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Koert & Son' Organs. Tf yon wish to buy a first-clasR organ vitli the latost improvementa. the sweeteBt quality u( töneanathe newest style of case, sciidlo Reed a Templo of Music, Chicago. By neglecting tho procaution ivhieh common sense dictaten, niiiny fa!l victima to thfir wu imprudeooe. We havo con the ywnng and bcautiful girl, tlio hope and pride of i lier pwento- her oheek flimhod witli ■ tion, and her oyes beaming witli the gaydroams of Uíe- Wé hávu neen all thia changed lor a hroud by neglecting a common cold which had acttled u'pou her lung. It might have eawly been cnred if it liad beo) atUnded to in time. I Now, wheu your hings are iiint diBoased mtia thé ineinient rtageoi ('onsumption, yon slioiild uro AUen's Lnii; Bilram, whleh wlll relieve them without fail. Vox sde by all medicine dealera.5 TnERE are moro than one thousand different kinda of pilln i" th l'nited Btates. Some of them are worthlees and iniunous, othern are good and beneticial. Old Ur. l3arsons invented the best anti-bilious pül wo ever saw or heard of. They are now sold under tho I nme of Parsons' Purgative Pilis. Don-t Hack, liarle, Coiis''. Conghi OoucU is af.ymr.tom by whicli varioiis cUseanod So. oftbUroat.bronohial tutea ungs manifeet tbcmselvcH; But u 1 otl er ït ■iPoH trom theixritation produood ia '"? ud Urynxby taking -li fw nttack of BronchiliH, i-r,.n Scipteat r iomiunp ion, or rom various other oannes, uotlung will all j in uiotliciucö . Dn WmuoFr's Anti-Pehíodio oiï v,h and AOOT Tonic! -Wilhoft'H Tonic hm establisbed itclf a the roul n.lnliblo Chffl nire It i univerHally admitted to bis tl.o only reliablo ud hnnle 'Hill medicine now ui me H eilicv i oonflnned by tbonaands of oertiflcatoB of tha verybest poopiefromjB paria oi the country. ït curen malnnouH dmI easea of erery type, fm he ehrting wnea of the lakes and vaïïeyB t tbc rjging feverH of o toiTid zoi.0. 'Ivvit! tthM never boon known to fail. WheblooK, Finiay ft Co., 1'ropriet.OTH, New Ürleans. l'or sale by all PllBMATimK loSS of the hftlT, wllich 18 SO oommon nowadavH, may be "ntirely prevented by tbc ose of BurnetCi Cococtitx. It ta been uíccl in thonsands of caaos where the htór coming out in huniftttei and b never fai lc cl to iirroHt ita dccav, and to pronioto a hoalthy and vigorpua giowth. H ia at tho aamc tune umivaled oh a dresHJns for tb o hair. Wf understand that the whoqpingOOOgb ia quito proval.nt in tbc toTOB uh ■ but that no oases have proved fatal. Home famUiea Kse nottóng but Johnson s Atwd'w ,_■„ ri„, rin,-tnr. however. saya a uttle pecac, to produce vomitmg, vould bo au adrautage. The Northwestern Hobse-Nail Oo. 