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pi H O % Cj rt M P g H fc r ) P ft H r P s g P2H $20,000 i i In Greenbacks I - ++ - ■ TWELFÏH ANNUAL GIFT OF PREMIUMS TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THE DETUOIT COÏilRCIAL ADVERTISER ! WILT, TAKE PLACE APRIL 21st, 1875 SIBSCItlHi:! SUBSCRIBE! Subscription Price $2.50 Per Tear. Loss Tlian Twn Months to Belore uur Animal IMstribntion. A Class Family Newsjmper, and Shoidd be in Évery Hoiinehold. 1520 $íY Subscribe .il Once witli Any of Our Autliorizcd Asr. is(s. ar Senil for Circular and Sample Copy to WM. H. BURK, Larned Street Wosl, Detroit. TO THE Citizens of Ann Arftor AND THE STÜDEKTS ÖF TOE LIViVERSITY. I would reapectfully announce that my stock of Fine Woolens fok WINTER WEAE is dow complete, and will be constantly replenished witli The Novelties of the Season. Gentlemen wishing Comfort in Dress, combined with ELEGANCE AND STYLE, will be fully satisfied by giving us a tnal, and are invittíd to favor ua with a cali. H. HINTKRMISTER, Merchant Tailob. 209 Jeffkon Avenue, betweeu Bates and Randolph Sta. E8TABLJ8HEÜ IN 1800. ROOF1WC. THIS ROOFING IS DURABLE AND WATER l'KOOF; VEltY FLEXIBLE; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKS AROUND CUIMNEYS ANI) CONNECTTONB BETWEKN WOOD and BRICK. This Rooflni; has been in use flve years and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! Thiapaint will preserve shingled roofs nn indefi Ditepeiiod, and is eqiuüly adaptedtotinor iron roofs It is flre aud water prooi'! This pnint will be put on by the Company 01 sold by tho gallun, with iuatructious how to ipply the same. 3 " o Coiil Tar is used in eilher. We solicit the public pntronnge. All work wili be wariíinted. All communioiitiuns should be addressed tu the HUTGHIN8 ROOFING CO., T. O. Box 222, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Itesidence 43 South Thayer Street. 1478 tf New Ice Company. The underaigned rkhea to inforni the citizens of' nn Arlior tluil he i now ready to take orderö ( nd contracta i'r FUBN1SHIN ICE iRt Bummer, to private famili hotels, Ac, and At Very Reasoiíable Rates. ! J. Win. HANGSTERFER. 1518UJ1 Mortgage Hale. DEFaI I.T having been madi in the condltkm of h certain mortoage, made and executed by Williani ELayer and Mina ftayer, hls wife, of Ann ' bor, Mii-iunHii, i( Philip liiich. of the same place, c id the iniihtntli day of April, in thn yeax one thousand elghteen hundred and tteventy-onej and i iImI Lji the ofliceof the Register ol beedt for the ' i 'Miniy ol V;i ihtenaw, State or Michigan, 011 Lh day i i il, . i. 1871, at 9 1-2 o'clock, . m . in ' ber r.' 'rl mortgages, od page 687, audon whU b ' gage there ia claimed to hedueal the date of th is ' Hce mi InstaDmeni ol Inh re t amountiug lo une i hundred and thirte a dollars and ■ ■.■liiy-i'' r. nis, ■ witli another Installraenl of hundred and i n dollars to becomedue on the nïnch enthda uf April next, together with an al toniey' fee oí thirty aollara Bhoirfd any proeewliu In baken i ■ -ivclose the same ; tnn uo iui! or proceedioe al law havisg lii-i'M lostituted to r& over iaid suiii i of money or any pari thereof ; Píow therefore, notice ia hereby given, tbat by Flrtue of the power ol salí 'm saH inortgagecontained, i shall wil al public autioa to the hignesl bidder, on öaturdaï i mi; tu kt8KCOHD üay of m - kj ï i, a1 ten u'clockin the fore noon of sald day, ;ii the south door of the Conri Hou ie in the dú oi i tin Ij bor fthal being the piar" ni1 hol di uu the Circuil Courl for said tounty of Washtenaw), Ui" premisea deHcribed in said morti . i latlsfj aid aniounU, with luterest, costs, and expense! allowed by law, whicfa premlsea are; "All thai certaiu trad or parci ! -i land described aa follows, t wit : comiuenci agtwenty-two feel eaat oi' the northweat corner (' li number four (4), block one sou tli fit' range flve east, on Hu ron si reel In the citj of Ann Arbor, couniy of Waabtenaw and State of Michigan, thence cast twenty-l wo feet on Buron street, thence south one hundred feet, thence ■■■■-i t weni y-t wo feet, thence nortfa one hundred feet to the place of beginning] alao, the righl and privilege of usiag il any and aD times an alloy eight fte1 wide at the south eadof tbiatot; also, the easl