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ViNEOAK Uittkkh. - 1). .T. Waijsek, a , regtiLirpractiruiii phvMuianof California, has couferred a priceless boon npon mankind, by the introduotion of a - ter;; " cornppunded from herbn t yivoly, wlücli muy be truly waiil to be t superseding ;ill other, and is beoomiüg a hithr di;:;' indeeá Lor the oharlfttanp I and c i ;:"--- -■- .■■! . ■ ■ "ïiüt ■ of lts immense snla md uu ipulsuityi Not only . are thftse VqtEGAB BrrrEP.s, as He eaïls them, au invnl-inblfi tonio and alterative, biit they are atíkilowledgod as a standard Medicixií, and the astomRliing rapidity witli which th(y curo cujeases hitherto declaxed incurable, seems almost i blé. Áfter having been oarefully tested, I they are kept n luind i;i thousands of households, and nsed for any md every forra of diseaso, ïuany relying npon them in preïerence U tlu most oelebrated pliyniei;uis. i'hoy have become a recognized " Family Beinedy," and proierly so. ■ 25 Tiie official report Do the Austrian ernmerít, respecting musical instruments tt the Á'ieioiíi Esposition, declares the i & Hamliii Cabinet Organs to be " the most distiiiguishüd and prai'. worthy instrumente " of thoir class ; praisiiig in detail their power and j nance of tono, variety of combination and solo effects ; fine power of expression ; smooth, even and sympathotic ton::, mul tliorough workmariBMp. They were I awaa'ded the flrst and highest modal. Oth(r American organs in competition were declared to be fat loss meritorious, thé tónës mul workmanBhïp being both Inferior. In comparison, it was said : "Jndgid leliiently, they do not rise i above a réspeijlable mbaiocrity." This j was nndonbtediy the most extensive, I horough aiul competent compariaon of sueh ijialramenta ever made. The Northwestekn Telegeaph Institctte of Junesville, Wis., gave offices to fifteeu gradnates during the month of January. Valentine Bros., the principáis of this iustitute, nnders'and their lmsine3S thoronghlj', and they not only giVe stxidents a perfect and practical knowledge of elegraphy, but have I rangements with telegraph companies by whic}) they are enabled to procure situations for graduaten. Caepentees, see advortisement of Simnions' Saah Hupporter. A Foiv AVords lo IVeble and Delicate ■Vomon. By B. V. Tieuce, M. D., of the World'a Dispensan', lïuflalo, N. Y. Knr.wing that you are aubject to a grcat amount of fmfferiñg, that delicacy on your part i-.iin n ptlOBg tendoney toprolong. and t'he longcr i is liegjíufecl the more yon liave to enduro aud the inore dillieult of cure your case becomea, I, ;: i a physiíian, who is daily eonsulteil by acorea of your ees, deslié to say to you, that I am con;-Uiiit!v meeting with 'those tfbO have been treated for their aumenta fox months without beiug bcuculed iu the least, until they have beeome porfectly diacouraged, and have almoat made np their minds nover to take another doso of medicine, nor bo tortured by any further treatment. They had rather dio and have their Sillferitigs ended than to livo and anffor a they have. They sny tliey aro wer out by suffering. aud are onlv made worso by treatment. Of anything more discouraging, we certaiuly cannot conoeive, aud wero tliero no more BiicceBsful uuxlo of treating sueh djrücultiea than that. tho principias of which teaeh the reducing and depleting of the vitnl forcea of tho syatcm. wlien tlie indicationy díctate a treatment directly tho reverse of the 0110 adopted for them. their caaes would be deplorablondeed. Butlady Hufferora, therfi ia a letter and far more iBcoasaín] plan of treatmeut for