's ' Finiahed " NaU is üie beat_iu the world. Gun, FlTspeino Wiirni, at Waukegan, UI cui-es all kidney diaeaHes. pTr i wmi AgenM wantért evetjwlior. Tor I PATKNT NoveltlM. Idwget SUtionerjPackíge ta theWorld FKLTON 4 CÖ., 119 S St.. í. . - , a WERK to Agont. BunlncM letdtiraate. 1 $70 Addre W. B. JiLISS 4 U0-, Toledo, Ohio. BTTHBBEST. Getan IRON HALF BUSHFX. UrculSs froe. STITE8 4 Co., Munuf b, CincinnaU. 0. i A WF-r Da V. US J"1 Agente. SíeaJy WJ!;'4 Send fö?r"m.y The &0DE.18 LlbertjSt.,N. Y. ■ÜOAAi month tn afrsnU everywhere. Address 1 5 " U KXCEL8IOR M'r'o Co.. Buchanon. MIch. Ü e f É i fl P dy at T!nI" Addre'! j) D S 3 b U GEO. Simaos Co., Portland, Maino. (ÜOA Dally to Agents. 85 new artiole and I tho best í'iTprU,$lJ6bjiU. H. Q.O. Cat, ZuMTUle.O. k GENTS WAKTED-Men or Women. SM a A week or 10U forf!itd. The t,cH!t_frto. Wrttt once to CO WEN 4 CO„ Klghth Street, Scw York. ffliiE PER Aï Oommission, or 830 a week Bain ÜLÜrv nd :pensea. W. offorlt -and will par A vpl) no . G. W. Webber Si Co., Marton, O. Catalogue Froe. Rur4 1 S Wb e dolpfi SsCo.j 1018 N. fl)Cfl-ítnn AWk andeipensestoall. Articles !fth 12KM llnow, staple as nonr. Sample free. C M. PUU (j) JU LUÍ1NGTON 4 BRO..N Y. or Chicago. n Áf( ayoarsalnry. Salary nnd expenses pmdOnt$Z ,4UU fit fcee. A nlnaUc ipafkm wnt lor 16c return poEtage. C. H.OÜMLEI, W aterboro Center, Me. CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT-At homo. Malo and K_J Fomale. MO a wek innrsd. No capital reqmroil. Particalaraand valnable rampta fn. Xddre wiUibc return stamp, O. Roas, Willíamsbureh. N. Y. No moa. of tnatlnr al. I. dTeolo.l Molí """ " ■moves tho causo Ttat eours utora the growth of Cuicers aní Tumors, %Vrp"c '■ S 3. im 168 Boutt HJ.te4 ! t., OUeo, 111. Pnnoiptioia to tho poor frw. rn,.r nou or PITS cured bj tho uro of Ross I!piEPlLtPSY Jptk-Kem.-.liua. Tri.l Packago ÏBEE. Ama ÍVr circnliiri, tulenco of SUCCMB, etc., '""s ltOSB BRO-, lllchiuond, Ind. I Sí ? rit I Bastaei honoraVe and hrat-olass. tDÚitVy Tnrtienlnrsnant fre. Addresa WoKTH i. ( :o.. St. LohU, Mo. áii nnn PER WEEK can be made by anr PJ.l"Ul smart man who can keop ni business lo himself. Address X. F. HEKMAN, Hobokcii, New Jersey. -MliaJA ■tlBftl'Vim for the tastest BCÜine A8ENTS WANTED sxS 7lMIIS íMipor is printodwithInkfrnlhi-dbyChr! I Ene. 1 Johnson O... 509 South Tnth BtrMt, PWlj,l"l..!.1ii i.vl 5 i"ld Street, New York. íor salo i 10 "'"' g' '"'" Tl ÏÏltAVSPAPER UKION, Chicago, III. SIMMONS' SASH SBPP0RTEB8, l larli -.lU-rs :(ml. Address J. D. hlSIMONh 4 IA., 93 and 96 West Lako St., Chiciwo, 111. BtyLKS,"sriÖT -OÚKS, PISTOISxr BEYOLVEBS, OfnysndeTerylLlnL Send itump "7 [„Cl'l,.,... A?!,lrcn (ri nv.l. C"JB Mud nsiol liVwrlt, PIt'TSlIIJRfia. rA. rniKTn rn Wantod ut once to Ienm VíilllMÍ' reïFra W"Kraphlng and tako 1 V U 11 M !AI1 lïlllch wo are f„mi,huig mth operators. Salary from $60 to 100 per raonth. Gaculag m.i)ode.RAFH MSTmjm j,neatüle, WK I [PC ..TcR.rx'uihi!' eitlteon"JSa LLUcJ SOLIIIEBÍI on Govj order. Applyfor bhMV ,..,,,,.