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An ii'on foundry and machino shop is to be eBtabliehed at Kalkaska. PEBSONAL. Tui! Kev. O. li. Halo, of Napoleon, ifi about publLslnng a work entitled the " Church Koy." giving the origüi, discipliuo and hiatory of all the churebes u the world. CASUAIHKS. Wiiii.e engaged iu makiug repairs in a weil at Grand KapidB, last -week, John Kehoe waa buried forty f eet uider the ground by tl: o caving in of the valls. Charles O'Iíaiixky, a laborer in Taylor's piaster mili at Grand Rapids, was run over by a freight train a few days ago. The body was dragged nearly three-quarteru of a mile, then left on the track, and again dragged by a second train abont twenty rod, and, of courHe, was hombly mangled. It is snppoHed that he m ihunk and feil into the train aa it was passing him. DEATHS. John Oailey, whilo out hunting near Ball Kapids, a few daB ago, accidentaLly shot himaelf in the shoulder, from which he died iii a few houra. Fbed Page, a conductor on the Grand Iüver Valley railroad, was knocked off hia train, a few dayH ago, by striking a bridge, and almost instantly killed. MISCELLANKOU8. The membera of the House from the Upper Península have extended an iuvitation to tliei fellow-membera of the Legislature to take part in an excursión to the Upper Península, leaving Chicago on Aug. 18, and being accompanied by S. 8. Cobb, Bailroad Commissioner, Gov. Bagloy, other oflicers, Senators and Congressmen, and invited guests. Passes wiJl be issued to all, and arrangementa wiil be made so i that tbe party can visit tho mines of copper, iron and silvcr, th State quaries, and ftshing grounda. The following ia the bill, as it passed Coni gres, providing for a National Park iu the Island of Jlackinac : Be it enacted, etc, That so much of Uie Islaiul nf ■M:i kinac, lying in tho Straits of Mackinai-, within the County of Mackinac, in the State of Michigan, ! as is now held by ths United States under military reservation or etherwise (excepting lort Mackinac and so nrach of the present rcBcrvation thcrcof as bounds it ou the south to the yillago of Mackinac, and on the weet, north, and cast, respectively, by Unes drawn north and south, east and west, at h dintance from the. present fort flHg-staff of 400 yards), hcreby in roservcd and withiirawn from settlcment, occupancy, or sale, undcr thelawsof the United States, and dedicatod and set apart as a national public park, or grounds, for health, comfort, and plcasure.for the benefit and enjoyment of the pcople ; and all persons who ehall lócate, or settle upon, or occupy tho same, or any part thereof, except aB hereiñ provided, shall be considera! trespassers and removed therefrom. Sko i That Faid public park shall bc under the exclunive control of the Secretary of War, whoee duty it shall be, as eoon as practicable, to make anu publish such rules and rcgulatious as he may deam necessary or proper for the caru and management of the same. Such rsRnlationB shall providc for the pressrration from injury or spoliation of all timber, mineral deposita, natural curiosities, or wonders within said park, and their retention in their natural coudition. The Secretary may, in his discreI tion, grant loases, for building purposos, of small parcela of gmund, ut uch place m nía park u shall require tho erection oí buildings for the aeconvmodation oí viritora, for terras not exceeding ten years ; all of the proceeds of Baid leasea, and all other revenues derived from any aource connected with naid park, to be oxpended, under liis direction, in the management of tho Rime and in the construction of roads and bridle-paths thereln. He shall provide againut the wanton rieatruction of game or flëh f ound within said park, and agaiust their capture or destrnction for any purposes of use orproflt. He shall also cauae all persous treapaesinc upon the unie after the paesago of this a:t to be removed therefrom, and generally shall be authorized to take all such measurea as shall be necessary or proper to fully carry out the objects and purpoBOB of this act. Sec. 3. That any part of the park hereby created ahall at all timen bc avaitable for military purpjaes, eithor as a parade or drill ground, in time of peace. or for compltte occupation in time of war, or whenever war is oxpected, and may also be used for the erection of any