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The comrnittee which viöited Misiasippi to investígate the conditiou af affaire iu that State bave submitted two reporte, the Republicana uniting in the majority report, and the Demócrata in that of the minority. The former begiuB by giving a statement of facts concerning the tronbles arising out of the ejection from office of Peter Crosby, elected Sheriff of WarTcn cormty, Miss., at the November election of 1873. it i-tütc thut. Bhortly after his election, there was formed, iu Vieksburg, ui association callod the Taxpayers' League, the object of which orgiuiization was to coiTect the alleged mi.sapplicatiou of funds. both of the city and county ; that early in 1874 another organization made it appearanee. narrowcr m its puiposes, illegiü in lts aims, and baring itaelf upon the embodiment of i'orc, and readiness to uwe violeucc for the purpose of controlling and overiin'owing the will of the majority lawfully espieBSed in the formof uu election. This interior orgauization has not yet neb precise fonn and 80 ditstinct au existeiirc ae in Louisiana, bnt U nnqucstionably aii oxtension ínto Miselaaíppí of the White League organizution, whose neadquaitcix is in Is'ew Orleans. The purposes of these r;;anizations are : 1. To a census aud onrollrnent ol all white men in the State. 2. To incorpórate into interior military bïgaMizationH all whites who will join with them. 3. To set aside, by whatever moiaH may be ncec.-nary, the electiou of colored men to office, iivl to nullify the enforcement act. 4. To none but white men to be elected to or hold office. Tno coramittee then recite fully the mcaiiH taken by thewo organizations to control registration. I--. k(:eping out of the city of Yick&biïrg, :; ahsM of lorce. !'.nv jerson3 tliey ohoose to keep out. They palrolïed the streeto ; had a coimfi ; i ; watohed the Hteamboat landing, forries. and Tdiicls, aud dttendedin armedbodies at the regiMfatiöri of voters. The committee review fully the causes leading to the ejectinii of Croaby from oííice ; state that the rei;in:ii elected officera of the county were by violence oustcd from olnce ; the êotSre records and papers of tho officM. ti:o Coui-t-HouHO, and all the county property uulav.fully and riütonsly seized upon by an unlawful oombination of uvu. not only without waiTant of law. but in cHrcct and palpable violation aud di'liberr.te transgiesiaioo of all priBOipJea and forma of lawknown to any civilized peoplo. The committee then recite the facty C(ncorning ti;e Clierry street light in Viciaburg, and Bay that to read the reporta of the newspapars, or to take the testimony of nome pf ilic inuticii)auts, tlie paHHügft of the bridge of Lodi was nothing to the light on Clierry Htrcet : and they troat tliat engagement with great levity. They say the black people, ou being tiroci ujimi. ycaftereil in al) diracl öingly or in groupn, and rcturncd an ineffectual iire. They then yct forth thé uamtri of tlióse lulled and the eircumbiaucew atteixUng the killing. Thoy regan! oin-.-jiiiins arüing from tho conditiou oï ti.i udinthoss respeol grave and 9er(qus, tho wiole ïabric,oj ;ci(t u&ving been sübyerted by the war.: prejtidlce, hafcits and inherited 1, been overthxuvn by lrreeiHtible fóreè. They diHcuua the old relatiou betareen maator and Glave, tho differente in coiulitiiüi. eii:. They picture the alave, brpuglll i ■ mu !ú lowly condition of servitude tothevi legal and pohtical cqnality. rhi tlic war bronght nochangesi; iatui"e, and, though the war compeiled (henee of the conquered, it does not bring obiuicnce from the lieiut of tl}0 who lost lii.-i all by it. Tlicy do not nay tlitTe èxïsts throughont the Soui : ;i h:itn.'d U) the negro, mereïy bfvau: e hé ifi a negro, but the hatred of neyro officers of ir.unii.'ipahtieH, LegislatureB, aod Btatea is intenae. They dislike to recognize ssgroeg in offloe oron jury' duty. Tlier are iriUug tliat they t'hall aiwayB vote for white mri, obt they canaot induce them to abandon tb" parfy riiat libarated them and gave them theil' righte, in the f uil srciflé of which they are dcHpÏHcd. Negroos are [noápable of eotixbiimtion, uniit for couRpirftcy, j ontle in U tnper, fmd enduring to a f&ult. The control Uiq Land commerce, preaa, and' iph, buy een , and give their j póïor to all "views, magüifiné the otl'cjjfios'of ! 3Öiore3 mea, etc. The report ccnohideíT'ay Í' Xhr Qomniütfte belinve Uieiv íh urgent ucccwHity for furtli?r action b i ceneur in ■ ■■) caucus bill, and ■ . ■ . , v, , v ; ■it overthrow of law and ' order in Vic-lisburgt jiii-itifi'-'s' tïtc oppiitwition tf Goy. ■ Aincn for troop.;, aml ui-tion of the President in ! , i tftat c;t;.." ulJÏOHITY KZl'OBT, wbich ia fttgned by Spear, of Püimnylvaida, and O'Brien, of Maryland, coucludca aa iolJowa : From a ïèviewof the wholc tectimony we briefly suite cur con&UBiosu : ■','.' -That iu the city of VickWbnrg and countor of Warren the white eitizens pay about 99 per cent. of the tajee, which have grown enormonsly ; wve, and the negroes ehiefly awBess, coüect, and diefa UI. Second - That the debt of the cit-, which in 1SC9 1 - uow $1,100,000, far ns cap be ' eertained.; that it haa aecuiuulated to tuis étlm by j recklefee and Improvklent hgislation by liepublican officials, and i? a grievous barden nposed on a populatien of 11,000 pcoplo. tosa than hall' of WhOtQ are white people. Tkird - That a corrupt and ir.famous rin, compofted oí negro oíficialn, hu exj ited ín huid city and county for several years, who, by forgerieB, peculan 1 systcjuatii'.od fraadn ob the rcfiui; n, nave impaired the public credit, impoveriehed the, p Qple, ana augmeúted the taxes to ratee rjöiütiup; iu prao tical conüecation. I'uurfh--'i i.;( Peter Croftjy, Ihe Sheriff and Tax Collector, w;n th;; political and pezsonal friend of the corrupt officials, and by hia pöWeï in , inp jnroTi-1, ttiEir-couTictionrwwa rendered ; ly iïjagoseible ; thitt the Sheriff adnütted to huil his : lads Vvhn charged wiih the grave-it ; offense, on bond notoriouKJy worthlee and m the ! ii nt f') Üie admint&tratioA of juntice iu the courtH. 'i JuJge Brovm haa pullicly dechired ; that the proeeouüou oi ('ardosa, the leader of the ring) for malfcayancc in office, waa p rBOCUtión. ' when no honept man in Viofesburg of cithf-r party cloubta bis gnilt, and, by hiw partieanship, had d : Btroyed public confidence iu me tribunal Ovérwhieí he incnided. Siztk- tËkt the Taiapyers' League waa organlzea irrenpoctni; of politics, of color, and thal its Bole object, as stato3 In its Coneiitution and deeïarea in lts meetings, wan to böcuTB capable ofiicial and hc-ufsl governiuent. .■.■ nth- That the bondfl of Oïoeby as Sheriff and Tax (.'oi!. ctor were utterly insuítiL-ÍL-nt, íf not abaolutely . . ; Eighth- Thattho Itoard of Supervisors were adI the uttf r inanffleiency of Croéby'a honda, bftt corraptly deeUnöd to coaiptd him, as the law required, to give good aud suffloient bonirf. ■ ■ -That the time having arrivcd for the collectlpn of taxes, the tax-puyora having no adquate . ■,- re u.-tiüed in thèir dnmand ior On resignation, and that hia iH;gnat:on was volantary tl ■ result of iólence or thr ál -. Tenth - The conflict of Dec. 7, ret; uiting in the killing of t.s'o white and twenty-four colore ti Lvly and ivlioHy cr.iii'fd by i.n arsaed attempt of the nt'groee of "Warren county to Vicksburg ; that this invasión waa incitetl aad iu?iigate T1' ter Croflby, and that Crosby was a I iinci f 1.Í puraged to til;e this ccuree, and was promi8ed aid in it, by Qov. Amen. JCt.'vnitli - Thtit thr cieffime of the city was made undêr the dArectioa of the Mayor, and &U the prt'p, and conduet ofüás citüsena x&ke ji;sUñéd by najtwre's higijesi law- elf-preservation. Thi ;■ actd in flef wik óf titdir famüSwand their hotoes. Any other course would hai o bc'n cruelty to the families of both races, for, as Gen. Pa&kér têtrttfled, it was a mercy to the womi u and qhildren, white and black, the negroea were pevented from entering the city. 'Ihcdf Íi-Thii.t the purpope of the invaders was only limited by the will of theír leaders ; and that if thy had Biacceodjed in entering tlie c;ity, they would have been assisted by a large mnnber of well-armed and thoroughly organizad negroea in the city, who wcrè ri-adv to co (iptn-ti.' with fihettï. , r f„,_Tli:jttlü-rfiisnot,andha3notbeen, any organiza d resifltonce at Vicktbvxa on the part of the to lawful authority ; bui, on the contrary, the i. owniug u(.-;:rly uil the property and L6 taxes, are siucerely dcnirous of ad good ord#rfc Iheir intorests - I and biTBinesa - give ptrtngth to thiB aesire ; and the'patioiioe they have exhibüed onder accunuihted WTOngB and outrages, euch as a Northern city would not tolérate íor a single clay, íh the marvel of our civilizatiou. ' nth - There íh no White Leaguo or political organi7.j,t:oiiin MiflBiaeippí, whose object is to fleny to l because oí oolqr, orfor any rcason. any righta or privileges guaran teed by law ; noPíetíiere any political organization of white men which haa any other object than to secure the election of hone&t and capa ble oih'cials. Fiíe-cnth - 'Jlmt the cali of the Governor on the President for military aid was based on partisan ftatesaents t ntinly devoid of truth. At the time the cali was made Viclisbnrg was as quiet andpeaceable au any city of the same population in the United Btatee, and has so rexnained to the present hour. :,■ 'rtith-AfU-r CroHbys resignation, Flanagan was etected áhi riff, and took peaceable pO3B6SBÍon of the omoe. Nheiher he or Crosby was the legal Sheriff was a question for the courtH alone to determiuR, itnd yct, in phameless disregard of ciil law, of the r gl:ts of citiz :: , Flanaganhaa been marche d out of Die Court-Hc.i.-r by United State eoldlers at ni oí the 1. ,-'; re?' r:,tfi That the condition of Missispippi is I deplorable. "With a Governor who had da dared that, if not in oilice, he would not reside in the State if glven the whole of it ; with comiption prv;vailing to an alumiiug extent in cQunties libere the negroes and carpet-baggérs have control ; with propfily dt pr ■■■ci:'t:ug aud tax' h incratiiug, uit'.:r ruin can be arreatfid only by restoring to the people honeet goverament aud the control of their own affaira without inttrl'crc-nco from the Federal arniy.


Old News
Michigan Argus