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American Wojien. - It is a melanolioly 'act tlmt Amerioau women have degenirated in point of health and physiqu."., intil they havo becomo literally a race )f iuvalids. How sad it is to look artrand as and compare the frail and ■ iooking lady of to-day with the hale, liearty, and buxom ladios of days gone by. To all such the lata discovery oí i Pit, Walker, of California, which is known as Vin'eqaiï Bitters, is a priceless boon indeed. For tliis class of diseaana it is certain and safe, and any lady, old or yoiuig, can take it with en tiro coniidence in the rcsult, andthns avoidw]mt to Ihousands is a stumbling block never overeóme, viz. - a consultation -nith a family physician. 'TLs true there may be ca'aes of years' stsindiug that will necassitate more powei-ful troatiaent; bat in nino ca3os out of ten this remedy will reach tho disonoo, and after a little time effect a cure. ïhe cumber of ladies cured by it are numbered by thousands, and are scattered through every State in the Union. 20 Matthew Hale Smith, " Burleigh" of the Boston Journal, tima describes Judge Neilson : " He weara a wig, is laine, and dresses in a very homspira rnanner, but he has got the grit in liim. He holds the ribbons with eonsummate skül. He is rigidly impartial, bas the decisiona at his flnger ends, is perfectly fearless, rules imperiously, like one who knows what he is about, and holds eouncil and audience iu awo." Etageke Cabinet Obgan. - The dagere, aa the French cali that elegant article of furniture furniahed with a number of stnall shelves designed for various small ornamental articles, has become a cessity in every faahionable cüawing om, The Masou & Hamlin Organ Co. o now manuf acturiiig a combination of l6 etagerc and cabinet organ, vei-y rich ui beautiful, wbicb tliey furnish for 10 price of au organ without tlio dagere. Cabpentebs, see advertisement of Simions' Sasb. Supporter. Petboleüm V. Nasby ie going abroad. lïlooil Dlseases. Tlio blcod boing the souroe from wkifih our ystems are built up and froto whieh we derive ur mental as well as pbvsical eapabüities, it is nnortant that it should bo kept pure. If it outains vilo festering poiicna al! orgamo funoions aro -weakened thereby. Settling upon ïmlortaut orpans, as tho lnngs, liver or kidneya, ho effect ís most disastroiw. Henee itbehooves ivery one to keep their blood in a perfectly lealtliy conditlon, and more 03pecially doea hia apply at tilia particular aoason of tho year h;m ut uiiy othur. No matter what tho excitng cause may be, the'real canse of a largo proKrtion of all dieeaaes Is bad blood. Now Dr. 'ieree does not irish to place his Golden Medical Jiscoverv in the catalofiuo of t; jack patent nosrnms by recommeiidiiig it to cure every disiase, nor does he so recommend it. on tho conrary tliere are hundreds of dbjoases that he aomowledgcs it will not cure ; but Tvhat he doea ;!aims is tlus, that there ia but ono form of dood diseaee that it 'will uot cm-e, and tliat disiaso ia cáncer, lio does not recommend lus Discovery for that disease, vet ho knows it to be 10 mout searching blood cleanscr