„,,, cir s M EVANS Mannfrer, ,.V-W klF„„rll.S!r,Vt.V'lN('l-NATl,(. _or bW. Cor. uu andMnrkct Bts.. l.OÜIWVIIXB. KT. ■bcrÉaiSsii my iicw mtafoffne of oigr OM! TimiAlsi ppcrs. S. P. SAÑBOKN.IM Mpnroe-t., Ohtco,iycrrnci spooner'S OLLUtf i jibión Markel Vegetable Seeds. 8fQ0)er'$ l'rize Flou-er Seeds. DFI IflRI F 12 II L L i H U !. t ", Pottleïï Bmnsmok, per oz., ".(I-. Perlb.,SI. . ..... Oar IUustrated Catalogae tent f re. SttUd I W.H. SPOONER, Boston, Mass. I =E" 1. LAITOELL'fl 1VBW ASTHCHA feslBk A.x tATAHHn bi;mi;iv. T"I5SÍr9 tfaving BCUifcgk-'i twcutr yearsbetween lireand ; L afltefóO ileftth wltb ASTHMA.I eípertroentrd by cotr.I RBOprs? jouniilnp roots ani herbs and laliallog tho m(I1 JHmvMK I fortunatelj discovered a wonrterlul toBsmíSm rer.iedy and Blire curo íor Antlima and Catarro. WHE WarrantedtorellefolnstantlyBO the patiënt can Rfllft. Ho down lo reit and sleep comtortably. DruKKjn aR 7Iats are BuppllcdwithBamplppackagesror FREÍ flM (Jlstrlbutlon. 0r)1 and ceí one, or addrftB ff t ■■ni „_ LAIseiEl.l.. APpIc Creek, nhls. aa-SoldbyDraggtets. FuU-slza facliage, by malí, 11.35. je ninn and the SI. Y. Snturday .Toar93 UHöfl BOl, the Groat Utersry Weokly oí Ajnerlol, foroneyeíi fnrthe Higular BhllWerlpÍÍTÍ . NamoJ oKored SípírUallj na reonivod, nnrt FirE V L . DOL!. A .'.-.' fASll sent nt once to every fifth fuJ)soibor. OlubíOÍ Bto (at $3ecll) )r';"i" 8'! "chromo"- Cah immiunul n to eveiy Bftta sabsoribei ! The firm is a suihol.-nt guaran? lili;! ,,, fulliltauont. Senil monejtorder or rMh ",.,.'1 Í.h.m lu BBADLE A ADAMS, Publtoher, U8 Wiliinm Sl.vt. Nsn Y"t'. ,&TIN WIRE RINCS. Aííf] VVUl not IC nut or mnko the V jfifijSr V VPíí. Hardware Dealers sell thetn. i5H f" è Blager, S1.00 ; Tin Elng, per y5flEP;.Jk Xs 100, 60o .; Coppered Blugs, iUSSmJÍSííESVsOe.; Tonga, $1.25; by mail, CÍ-oular8 free. iBwy 3yu. V.UUI A Co. Eeoatur.Hl. DO YOÜROWN PRINTINC! jBiJMTISTlSa PEESS. ILLÜIMI Fui' l"rfrlna] nuil Ainaliur ÍM I'riníer, Scliool, Societles, Muníl iifj-liirei-H, MerchiintH, aun others imm nSIH ""BEST inventa!. 13.OOO in tinc. sim I' -'Ltcii stvlcs Prices frora $5.00 to $150.00 ilBENÜ. O. WOODS & CO. and HaaHI dealers in all kinds of Printing Material, Sínd stamp tor Catalogue.) 49 Federal Bt. Boston. - - M- = V VÏILBOE'S OOMPOTOD Ot PURE COD LI VEE OILAHDLIMEJ T!i, m.' foei Li-rer ül iirul Persom riita end its üflc.cta in lunir complaint are Inily wonr-'.rfnl Vi'.vni --n 1..-V.OI..Í whc.t" r.i.