half i' the easl itrir-k and stone wall of tbe building and itoQ froüi the top to bottoiu, situated on th uorthwes1 coi ii'T ni -.iii'l lui number fuur, -üil buildinu lieing the same whicta waa erected and la non osed and occupled aa i store by Lu man R, Slawion alao. the ground tipon wbich said east half of naid wall qow stands." Uatt'tl. february 26th, 1875. raiLIP BACH, Mortgagee, Real Estáte for Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, (ounty of Waahtoniiw . h. In the matter of the estáte of Nathan Woohut. (leccíihod. Notico íh hereby fuiven, that in ponraance of an order gnintwi to thp unclerriined, Adminiftiralrix, of the Batata of naiil dtceased, bv tlio lion. Judgf of Probate for the Couniy of Wanhtenaw, on thefAOOnd day of Jb'ebrimry, A. D. 1H7S, then will bc nold at Public Vendue, to thu bigbeet bidder, a; the lalej rosirtence of uid deoeaaed in the township if Northflcld, in th: i'ounty of Vranhlcnaw, in ;id State, on Thurnday, the ttral. day of April, A. I). 1876, at ton o'clock in the forenoon of 1 nat day (subject to all encumbr unces by mortffafffl or otheiwise exUtini? at th; time of the Gentil of said deceased, tu id ftlao nubject to the right ufdower it the widow of saiddeceaaed therein) the following desoribed real estáte to-wit : Thirty-aix and HO-loü ucies of land, on the east half oí' the northwest qutirterof section thirteen, Ín town o e south, ranre aix east, deseribed os follows: Bezinning at tlic southwest corner oí the east half of the northwest quarter of said section, and running thenee north along tho went line tbirty-three nhains and twenty-three links, thence east parallel to the north line ot said section eleven ehanu ard nine links , thünce south thirty-three chaina and nf Leen links to the qnarter Une: thence weot -u (juarter line eleven chains and nine links to tne place of begioning. Also the reversionary interest of said dee.eased in the followiog deaeribed piece of land on waid aeetion thirteen, it being a part of the dowcr of the widow ot Atpb&Bl Wooster, late of said county. deceaned, to-wit: The equal undivifl ed one-half thereof, bezinning at the northwest corner of the eaet half of the north went quarter of said section thirteen, and running east aloug the north line of said section fifteen chaina; thence south &ix chalas and seventy-five link ; thence weat nfteen chains ; thence north aix chaina and seventy-flve links to the place of beginning, containing ten acres und twelve-hundredtha of an acre, & 11 in said State. Dated February 2d. A. Tí. lR7.r. ANNA WOOHTER, 1516 Administra trix. Ral Estáte for Sale. STATEOF MICHIGAN, coanty of Washtenaw ss. In the matter of tin1 estáte of Aun Mary Groas, Catherine Kader, Caroline Kader, Emma 8. Kader and Godfrey H. Kader, minors. Notiee U hereby ivcn, th;it iii pursuance of an order graoted to the andeirelgnecl guardián of the estáte of said minors, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for theCounty of Wasbtenaw, on the ninth day of February, A. l. 1875, there will besold at public rendue, to the highest bidder, at the d welling house of Mra. Elosina Haug, in the township of Bridgewater, in the county of Washtenaw, in said State, on WedneBday, the thlrty-firsi day of March, A. D. 1876, at one o'diM'k in the afternoon of that day 'subject tí all encuinbrancea by uiortgage orotherwiseexistlna at the time of the sale.) the following deacribea real estáte, to wit : It being the undivtded ftveserenths ther of, viz: Conimencing at the southeast corner of the soathwest quarter of the northeaut quarter; running west one hundred and sixty roda on the quarter section lino of section t welve; thence north thirty-five roda; thence east one hundred and sixty roos parallel with said quarter line ; thence south thirtyne rods to the place Of beginning; and the northwest quarter of the southeast auarter, and the east half of the cast half of the the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter; and tlie soutbeaat quarter of the northeast quarter: and six acres from the north end of the east half oí the Boutheast quarter of section twolve; and the west half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarterof the Southwest quarter of section thirteen, in town foursouth, range