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Finance And Trade

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In financia! circleH a very quict feeling prej vailH. Tbere wan eomparatively littlo demand ; for money, awide froin the inquinen of grain i and provisión speeulators. Interest ratea uncbanged, Wiül au ampio mipply of loanablo fands. Government bonda teiulv, witb but light olïerings. U. S. 5-20's of '02, U6Jf@116W; of 'G5, lV.V'J.t ll;l; ; 10-JÜ'h, 11G;'C116. Latent raid quotations - New York, 111' ( 114K ; Chicago, Í13J?. BREAPSTUFFH. Tbo following were the reeeiptfi and sbipnients for the week, as comparad witli the samo time laet yeai HecripU, Shipment. Artldcs. 1875. I 174. 1875. 1874. Flour, brls . . . . 51,107 67,875 43,441 02,43.1 WheaLbU 250,620 50'2,iai 14S,577 354,889 i Coru, bu 343,752 15;),0U0 80,472 24,315 Oats, ba 139,010 13O,Ü2S 78,287 72,2011 Rye, bn 12,108 17,034 ?,'!1S 7,170! Bwlsy. bu. .. 41,17(i 91,S0; :il,lu7 r,i;,2!n Dn Dd ogs'. 1O70 K),7i;7 14,601 1(1,407 Live hogB, No. 8Í,6 M,8Ü M.'Séí 34,761' OtUe, No 14,012 13,3(13 i),C9;! 10,201 The moveinoni in the graüi rüícrket lias been ; faiiiy active, but a aomewhat unnettled feeling prevailed, vuluea nfiiig irregular. The principal inqiury contfiineS on speculative account, the Hhipping intereat not doing anything in the way of buying. At the opening a general feeling of iircncMH wan howu, and the leading grains were flrm and in demand. WedneBday and Thnröday a general weaknens wan shown, the offoringH both for immodiate and future livery being larger, wbile Eaatern advice were : i of an unfavorable teuor and bolden) did not öhow any conüdence in the future of the trade. The rcnult wan a decline of abont l@13o per bil on both wheat and corn. During the remainder of the week, however. the markets ■ore firmar all round, and by the close the greater part of the decline was recovered, as will bc neen bv róference to the anuexed tiona. The lower pnces brought out more huyera, nurnerous buying orders beüig received from the interior, while March "shorts 'I showed a general cleniro to provide for tlieir contract. New York and Liverpool advices were more favorable, with light receiptB. Oats ruled steady. live waH active to the extent of the offerings. Barley sold at very irregular prioes, according to date and locatiou of receiptB. A lar;e Hpeculative busineaB wa rcported iu whoat and corn in the way of transferring llareh and April contracto. The followiug table shows the current quotatione at the opening and at the oIobc : Upan in;j. Closing. No. 2 spring heat, cash 85 : 85; No. 2, tllor Manh i 8r,i No. 2, ecllcr Apx-il 87.'f 8G?i No. 2 corn, cash U% í l , No. 2 corn, sellcr Jlarch.. ül.1 G4 No. 2 corn, scllcrMay.... 71 71'.. iíiTI'. So. 2 oats, cash 53 g.5:l", S3)é ! No. 2 oats, sellcr March.. 58 " 63IÍ No. 2 oats, sellor May . . . 6SH 5f)si Ho. 2rye, caah Ii8l,-.w:il.00 98@98J No. 2 barley, casb $l.Ö81.20Jf H.ll(1.19 No. 2 barley, jelicT Mar .. 1.08 1.12 No. 2 b.-.rh'y, Fillfr April 1.00 1.09w 1.00f No. 3 barley, oash ...."... 99(i 1.01 1.001.06 PltOVlSIONH. The market opened wealc and easier, and trading throughout wa onjy moderate, although at times au activo bufinesa would be trinsaeted, witti trading principally in the way of changing option trades, lieceiptw of hogn lüge, and piicking ahead of liit ycsr. M08S pork cloned at S1S.10 caah, flS.Í0(fel8,12k; Murch, nnd %l$A0 for April. Lard Bteady at W3.20@13.25 caHh, 13.20 for March, nnd $13.15 for April. Meats Bteady. LIVE STOCK. There was a fair degree of activity üa the cattle market and values were teady, although comniun and medium lot were eatíier. liutchCTH'btock.' í2.5(IC'J.7ü ; fair to choice teerti, (M.i5O@6.15 ; extra. ïO.5Üt;C.75. HogH fairly active, but weali, imder tiie heavy recp : qualitv deteriorating ; Yorkora. i!6.10@C.70, Hcneri;., . {■.::,■" MV : licav. r(-.M, 'i.l', : poor to 'choice extra. è7.25(3S7.35. Skeep dull illd 7jc per 1110 pounda lower cldëé ;it 3.00( B.50 for poor to choice. BRE8SED IIO(5. HHE1)S AND 1IIU1IW1NES. üreBHed hogH were activo and íimier, the ruling prices daring th week being Y7.