-swi-rn pronouncod Éunf'SALrèhWXn11 bjr 11 druxsliU. ____ Thk KI.ASTIO TRUSS I rtSJf7: L3. AND SUPPORTER m I HE LA8TI0 HliiiK idoñtoJ OTeñjrhwM hr I TOlgSIBlBS'ijr nnvy, lirmpital, I WIÖeScyilM'Jr niuni, otc.etc. I # ThesuccesswndunivorRal I V Tr T X Büliefaction tlioy havo I V_ S ,, a weU as tho I il ar s K#?ws3r&s3 hilaren uut m numruu t. - s - _- ■ ïZ loViaüent. hom 60 toW NhÍCm. M. D.. Prof oí ABatomy and SargerN. Y. E. Medical Collage. Bew of cheap --fe'SÏÏ. SSSi■SrhntlTrttiTey í?í!LS&.tai by U K&' - nby . U P-art. oMhOoCp. SaS1torXforVori,e Circular (?) ELASTÏC TRUSS C0. 683 BRjADWAY1NEW YOBj GREAT OFFERS! On rcccipt of only the regular subscriplion pnce, wuu pwM8= added-we wiU send the Young Folks' , Monthly for one ycar (the largest, the complotcst and cheapest magazme pnntcd for Toung Peoplel, and, in addition, un order on D. M. Ferry & Co., tlic gccat seed-growcrs oí Detroit, Micli., íor r-Twclve of their 10-Cent Packets of either Flower or Vegetable gcetls, and a copy of their bcautiful 1LLl'STRATE SEED ANNU AL, for 1375 from wUich to makc up lista of seeds. Wc yríü give a copy of Webster i ïiiastratedUnatoridsedDictlonary," price #12.00, to any one who will make un and send a club of only tweiltj'-four subscnptions unaer iuu above offer. Those iu the clubs wbo may not wish seeds can have the magazine at club price, they may subscribe undcr our ercat book offers. Otter valuable premiums are }gp given for clubs, or cash nay, if preferred. The pnce of a SHiglt uumber is 15 cents, but a sample and full particular Will be &ent on receipt of six CC"f hTf. Ls. Pubiishcr, Cbicago. DO.'T SUBSCRIBE for any othor nntU you have e'xaminad the Wcsícrn Rural, the íteat popular Farm „nd; Wekly of h, We.t,tho - largolydrcQlated of tt. cla3 In America. 4.0 per Un oar copie. 15 cents Uir extra. Sample number sent free, ov three month on trial, poBtiaid. for onlj 30 cent ! . Add'es i(. S. F. LKWIS, Publi.her, Chicago DVEllTISERS! Send 25 cents to GF.0.P..BOWFI L4 (X) Prk Bow, New York, for their FUtmestímate! showing cost of drertieinu'. i BAMEL OF JQNEJ ind Circulara free. _ , ADVERTISERS THE FAVOR ITES. KKSÈHAI.FAVORITE. the Uses. l.'íí.lli'Aai V,at II:irtfoirt, íoiili., orourBrenoh Office iu leading citios. ' - ■S! llnrlfnr'l, ''(., .; . "ScnVonm wy""a Our Ml '""Ainiilo'it F tlï?niilï!!i,"""lt?.f'ï' " Sfi2l2ai7ö Dunne St., New ïoA. M'Allister's Patent Ai tcpticon mam MïSK-oö JBtóJí8INESS FOB A MAN WITII 6MALL CAPITAL. aC.talnH.ent.onnal.cjMniii. 1314 Clicstnut Street, PhUade Iphla, F. PÏUM Habit Cured A certatn and surc cure, without, lnconvenience nncl at hume. An antidoto tliat etanda purely on itE own merit. Sead for my quartcrly magazine, (it cosls you nolhing,) containlug certifleatea of hundrods that have been. permancntly cured. I claim to havo discovercd and produced the fikst, original akd OXLÏ 6VRS CUBE FOR OPIVM KATIJfö. DR. S. B. COJLiUNS, JL.a Porto, Ind. AHHIU HABIT CTJKED at Home. ïfu in' I BH i'ul.Ucilv. Tcntw moderato, I WT I 8 lïflS Timo short. Kuur years ol unWS Bí9BhS iianilleledPiicceBS.DescrUjecnse. 