four eaet, containing one lnindn'd and thiriy-six acres, more or less. Dated February 9th, A. D. 1875. JOHN G.GR0S8, 1517 Guardian. SheriiTs Sile. BY VIRTUE of one exeoution issued out of and under the sealof the Üirouit Courtfor tho county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to me directed, wherein John i.'lancy is plaihtiff and Patriek Kelly and Kliza Kelly are defendants, and tor the want of Kwda and chattels, I have tliis day aeized and levied upon all the nght, title and interest of Patrick and Rliza Kelly aforesaid, in and to the followinf? described property, to wit : The eant half of the aoutheast quarter of Heet ion thirty ; alflo the northeast quarter ot the southeast quarter of section twen ty-uine, all in township number one south of range tnx east, Washtenaw county, State of Michigan, which above deacrl bed property I shall exposé for sale at public nuction, as the law directa, to the hiirhest bidder, at the aouth door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the eighth day of April, A. D. 1875. at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated, February 16, 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1518 By Wm. H. McIntybe, Dep'y Sheriff. HheriíF's Sale. BY VIRTITE of one writ of exection issued out of and under the seal oí the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, to me directed and delivered, I have on this sixteenth day of February, A. D. 1875, levied upon all the rigbt, title and interest of ('ornelius Ii. Henion, Henry M. Henion, and S. Newell Henion in and to the following descrihed real estáte situated in the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit: Al! that certain traot or parcel of land situated in the township of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, Michigan, known, hounded and described as follows, viz.: BeiiiR a part of section munber thirtytwo, in township nuniber two south of range six east, commencing at the quarter stake in north line of said section thirty-two, running theiuv west alons said north line, nine chains and sixty-one and one-fnnrth links, thence south nine derecs and thirty minutes east one chaln and fifty links, thence east paralle] with section line eleven chains and forty-nlne links to the Saline Plank Road, thence north thirteen degrees, east one ehain and iii'ty-six links to the north line of said section, thence west along said north line of section, one chain and ninety-nfne Hnkatotheplaceofbeglnnlng. Which above described property 1 shall vxnv for sale to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 3d day of April, A. D. 1875, at ten o'cloek, a. m. of said day. Dated Feb. 17th, 1875. 1518 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. CommissionerB Notiee. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, - sa. The undersigned ha vin been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, coinmissionere to receive, examine and Adjust all claims and demands of til persona against theestate of Catharine Piddf late of saié c)unty decensed, hereby give notiee that aix months from date are allowed, by order of aaid Probate Oourt, for creditora to present thcir claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the residence of Edward Drake, in the township of Lodi, in said county, on Saturday, the twenty-second day of May, and ou Saturday, the Iwenty-first day of August next, at ten o'cloek a. m., of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims, üated February 23, A. I). 1875. 1519 GEOHGE MI BU, ( mTnTnÍKsinnera JAMES CLOUGH. ( O"iralf8oner8. Coiiimissionor's Notiee. STATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. The undersined haring been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, oommiraionera to receive, examine and adjuat all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of John F. WeiHsinu'cr, late of aaid county, deceased, hereby give notice that aix montha from date are allowed, by order ot aaid Probate Court. for credit ors to present their claims agttüwt the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of Leonhard Grunor, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Tuesday the twenty flfth day of Muy, und on Wedneaday, tho twenty-tifth day of