational cuuventioii cf Mexican war veterana metin Washington last week, Cien. J. W. Denver ptesidfn. Siseen otates, two Tejritories, and tUe Di.-tri.i oí 'íhimbia, were rejpresented. POIJT1CA1, Tira Oonnecticnt Demócrata Lave nomliiatci all tiic pri iilicriH for re-election. Tus loui; Senaturía] ,nte-t hi West Virginia lias 1 t to au end by the clection of ti, oí Sloñxóe eounty, toBucioreman. TUobcw Senator waathecol -í H. U. Ti J I wiitcr in the Confedérate Sonate ut Richmond. He is a tawyer. itoriiü cènteat in the Minnesota Leginlature as In .it to u 8. .1. E. McMffian. The : ÍS Vu: .r,, ,.,l (".r f Jimtice Of at. He is deacribed aa a ■I vfi'v moderato abilities. in.l a EUspnblican ie ] iliint' , : Bor 1 5 ; i u -.. years on the bcneliss-b! iel a:id Snproïne C'ourts kia pftfticipaöon in politica! affaire bu .; his vote at the polis [lia . ':{, GO. Ho i a promiaen member of tli :-iiui Choioh... 'i'hfi. i ;;browl of a ne raovemout', ipropos bo whüch wo lind th follcv. bington toth ffa I cru ' I ere have gutheret ben I leading Lib 1 ate. Tiieir Li3 yit'.i Senators Fenton and Bchnr bic. Tiic conferences doxiot appea to bc coniincd cxclusivoly to thomselves, but t includo quite a üuniber of prominent gontle raen, wlio, thoiigh not having Bympathizd wit te ('iiu-jiiiinü mmement. BOem to fiill.v in cora with the opinioua Biero aonwinoedi bioh they suppose to bo tendiug to Independji iiction by t'nc people." Tmo House Conunittce on EleotíonB haa de■;,ii-, -i the dalm oí Pincbback toa eeatin iet body, tíieseatbeingawatded to George A. tan. T1-. contosf betwcen Sypüer I Bop. I ml Lawrenoe (Dom.) bas also been deoided to avi roí Ijawrence. TIIK TltiTON-MKJEClUEJi T1UA!.. TiaBTï-8EooOT Dat. TÏie rerdireet tion of Tüton by the confuse! f or tü ptoeeculon wm eontínned. üis teatiiioiy rpluteá inoipally to toe "terne Btary," tlio prepurnion of which wan inHlk'iitod liy Judnii Jlorriw. ■ ; . ,-i in aliowing the 'troo story 'toa solect party," BsiÖ tbo witoesB, "waatoobUin fröm them the Judgmeut whioh I t'iimglit the oobUt! ivoulil givo it-. My ol.jnt ia ita prcpaiUf i,,n was this: Mrs. Wopöhüira [ibll(jaoi wüH previhg ffisastrous to my I'imiily. ;u! si leiice could be ao longer n:ivy ninin hiimd. I Intended to put forth : Imc steitement in ordoi tlmt tlio pou plo who thought tlioio was nonio foun ttation forher utoiy mlgW hmy. -wni. uwa we luivctlio fcrue stement, whioh oxplains ovoirytbihg.' " The wièieMi riimrtd thifl Btory to perbapa twcnly -iivo perBOjBB. Ludlllding (Ir. Beccher Bd Dr. BtOTre. Ai the oonclnsion of Tilkui'B tctiünioiiy au oíd cinployo ot tbc TUton lioiisebold, Caüiörino Cary, wan brougirt on the witness stand, and oreated a Beusation in her evidenoe. Bhe U'hlitiod üiat Ue bid Ben Slis. Tilton m oTenJ eocaabnt aitttng n Jieüclicr'n tafia. Tliis acl nis, perhape, luirmLteeJi, but according to Nv. Oaij it waa supplementcil by frequent visite by Mr. Beeoher to Mts. TSlton'i private apartmento. TinuTY-Tiiiuu Dat. - The day was one of tho dellest Biuco the trial bega! being chiefly given mv.r to dry legal arguments, and Bcarceiy marked by noteworthy incident. Iilton was i tul on tlic Tritnesi stand. The only new j mouy of importauce offered was a letter from Mra. TUton to her busband, dated July 1, 1871, in wiiich nlic praycd that l:e miglit not "need the further discipline of belng misled by a good woman Rü Í liave been by a good man." The prcceedings were brought to a sudden aud j dramatic termination at 4 o'elock in the