(10 for light and 8.00 for lioavy. üeed.4 wero dull. eHpecially timothy, the otferinga of which wero large ; closing at !2.35(Vt2.5(l for timothy ; clover, !fG.25((i;6.G0; elosed at i-6.25; flax, è2"(g 2.10; Iluuganau, Ó5e; millet, U5c. Ilighwinsa cloaed active and lirm at 1.()5. VliOlíVVK, Botter ■na quiet aud values were easy. Frcsh roll fircn at 20(ii!2'ic íor fair to clioice ;■ rmcked dull at 20@30c for eoimnon to clioioe I iairy. liroom corn wafl íirm and in demaud at i 11 (13c fot Ño. 1 and extra. Iieeswax quiet at i Üjn'iiTc. üeaiiH wero in good demaud aud ; palues were íirm at $1.85(}2.(X) according to rjuality. Oheese in good shipping and local dimand at 18JL@18c for good to prime ! Western. Cider in fair local demand it 16.00 per brl forchoice Hweet. OranberrieB- j Slow BülcH at a.OOfell.üO for cultivated. Dried pean in domaud at ïl.G0@2.20 for [ rowfat to choiee sound green. Éggs were in demand, and valúen for fresh were firm and Uigher ; nales at 3()(33c ; pickled, 20@25c for i ckoice ; 12%(u15c - for comraon. Feathers tirm ; live geese, 48@52c; cMcken. 5c. Apples in fair demand at $2.50(5 8.00 per brl for choico ; retail Iota, 3.50. Hides iu rcqueBt, bnt eaeier. Green frozen, TM&WíC ; heavy salted, 8@8}c ; light, ílo ; kip. lOu'ilk'. ilópii ivcre quit-t mid eaKy at 33 , (Ví U): for good to choiee new. Hay ürm and in ■ (Iemand at 17.5O('1S.5() for No. 1 timothy, and í?14.00(;í 14.50 fot upland prairie, l'oultry in local demand at 18@12JÓ ior turkeya, S(Ví lie for cbickentí, and 5í" Se for gcí!e. Potatoes were íirm. with a good local and a í'air whipping demand; j peaoliblows, '.).")( 1. 10 ; carly rose, 90@93p.J Tallow, 8c. VegetableH flrm. Ouions. ï3.7f (4.25 for red; ï4.50(, KM) for yeJlow ; turnlpti, 40(S8Üc ; oalery, OÓ@6i5c ; cabbagc, 75cÈ S1.00. Veal in fair demand at 4@9c. COOPEllACIH. I.UMliEU AND WOOl). Pork barrels have niet witli u í'air demand at j vi. 1. Lard tiereen, ? 1.35(1. 10. Otlier cooperage quiet. Luinber and wood romain nteady and iirm, with but moderate kíocIís and linp prices. Tclcíiritjjliií' 3l;uÉkrt Rcpoi'ts. NEW YORK. Bf.eves 9X@ 1SÍ Hoos- DreBBfrt ú@ V Copio 5J(g 1 ■Snporflnn Wcsteru 4 2.) (., 4 75 W u kat- No. 2 Chicago 1 (:(;. 1 VX4 No. 1 K))rmg 1 18 3 1 19 Coen a 85 Oats l 4 72 KE 8.) (4 95 l'OBK- New Mubb 19 IX) ( 19 50 Laúd - Stram 13 $ U Sï. LOU18. Wiieat -No. 2 Bed 1 05 @ 1 06 Ookn- No. 2 New M ni M üats- No.2 5li a r.7 Ryk- No. 9 1 0:) 1 04 POUK- Mobs 18 51) (., 19 (10 Laud 13 @ 13M Hoos 6 50 @ 7 SU Cattlk 4 50 (ñ 0 50 .MILWAUKEE. Wheat- No. 1 M A 92 No. 2 8 (i. 87 Corn- No. 2 60 r} 63 Oats- No. 2 62 M Hyt. 1 01 1 02 UARLEY- NO. 1 1 10 @ 1 1J CINCINNATI. Wiikat -R.-fl 1 07 ifü 1 10 Oorn- Now 6ñ @ 66 Oats S9 (... 63 Hye 1 10 f 1 12 l'uiiK- MfSB 18 50 (o:19 00 Lakd 13 W 14 ! TOIiBBO Wheat- E.ttra 1 14 (a 1 15 Amber 1 o @ l 07 Ookn- New 66 (4 (59 ' Oats -r8 C4 60 1 DETROIT. Wheat- Extra 1 13 1 14 Ambir 1 OP. í 1 07 corx 67 r-:i Oai r!í O cü ci,r. i:i,.M. No. 1 I'.cd 1 I" ftJI so. 2 ri i oí gin Comí 08 ■ OATS 511 1.2 Tuk Ajiebkjan Okoank, advèrüeéd in anothef colum, have tho gnaranty wliich :. frofia twenty-five yr-ars of BÜOOeBSfn] . v.])irimrjit, ui d f rom tho wcil knovm lügfa cbaructer of tho roanufncturorf;. 1'heynoM cely ncw styli-s, vuisnrpasKdL in ([nnlity iind beauty. At a partiiig at a Chicago railroad depot, " Do not forget mo or eease to lovc me ! " mutmfured the Imsband. " Never, oever ! " Bobbad tlic wife, and ahe jnülod 1 oui d bandkerobief and tóed a. knot in it, j hut, .liemight roinember. " Then that's a diaw-bridge, obV' muoedaïiew Jersey man. " Well, I'd give ten dollars to nee a man draw it."


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