August next, at ten o'clock a. m., of each of said days to recüive, examine aud tidjust aaid cluima. Dated Pebraaryse, A. D. 187. (JHltlATIAN EBEKBACH, ( (-nmTnilH,onPr8 LKONHARD GRUNKB. j Commiaalonera. Estáte of Daniel O. Ghamberlain. KTATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, as. Notiee ia hereby tjiven, that hy an order oí' the Probate Court for the County of Washtenuw, made on the ninth day of Februnry, A. D. 1875, six months from thnt date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of David ü. Chamberlain, late of aaid County, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, iu the city of Ann Arbor, for examinatiou and allowance, on or before the ninth day of August nex', and that such claims will be berd before said Court, on Saturday the eighth day of May, and on Saturday the seventh day of August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of tho&e diiyp. Diited Anu Arbor, February 1), A. J). 1875. NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1517 Judeof Probate. Coiumissioners' Notice. OTATKOF MICHIGAN, county of Wushteuaw, Oaa. The undersigned haviup been appointed by the Probate Court for sa d County, Cummissiou erB to receive, examine und adjust all cmims ann denumdwoi all persons avainstthe entate of Iïiehard Flannery.lHte of said county deccased, hereby give notice thnt six montha from date are allowed. by order of aaid Probate Court, for creditora to present their claims affftlnst the estáte of said deceaaed, and that they will meet at the etore of Edward Dully, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County, on Weduesday, the nmteenth tlny of i May and on Thtireduy, the nineteenth day of Auaruat next ut ten o'clock A. M., of each of said i dftva to reoeive, examine and adjust said claims. y' EDWARD Dl'FFY, Com PETER TUITE. i ' Dated February 20, A. D. 1876. UU Mortgage Sale. DBFATTLT ba ui b Gerlaiu inurtgi . i,. ,i-, . ' c" mini, . . ! ■ .. , " ' mtedbj Merchanl B li, Irbor, Washtena couuty, Michigan :,, ík ?■" iioith, of l'lw,...iiili, wi di rounty ft ïbiclunuri . „il" i. A. IL is, !, I V..-.I...I , he Ltegtstei ... I i. Is, ol w iintT01 ii" ■ hui la] ui Heiiteml ir, A. ]i 'levi n u'clock i ol j.ik. -. on pufreK4ö, hiel. aid mortgnRe ' '""■ wi 1 bj iid Elizabcth tUnith to '! U lm, üj .leed of uij;, dateil tweutieth, 1874, wliii I uotded in t he onio "t tid the loortli daj ..I .l.m ;,iy. A ü o'clock . h. oi Baid dy, iu liln i l oi , oimortBageB od png.; 177, and was teÏT?S L iard Vu2lii. dul; Noblf, b lieed ui i. iiRnnii-nt, duted twents -eventh, 874, whicl. u Lgnmenl recorded in th Bce ol iid ReRi tli fourthday of Jannary I875,al I saidday, m libei 1 ol aisninmtnli. ot morlüCL? on page 178, and there being cluimi d to I iini .i i on said inortgase, and the eaeoomiC? in({ Ihe same, ni the dme ol thie unli ot aix hnndred and tweuty-tlino diillan nine cent ($6 3.69), loaether wj'.h thiil aid mortKage, atipiilated and agreed to iis un iittoi'ney'ü or ülieitor's im-, in case priir i"1 iogishould be taken to foreclone nul miirt,, und no proceediiifiii :it law or in i quity h..., instiluted to recnt r (h-1 name or uny'pMi Xoticr is Iherejoie, hereliy given, thnt im Miir,i tbetwelftb dy of April. A. I). 187S, t tenoS in the furrnooii of Bniclday, at Ihc south door i the Court Uousu in llie cily of Ann Vrlmv' ftk?( beingthe place lor holding Hh Oncui saidconnty nl Waahlrnuwj] aliall Rell nt naki auction, Ui tlie liit.-liist bidder, the pn scribed in enir] morlKK' nl so Diuoh shall I' ueoeattury u satiafy said amuunt tjA interest, oosts and expeiii-es allowed bylav,v said pruni.ew are describid in lid m follnwB, to-wit: All of loia numbered thin and fourteen 03 umi 14j, in block numbi north of Huron street, in range numbei tln urigilial plat oi t he city ol Ann Arboï, v'.t' tenuw oounty, Mielii(?nii. Dated Janllary 4, 1S7S. .IKKT'SIIA P. NOrlLü, Tracv W. Koot, Aissifnee ol' Mort'M Att'y for Asnignre. Mortgiifje Sale. DEFAULT havlngbeen made in thi i of a certain innrt(rage. ' hereby rlie ,i in uontaiiieil iomII bas beconie oiieratii liy Louis I!. Buehoz, of the city of Ann Arlmr tin1 State of Michigan, to the undersigned Gtgl 8. Brusb and Elmina II. Brusb, as mort the twenty-elghth day of November, A. b. eighteti bnndreci and seventy.and recordcd on thetnttt day of December, 1870, at eleven o'clock i . in the office of the Register of Deeds, for thecam of Washtenaw, in the Statu of Michigan, i&.jjii M -il1 mortgagea, on page 685, upon which there is claimed to be du e at the date of i the mi in of two thousand and two dollai cents, and no snit or proceedings at law or ij chaneery having been lustituted to recover fc I part thereof: Notiee is therefore, hei thaton Saturday,the twenty-fourth day I). 