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Tüesday, Fet. 18. - Bátate- TSx crcdentials of A. S. Paddock, the new Senator from Nebraska, worc road and placed 011 filo Ferry, of Michigan, from the Cominittee on Finauce, reported, with au Kmendment in the nature of a subBtitute, the House bill reeiricttng the f unding of customs duties rL']u: Benate rwnimed eousidcration of the redolution f or the admlBsion of Pinchback, aud Kargent continued nis argument. ;;,,„,„._A numbcrof bilis, moBtly of a private oharacter, were pastied, and several duw bilis introduced Considerable time was devoted to the con■lorMt.ion of the bilis to Tiav the awards of the Southern Claims Conimission and for the reorganization of the Treasury Departlnent TIn' Huiulry Civil Service Appropriation liill wan reported by Oarfleld Xhe Speaker preented n letter trom (lic Ckrk in refcrcncc to the ri'sijjnation of l'iiruun, of Florida, and direoted the name of Pui-man to bc strickcn from the roll of memben. Wednesda?, Feb. 17. - Seríate- Logto introdnoed a bilí establishing rules and articlcs for the gOTernment OÍ tho armiee of the United StateH .... :,i reaumed the floor and oonolnded hla Bpeeoh (,n the iiilmissinn of I'iiiclibacli. Tho Sonate adjoumcd without d( finite artiou nu the matter. lotixe-Tho 'lurin' bill was AlsonHed ia couimittoe of the whole When the committcc rose" biil was reported to oütiiHIin eacttin tclegrph Unes in the Boveral States nd Terrltorie a ptwt roads, and to reguUte the tnnumission f oommeroial ma otner ence by telegrwh, and d.bate npon thiu measure occupled the lemainder ot the Beeslon. Thuksday, Fob. 18.- jSenater-Tb bchsíou lasted ncarly twenty-nine houra, tho rsrabition to Wbnlt l'iiickback bciug tho pcuding quostion. It was flnally liiiil upOB the lablc by a voto of 89 to 22. ..The Senate prooeeSed with the oonsiaeration af th Indiim Approprlaöon bill, and eojno un important amenduoenta wera agreod to, ter wnlcli olution ttxlng the houi for the meeUng oi the ut Ji . (n.waa paued, and the Beuate ildjoiiriirti. ffotue- The blU tw t1"1 im]irovciii"nt of tinMiMiBiippi Ver WOS pissoci Houw Uien went into oommltteé or tho whble on Eevi Que bill. FbujAïi l'eb. 1.- Señale- The Vioo-President ladd before the tSenato the crcdentials of Angu tiameron, the Be-K Senator from Wicono. 1'imH pïBiented th cMdtailil of JohpjiIi II. MeDonald, tl' hbw Bonito Wom Imü , whii-li wrro foj nd i'Ui.v on mr....wviKlil, fmm th '(mmittoo ön ('ivil sot-icr and Retfenchment, reportöö liar-k the Honcc li'U to proviilo fur reoigmlzation ol Ui. Tressury Dopnrtmi n(, nul offered the followinfi : Hetolved, Thati committee of flyemembemof theScnite !■ ppolnted, hose duty itBhaUhe toeamlne nml thoroughly Inveptlgatothsseveinlbrnnoh08 of the civil Hrrvice, with ;v view to reorgaöiaatlon of the BevëraJ departaionta thcreof, 111" tednoUon of eipndlture, raid to promoto tho cnicioiu-y of m]i nervloo, nnd to report thereoa ut thenext Hosslon of Oingfos, i'y Wil ot othewtoe - Pending tho conrtderation of the tndlan Aipfojriuoii bill, tho Benato adjonraed. Boute - Swyer. from Bie Comiplttoe on mcrce, reported a bilí toftuthoxize tUc oonstraotton of a bridge armas thc Minmurl rivor, Ufar Sioux towa. Paséd....The nouwswènt mto cimimltteo of the wbole on the Aïmy AppTopriatlon bill, whlch ppfopWto8 $27,701 ,500. SATOBDAI, Feb. 20.- Uníate- Tho credentials f .n(lrfwJolinBnn,lh''HivSriinU'rfrum'l'cmi'i'i'rc, -,Tr red an.l piaced on tilo. . . .The joint renolotlon ■hich ptBMd Uu Uouso last TiliT relating t iviT ervjce appolntmeBte wa pmsed. Rprofldcü laliiiiiii oaae onder ohnl eervlee examinaüona ur)siti(in uncJcr tho eovernment whcn d"jMed l'nilrtl Stoten aoratsr, hia wifo, or thc of :i. deoeanod oldlet iIvíhr (.f woonds or liseaw eontractcd In tno une "i muy u mu-u '- i Hrr orhi orphan clillcl, tliiill posssncb i Ion a toe rtandsrd taed by aid rulo, sueh I porwm li:ill )in ■■ pfeccdence lor toe appofataent ] n anj oxistiug vaoany, uithing in the rale of the: ( . i vil Bervice to the oontrary notwithatandlng.... Ucorn intraSuocd a bil] for relief r Bie overfiowed listricts nf tin; Misiilssippi riyer. i irdtri'il to bn ' irlntod iui.1 lie on Uu; lable MeBgO8 1 , teived from toe Houae of RepresentatlTeB, , Bonnoing douth of Messrs. Bice, Hersey, Crookei . ind Hooper. Elesolotions of wspecttotiietrniemorsr wefe ftflopted, and, a a furtoer nv.irk of reneot, the Bentte udjourncd till Monday at 11 oolock flotiie- CrulcUi-lil prcxpiitfid tl' ! -tilioii of tho National Grande for aid to the TexaB ud Pacific Railroiul Company ; nnd the resolntions of tlio South Carolina LegiBlature, to toe samo offect, wero also presoated The petition and resoluttons wère rofrrrcd FUrther lcgislative busineBs was süh-i pended In order to givs members an pportiunity to dellver enlogles upon lately doceased Rcpruacutativ.B. Tüesday, Feb. 22.- Senatc- Morton 1 ed tho memorial of ctttans of lladiaon, Ind., in j favor of improvinK the Ollio rivcr accordinK to the plans nubiuitted by the englneer corp to the Secretarj- of War. Bef errod . . . . The lndian, Pension, and Military Apprnpriation bilis wero passi'd.... The Postoffloe Appropriation bill was consraered , and mendmonts offered, Une oí which, providing for the fr ie .listribution of the Congréonal Hmord, was adopted. Pending furthcr iliscusBion, the Sonate adjourncd. jIoiim- The Rivcr and Harbor bill, nppropriatin ÍG,0OO,0OO, iraa pasisod .... A motion to et apart a day for the considoration of the Toxuh Pacific railroad bill wan lost- tm aeoemry two-thinl vote not having beeu aeenred. This is looked npon as üie defeat of tho bill for the present CwgreM....Myer, from the Coinrnittcc on Foreigu Affairs, moved to snspend tho riüos and pasn tho bill euppleinentary to the act in rrtation to immicration. Afjrecdto. Tho bül make.B jt the duty of American Consuls at Chinese and Japanese port, to ancertain whethir immigranta have entered into contracts or agrecments for serviccn withm the ITnitwl Statu, for lcwd and lmpropei purpose, and in eucb cases to refuse the roq,ul8ite pormlt.


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