you ; ono more iu harmony with the lnws aud roquirementa of your syistoma. A harsh, irritutmg caUstic treatment and 8trong medicinen will never eiu'e you. IC you wonld ise rationa! means, siioh aa comiiion-soiiso should díctate to every intelügent lady, take siich medicines as embody the very best invigqratíns tonien aud nervines, compounded with special reference to your delicate aystems. Such a happy oonabinatioñ you will ñnd in rny Favorite Prescriptiou, wliich haa receivod the loudest praiao from thousands of your aex. Those I languid. tiresome seusationR, causing you to f eel acarcely able tobe on yoar foet or ariceud aflight of Btaii-s ; that coutimial draiu that is sapping from your syatoms atl your former elastieity, and driving tiie bloom from yoiir cheeka ; that continual atraiu upou your vital forcea that ícnlers you irritable and fretful, may all be overeóme aud aubdued by a persevering nse of that marvelouo remedy. Irregularitiea and ; structions to the proper workinga of yoiu1 tema are relieved by thia mild and aafe means, wiiile peiiodical pafna. tlie existeuce of whieh is a aure indieation of aerious diaease that ahould not bo ueglected, readily yield to it ; and if ita uae ia kept up for a rcaaonable leugth of time, the apecial cause oL these paina is pcrmnnently removed. Pivrtber light on these subjeets may be obtained from my pamplüet on diaeaeea peculiar to your sex. sent on reeeipt of two stampa. My Favorito Prescription ia sold by druggit3. Dr. WiTjHOFt's Anti-Pemodio or Fevek and AnuE Tonio !- Wilhoft's Tonic has establiphcd ïtnelf as the real infallible Chili cure. It Ia uiiiversally admitted to bo the only rc-liable and harmlcss Chili medicino now in iise. lts oflicacy in eoniïrnied by thousanda of eertincates of the very best people frora all parta of the country. "It curca malarious diseases of every type,'from the shaking agues of the lakes and' vailoys to the ragíúg fevers of tho tomd zone. Try it! It has never been known to fnil. Wheelook, Finiy fc ■ Co., Eroprietora, New Orlcans. For Bale by all drugglBtB. Mothers who have delicate children, who are subject to croup: When your child goea to bed whcezing and coughing yon know not before morning cronp nuiy net in, and before yon can gct a physieiaii your child may be bevond the reaoh of help. Alleii'e Lung Baleam bliöuld always be kept in your house, and be givon immed'iatcly when the first symptomB appear. which will remove tho mucua collected in the throat and save tho lifa of your dear child. For sale by all medicine dcalcrn. We notiee that the agricultura! papers all over the country rccommend tho use of 8ieriilat's Cavalry ' VomluUm J'ou-dtrs.-Exchange. i ''11 ti: ;r.. and ethers in thia section have long known and approeiated tho advautage of tliese powdcra over al] others. Electrictty is Life. - All nervous disordei'D, chrouic diseases of the chest, head,. liyer, stomacii, kiihicH and blood, achee and pains. ni'i'voiiH and general debility, etc, nnicldy cured after drugs fail by weai-ing Volta Electro Belta and Bands. Yaluable book tree, by Volta Belt Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. There are probably a hundred or more persons in thi.s aod neighfcoring tonus, who cliiily auffér from the distresiug effectn of kiduey troubles, who do not know that oftmson'e Atiorline Liniment is almost a certain cure. In severe canes groot relief may bo obtained, if not a perfect cura. ' Bdrnett's Cocoaine is the best and cheapewt haii' dressing in tlie world. ïhiï Northwestern IIorse-Naix, Co. 