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Tuksday, March 2. - Senaie - The credentiaia Of 8. B, Maxey, üniteJ Sities Senator from Texaa, wore read and placed on fik. . . . Tiio bul íor the equalizatlon of bonnties WU ptttted The Tax and Tariflf biH, au it came from the Honae waa taken upandpassed The Committee on Baüroadi vaported baök Üie bilí to ald in construction of the Texas Padftc and Northew Pacifio railroads, and sevdral otlw r Bubsidy bille, without recommendation, and ihey vi-ri; placed on the calendar. House- The Sxmdry Civil Appropriatlon bilí was passed. Tho following itema for public buildings aro kept in tho bilí : Chicago, $7r0,000 ; Cmcinnati, $000,000; Covington, Ky., $i00,000 ; EvanavtLIe, ad., #50,000; l'ort Jnrau, Mich., L75,000; Bt. Loufe, $700,000 Thö bin roí the governmeni of the District of Colunibi-L waa amonded and paesed .... E, R. Iloar, from the select coiunnUce ou a breach of the privilege s of the Etouso in the nrreet of Vi'hitlaw Keld whíle tívinlhig as a witniiwa befröre the Committee of Wayslaarf Manp, reportad a bill to protect witnesses in such oasen from arrent on civil proces, whicb wa paesed Senate amendmenta tothc Postofüce A-Ppnopriation bill, providing for tho tranHiuiswion through the maÜB, under tftc wrltten frank of any ineiubcr of Cougress, o the Congreêsi '(tt Record, garden seeds and agricultural reporte, were concurrcd in ïhe House rosumed coutfidüration of the Arkansas que.stion, and was afldressed by Poland, Ohairman of the Special Oomi, 1 .-, la advocacy of the views repoxtea by the malority, that tho existnig State gorerament in Arkanaaa öhould not bc iuteriered with, either by Congresa or by any deptértment of the general governiucnt. The resolution reported by the majority was adoptod- y$.n, 149; nays, 80. Vi'ednesday, Maroh 3.- Sánate- The Sonde; Civil Appropriation bUl waspassed The Judiciary Comrnittea reportod advcrsêly on the bilí to relieve tho politica! aUablllttos of Raphael Semm, of Alabamu, and it was inclcfinitely postponed. Kdmunda paid the conmiittae reported adveraely not bccauso hia ship was sunk by the Kearsarge, bilt it apneared in the testimony that öenimes wnn "chsrged wilh crueity to an Axaerioblb seaman Bomewhere, nd untilthlswaa explftlned the committeo oonlil not report favorably The report of Miij. W. E. Merrill, of the Corps of Enijiuers, in rererence to the stirvey for tlie improvement f the Olüo river irom Oniro to Pittsburah, was presented and referred The Sonate then tnok up tl:-) liiver and Harbor Appropriation bül, and pending discussion adjourneJ. llonve- TÏW Deficiency bill was amended and pageed On motion of rotter, of New York, it was : " Jtcmired, That the thanks of the House ara dus, and are hereby to.ndered to the Hon. Jamca G. HlüiD'-, Sp:-;ikcr of the Houso of KeprepentativcB, for the impartiality, efftciency. und distinsuished ability wit'u which he has diedharged tlie trying and ard'uovin dnties of his oince dnring the rorty-third Oongn bs." Th9 repolutios "was seconded by Beek, and adopted unarjimounly. . . . At the evenrng session resolutions by Kaafon, from tl... 11'..-., ..i..l llnrij i"ilTlliit..j -1VÍCÍ inf I.llflt 1110 iívti HUI lUtUUn iuiti iiiiioi ■;, uiittuu bi-iv copies oí thc tewtimouy clicitod during the Pacific ■ Ma'l iiivestlgaüon, be laid before tho next Home j mul belore thc ünited States District Attorney looking to prccocding aainst Wm, S. lüng and Joliu O. Kehiimakcr; aíftO to detolive the newspaper correspondent iuvoïved in the matter froin the priyitegee of the reporters' gallery. were agreed to Id íhr matter of contested seattí, CBfiotutlpas xvcro adopted declaring in favor of öeo. A. Shendan as agá&st Pinchback, from Louiaiana, and in favor oí Lawrenee againnt Sypher, froju fue same State. Lawreiicc carne forivard and took the oath, having jtboilt íoiiii-en hours to serve A niunber of misc Üáneooa billa on the Speaker'8 table wore -then I pased, tnblndlng thosi; for the adniission of ! orado and New Mexico. Thürsday, Mareh i.