yet discov■red, and that it will freo the blood and syalem of all other kuowu blood poisons, be they luimal, vogetablo or miueraï. The Golden Discovery ia warrankd by him to siu-o the ivorKt forma of Skin Diseases, aa all forma of lílotchcB, Pimplea and Eruptions. also all Glandular Swellings, and the worst form of Scrofulous and Uleerated Sores of Neck, Logs, or otUer parta, and all Scrofuloua DiscaBen of the Borcs, aa White Swelliugs, Fever bores, Hip Joint and Spinal Diaeaaes, all of Vfhicn beloug to Scrof ulous Diaeasea. CONilUMliD- DIP JOINT DISEASE CÜRED. W. Hboïe Station, Ia., July 14, 1872. Dr. PncRCE, Uuffslo, . Y.: Dkak Sie : My wifo became lame nine ,-eani ago. Bwellinga would appear and I jear on her hip, and ehe was gradually becomiii' reduced, and bcr whole syetem rotten witu ! , lisease. In 1871 ft awelliug broke on her hip, j iischarging larga qnantitios, and Binoe taat , Sme tuero are oeveral opening. Have had i live doctors at an expensa of 4125. wUo Bay ; aothlñg wül do auy good bat a sarglcal , Jiily 16, ]873, Ue write3 .: My ■■f e has eertainly received a, great benefit from the nse of vour Diacoverr, for ehe v.-au not aWe to get off "the bed and waa not expected to live a week wheu she commcuced iising it, a year ago. Sao hns been doing most of her work for over six months. Has imod twenty bottlea and Btül usini' it. lier recover is oonsidered aa almost a miraole, r.nd we attribute it all to the nse of yoor vnlnablo medioine. I can cheerfnUy recoinmend it as a blood-purifisr and BtroE restorer. ■ Bobtosok. Discovery is sold by drnggists. Impohtant Invention. - " In less than ten years there vvill not be a metal traas in une." won the prediction of ene of our most eminent phvpieians o:i examirnng the tlaatic Trnsa of the' Elawtic Tthhs Oo., 6 liroadway. N Y The extensivo adoption of thcae nnequal'ed infitrumenta, whirh cortainly euro rupture without torture, wiU mako tliem tho only trnssea uaed in much Ipbs than ten yoare. e adyise all Bufferern to Bend to the above company for descriptivo cirCTilam, aa these trusscB aro sent to all parta of the country by mail. Alien's Luno BaxsaM causes tho liings to tlirow off the matter that ie eollected over the ice-cellf!, and maken ie patiënt breathe more freely, and purincs the blood, giyes BtrenKth to the body and tone to tho digestivo or-an's and heals the irritated parta and gives life and health to the system. Asthma is Boon relievetl bv ita use. For Bale by dealere in family medicines generally. Bcenett's Floral Hand Book. Sce Adv'l. Reed V Son' ürgaii. If TOO wish to buy a flrstclaan orean with tho atest iniprovemenÍB, tho Bvreeteiii quality of .ono nnrl the uowestEtyle of otiso, oond to Iteed'B .'emplo of Munic, Cliicago. Db. Wilhoft's Axti-Pekiomc or Fbki: and A'.un: Tonk: !