's , 'Finished" Nuil is the best ia the world. Fuut. Spring Wateb, at Waukegan, Hl., cures all kidney diseases. 1_1 ík o S'i'i PER IÏAT-Send for "Ohromo" ?PXV MtJpgne. J. H. mjFFORD'S SONS, Boüton. PATF..T ilovcltic. LarKestSteUonerjPackage in tbo World. l'ELTON A (X)., 119 Nassau St.,N. Y. fit)AA a month t nppnts c-Terj-whoro. Address ÏJ JJ r EXCEL8IOH M'f'u Cu., lincharían, Micü. CJK-CÍOfi Ilir ay nt home. Térros fvep. Addieps p V U L U Geo. Stisson A Co., Portlaud, Mamo. GBNTS, GkangChanssolUït leW. Neoesaarj ns iOp. (! Isfnc. ('h iimCliant! MTrC).,Bli.n. Clj The American Patrón is tho most popular Grango JO nnd farm paper - $1.25 a year. Specimen free, AdPi drew 3. K. BARND, Publishor, Findlay, Ohio. ÈflliHCV "'""' ropM with Stencil and Kej-Chcck. ïiUlltï OutHts. CstMpgues, Samples and full particulars f ree. S. M. Spencer, 1 1 llanovorst.. Boston. ÖÏOA rally to ARonta. 85 nw articlcs and the best CP_il7 Family Vr.pnr in Aniericn, with 'J S Ctimmos, i,n: AiHKKKJAN MT'U C'O., 800 liroaiiuy, ".. V. A GENTS Men or Women! $34 a woek rr$100 forfuiti-d. The Bccret Jrte. Writoat Dnco to COWKIÍ & Cü., Eigfaih Street. Ruw ïork. (JrtC PER DA Y CommIssion,orS30avickr..-.l.-;SD fe v fnd expendes. Wb offer it and vill payiU Apply UO-.V. ti. ÍV. Webber Si Co., Mariun, O. fttQ !] ihnn ' 4"1't ar-(1 expenses to all. Artiolcs (nllll È-(NMIi nmv' Rfiil!o ns ilutir. Samplefieft. C.M. Y "" T JU LIJMINGTON & URO., N. Y. or Chicago. Chn A (( a yearealary. Pala ry and expenses pa :d. OutiiJJ fit free. A vaJtintjl-.' pnckjifM! f fut [or Ifjo return postüjrn. l !. ft. CiUMLKY, Waterboro Center, Mo. ADVERTISERS! Send 25 cents to GF.O. R 1IOW. l'l.hi-ro ,H ParU llow, Nmv York, for their I'amphletoflWrw :- P,icontttinin Itata nl'Ji.OOOnewspaptirti and üstiiiwtcs BUOTvins cost of adviirtising. rjiHIS paper Is printed with Ink ftirnished hy ('Inrlcs -M Kneu JoUneon A Co.,60y Houth TL'ntli Street, l3hiiaáelpl ia and 5y Gold Street, New Yock. For b;üo In 10 Cnd "hTneVsPAPKK UNION, CCMU. CXONSTANT BMPLÓYMBNT- At home. Malo and í Female. $30 a week insured. No capiuü raquired. particnlars nnd v.iluablo sample free. Address with tío return stamp, O. Ross, Williainsburga, N. Y. JrtCT4 A MONTH- Agentswanfedoverrrhsre. rK__ll ■ Business honorable and flret-elasB. %S?fAJJ pïrtumlar sent free. Addres Wouth & Co., St. Louis, Mo. o mwlc of lrctlne dlKUe II ui f ffrclual U (tint whicfa ttsttU ttd n-nv tlie cmue. :oiirw Pt-1.1 the eron-lh "f Cuièe tuil Tüihörfl, lili Ml remores SttofuU an-l Erjsïi.rliw, n-l nïl cmsei of dlsëM, hu.' msk.n.; ■ permanent muj Ordei engrarini (.rir ÏOeti.) of Pr. N. 8. Done, 158 South IlftlíleJ It-, t'tiioco, ïll. lrt scrip tlons to th poor freo. R6ENTS WAlfTED fcJftíiísasa ingftt and our extra tonns to Asante. NATIONAL PUULISIUNO UO., C:!;icnt'O, 111., er Kt. L-juia, Mo. Á6EKTSWÁNTEB5S r circiil.irs nn.i extra twms to Agante. NA TIONL PUB. (XM Ohico, 111., ar 8t" 1mis, Mo. 4iT AA PER WEEK can bo made by any tjPJ_Vv suiait man who can koep his buabiosa tú himself. Addrcss Ü. F. HERMAN, Hoboken, IVcw Jcrey. lïssÊfr.PaliilessOiiiiCiiFeiiS WHfD] remedy nf thepreswit d'iy. Sftnti for Paper on Jpiiim Kutinx. P. O. .m -17.". LAPORTK, 1WD. MAMRM 700SUPERB VARIETIES OFBjRUkBH Tl rln Tin 6O0,0OO Greenhouse Planta. U[VrV K I l (■ Mailing Planta a Speoialty. ilUuiJU JLJ-ULJ Illustrated CatalOBue Tree. IIVRBII aiöWHWE.Y.TEAS&CO.RIchmond.Ind. mP i AOBHTS WANTED EVKBYWHEHR.- The I H IX ehüicest in the wurld - ImtiOrtfirB1 pricos- l;iri;sr X JjXl Comjii-.ny in America - stuplo avticlo - pli'MtM evuryboily - Inoreatbu - bet jiHiuctiments ! - don't wante time- send for Circular tu ROBKKT WI5LLS, 1 :t Vcsvy Street, Now York. P. O. Box 1387. BIFI.ES, SHOT-OITNPISTOTyHrREYOIiTEnS, ; OfanyiindeTeryklnd. Send stamp ft7" forCtnlur-. ■!