- Señale- The Kiver ancl Ilarbor, the" Dcñciency, and; the Legislativo, Executi'.e and Judicial Appropriation bul ! wcre considered in oomtnittee of the whole, the HoMoe anií'iidiníiiÍH conenrrod in, and the bilis (inally passed The House bul appropriating j $740,400 to pay the awards made by the Soiitliern ('liuiiiH Commissloñ woa paased by a voto of 33 to 19 The bilí for the cquaüzation of lxmnUcu loat, being laid on the tableau lo 24- on motion of Sprague Tlie I Houao bilí to pay the awarda for the Qníúrtermaeti r or eommiesary KtoreB furninhed or laken during the war was pa?., cd A uumber of other Wils wcre I, inclnding ons grantlng pensions tn wldowa and childron, dependont mothers and futhers, or orphan brothers aud Bistsra of üiose soldiers who were murdered by gu rrülas, in Central Issouri in 1804. .. .The Kenate brought its session to a olose without any formal or informal speeches. Whtn tii.' hour oí l'i arriviil. Mr. Wi&cm simply detared the señóte adjcnirned. The ruportn of tlie conference oommitteea on all the appropriatlou bilis were agreed to, and the uk .i . invs puaad Iuiulail sent to tho Clerk's desk, and hftd rsad. a lettel iroui Hak', of N9w Vork, recognizlug the hijustiee done to J. Young Urown, ut K'iituilty. hy the resolution of censure , adopted on his (Hale's) moüon, and BUggested that there should come from the other sido a motion to expuuge the resolution of censure Butler (Mass.) roso and said : " Here is my response to that,"- (soflTJng up a rcsolutlon to give the clerks : to committee two months' pay from the 4th of March ; which was adopted.) Neglcy remarked that such conduct was nuworthy ui' Butler. i Dawcs Hiiggcfcted tliütBrown was on the floor, and could put üie House 'ia a positiou to ospunge tho resolution of cciisiuv. Todd remarked that Snwn had been aslied wliether lïe had any explanatiou to make of his lauguage, and he flaid he stood by lus WtiriiH. XtilUUilll tuuu iiiuiuicn lun uihhvli .... Scores of bÜÏB of a doubtful character j woro rusli'jd through during tlio lat hours I of tho Boesioh At VI o'clock, Bpeaker Blaine brougbt down tbo gavel, and suid that ho now cloeed bíx continuou years' service as Speaker, and would I thaak both eides of tbe House for the Fuipyort given him, and would declare thft Iforty-third Congress adjournod without day. Upon conclusión of tho Bpcakor'a addrese, ho was graeted with applause by meniljcrs on botii t-ides, whlch eoutimied for Bonio minutes .... Thus ends the Forty-tkird Congrcs&. Senate- Kxtra Session. Friday, Marcli 5. - Yice-Prosident Wileon called the Renate to order at 12 o'clock, and, after the readinfi of the proclaiaation of thn PreHideut, the oaLli wni administerad to the now Senators. As Andre'w Jönnaöü advanaed to tbr; Olork'H desk to take tht oath, there waa great applausc in the gallerie, which va soon ebecked by tlie Viee-Prüaideiit. Aftt-r he was Rworn in, a large bouqiiet waa handdd hini by a page, and he waa eneortod to hia seat by Mr. Bogy AU the new Senators haring b'i'ii sworn, Morton oflfered a repolution acltuowiedging tbc Kellogg goverzunent in LouiBiana, which was laid over at haa reqiiest, Öe öiftn oflfered a rcHolutionto atlmit i'íncLibück asa benator froin Louisiana Adjoumed till Mouday, ?íjir-h H. Monda y, Bíaroh 8.- Mr. Clayton submittert a ! re&olution to uend a special eonnnittoe to the Indian j eotmtry to investigate into the condition of affairs and report to tho ïu-xt fcsnion. Obji ctkra balcg made, the matter went over ?Jr. Morton the n 1 called up the refiolution admitting Pinohbaok, and prooeeded to niake an elabórate speech iu Bapport ! thereof, after whi-.-h the Beaate went in executirfl BesuiOD, and soon aftcr ailjournod.


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