400 testimoniáis. AiWress l)r.F.E.Mar8H.'julncy.Mica. aqaa and expenses a month to agenta. Adilroas SB ■ ■ I MtS EATERSTnoEonQniT CURED. IBBh Choap,Qulck:nosu(r(!rlng. C yra 9 ti0 I 1 1 H9 wondfrnil 8"rrcss. Descrlbecase, %0 B I VP ■■ Ur. Aiuuuuug, Ucrnaa, Mlctk ÏWR DO LLÁRS FOR ONE. TOÜNG TOLKS' HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. By T. V. HIGCUNSON. "It ha a title to íuperiority oTer ony similar ""'a 'bióKhère th'erreTsréveryt.hing to praiso nd notb"S?ÈffiSEwMwell ,ualifled towrito.uchah,. tg'Y6S;;.1,"íüíóí'íu;riuai!tratioM. PrlcoSl.50. HOTELST - FOR BAKERS, Ëfür ryn GROCERS, W ASI HOUSEKEEPEñS, BOARDiNG HOUSÍS, & PRIVATE FAMILIES. For usinK it in oooVlrig, My Baking Powdor can be mad for 16 cents a ixmnd. Wl.y paj 50 or f ceota por whcn jciu con oanily mak.' TOOI own for 16 cuntí r race of my receipt 1.36. It irifi, sent npon roooiptof 1.S) BI MAlI.,%vithdlr.ctinn,(1n Enchsh and Gorman T for MAKIKa and URINQ.if tho KAMK of th NEWSPAPER is Eivcii in wfaioh tlii advmtiement la ■". ThO COBT nf thií HKCKI1-T 18 BAVEU IN EVKKY THU1.B roUNDS of tho Püwdor nmde. IngredienU kept by grooors and druKRtsU overjwhere. AdD?W. BttlGGS, Practical Dnigglít, Chicago, 111. Dr. J. Walkcr's California Vin. ègar Ilitters aro a purcly Vcgotabta i prcp.iration, raado chielly from tlio native berbs found on tlio lover ranges al the Sierra Novada inountains of Califor. Dia, tlio medicinal propcrti .if fhich are extractodthorofrom vitliont tnou I of Alcohol. TIjo qiicstion ia almost I il-üly askcd, " What is tlio cause of tl10 I unparalleÏBd sucectó of Visegar I! . I tk'us?" Our anrwer is, tliat tlicy remove 1 lie causo of (liseasc, and tlio patientr. overs lus licultli. 1 aio uic grcat i.loml pnriflerand a Ufo-giving principe i ppifect Henovator aud Invigorator if Uu systeni. Kever bcfore in the lútory of' the vorld bas a medicine beta ouiponnded poMOMiing the ranarkaUj nualitie of Vi.skgau Bitt.krs in hcalingthn -ick of cvfry diseaso man is hcir to. Thej are n penf.o l'urgaüvo as well as a Touic, reiieving Congesüon or Iufliuniimtion 0 Lhe iver and Viceral Organ.s. in Biliw Uiseases. The proporties of Dn. ai.kek's Vinkgar BiTTHüR ure Apcnmit, üiaphoretic, Carmlnativc, Xutritious. Laxative Diarctit, SeAitire, Irritant, Sndoniic, AltenDnicpsts and Gi. A ft., San Francisro, Cnllfonl,and w. t WMhineton oud Clmrlton M X. T. Sold by ilJ Drus;isl " miers, SENT PREE . Book oxporing Uw materie of UJAII.CT nd kow anï one may nperato HHLUOI. üly wTth a pital of pO or Sl,W0. Comfe. txustion and ilhutrations to any addren. TBl)IRIDOE &CO.,BAMKEM AND BROKEIt8,ÏWil ,reet. New Yoric. (lit Diokinson A Co.) DEALER IN TEAS. GROUND COFFEES AND SPICt!. No 11 Kat Madtaon St,, Chicügo. n [ f r "Kht ■ irepald on all Mll. ammntln? ta . ■!., ÍS? i' 3SS The Lt Tm in the mrkt lotth ,, lïïtóSS .b:&:?Kï5{5 Gunlowdor je, TOc.Mc.SOo.nilH Ooi?