public building or works : Providi'd, That no persou nhall ever claim or receive frum the United States any damage on account of any future amendment or repeal of this act, or the taking ol said park, or any part thereof, for public purposes or use. The bill gives the public a better right tb au they now have undcr military ofiicers. The military omcers caii now forbid tho people going over these beautiful ground and examiuing the natural curiositiea whlch are there. The island caunot now be held solely as a military reservstion, under the control of whatcver ofticer. Captain or Sergeant, may be in charge of the fort at Mackinac. Coal haa been discovered in Huroil county. Recent Michigan postal changes : E.itablishnd- Fornan, Lake county, Wm. Forran, 1 Postmaster ; ToeeD, PreBque Isle county. Frank Iloberts, Postmaster. J'ostmasters ptintetlr- Alraont, Lapeer county, Charles A. Train : Clarksburgb, Marquette county, James Tobin ; New Haven, Macomb county, Louis A. Allor ; Ogeuaw Springa, Ogeuaw county, W. F. Ciunmingö. We are indebted to the Lansing llepublican for the following interesüng statistics of the jaila of Michigan, which it lias coinpiled from the Secretary of State's abstract of the reporta of Sheriff' b for the year ending Sept. 30, 1874 : By thia report it appears that the whole number remalning in the jails Sopt. 30, 1873, was 259 : whole nnmber receivod in the jails during the yoar 187-t, 9.266. Total number charged with high crunes, 1,162-1,390 males, 72 (amalea ; and 103 were under 18 yeara of age. Total number charged with minor offeuses, 7,379 - 0,781 maleo, 538 female ; and 377 wcre under 18 years of age. There were 53 wituesses, 54 debtors, 70 insane, and 5 idiotie persona coniinod in jails duriug the same period. Of the 9,266 contined dm ing the year, 3,282 were foreign born, 3,120 white natives, 128 blacks, 35 raulattoe, 49 Indiana, and 107 birthplace and sex not reportad ; 970 couM not read, and 1,183 could not write. In 11 of 58 counties represented in exhibit B of the report, the total nnniber of prisonere exeeeds 1 per cent. of the populatiou. In 15 countiea, the per cent of prisonere to popnlation exceed the per cent of the total number of prisonera received iu all the jaila to the total population of tke State. The followiug exhibit Hhoivu the total expenditures in 59 oounties, reported in table VI. of the report, for the years utated : Year ending Ymr ending Bxpmdüure. topt. 30, '74. Stpt. 30, '70. T Bheriffa (or beard and keeping of pri.onerB .8- "S-ÍS ltenairw to jaüfl 4,2íí2.UU 5, FuVmture.. 1,016.111 1,40:1.00 AU other neceBïary BiipplioB 6,048.48 6,381.85 Total coet of nmintainiDg „„,,, thojails 73,270.77 59,694.91 Cost per weok for tioard and keoping cacb prisoucr in Jail -7J -36 Houghton county received $45 f rom the avail of tlio labor of priaoners, and ia tlio only comity that reporta such au item. Of tbe hole nuiuber of priaonera reported in the jaila. 1.2Ï7 were convicted and sentenced, aa follows : 309 to the State Prison, 843 to the House of Correetion, and 75 to the Reform School ; 29 escaptd, leaving 282 is the jailB at the cloec of tlio fiscal year 1874. Of the 63 jaila in the State, 21 are reported in good conáition, aud 41 of all grades from fair to worthlese. Some of the Sheriff are inclinel to be facetious, reportiug bh follows : Clinton ■' BedbugH more nutneroun and moro corpulent " thau last year. Newaygo- Jaü " diagraoe to any couu'ty. If a man gets in thcro onco he j uever wanto to get in the second time." Mon' roe- "Unsafe for prinoucra troubled iü a ■ roving diapobition ; three dug out durii.g the i year ; bave repaircd damagea by paperiug over 'the hole ; jail now as sound as ever ; might aa well remark tbat I am Í300 out by the a'jove in cident." THE tEGISLATUREJ Ti-ksday. llarcli 9.- Señale- Tüe bill to repeal the act CHtablJHhii g TowiiHhip Drain Coumissioncra was adversely repartid apon, and tabkd . . . Billa to permit the establishment &f co-oporatiYe store, to tppropiiate í4,w to ui.l iu oxliibitiug ;i producUons at ilin Contennlal, and to provlde for tin; appolntment by tk toreraor of fouv Commiraionor to superviac thi' nme, ajipropriatinii $1,000 in anl of the Amorican PomolOglCM Eihlbltion t Chiogo next nummer, oud incorporating the viUago of Hancock worc pasnud. House- Tho bill requiring friotion match9 to be labelod ].KiBOnoii8 was indefinitely pontponed, as was alfio the bill for tho prtection of workmon employed in mines .... Tho. billK for the tranpf t:r of the sinkinf; f umi to the general fund, and tü reduco tho uumber of Btate Bwamp Land Koad ConiinifiBioncrfl froui three to two, an.i to diminish their pay I'rcm $800 to $500 per annum, were paseed. Wednesdaï, Marcb 10.