1878, at, ten o'cloek in theforenoon,wesh&lfg public auction, to the highesi bidder, (sale toto place al the louth door of the Court House in t city of Ann Arbor, in said county, s House being the place of holding the Cin for said county of Waahtenaw), the premiss scribed Ín snch mortgage, for bo muca thereof -hall In: aeeessary to satisfy the amount duen sucfa raortgage, and legal coats and charges of jmj sale, together with an attorney fee uf thirty ihj. liirs con venan ted for therein), that h tosaytht following piece or parcel of land situa tii v of Aun Arbor, iii the county of Washteao and State of Michigan, viz.: Being on that m ' lot nurober four, in block number three range ix cast, hal lies east of Detroil Begin oing on the east side of Detroit sti it croases the soutb side of North strts eaatalong Nortb street ninety-nine linfe soutfa parallel tothe eaat side of said lo chaina ; thence west parallel to North - seven ty-two and three-fourths link; tb flfty-flve degrees west one chain ai foui and one-half linksto Detroil si north-easi along theeast ide of Detroil chain and fifty-one links tothe placeo! Ann Arbor, Blich January 28, 1875. GEORGE S." BKÜSH, ) AT , KLM IN A E. BRUSHj '; Z. V. KlNO, Atl'y for Mor!. 1515 Mortgüge ForeciOHure. DEFAULT li a ving bt en made in the conditH of a mortgage, executed by Patnck :. and Nancy Kennedy to Klijnh W. Morgan, dntï Jannary first, A. I) 187 , and recorded Murchfii?, gaine year, in the Washtenaw County Registe Oitioe, ialiber46 ol mortgages, page i signed to t'hristian Heibei, assignment datdni reeorded February lweutieth, same year, inlüc 48 of mortgages, page 505, by which defauitEi power of siile therein contained becanie opérate and the sum of three hundved and ni? i lars is claimed as now due thereon (inchiding minm piid for inau ranee wnd a reaaonabte hu ney'sfeej and there are iive further inslallmtns with interest to become due, and no tuit orp reedin'rs haring been instituded to recorerlh mortgage debt or any part thereof: therefore hereby iriven, tnatsaid mortgage fllh foreeloBtdby a sale of the mort gaged gome part thereof, to wit : Lots nurabtr threefanJ fourteen, in bloek number three north, in m-a two east, in the city of Ann Arbor, at tl l : House in said city, on the Fifth d&y of June no! at noon, said cnortgHge was jrivento Becnr El payment of tlie purchase mont-y for the mortgagei preniipes. Ann Arbor, March 4, 1875. CIliUSTIAN HELBER, E. W. Moitr.AN, AssiDee. Attorney. ]5iO Cbancery Notico. IN PTJRSUANCE and by virtue of a d' Circuit Court for the county of Washtenav, i Chancery, made on the 26th day of February 181 in a caüe therein pending, wherei Mitchell Is complaiaaal ftnd Lucy E. Mitchell,Befr jamin F. Hudson, Catherine 1'. Hudson, Joh] Mitchell, Chauncey K. Mitchell, John P. Mwtt Gcorge E. Southwick, and Krank ii. RuasélL i signee in bankruptcy of said South wiek, anta. Ñutiré is herebygiven, that I al public vendue to the highest bidder, al in the afternoon, on the I9th day of April. I-" the front or south door of th Court House ia li city of Ann Arbor, the following desoiibed lami, viz : the northwest quarter of section twi-ntv-rii and the west half of the nórtheaat quarterofsectin twt!iity-six (26), and the south fifty acres of the wes half or the Boutn west quarterof section twentjrttaii f23), all being in township two, south of rangefou rast, in the State ol Michigan, being in the ton ship of Lima, in said county of Washtnaw( containing in all two hundred and uiin-'tv aerrv land, mor1 or lera. Dated, March 3d, 1875. J.F.LAWB1 Circuit CourtCommissioner Washtenaw 1520 County, Michigan. Mortgíige Sale. DEKAULT having been mde in the conditwi of a certíiin morrgtige fwheieby the poverti uell therein contained has become