- Vvilholfa hv.n tstablisUed Lteelf an tlio real iufa'Hb'.e ('lüll tut'. It ii uaiversally adcütted to bc the ouly eliablo and bamüeas Cliül medicijie uow in uso. ItH effioMy id eoníirrued by Uiousaiiila of certiücjiteH of 'tiie very bost peopla ftom all -lartH of the coixutr}-. It cures malarious diajaaee of every type, frora tlie shakiiig aguea of tlie lakes aiid valleys to tho ragüig fevors of the torrid zouo. Tryit! It ba liever been known to f ai). Vhefj.ock, Finiy & Co., Proprietore, New Orleau. For sale by all druggists. Tur. test of time and experieneo is tlie only sure uidn in nclccting an instnimeut. It is of littlo consequonoo tliat a man makes ono or two flue pians or organa for a fair and intrigues suocossfiúly for a priza. It ia Ütc quality of everyday manufacture tliat concerns the ' buyer - not what exoeptional and cosüy instrumonts have been epeciálly made for oxhibiüon. The Siuth AmebiOAK Okoaxs are of liigh and uniform excellence, and aro the best for actual use, having been tried and proved for twenty-flve years. It íb a rare tliing that physiciana give any couutenauce to a medicine the manufacturó of wbich ia a secret. About the only exception we know of is Johnson's Anodyne Linv);.''. Tliia, webelieve. all indorso, aiid many of them uao it in their practico with great BUCC08S. Peksons requixüig piu-gatives or pillH Hhould be careful what they buy. Borne pilla not only canee griping pains, but leave the bowolB "in a torpid. cofitive etate. Parsons' Purgative l'ills will relievo the bowels and cleanae the blood withont injury to tho uystem. Glen Fjxra Water is indorsed aa tho bost mineral water in the world. Cures Dyspepsia and all Kidney Complainte. Addreaa E. 11. l'arka, Waukegan, Dl., for circularH. A fortune easily' made. No capital oquired. Tor particulars addrees Lokman t 'o., Laramio City, Wyoming. ÏHE NOETHWESTKRN HoBSE-NaIL Co. 'S 1 Finished" KaU is the beat iu the workL BunNETT'H Fixirai, Hand Book. BU Adv'l. i? RcCíOfi per diy at home. Termi free. Addross í J ' Ú t U GEO. StdiSO 4 Ck)., Portland, llaine. PATENT Noveltt!. Ijirgost StotloneryPlckare ÍS the World. FBLXON t 00. , 119 Nassau St. , H. Y. Ít?l A tn 835 PER Sond for "Chromo" ïpil catalogue. J. H. BEFFORD'S SONS, Boston. IWr AWIEIÍ. Agenta WMited everrwhere, For !p 4 Ú outüt 23o. Fbitou & WilllB, Daj-ton, OUio. A GENTS. ChanK ChMix sellB jt "tet WpoeraarjrES sokp. &!odafroe. OhangOhang MTgGo., Beatón. í! "Ï é% A WEKK to Agenta. Business legitímate. 3 U Address W. E. BJLISiS & CO., Toledo. Ohlo. Tíectnble and Flower 8eed. Send S-eent stamp f?r catalogues. Rob't Veltoh t Son, New Hven, Ci TTI CPDIIDU Eitra Indacementa to learn. AddreM rtLtuKArn J. Abemothy, Supt., Clereland, O. a íuonth to upents CTerywhero. AddreBs íP JjJ Excelsior M'f'g Co., Buchonan, Miob. il " TO SaO PER D AV t homo, steivdy employment. PO OW. BODINB 4 OO„ BattleCreek, liioh. GBNTS Men or Wonnen. S4 a Cl week or 8100 forfeited. The teer ra. Write at mee to CO WEN 4 CO., Kighth Street, New York. fft n r PER DA Y CommiMion, or S30 a week ialaQ Í, 3 rv, and eipenses. Wo offer it and will pay it. pply "ow. G. W. Webber & Co., Marton, O. 1111 nrMjnCDIOne par.kage makes 1 qnart flnest IfilV PUWUtii black ink. By mail per doe., $2. Sinlepaok.,26cta. J.O.HARRIS.Droggist.Veuango.Pa. átrt Aff nyewsalary. Salary and expenses patd. Out!bZiT:UU fltfree. A valuable package sant for 150 return postage. O. H. GÜENEY, Vaterboru Center, Mo. -a.. Catalogue Free. R%=.35 i_. JL J-SS üth dl Louis. Üo. A p n A f n A Weclt and expenses to all. Artieles ihh Sample free. C.M. ipUU Hl))"" UNINtíTON BKO., N. Y. or Chicago. (h (I ft DA Y. Atenta wanted, male and fcmnlc, 'JVfor an entirelf new invenUon. Write to the tyliU EUREKA MANl-G CO., Buohanan, Mioh. L!A Poily to Agents. 