- Sc, 70c, Pc, 80c Mil! ' l"""s"aI ; 500 S.; 70c! Meid EnbhBafat:::.'.'.'.... eOcïOc.SOc.V LarpsTlxciaent ímrni. IN THE WORLD. - the - ■ TRAVELERS Llti-E AND ACCIDENT Insurance Company, OF UARTFOBP, CONN. Arcl.lent Pollrlcs wrltttn 3M.0M CMl.At. W"L2 Pnl'l In IJtntfi" o PolicylioWcr ,000,000 IW-Wrlto to THE Tr.AVEl.EM iMUBaüOT 00 i-fcWI !„nn..or aI)lj to ny A e"". Rto,btas BurñettCocóaíñé Prevonta tho Hair from Falling. Burnett's Cocoame Promotes Ha Iloaltliy Growlh. Burnett's Cocoaine Ia not Greasy nor Sticky. Burnett's Cocoaine LeaTCS no Disagrecable Odor. Burnett's Cocoaine Sulxlues Kefractory Ilalr. Burnett's Cocoaine Soothes lbo Irritated Sculp-Ski"Burnett's Cocoaine Affonla tho Ricbcut Lustre. Burnett's Cocoaine 18 not nn AlcohoUc Wfu. Burnett's Cocoaine Kills Dandruff. Burnett's Cocoaine Oives New Lilo to tho Ilair. Burnett's Cocoaine Iteraains TjCngost in Effect. Prepared only by J08EPH BÜRNETT & CO. 27 Central Street, Boston. And Sold Everywhere TisTCHOMAlVCT, or Soul Ch'" How t-Ulnr s. 5 Iiuy '6 . MAEE1E BiEfH Uiokc whu ui-e iimrricl nr coincml' ;■': PrioeSOctl. bynmll. AddreM Ur. I1i11!„. iary. Ü North El(rlit4. Streel. jtt.LouKj! DR. WHITTIEB' No. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Lm!1- contlnuoi to treat all oasei of obtacles to "'" impnritie, otofj alltncnt or Biekoess whlch {y, iodlicretioD or imprudouce, with uupftllei" jjjiDr. W.'b establishment in rharttred by lhf ) . tf"" fvirj, wui foundi-d. ind han bfQ ntblin ,,i s;.fe, certain aad rclinblo rflief. Beti8 if tf ' (trrral modioal coIIokck, and h&vtng ih x[ Lrffif1 long and suoceoitful life ia his i-pecialtiefl biï'iiB rome-ils thatarn cffectanl in 11 thpsociïso. i1 ïi are boioR trc-'ttcd br mnll or exvret everr.iit matter wbo fiiled, eml r writ.o. Frcro th 1" Der of appücatioQs hc ís cuabled to k-P "',■ƒ■ low. 36 P&36S, Rïvlnc ruil aymptonn. fort' - BARRÍASE CUIDE,, -'fifTpages, a popular loo:: which should t re?.tibg o1', b'ir. Xo mnrried pair, or persons cinlfm%,.iir riae-, cao afTor.1 to do without it. HoooWl" "e " ( i m. 1 literature fQ tbl iubjert, the rei"-""' -' Inül sxperienoo; aho the beat r.hntithu frnm ' la Europe M)3 Americ. Sat wealpd. _r'7jy-J' WLTÏ B8HAHHAH NO.BW Nortb Fifth Street, St l-"'4lt0Ot tb1 LISHED1837. Cures U sufferere Mcrcnry. Charcra reaoonable '-, pise,! tff-Dr. B.1 TreatiM on Special ;_ „dj, fully eiplaina the nature, causes, ej raP' „.isjf;', to ent all form of Norvorn. TWnlll.v. i .1 r bythe "Errorsof Youth," ni ''": In I" of her deUcate subjecta. Bent lm "üü10"8: - -S - p . -55Lrt WH3IÍ VVRITING TO AOVEKjjaC1 p'.casc say you aaw tle W ta tita pr.pcr.


Old News
Michigan Argus