Real Estate Sales

The following transfers of real estáte have been recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County during the past week : William P. Groves to St. John's Churoh of Northfield, 3 1-2 acres, for churoh and burying grounds, in Northfield. $240. Thomas Smith to George Osborn, 10 acres on section 35, Saline. $400. Charles Avery to John C. Schreder, six acres on sectïon 26, Saline. $1,000. Lydia B. Hill to Ezra Robinson, sw. qu. of se. qu. of section 33, Lodi. $1,000. Jas. M. Cook to Charles S. Millen, house and lots on Fifth street, Ann Arbor. $3,000. Christian Kingeter to George Lutz, three acres on section 28, Lima. $100. John H. Smith to Laura E. Egbert, 80 acres on section 19, Saline. $1,710. Dagotis Stringham to William C. Logan, 41 acres on section 13, Manchester. $3,280. Lester Ware to Stephen C. Merrithew, one acre on section 6, Superior $800. Estáte of William Egbert to John H. Smith, 80 acres on section 19, Saline. $1,710. John M. Betts to Cathanne Bachman, 76 acres on section 20, Lima. $14,000. Thomas Peatt to George L. Boyden, 54 acres on section 24, Dexter. $2,000. John S. Herd to John M. Cetts, one acre on section 17, lying on the territorial road, Lima. $100. Joseph Sloan to Thomas Boyd, 80 acres on sectiou 30, Saline. $100. Chauncey H. Millen to James M. Cook, lots LI and 12, block 6 south of Huron street, range L3 east, Land Campauy's additition to Ann Arbor. $,000. Jacob Finkbeimer to Jonn Finkbeimer, the undivided half of the s. qu. of se. qu. of sec.ion 27, Pittsfield. $1,400. John Hartman and Fred. Hartman to Jacob ?inkbüimor, 80 acres on section 19, Saline. f2,800.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
William P. Groves
Thomas Smith
George Osborn
Charles Avery
John C. Schreder
Lydia B. Hill
Ezra Robinson
James M. Cook
Charles S. Millen
Christian Kingeter
George Lutz
John H. Smith
Laura E. Egbert
Dagotis Stringham
William C. Logan
Lester Ware
Stephen C. Merrithew
William Egbert
John M. Betts
Catharine Bachman
Thomas Peatt
George L. Boyden
John S. Herd
John M. Cetts
Joseph Sloan
Thomas Boyd
Chauncey H. Millen
John Finkbeiner
Jacob Finkbeiner
John Hartman
Frederick Hartman