85 newarttoles and the bast {SV Faraily Paper -n Ameiicr., wilh $5 Caromoo, free. AAMBICAK M'FG CQ...-KX) Broadvmy, N. Y. ö T% ET " A MONTH- Apimtfi wanted overywhere. ■v 5 liuBinss llunurablo and tirst-cl:l39. .iiiJ' V particulnrs sent froo. Addreas WOBTH Co., Bt. Louis, Ho. 4 DVKRTISERS ! Send 13 oentB to GKO. P. ROW. ÍV ÜI.L t CO., 41 Park Ro-.v, New York, lor their ram,n f t of 100 page, containinz lista of 3.1XJ0 newT6papers anü ustlinatea showing ost of adveriising. S"fili CPOV or FITS ciired by the usa of RossEpl l'ï ELr.rO! ieptic Remedios. Trial Pacaage FkeK ?iíá For circulara, urfdonco uf bucos, oto. ttfffii UROS., Iüchniond, Ind. WONDBRFl'ti ! 96 only for the NATIOlVATj ESÍCYÍ'liOPEDIA. Agenta may oom mono; tX tilia : the coxnmissiona LARGH7 Write w '1'. ÉLWOOD ZEIiL, PliiladelpUia, Pa. Constant BmPloyment.-At home Male or Br male, $S0 a week warranted. No capital reiuired. Paiticulars and valuable MJnple sent free, address, with 6c rotum sUmp, O. ROSS. WuliamBborghY rïlIHS wper la printed witlj Ink furnlshed by Oharlei l Fjiau Johnson 4 Co., 500 South Tenth Stieot, PhilartclpUii, and 6b' Gold Street, New York. For salo in 1U WSPAPBB UNION. CWca. DL jaircs and our extra torma to Ageífl. NATIONAL t'UílliiSHINU CO., Chicaeo. UL. or St. lyjuia, Mo. mAGKNTS WANTKD EVERYWnERK.-Tho okoioust in the world- Importen' ptcje- Uirgot Oompanv in Amorica- staplo arüclo- pleM eïurybucly-tradü nioreaaing- beat Inducomegtí WELLS, 43 Veaey Street, Now York. P. O. Box ia8J . OiniTsndCTerykind. Send stamp ' Biog uiiriiin'b. nTiitiiaiiii. PA. SÍMMffNS' SASH SÜPP0UTEK8, comm,)ii-BÍMd Windows. Agontü wauted ui B coi nty. Oirpentois preforred. Addres J. P. SIMMON.S & 00., 93 and 95 Wélt Late Si. Ohicago, III. __ 7TTAT tS5rïïll5VT "Wanted at oncejo leam VSíIsMO. raí-íy telecraphing and Uke 1UÜ41M A Ui whic.h wo „e f umishing witboperato. Balary from 60 to ÍUO par month. OírCUhiK. 'w.''f íiLEGBAPH INSTJTUTK, J""111 II Pñfi AND ARiyiS. HlKhwt awnrd B. i V vvherever cxbibuca, Sítlefectlcn gunry f I íint(Jf!l. Latflit Impruvcd hKGR tü LUlI .SOI.tIEB. on flov'l circlpr. Applyfcu bhmks to ('HAS. t. EVANS, Manuj 'rer, 15BW Fourtli Htrcpt, C! Nl'l.NXA TI, o. oí Sv Cor lili MiiflMnrkPl St.. 1.OV ISVT I.I.F.. KV my new ratufiifró of over ONU THMS ANB i;j,;is. S. 1". SANHOBN,U4Mo8roc-st.,Chuaí!u,Ill. r- Jíirc wlü "3on;i r vanIctlMFVRB FLOWH nf E Ai EíEKBÍj, (your choice from our Catap n rl'.fKtio,) for 25 ct3. All true to ñamo end vrur f j I t-íciíed. 30for$I. Setid 10 cta. for a packne ■„ 3 -t our 'ewestl)warf líonqtiet Astrand í 5 E-vi tur (InUloBue of Domestic and Imported Soods TltfJafor 1876. Addreas 5 1O N WIG L. ï Y b CO., Rorhester, W. Y. SENT i'EEE A Honk oipoainc tlie mysterie of l&JjB] I -ST and how any onn my opaxuto ?tl-L. V I fu'.ly wlth 11 of kr,0 or 81,000. Cumplo InEtmctions nnd illustratloiisto nny nddrcm. TRUIBliHXíW it CO., Bahkxbs and jseokkj, v11 Strent, ,'■'!