■!' rt Wlr Cu "-M S5 to S15 A DAY. Agenta wanted to bcll a number of npw and usoful . ariirJi'S. Will stil rapi.Ily. I'urthuUirs frrr , (ir samples OÍ all ,f2-worth $4. Addresa J AMKS ÜODFltKY, 131 ! Smithlield Street, Pittsburgh, Vu. VTAVriTfl Uf fiT Wanted at once to leam YlillMil IHII-RJ tolegrapl.lns ani tak wlth operator. Salary from $60 to W0 per niontb. ' Kiffl ,NSTITU-m.Tano,tilKWiL Ome jriB Bnnd Q vr-ricl icsPrliE FIO"V)( ER SfEEDS', (your choioa from our Cita. Fn p luRiie.) for 25 ets. All truo to name onii war U J r.mted. 30 for $1. Send 10 ets. for a packaüB . -rj. w )iour .Vfwest pwïii-fliotiqupt Aíií-rand JP lfc uur Uatalofiue of Domustic and Importad SoDds flU tolSt Address DO.'JSIELiIjY & CO., Rocheater, N'. Y. I AfteSüBi A M0RPHINE HABIT speetllly 9 1 O 8 H I il cured by Dr. Ücck's only "' ■■' I Iwl itnjwn sure i t#B IVlVI IVO CHARGÉ for trealment untll cured. Cali on or addrciw DR. JLC. BECK, CinoinnmU. O. SPEND ja. DOXiLAH ! For advertising in any newspaper beinre eeeing j my new intalojjuo of over ONK THOl'SAMI Pupers. S.P. SANBORN,lH-Monroe-st.,C)iU-ago,Ill. S E NT F RE E A Book expoBiim the mysteries of Uft i I BQT ' and howany one may opérate Yf"Kl Ol fully with a capital Of 50 or Si, 000. Completo inetructions and illuatratinnsto any address. TllUM1IRIDGE & CO., liAKKKUS ASI BliOüEIlS, 2 Vfail Street, New York. jfiULJVJfcJbLAAJbJib TVho deslre to rcach country readers can do 80 In tbc l bent and chwiprst muimcr by using om; or moto bcctlons or Tiik öbje at KKwsPAPitK AtTxnJtiJfT Libts Applf tQjffi. E. PHATT. 70 Jacksou-at.. Chicho. THE FAVORITES. PASIIIiT PAVOKITK. ) Tho Tifies . MA.Vn'JlTIlRHKS' PAVOR1TE Indica to GESERAJiPAVORITE. ) ti Usns. Fot full iiifonn.-diim nivctini: our Goods, or Atención [or sumo, addrras WEET SEWISTCi MACHÍN E l'OÍ?PASÍV,atiInvtlbnl, Comí., orourliranch Othcas in leadins cilio. ,,' Massiílon Harycstcr BUY .he BEST. ; ' líiivtois cin Htt . --_ I or Htanii. AJñ, '': ' - .:-■■_.' ■'■ f;r (k.".Kiiyiaf IAJ 1.ÏSS, ÍIíisillon,O. TT n M TVHAT ARE F1EE31 I flllKAD! "Pl.AIN BLl'NT I BKacts," aTreatiseontbö j " % Caneca, History, Cure and - VáBrtífWBIi-iSS: ! a p_ TKK AOO.,46 Walker ftreet, I lMew York. Scm KRKE ton loaru oftho United Slale oo I ■ JriíJH Jnl lr reccipt of a letter stamp. SËED THE COMETH ! ! Onr Plower :ind KitcHeii Gllljlcn ' tratéd Directory ?or 1SJ3 (the 2ÍJ Edltlon), witb Su ipletm-nt of Sovcltles and SpeCittltté ■■ ; SKKDS and other Garden reimisitos for tb hoMoii. ; is now being sent tü :ül uastomere of last yoar, and will be sent to otbere VilEE ou application. Aitdress D. T. CURTÍS & CO., Boston, Mas. áPowíll1! Star Woed Puips! Wanltogan Farm Pnmps, ; Wood Eave-Trough Tubïnrj. If yon want the bïst of theBO , cles, co to yoiir Hardwareor Agncuh tnrallroplement Stores. If tbov do notkecp thcrq.onvill not jet them ; for you, send direct to the Factory, CataloEnea Red Prlcc Lista malled c nnnil and the Bi. Y. Satarday Jom . OD Urtdil nl, the Creat Lilcrory WVekly of Amoiica feroneieu for the Ktgular Subsoip1117, Nmeaentredimiaitial!yarecei:d,nd ' " Vlii DOLLARS CASH snnt ut once to every hfth ! Bcrlber. Clubs of flve (at ÍBfcaoh) may rtíaintto S! Ttïia ld "ohromo" - a C:ish premitinl of $5 to evoiT I afth'subacTifterl THe mm namo is a sulntient guariin'j . of f alineas and fulüllmenr. Sond nu r'-y order or regisSred lett.n t. UKADI.H 4 ADAMS, I"ublsher8, 'JS i WUliáin Sticet, New York. j r ■- % r['1is new TniBS is worn fli?ai Mith perfect comfort niht i!