aftcruoon, One of the jnrors waa seized with au apUeptio fit and wan obliged to retire from tho eourt-room, whcreapon Judge Neilson ordered bh adjoiirnment. Thikty-fouktii Day- The Bick jivror haviug recovered ao far as to be able to resume liis tho trial nrocecded ia usual. Tho nation of Tiitou waa bronght to a close, and foui additional witnesees Bworn doring the day. namely : George A. Bell, a deacou in Hymouth Church ; Joseph Bickarda, a brothcr of Mra. Tiitou ; Jeromiah Pi Bobinson, Moulton's neus partner; and WiUiam Maratón Braisher. The latter testiiied to Beeing 3eecher on the stoop of the Tilton nansion, once or twice ven' early iu the morning. Itobiuijou testified to Beecher'a avowal of love f or Jfoulton. Bell's evidence re[ited to certain interviews and meetings between the Plymouth deacona concernhig tlie scandal before ü pnblioation, Bnt by far the most important testimony was contributed by the brother of Mrs. Tilton, who stated most reluctantly that he had seen hia Bister and ÜCr. Beecher in a situation which aroused in him the most painf ui suspicions. TiiiitTï-FiFTH Day.- Mrs. Francia D. Moiüton was put upon the stand and gave soine reiy important evidence tor the prosecutton. The witness teBtiüed that Beechcr and lire. j lilton both confessod their ".sin" to her, Beeoher taking the blame of it on himself, and Elizabeth as generounly blaming herself for tbe wliole business ; tbat Boecher told hor it " was of no uc for liim to live any longer, and j thftt ho -n-ould take liis lifo ;" that he : coniessed to her his great lore for Mrs. Tilton ; that Mrs. X told her if tho matte became m]]ic Khewonld sacriüce her hunband and her ohildren rather than Mr. lieecljfcr ;"that Mr. ï. told her that she could not live with ïheodore, becauw he was continually remindiug her of the "Bin" he had committed. The ammatioi) of the witnesa by tho dc-fense fuik-d to break her evidenco. GENEBAL. The Natioual Grange closed its bcbbíohh at Charleston, S. C, on thelCtli inst. Tlic noxt meeting will bc helil in Chicago. Aa a natural resiüt of tho riv.'Jiy that has e isted for some years between the lialtimore and OMo and the Pennsylvania Central corporations, tho lactor compauy Ihih inaiigurated a flght agaiust the Halüniore road by refaning to oheok baggage er carry freight conaignod bytbelatter railway, through tQ New York, over that portion of the road between Philadelphia and New York city opcrated ii: tlic interest of thoformer. President Gtarrett ban publiahod a letter stating tlmt bis coinpany will take " enoh meapurea in reference to puMsenger ratoB and othorwiso au will vindicato ita ability to miiiiitaiii its righte," and ordern liave been priven bythe Baltimore and Ohio railroad for u immciiHO redtVtion of ]mHenger ratee between Washington, Ualtimore uid Philadelphift, and tlie leading Weutcrn citie, viz: Between Chicago and Baltlmore and Washington, from 19 to $10. Between Giucinjiuti and Baltímore und Washington, from ?lü to $10. Detween tít. Louíh and lialtimoro aid Wadiington, $23 to í15. Betwoea Loniaville and BaUámore and Wanliington, írom 20 to Í12. Betweon Pittshurgh and BÜtimore and Washington, from $8.50 to Y0. A similar rednction has atoo been mudo between Piiiladclphia snd Chicago, Ciucinnati, St. Louíh, Louiaville and Ktteburgh. Tiib Governor of Wost Virginia has ref used to vjio tlic bilí removing the Htato oapital from Charleston to Wheeling, and on tho odjourument of Uie Legislatura the exeeutivo office will