■ Vork. - THETFAVOmTES. öëiVBRAl. FAVORIT B. S tho Uses. 'or fa'.l iiv'orm.tlon rrapeetlnx our ''nr'iit,ïfï?i'$, iddresi WEEI1 fiíÍYVIiVfc; MACHflVE COMl'.iM , t Hívitfoid, tona., orourBrauoh Olhcen in löading citiea. ___ . ■ lAIÑTER'S ÍÁNUAL. HOUSE AND STON P.VINTING, GBArNINO, VARniihine, piltohttj, cslciminms ,pperlnK, leUMilW, FtalnbW RÍMÍ..K. fa. r,0 et. Bx of Alphabete, W. Watohnukar nd Jeweler SO. H. .rseühoM, a, T dOTntet 50. 8opmasr, 25. Gntdo to AuthorsMp. 6.). .,„. UMculítor, 2B. and fcppr. Guido, 20 Of booksellere, or h? mail. JES3K 1IANKY & CO.. Ui) Nasüftu 8t., K. ï- Mr Soda Fountains. S 9B $40, $50, $75 & $100. gHHIj C00D, DURABLE AND C1IKAP. Sl3L3 tST Send f"r OatM- A, „..,; 0„d HM N. '. SHtavday .Toni'T .'i „;,,, f fivo (ut SSei'-oh) ma retain tht 8'! WUlima Streot, NowYork. CilKoBmsfctory. AGRICULTURA!. IMPLEMENTS. CHICAGO 8OEAPEB 4 DITCHKR OO., Í6 LaSalle. ABTIF1CIAL L1M6S. Da. HIATT 4 Le ROY. 101 South Clark. AWNINGS, TENTS, TWINES AND CORDAGE. GILBERT, HUBB ARD 4 00., 226 to 230 Snuth Wator. BAKING POWDER AND EXTRACTS. Dr.. PRIÜB'S. Steole 4 Price M'fra., 2S1 4 203 S. Wator, Chicago, 204 N. 3d, St. Louis, 244 Main, Cincianatt BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. W. B. KEEN, OOOKK 4 CO., 113 to 115 State. BOOTS AND SHOES-AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JAS. P. MoNAMARA 4 OO., 37 B. Washington. BOOTS AND SHOES-WHOLESALE. DOGGETT, BASSETT 4 HILLS, 29 to SI Lake. (KKK-NBFÍCI-DKU, KOSKJITI1AIJ4OO.,34 4 36 Lake. PHKXi'S, ÍXDCÍE & PALMEU, 40 and 50 Wabaah-av. O. H. RllÍHARDSON 4 CO., M to 130 Franklin. CANNED FRU1TS AND CRYSTAL UKE PICKLES. F. A. WAIDNEB, 46 and 47 Rlrer. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, ROCKING HORSES, SLEIGHS, Etc. JAMES B. THOMAS, Manulacturer, 114 N. Peoría. CHINA. GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. BOWKN 4 KJSNT, 263 to 264 Wabaah-aT. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. ABRAM FRENOB 4 CO., 101 4 103 Wabash-av. DRUGGISTS- WHOLESALE. E. BURNHAM 4 SON, 62 and 64 Lake. ENGRAVER. SEALS, PRESSES, BURNING-BRANDS, SOAP STAMPS, STEEL AND BRASS STAMPS. L. BOCHE, 171 B. Randolph. ENGRAVERS. 8. D. OH1LDS, JR., 4 OO., 116 Franklin. ENGRAVER, STENCILS AND STOCK. O. H. HAMSON, 38 South Olark. FLOWERS AND STRAW GOODS-SPECIALTY. I DALY, HENROTIN 4 CO., 144 and 146 WabMh-av. FURNITURE. A. L. HALE 4 BRO., 200, 202, 204 and 206 Randolph. GLASS SHOW-CARD PAINTER. J. J. G. BÜRGHOFFKR, 199, 201 aud 203 E. RAndoIph. GRASS SEEDS. ALBERT DIOKINSON, 186 Kinzis. QUNS.CUTLERY, FISHING TACKLE. AdáreM W. K. SPENOKR 4 CO., 68 State. Eít. 18S7. HARDWARE ANB GUTLERY-WHOLESALE. DWIN HUNT 4 SONS, 8 and 60 Lake. HEAVY HARDWAflE-WHOLESALE. IMBARK BROS. & CO., 80 to 84 Michigan-ai. HOTELS. EVADA HOTEL, Wabashav., bet. Madlíon and Moaroe, üoatral, oonvenient. $2.00 per day. IMPERIAL AXLE GREASE. EO. B. SWIÏT 4 00., MTrs., W to 146 Faltón. EAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD MANUFACTURERA i. W. BLATOHFORD 4 00.. 70 North Clinton. INSEED OIL ANO OIL CAKE MANUFACTURERS. '.. W. BLATCHFORD 4 CO., 70 North Clinton. OCKSMITHS' AND BELL-HANGER9' MATERIALS. . ï. WOIXENSAK, 228 LaSalle. LUMBER. "HE PESHTIGO CO.