% - . _ _TTijft and day. Adspts iteelt to Sf ELASTIO BOSorery niotion of the body. Si T Tï TT R R JpretainingruptureundcrÜie XCVJ _" u , Ljjr hardest BjieiciieorBeeBrest PfeSBPSHLSál strain until permanently w j' MWËfcy oured. Sold cheap by the jtJ Elastic Trnss Oo., s No. 683 Broadway, N . Y. City. ! Sent by mail. Cali r send for Circular, and ba onrad. DÖYÖÏÏnMDWNPRÏÏrnNC! Xm PEINTING PEESS. '! i"roijï3p! auil Amatfiir utaetucei-l, Mcrtkanli, uiiUtlur Uil the EF.ST ever mvented. [ii.txOO In USCb Ten stvlCB, Pri3ea from 95.00 to $100.00 BENJ. O. WOODS &CO. Maoufraaml iüaliTs n all kinds uf Printing Matarial, Send jtmiy Prt -Caialogüc.) 49 Federa) St. Bostou. flHSIlLSJ per DAT. To soli tho HOMÏi STITTTTI-R SBWLVG i CHINE!. PttlC'Ë 45, Ileader ! ! you can mnke nioncy solliiiK the "ilOSIFl Sll t;TTl-E," whether you arf EXPJÈR.IE!V1KÖ ín tho busmpss or not. Ifyou wtoh tohuv SliWISU MAC1IINK 'ior laniily ua.'. our circuliirs will show you bow to sava money. AtljÓïlliSO.V. CLARK tSi CO.. CHICAGO. Illisois. ] ATLANTIC AVEEKLY. A Ll'l'Ji il.v II V ,KH UVA L ÍOf Ihc b'AMltï. 'O CI)M1M:I'.II STORlfe. TKRMS Oí'" SURSCRIETlOJi. POSTAüE TAID, GKIÍ.VT I'iilCMIl'JJl OFFER. The cholee .if two beatmful Steel Knrraviniw, ize 19i24. "li(K!,l(iM" and "TUK SISTERS," as a premium to each Bubacrlber tur (i months ; and (lWOKTHofOHOlCB FWJWJWl SEBOS, or toth KriRi-dvings, to tvicli yearly subícribor. rft ñrilTn I''ir tuis r.mminl fff will fiend the OU UC.ll I O. " Atlantic" fnr 3 inc;nth'triiil, ixjstpald. Agi-lits wnntril everywlletc. AddreB XtOüXTIC HBEKU. -l:-c,htnnt Sr Philn TELBlÍMispoEKASDEALER IN TEAS. GROUND COFFEÉS AND SPICES, No. 109 Knst Madison St., Ohicngo. A'iy qwtntitUn eolcl at tcholsuatt prictí. A BpBcialt7 madélnflUlnKiirJfrífnim CluK'. NochnrKnfnrimckagí. and íivifíht prepidd on all bilis amountins to $131' or oTflr. Aírents wantod tn overy town in tilo West. Send for Circuía- lo Aicn(v. Thobctt Teas in the marketiurtho príoe. Young Hyson aic, 60c, 7(c, PPc, 90o and Sl.on OunTowder ñuc, ii.ío, 75o. c and .(; Jupia Oc,TOc,S0e,0ffaMjfl.X' Oolms 6flc, 60c. 70c, Wlc and íl.Od Imperial. 60c, 70c, SOc, !lc and 1 1. Mixed 50c, fiílc, 70c, POc and $}M EngllebBreákfaiit 60o, 70c, 80o, 80c nd $1. SEtstal'fisIicd JSrS. #;' 1 tr!:: Mns. tatested. Th ïet cicn;ieií Ptinl ín tlxc Wnylil fwt !'"■ Tin ■■■ '„.„I. I'.ir Filo hv Pesio .vtrvv. ;■.■', ' "! !. I'AI_'-H.ÏV.TXT : 'i nnrt'i. ''it ■ :AJXJ'X'Í' " ':". ParcljaE3rS-WTIl,Tltaee . tov.rr.amo i ;;k .-irc onoichaud every r Myannunl Catalogus of V.wtaMf nad Flower Seed furfewlll be ent fri-e to a fio .4pply. Oustomor of lost Beatón need ""' wdt to '■ '" " """ '"' ","" i evlable TarieUes of Dew vegetnbíoí Intruduced for thn til?' moe Ibis Masón, lnvina marte noiv voni'tiibles a ípecialtr f or mimy years. Growing ovtr a RiiflEJ una nrlit rarúriM on "uiy soveral fnrins, } nronlil i'arlRularly invite tho patronage of in.-irU.-t gardeneni wd .-'11 otliors whfarocspecinllyJeslnm to have thfirwt-d pure and (roah, and "' 'S! oor betl (rain. All soed Bent out from my establishmont are covered by three warranta om glven in my catalogue. JAMES J. H. ORBGOHT, Marblcheail, Jlajs. k BARREL OFJÖNEÏ tfado by our Agunts. Oud PreU.O's Ulustratd VS eekly. )Ucïge,$2.8)yer. Snlce.Wit. Satire. Si.limdid Prenium Li.-t. Tliu bost terms oflercd Agenta, bainijlca ind Uirculurs freo. PATENT Cabweto, SB businessman to keep BILLS.LEÍFSMffliiWisS TEB.3 or PAÜ?ERSalways clean tSfaRr PfiKH and in alphabetica.1 order; holds fMmlíí i Í IS Si'iiSi 4,000 Letters, can be used on a desk BSall Ijll 3 Eipross charges. Send for circular gtf'" "JJ-SJ" an prioe list with 1,000 raforenoes. Address C. A. COOK & CO., Chicago, 111. mg nl" . tYcoks Si Co., (Tror'.n, A .