- Senate- The Governor notified the Senate that he had approved flve bilis, among thcm the one ceding lands to the general govermnent for the improvement of the St. Marra Falla canal .... The bilí for the apportionnient Of the stat.' Into S' natorial district wan lost, tmt subBccnieutly the vote was roconsiderud and the bul tabled. It will be called up at a more favorable opportUDlty.. . . In committr.e of the whole the Houeo bill relative to juveuile offenders and the establirtnient of Htate agencies to supervise and care for abaudoned childreu, and the Henate bill to ciemi t Odd Fellows' and Frec Masonp' Mutual Relief A:sociations from the provifiionn of the Iueurance act, and to reical section 917 of tho Mihtary act, whicji require Asen8orB to enumérate those Hable to military duty, were agreed to. Bou - Many renioiifitranccs --erc reccived against the bill aUowing co-operative societies to eugage in the business of life insnrance, and also a large mimbor against the taxation of church propoity. . . . A bill to reduce the R.alary of the CommiBBioners of liailroads from Í4,OÜO to Í3.000 per annum, and one ami-nding iho. general telegraph law so as o prohibit telegraph companieg from cutting shade trees, wera favorably reported . . . . The principal excitement hcro at present is the bill amending the rafting and boorning law. A vcry largc delegation of lumbennen and saw-mill owners, represenong a capital of many millions of dollars, wcre present- soine oppOBing, and others favoring the bill. It provisión, linefly put, are intendt d to prohiblt the watering of the stock of booming companics, and to limit Uu'ir charges to n amount snffleient to pay 15 per cent. upon the capital stock. Thursday, March 11.- Senate- All the billa relating to the liquor traffic were made tho special order f or the afternoou of March 17 .... Bills were pused : Exempting Oda Fellowa' and Free Masons' benevolent Bodetiea from the provisions o. he We msurance laws ; ainending the Insurance ait; prohibitiiig tho uso of naphtha, etc, in railroad car. . . . The bill repoaling the act creating the office of Conntv Superintendent of Schools pasaed- 19 to 7 ...fho Senate adopted a reeolution to adjourn froni Friday evening mtil Tueaday morning. House- Anuinbcr of bilis relating to the liquor trafflc were made the special order for Harch 25. ... The Governor cornmunicated to the House that he had signcd and approved the bilis organizing Me Royale county, annexing certain towns to Menominee county, authorizing railroad employés to cut dried or dangerous trecH overhanging the track, anrt the joint rmolntiona n-lative to the bountica of noldier and pensions to tho widow of suck as served for live days in the war of 1812. Friday, March 12.- Senate-The Committee onEducation reporte.l back without recommendation the bilí to establish a State Normal School In the Upper Península. The bffl was ordered print, placed npon the general order and referred to tfce 7mmitteeoitheWhole....The Senate paed taita providing for a re-registration of the electora of Aun Arbor, and rcgnlating sales by executaon, and adjourned until 8'clock Monday evening. House- Petitions were presented opposing the peal of the Prohibitery Liquor law, and the taxation of church property, and for the establishment of a chairof dental Rurgcry in the Michican Univerailj'. The Senate joint resolution appropnatmg $1,000 to aid the Pomoiogical Society to exhibit at Chicago wanreducodtoí500 and pasfed . . . . The Committee on the .Normal School reported that f2,755 had been paid for the insurance of the buildings of that mstitution during the laet eleven years. Monday, March 16.- Senate- Beyond tho reception of report, no business was transacted. House- Aftcr a half hour's session, during whioh anumber of petitions against taxation of church property, and against tho repeal of the Prohibitory Liquor law, were received, the House adjournod.


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