- Green Baí tnmber. North Ptor. W. K. Strong, Pres't; tí. C. áompjtead, Seoy. MARBLE AND SLATE MANTELS. rHE QOWEN MAKBLE CO., 11 North Clark. USIC. SHEET AND BOOK. AND DEALERS IN 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CUE ROOT i SONS MUSIÓ CO., 109 State. PIANOS AND ORGANS. W. yr. KIMBAIX, S05 to S09 SUte. PUMP MANUFACTURERS. J. F. TEMPLE & SONS, M'frs., cor. Pollt aad CanaL REAL ESTÁTE. JAS. B. GOODMAN 4 CO., 78 Dearbom. SEWING MACHINE COMPANIES. AMEKIOAN S. M. OO., 242 Wabaeh-ar. " DÓMKStlC " S. M. OO., 74 State. Agentí wantei GROVKR BAKER S. M. OO.. MOtato. HOMH S. M. OO. Johnson. Clark 4 üo., 141 State. VÍCTOR 8. M. 00., 881 West Wadison. SHOT. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO.. 70 North Cllntím. SHOW-CASE MANUFACTURERS. SAMUEL B. MARTIN, 18 N. Green. SOAP MANUFACTURERS. JAS. S. KIRK 4 CO.'S STANDARD SOAPS, sold by Wholesale Trade everywhere, 358 to 362 N. Water. STEAMSHIP LINES. WHITE STAR MAIL LINE, 97 Clark, A. Lagergron. WASHING MACHINES. For Circular, oto., address CALK1NS CHAJIPION Wosher Oo., 207 Clark. Agenta wanted everywhere. WHITE LEAD, ZINC AND COLORS MANUFACTURERS. CHICAGO WH1TR LEAD 4 OIL CO, Oreen & Fulton. W!RE CLOTH AND WIRE GOODS. CLINTON WIRF. CLOT1I CO., 176 Rindolph. tifa. UTC I! The People's dollar paper. THE CCCnQI SPOONER'S i OCLUw i jjoaton Markc t Vcge'uïble SeeJs. Éfcooner'i Prize Seeds. DF! IfiRI F_ 15 Choleo Variotlm Aïters, 1. ntLIHULk Cabbnge, Fottler's Bruiwwlck, per oz., rOe. Per lb., 90. nrrnn Our Mustrated Catalogue sent frtr. bttUb I W. H. SFOOWER, Boston.Mas, DO YOUR OWN PRiNTINC! ■LJRIpbiittiit& peess. SfijÏBfira Vor Prot'emionttl and Amateur " s' 1'rlnlerfc, SchowlM, Societie, 11U ■ UHHBSgil iifhcturerK. Mi-'i't'Uiintt, and uthürs itiu ■KSSÍfflvToii styloa, Prloc from S5.00 to $150.00 iWÊPSBENJ. O. WOOOSACO. Manufr. and BeSÍSP,Um'.crs in ollklnOaof Prlntlng Material, 8ci3Jmñ7for Catalogue. ) 49 Federal St. Boaton. --7-rwír-í-p-T-jíw Thls new Trusa is wom tiSESStdYaerrLeAdTpTX te L X, A S T I C ESSovorT motion of the body, ííá T T? TT fl rotuningríipturouiwlertbo Xfc u w o_ .dty& h.7rde3toiorcisGorsGveret yj?áa Btrnin untU penunBentlj Jr L Eiastic Trnss Co., No.6S3Sroadway, N.Y.City. Seat by mail. CaU or sond íor Ckcular, and b oured. "- rti'""" ■ 'Week SCo-, Brocen. ' "A&CZ3SsZK IInrl.,r,l, C'. .).■ '-Sf-fl Foom !%Ek "les th' lea" ot "" Bread Pijpiuij ffe5'ÖSï Our eales aro four fold what HspE?vraí fbfj' weie a er -íO. Aillilielt. fÍJW! lía iifoi li, ScucJder & Co., r7LÍ,íl I yoiT'cn Koiíñl íor thopuBttílrpa k VsOÍSt A7 4 yt':1 ib with perfect BalisfAOtion t ull K.W-_iyS whohivebuuihtlt." "Ite.nom 1 ÍSJSñ is wondorful ; une year'í sr-viiigswill J 2fes6rVálo I.p-hc-w" Senn for Circular to WIMW JFO.K, .T7. Sí ■■;., ■Vg57(nfi llinnc Et-, Xew Vovlt. JfL R. B. PALIVÍER'S fllC Star "Vell Auger, ? Patonted May 5, 18W. lm TWarrontea o Moro jlr.ytlUns excípl i 1 Hi Wells 50 ft. Deep Sunk ir. 4 Hours. Ili '' SSall Can boro SX) fect deep if necessary. i M iafl TTSite U is Unequaled i Slntlng Wel!a : Ihrough Heavy Bodietqf Quicksand. B r'SKHI It ls tha chcapeet