% ' Hnrifnrit, Cl.,eaij : ■'SiaPonin 9,g t.ikpö the 1h(] of all Jiio.-ul PieparflMP"3!! tifns. Our sales are fonr-fold ivhat 'AraVT lifinfoi tlt, witirtfr On., i (SHraP) ) ymirSei Fonm for the past three Ftï"- -SvAi ivhohavelxmuhtit," "Itseoononw f vt2y&s3i M '8 wonderful ; mc year'a aavinawiil C KeTriSÍ J"iB buyaoow." Renrt for Circular Ut y&ffly 1 7f. Dnanc St., New Yoi k. ■C M'Allister's Patent Artoptioou The most powerful Mngic Lantern Ter JiSL innde; with a brilHacntOU Lsmp; for Home, pj-MMi Sunday School and Lectures, Stereopticon, PjBgjf -5 I .t-o Slidesatredacedprices. APHnnTAtiLl -Jgj BUSINESS FOE A MAS WITH MAIL CAI'ITAl. " C.ihiloKiies ent on apnlication. VM. V. Hl'Alil.TSTKH, 1314 Clicstnut Strcit,PillalcliiIiia,Pa. TOONS FOLKS' HISTOlf OF THK UNITED STATES. By T. IV. HIGGISTSON. It has a clear titlo to euperiority oTer any similar work."- ll'islon A dre.rtitrr. " A book whorn thero is VRTthinff to prftise and nothinK to oonddmn."- ir. J'. Tribuna. aTheslïloof thobooklsaAiuirablo."- N. 1'. Kr'g zw. " Mr. HieKins.m was well tjunlifitHl to writ such a hitory."- Sprinpfii ld lo , Sq. Hmo.,withiWW ït0 Illustrationí. Prico S1.50. Sent poatpaid on rec.oipt of tiio nrico. KkE &i sirKIMRD, Boston. HÖTËÏST V SñU BAKERS, MtSS PyK GROCIRS, iF fi HOUSEKEEPEfiS, 'Ia-ESOARDiNG HGUSFS, & PRÍVATE FAMIUES. I luro an IIECKIPT for making a PU',!! HAKIN'CJ or IKAST POWl)flllewl to the best In tho markot, with which I will send a 'uooU givins 40 now and KXtRLLEST WTETHOHS ïor uina it in cooklng. My Baking Powder can be made for 16 cents a pound. Why pay 50 or 60 cents per pound wlirn you can easily makeyonr own for 16 cents r rnce of my rei-eint $I.2ö. It will, howevor, bo sent upon rocoipt of $1.00 BY MAIL, with directions (in Enghsh and Germán) for making and UfiiNO, if the name of the newspapkr is given in whioh this advertisenient is 6een. The oost ol this iiF.CEii-r is baved in eveuy thi:kh pounds of the Powder made. Ingrediënt kept by grocers and druggifits everjvvhere. Adí5?W. BRIGGS, Practical Drngglst, Chlcnjgo, Til. ÖRCAFÏS For Home Use, and for Churches and Halls. NEW AND IMPEOVED STYLES. Unequaled in Tone, and in Beauty of Exterior, Tlie Sitk American Orpii Co. OF KOSTOX, MASS., Cali attention to thetr iVcv List, with Engr;ivings and DescriiHions, and assare the public that in these Instruments are to bo found combined the best effect wiiich they havemadoin their tTenty-ÜTO years of expiirinnco. No other IiiKtrument so exactly imitatos tho Ptpo OrjiJ'-n tone. PIUCKS TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ltsts sent free on appHcation. BIDST FOU QUARTBT CHÓIRS. Thomas Sacrctl luartets, Baumbarh's Sncreil innr(c3, lïuck's Motet C'ollectioii, Dnnmbach'l New Collrctlon, ISik'U's !il Motet Collcctlon, Cliurcll and Home, Hajter's Cliurcli Music, Tiinity Collcction. Prioe of each Book, in Boards, $2.50 ; tn Cloth, $2.75. . , CLARKE'S NEW METIIOD FOR REED ORCANS. By William H. Clabke. Price $2.50. Mr. Wm. H. Clarke, a distinpnisbed organiet and composer, was Mpeclally fortúnate in the Oompiliitlon ot mis ne work, which prang üito popular favor im:in v.c-Ij on ils lairie, h had remnrkabie büóoom, and -oi.tirnio tobe the leadlng method. Contiuns. m addltion to ínítructions, a. capital collection of Reed Orgall music. All books sent, poatpaid, for retail price. OLIVER DITSON & CO., CHAS. H. DITSON & CO.. Boston. 