be removed to tho latter placo. The bill wbich reccntly passed the lower hoiise of Congres for the improvemont at the moutk of the Misiimippi rivet by the Eads systemof jetties appropriates .8,000,000, tobe paid frorn time to time, as the work is done. Only Y500,000 ia appropriated for the start, and tjio Seoretaryof tlio Treasury h authori.ed to issue 30-year optional bondH, beftring 5 per cent. interest, to cover the amonnt. Eads is to secure a channel 30 feet deep and SOO wide. Two millioiiH of the mm to bc paid for the work i to be retaiued for ten years, and tlien, if the channel is hh at lirst constructed, it will be paid over to him. Tho bill also provide that if Ead should die before the expiration of ie work, it is to be carried on by hm ueira or amignees. The measure wíib advocated as a mesiis of solving the great problem in the VcHt of cheap transportation. KOKKIGN. The Japancse government hafi called in all he Btraggling currency of the country, and in Hay next wil] lili its placo with treasury notos, )f the ehftrcter of the treasnry note of tlie United States government JohnMitcl ell and Dr. Kenealy, the counsel for the Tichborne claimant, Ijave both been elected to the British l'urliuniont- the former frora Tipperary without opposition, and tho latter froni Htoke-on-Trent y 2,000 majoiïty. Th doctors ol Tipperary (Ireland) have la, renohition declariflg that iu the event of John Mitc'iielV elction beinp; axffiulled they will n.niiiii return him to Parliamcnt. Mitchel, it is rtaiod, han derlared that be will nevev take tho oath of nllogiance to Queen Victoria ...A HaTna dispatch reporto a hattlo betweeu the patriota and Bpaniards, in whioh the latter wcre routcd with heavy loss A Bcrün telegram reporta t'io Einperor V.'illiam and (ien. Von Moltke as txftfo on the irk liet. On Tliui-aday last John Mitchel applied for ■dmission to the Britisb rarliameut a wntative from Tipporaiy. On raotion of Mr. Dismeli, liowever, he was excluded, on tho grouná that he íh aconvicted felón, Hablo to arrent und traimportation, and theroforc inoligible to a ueat in PÏrCament Tiie Japaueso government Uaa sppropriated (200,000 for expensea to ödnnèctlon flath tho Philádelpliia d d tiMinial. . . .The Tope Iihh cxcommunicatod a niiínbéróí Prussiao Bishopa tóractinjg undcr the (ierman government. Two-THinD8 of tho city oí Fort-iu-Frince, the capital of Hajti: has boen deetroyod by fir and about 700 -families ars without humes i oonaequence V ErigUtftil (W.ualty reoeutfocourred at Gottenburg, Swfdan. A match actory orowdod with operativos kook 8re and jumed ko rapidly thftt l.rty people in the üppot toriea wero eitlicv roastcd alivo or killed by amping put tbrongh the wiiidows. It in aiscrtod tlmt the inderanity to bepaid iy Spain to rolatires of America victima of the VirgbiitiB affair has boon tixcd vt tS1,d(K). . . . I'ho varioua statoBof öie Gorman empire tire avestigatiiig tho raiuBes of cuiigvation. To remove them, il. is propBOd to fadHtate the ioquiremeut of smal] (laten, aud to oppono ilae.actionof cmigiation agenta paid by tranSatíautio gdverumenÍB John Mitchel Las ii;;iiii aimounoed tttmspll as a owididate for Parliament from Tïppertiy. A Oaisi,e dÍHiatíU amiouiic' Üie deaih at Lincoln of Wiv luirles IreJl, t!ie oeiebrateAgeol.Oiic of tl! principal measnrea cpntemlirted byöominnj to eck emigratíon is tlie proínlútion of the oiiliatraont of omigriintn an foroigu account by the payment of prranitinM.


Old News
Michigan Argus