and most perfect Wëll 'Nw Owlng to the rapidly-increasing demand mUSI! fc'r üur Augors we liave been compelled la V HEH remove our mauufactury froinChampalgn Ei "'bSSB to Chicago, 1)1., where ivo are now fully fis icSÖSlh prepare;! to 1111 all orders promptly. l!4r '-T'Siri HlOUEST TK9TIXOXIAL8 FUKNISHKD. ■WA Before Inveetlne in -any othcr Aligera, 'v1 MHl jcad for our jie'.v Illustrated Catalogue. jMm "STAR WELL AUÜEB, CO.," 0 Ko. 303 South Canal St.J=ChiCEgO, III. HOTELS, CflB BAKERS, teS rm QROCERS, WSts' Al I HOÜ3EKEEPE?iS, iS8-1BOARDiNG HOUSES, & PRIVATE FAMILIES. wUon yu can eaaily niake yuur own for 16 cents ? Pric Mit o?l:l Bi mail, iriti dlrectlon (in I1'' "d Oennan) tor MAKIXO and CTINO, if tho NAME of tho nÍwbpavkk Is elven in whlch thi advoitiieraont u seen. POUNM of th. Powdor mado. Ingrediënt, kapt 1t groeors nnd druggipts everywhflre. Ad?W. RRIGGS, Practical D.-.i?gls, liirnuo. Til. Mailed Freeon Receiptof Postage Stamp. VOL. V. BURNETT'S X TABLE OF OOHTENTS. H [lN PART.] ciï5ÏMol?7TnK MOOÜ AKD M0EN1WO A.VD Evenixo Tlawkts, 1875. Kn.ii'SKS, 187Í. JjANouage of Flowers. rOFTICAI, SKNTrMliNTS. ClTLTlVATlON OF Sl'RINO Fl.OWERS. CaUTION TO HonSEKRKPEKS. Language of Flowers ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. ! J08EPH BURNETT & CO., Boston. Dr. 3. "Walkers California Vía. Cgar Bitters are a puroly Vegetabl preparation, made chiefly from the nativo herb3 found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of wlilch are extracted therefrom without the us$ of Alcohol. The question is almost daily askod, " What ifi the cause of tfc9 unparalleled. euccesa of Vinegae Bit TEKSf ' ■' Our answer is, that they remon the cause of disease, and the patiënt racovers his health. They are the gre blood purifior and a life-giving principk a perfect flenovator end Invigorafoi nf the system. Kever before in tij history of the -world has a medicine beea compotiuJed poeaessing the remarkabls qualities of Vikkgar Eittkks in healiag ün siok of every disease man ia heir to. They are a genüe Purgativo as v.-ell a8 a Tonin relieviög Congestión OÍS Inflammation j iha Liver and Yisceral Organs, in Billo Diseases. The properties of De. Walkeeij Tineqar Bitters are Aperient, Diapboretio, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diureüo, Sedativo, Counter-Irritant, Sudorilio, Alte tive, and Anti-Bilious. R. II. McUONAtill SL CO., Drtigffistó andGen. Apt.. San Francisco. Cnliforni and cor. of Washington ami Cliarltoa Sts., Ü, Y Sold ly uil UrngslalJ and Dralen. ft AA A PKR WEEK can be made bjm XvFVJvJ amart man who can keep hia boanea himsolf. Addreu D. F. HERMAN, Hobokeu, New Jersey. ADVERTTSEBS Who (lefilro to rcach country readers can do so n l, bestand ciicapest manncr by ueingone or morerc-o LlonB Of TnB ÖRKATÏilVSPAl'nR AVIILIABTLlETs, &.pply to E, K. PRATT, 7tJv8on.8i,., Chlcajo. fiinASf HMÁ S CÁTAÑJL B iMittEÏ! -ifftUi wlth 1STI111A, I cxperlmented Vj fPCi, tj JBP yHW lcina. I foitunately dlnroTerd a wondd Mm 9HS fniody cnrt e tire enrn Tur Asthint and Ctirt, ' 1. l.ANCli:LI., Applo cVe'k,Oh[fc i-Sold by DrusgÍBta. Full-öiao P_-k"e. by mail, L acëntsTtake "nötïcl WE HATE