operative,) eucuted by Jane A. Griífith, of the city of ypsüuft county of Washtenaw, and State ot Michigan, Julián (f. Üickinson, of the city of Detroit, Wapj county, Michigan, dated the aeventeenth da ■ Beptember, A. D. 1S74, and recorded in the ok of the Register of Deeda for the county of WJ teiitiw, in the State of Michigan, in líber S. mortgagea, on page 236, upon which monW there is claimed to be due ut the date of ttf notiee the sum of twenty-seven hundred P aeventy-eiglit 1U-KO dollars, and no auit orF ceedings at law having been instituted to reeo any part thereof: Notiee is therefoio. beref ■ given, thal on Wednesday, the twenty-eigbtli'-'' of April, A. I. 1875, at ten o'clock in the _fr noon, I shall sell at public auetion, to the bip bidder, (sale to take plact at the front door oí- Court House, that being the place wliere the 9 cuit Court for the county of Washtenaw is M ully held, in the city of Ann Arbor, AVashtem' j county, Michigan,) the premises contained in mortgage, or o mucli thereoi as shall be nece I to satiöfy the amount due on such moitgnge, & ten per cent. interest, and legal co.-ts, toge;-' ( with n attorney fEe of twenty-iive dollars, nanted for therein) that is to say the follof piece or parcel of land sitúate in the city of ';" fanti, in the county of Washtenaw, an3 wj Michigan, and described as folio ws, to wit: - mencing on the enet line of Huron street, one north of the northwest corner of lot one humLand eighty-five; thence north along said east c six rods ; thence east at right angles with saiiï line to the Huron river; thence soutlierlv m the Huron river to a line six rods diatant ffp and parallel with the north line of bind BW conveyed; thence west to place of beginumftDated Detroit, January 22, 1875. JUMAN G. DICKINSOY J. G. Dickinson, (in person) Mortgig Att'y for Moitirftiree. 1515 Mortgage Sale. DEFAtXIr having been made in the conditior a certain mortgage executed by Frideriok k and Christina Kirn, of the cit of Ann ArbM, ty of Wnshtenaw and State of Michigan, to í?, ard Vaughn anrJ Murtha Vaughn, of the sameffj on the flrst day of November, one thouaand hund-ed and sixty-mne, and recorded in the '■r of the Register of Oeeds for the county of "," naw , aioresaid, on the 4th day of November, A ■ 186!, at öVii o'clock p, M-, of s:iid day, in ; moitgages" on page 4S, and tliere is now claim ■ bedue upon said mortgage and bond accumpan; the same, the sura of one thousand and seveut)'-' dollars and seventy-eight cents, also ai fee of thirty-ftve dollars, shuuld any procei - be taken to foreclose the same ; and uo prooew ■ inlawor equity having been had to reuver W sum of money or any part thereof. Now, tluTtnotiee is herebygiven, that by virtue of the po of sale in said mortgaffe contained, 1 public auction to the hiííhest bidder, on teenth day of April next, at % o'clock p. M. ot day, at the tront duur of the Court House in" city of Aun Arbo'1, county aforesaid, Cthat -1 ■; the p.ace of holding the Circuit Court foraaidij ty), all that certain piecc or parcel of land, -'u in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Was! Btate ot Michigan, aforesaid. koown, bounowj deacribedaa followb,to wit: BeniK lot uumrí (t) block nunabei íour [4j, south, range numberg ('yj west, according to a plat of Wiïliam o - naidts addition to Lhe city of Ann Arbor, coumï Washtenaw, aforeeaip. Dated, ta, ÏM, 'bNAED VAroHS, MABTEAVAUGJ John N. Gott, Mortgjge Attornej ior Morlgiiees. w Eleetlon wotlce. SHEBIFF'S OFFICE, Washtenaw ( "ii.l!AnnAbbob, Mich., Feb. Te the Eleclnrs of the Cmmtxj of Washtr.naw: Y„u ire hereby ooüfied iluit ai the Election , heidon tbefirst Monday of April, in t Michigan, thefoUowing oiticers are to be eiw Two JusticMOf the Supreme Court : os of Benjamin F. Graves, whose term of expire December 81, 187S, aml one to BI) (■%■ occasioned hy the reslgnation of Isaa. tncy AÏra, two Regenta of the Untverai of Tbomaa D. Gilberl and Hlram A. l.m_.. v-.. term of office will expire De cember 81, !'■' ., a Circuit Judge for the Fourth Judicial I " ." j,y which thi county is attached. in place oí o ander D. (ram-, term of office II ' je,i December 31. 187S; Also a County SuperinteBJ „f Commón Schools, in place of Öeorge . "re


Old News
Michigan Argus