71' Droadwa, N. Y. KAaAlAlii. lïUiilaïiSiiSi'a ".host wiio are mnrrled or contcinplale nuirrlatr frice 10 ot. hy mail. AddressDr. Hntts' PIspeÉ arT. 1! Sorlii Kitlith Btruct. St. Louis. Mo. BpTWHITTïEB, N G17 St. CBsfeïlea Btnrt, St. Louis, üo., ro;itlDHC8 to trept all c:sc8 of olitn(-le te mrxrri.ic, h'ooá fmaarltiei. vicrj aítinortt or nickucs-i v. íi i - ■ li resulta froia indtscretloti or tfnpmii tu, with Bnpai-sllclctl knewwai Dr. W.'i esUblIahmtfot i chrterd 1)7 iho] f. - ri , w:? (ouniieá ana ha? boen estahllsbcd in secure B.if-, ctTdiiPi nnd reliabla rclipf. L4nK cr4a'te ol j'-irrsl mvdvml boüeMt, una bnvhtft id'c oxtcrlénc6 cf n In-.gnp'l (iucoijiiNful lifc In i.i poctaiUe he OM pcrfectcl remi-Hes ihat nrü WTeCioal in all thi'so cases. Ilfj patleuta nro hi int trj.itej by mnil or express eviTjwtiere. No mnlfa r who fullcd, cali or wilto. Krom tha great numNit of appI.oatioQ.i ho ia enabled to keep his rhiires low, 3G pnes piving fu!l srniptcniB, for lwr ntunips. MARRIAGE CUIDE, 20 pages, a populnr book whic-h should be rcai bj evi-ryN.) nmrried pair, or iierBona coutcrui'l&ting mar. ■ pt, cn fcSbrd lo do without ft. It comMu.1 the crenrn of lllnrutiire on thla sutijcet, the resulLi of Dr. W.s iiiiit experince ; atso the bost thnihts frem 1 :t 1 worki m Kurujiiand America. Sent tomted. poat-paM IbfWlU, DE. f, 1 BOHANNAN, UTO. 61!' Korf h n.'th Street, St. Louis, Mo, BSTAB1 LISHED 1837. üures all sufferers without the use of Méroary. ( harges reasnnable fees. irífVr B 's "Treatlso on Special Dieeaaes," which fuuv explains the rnture, canses, otnptom?, nd mean to mm ï formii of Norroua Debilitv, il Diseato enüsed br the "Krrorsef Youth, and raluablc Inloriparion on other delicate subject, tont ritsx in plun usltd UTelope. Dr. J. Wiiikor's California Vin ejijar Bitters aro a purely Ve pi eparation, made chiefiy frorrj : the herbs ibund on the lower rangejj th'j fierra Nevada mountains of CaliSj nia; the medicinal proporties ol aro extracted thorcfrom vrithoul of Alcohol. The question ia daily asked, "What is the cause of ft unparalleled success of Vixeoak Bhters?" Our answer is, that they remo! tle cause ef disease, and the pati covers his health. They are tb blood purifler and a life-giving principk I a perfect Keuovator and Iurigoraioi jí 'the System. Never before history m tho world lias a medicine bj oompounded possessing the rcmarkabli qualities of Vinboar Bitters in healingftt I lick of every Sisease man is heit to, ïbi; j are a gentle Purgativo as well as i relioving Congeetioa or laflamma tho Jjver and Visceral Organs, ie Biüoï U .casos, The properties of Dr. Waleee'i YiNkGAR Bitters are A.[ierient, Diaphoratk Carminativo, Xntntious, Laxativo, Dinreti Bedatire, OotratOT-Irritant, SmlorificAltot twe. and Anti-Büiow Gríitefnl Thousaiuls proclaimVra BGAR Bitteks the most wonderiul Invigorant that ever sustained the sinkitg svstem. No Person can take these Bittrs according to directions, and remain long unwell, providedtheirbones aro notdeetroyed by mineral poison or othet means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilioufc, Remittent and íntermittent Fevers, whieh are so proralent in the valleys of our great rivera throughout the United States, especial!? thoso of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red. Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Eoanoke, James, and many others, wi& their vast tributarles, throüa,Vvout our entire country during tho Sumirot and Auturun, andromarkably so during seaBons of unusual hat and dryness, are inviiriably accompanied by extensivo derangeraentö of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their troatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful inrluence upon these varjous or gans, is essentialiy necessary. There is no cathartio for the purpose equal to Dk. J. Walkek's Vinegar Bitïer& as they will speodily remave the darkcolored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stinuilating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the heaithy functions of the digestivo organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying nll its tluidswith VuíegíS Hitteks. No epidemie can take hola of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Heaáaehe l'ain in the Shoulders, Cougis, Tightness of the Cliest, Dizziness, Soai Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitatation of tho Heart, Iuflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the región of the Kioneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Dyspep6ii One bottlo will prove a betterguarautó of its morits than a lengthy advertí ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, W Swellings, Ulcere, Erysipelas, Swelled Kees, Goitre, Scrofuloua Inflammations, Indo Iiiftamniations, Mercurial Aífections, O Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Soro Eyes, ets lu these, as in all other constitutional B6' eases, Walkkr's Yineoar Bitters U Bhown their great curativa powew in most obstinate and intractable oases. t For Iuflamniatory and Chrout Ilheuinatisin, Gout, Bilious, Benuttent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases tbo Blood, Liver, Kidneya and Blad "these Bitters liaye no equal. Such Dise' are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechan i cal Diseases.- Personsengaged in Paints and Minerals, sucn Muinbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, m Idiuers, as they advaneo iu lifo, are sub] to paralysis of the Bowels. To gj apainst this. take a dose of If aikes'8 v ' egar Bitters oeeasionally. ForSKin Diseases, Eruptions, Tef ter, Salt-Rlienra, Blptches, Spots, PimP16' Pustules, Boils, CaVbunclos, Ring-woOT Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, It Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skia, Hw and Diseases of the Skin of whatever n or noture, are lite'rally dug np and cam out of tho 'system in a short time by the i of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousan are efibctnally destroyed and removed. ■ system of medicine, no vermifuges, no sif thelminitics will free the system from won1 like these Bitters. For Female Complaints,inyou or old, married or single, at the dawn w w manhood, or tbe turn of life, these W Bitters display so decided an influence h improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wbenever yonfind its Impuritiesburstingtnnw the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, ot oonj cleanse it when you find it obstructeo flluggish in the veins ; cleanso it whenJL foui ;' your feelings will teil you when. WJJ the biood pure, and the health of the systew will follow. K. H. McDOlïALD & CO., , Druggists and Gen. ARts., San Francisco, Cau'0"" and cor. of Washincton and Charlton Sta., w-' Solcl l)y al! IJri.L-ítUí ttlld Del!- íowaR. R. Land Co, Das fot Küe 1.5OO.000 Acres of Railroii l'ni' the Middie Región of Weslein lom. BETTER LANDS AT CHEAPEIÏ VKÏC fs Ihan can be íound etaewtaore within civu; Ktassh.ipperB. Nó aeue. No Indiana. A . urice $5 anti $6 per acre. SUirt righj. t ■ rbeGompuiiodea.B Rundolph "treet, „Main mil lofonnailon and how to resob thi Kor maps and pimphleta, wíth pnces anu 11 ." ■ v jo,i Land J- WHEN WBITIIW TO ADVERTiï;L,a Piense Hay you mw thn dverw tn tlTU paper.


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