NOW BEADÏ. LIVINGSTONE'S LAST J01M A reprint of ths work just pnbllülied in England. A jmp:. lr eaition at a price to soit the Mraea Itomtataisll the ongravings, nd is tart the tbinc to sel] Atofc circulara, Amebican Pubhbhjno Co., 118 Bsndolpi Street, Gbicago, LU. AGBNTS AVANTE for ilc NEW BOOK THE OTIIEE Wip' The Oroat Sennation of the Ago. Invostigallon of til wonderful Spirit Maiiifostations at t!l,y lloiiinlrnd, Vt., bj tho New York Ort Cnniii ■ionor. Mort stoniahing resulte. The whole conitj astoniBhod. SOjfVK r;i;;e amrf K31, tOumfnm Ufi. Sond for Circular tor Törritory, Terme, etc., to AMERICAN PUBLISBING CO., 118 RtEdolph St, Chlcngo, 111. V 'WILSOE'S O0MP0OTB Oï 1 PIJE COD X.XVEB LöIL AKB LIHEJ avmntora of disoaBo, when an agent u BJ ';',''„' SSchwÏÏiaJlevla ail oomplalntt p{ "ci!SÍL or ïhroat. Manuhctured only by h. . WU-ouiv, OlieuüBt. Boston. Sold b !1 drutrifista. Habit Curd A certainand mre cure, witncrat 1icobi - md at borne. An antidoto that Btands por o-irn mcrits. Send for my quarterly macosta younoMnff,) conUiinlng certlflcotcac: thaf havo been permnneatly cured. I ctalm " dlacovered and produced the fibbt, oBioaü ■ OSLY 6UBS OUBK FOK OPIÜ3Í EATISS. DR. S. B. COLLIES, .a PortJt til i UfBwSÍicJeí)g 35o (ésttMMas. Addrcsa Pr.F JMimfa,(ggVj: d rt í í" and extwin a month to OS;!10-,?" S2OO a!L STOÜÜAED. JoneavlllftJAQ I B I Sj ?fii),CinS nosnlterii g I a Ë u wi wond"'"1 "ceeliSiS For Kome Use, and for Chuí and Halls. NEW AND IMPKOYED STYI$ üneiiualed in Tone, and in Beaatj of Exterior. He Sffli American Op 1 OT BOSTON, 3TASS., Cali nttention to tholr New liilt, witb BoT' Jj, Desoriptlona, and assure tho public Ibat In IM" ' menta troto ba found oomblnad thebMteflM the? have made In ttaelr twenty-five yeM of ""JJi No other Instrument so eiactly imitates tlw HP """VllICES TO BUIT THE lista sent free on applicatlon. - ■" "OSTCIIOMAIVCY, or Soul Ch""" r Huw eltlT r.-x iy r.sciimle ai: K'" . aflbcUon of .Miy pvmoiitïieyciiBoft, EKvpli.u O,rlf, Ure.-.., llliil. 1 Ij"% L,Í, pt! BI. C. A. BQHANlf TMTO-Í North Flitb Street, St ítnt""1 i LISI1KD18S7. Cures all BirffereriW" . Meroury. Chaigcsreasonablefees. DlMi," Jg C-Ï?-Ur. I!.' '"Treatfao n Special "'ïfïllijïï fully eiplllns tlie natare, c1""0-.,!??1] üSm1! to cire all f.. of Nervotui DUity, i ü r fg5ij bylho ■ErrnniefTonth," and TaJuableU"ltiJJ - „tlmr dnllcate eubjects. Bent rEE ■ envelope. _ - 'TSirWHITTlE& Ho. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Lo esstlnaa to tr.t U mm of obtlule. L'2ffii J lpatlUsi, overy Imonl or lokt.." h'?,.S i""S Dr. W.'l .UWinhment li co.rl.reil by tbt aj w.rl, H fouodsa od bu been Mf"'1 Lj,1 s.r., ruin ud reUW. B'JípSlÍ cr.rI mraicl oollfg., nd h.Ttni in. e: 'P jflj loDf .ad ramarol lfro io M. i,ed.iiw éudlï sr. blci tret.d by m.ll or eipri ■ ''J ,rt.'S'r n Ud, otll r wrlte. ïroffi ctclj MÁám&GE CSÜtfJSj iM.,pofn!.r kooi whl=b .h.u!d ""..l!',! rU, e asm! to do without II. """"Su of Ot;"„ B'll Iitrtur. on lol. ubjeo, ""L;; U" J Sa JtroJ. 34 AinoHi.. km tMOJ c. n. u. . . - 55í W HBNWRIT1SG WSÏilö" picase say you saw tíis K in Uis paper.


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