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It Is Stated That The Canadian

It Is Stated That The Canadian image
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inent will early and vigorously push the construction of the Canadian Pacific llnilway. Fifteen years are set as the positive limit to have the Eoad coinpleteil froin Lake Superior to the Pacific. The Democrats of the SixtU Judicial Circuit have done a good thing in iiominating Hon. A. C. Baldwin for Circuit Judge. He is an able lawyer and will do honor to the Circuit and the State. We are glad that his fortune has been made so that he will not starve on the beggarly salary. The Senate (Lansing) has paased a bilí prohibiting any city or village officer, alderman, or trustee, being interested in any contract for or upon any public work being dono for or by said city or village ; the House a bilí prohibiting, under severe penalties, the purchase of any provisions, supplies, etc., from a County Superintendent of the Poor for the use of or at the poorhouse under his charge. This latter bilí seems a superfluity after reading Act No. 107 of the Session Laws of 1873, to which our attention has recently been called. The Lansing Republican is writing up the " sayings and doings" of Hon. L. D. Xorris in the Constitutional Convention of 1867, under the heading of " Publicly lüdiculous." We are either a very dull reader or the phrase expressively characterizes the editoiial performance. If Mr. Marston had filled any position whera his speeches had been phonograiihically reported, some editorial friend of Mr. Norris might, perhaps, retort in kind. Luckily the opportunity is not afforded for any such assinine exhibition. The noinination of Hon. George M. Huntington, of Ingham county, as the Democratie candidato for Judge of this Circuit, was one eminently fit to be made. He is in the prime of life, an industrious worker, a good lawyer, a courteous gentlemen, a systematic business man, and will mako an honest and careful Judge. We say will, for we take it for granted that his election is cortain whoever niay be pitted against hirn. - The Republican nominating convention met at Jackson on Tuesday last and adjourned until to-day without making a nomination. GeïT. Sherman has been interviewed concerning the action the government will take relative to gold-hunting expeditions to the Black Hills country, and said in substance thatexpeditions would be prevented from entering that región, or if any got thero they would be driven out. As soon as the weather will per init troops will be put in the field, with instructions to prevent incursions into the Sioux reservations, and these instructions will be carried out by force of arms if need be. There remains now no question but troops will be stationed in that country to prevent parties from entering, and if necessary will be sent to bring out those now in the hills. Piuchback's friends became alarmed on Tuesday, and on motion of one oí Lis friends, Senator West, the further consideration of his case was postponed to lo the second Monday of December, the vote standing, yeas, 33 ; nays, 30. Booth, of California, and Christiancy, voted with the Deinocrats againat postponemeut, as did Johnson, of Tennesseo. Cameron, of Wisconsin, voted with the Republicans, for postponement. Hitchcock, of Nebraska, was the only out and out Eepublican who voted with the Demócrata. Wadleigh, of New Hampshire, would have done so, but was paired ; as was Ferry, of Connecticut (with Cameron, of Pa.), the latter breaking his pledge and voting, offering the flimsy excuse that the pair only applied to the resolution giving Pinehback the seat. In its dying tours the Foity-third Congres perpetrated a swindleof marnmotn proportions upon the people. Not satisfied with saddling " Pub. Doe." upon the treasury for a " liniited period," and providing for keeping defunct members before the public for nine inonths, by using their autographs and the word " free," it made an effort to make the treasury good and whole by doubling the postage on transient newspapers, pamphlots, books, seeds, &0., sent through the mails. The postage on such mailable matter (" mail matter of the third class") was one cent for each two ounces ; it is now one cent an ounoe. This mode of increasing postal rates is little better than petty larcency. Hou. John W. Loxgyeak, United States District Judge fur the Eastern District of Michigan, died very suddenly, at bis residenco in Detroit, on the evening of the llth inst., of angina p}torii, ftged 55 yoars. Judge Longyear represented this (the old third) district in the Thirty-eighth and Thirty ninth Congress, and was appointed Judge in 1870. Ilis record as Judge has been an honorable and enviablo one, in fact he was ranked as a judge of exceptional ftbility and of unquestioned integrity. His funeral took pluce at Lansing on Monday. The oandidateB named as wanting his judicial robos ara Judge H. B. Brown, Hon. H. K. CUrke, Ervin Palmer Esq-, anl Wui. Jennison, Esq., all of. Detroit; Hon. Edwin Willits, of Monroe ; Hon. Chas. Upson, of Coldwater Benton Hauobett, Esq., of East Saginaw; and Hon. S. M. Cutcheon, of Ypsilanti. But one can have it, and Chandler will name the man. The Republican journals of this State have discovercd a mnre's nest, and are nackling over its contenta in a iuanner to exoite both tho joalousy and eraulation of a pullet disgusted with hor own puny performances over her first egg. This mare's nest is the late Senatorial Eepublioan caucus, the egge beiug Senators Christiancy and Cameron. We do not see mnch cause for such an enormous cackle when we remember that these Senators went into caucus with the understanding that they were not to be bound by any of its decisions, but used the caucus simply as the gateway to the couimittees. Certaiuly, Senator Christiancy's " maiden speech" gives uo indication of partisan action or of aid and comfort to the centralizationists or the advocates of military rule. We niay say, however, that Senator Christiancy should guard against being made the tooi of the caucus, after the manner of Dawes, Garfield, the Hoars, Hawley, the Willards, and such other Ee. publicans, who aided in forcing the Porce bilí to a vote, by voting to suspend the rules, and thcn reoorded their votes against it. Au opponent of a measure oannot justify preliminary votes which forcé ft bilí to its passage, on the ground of caucus order or the plea of expediting business. We have more respect for the supporters of a bilí in all its stages than for the opponent who aids it when his vote should count two against it (as when a two-thirds vote is required to suspend a rule and apply a gag), to vote no after he has done work he cauno t undo. Senator Chkistiancy took an aotive part in the debate in the Sonate on Friday, on the question of the admission of Pinchback as Senator from Louisiana. It was a brief effort, but concise in its logical and legal reasoning. Mr. Christiancy's uiaiu point was the broad declaration that the so-oalled Kellogg governnient had no legal existence. While he conceded the right of the President, in the absence of any action of Congress, to reooguize a defacto State governnient, llepublican in form, in Louisiana, he at the sanie time insisted that the Executive had no power to set up a State governnient there, and then recognize it afterwards, by sustaining the order of tt United States court which clearly had uo jurisdiction in the premises. The Senator applied the Louisiana parallel to his own State, and said that while the people of Michigan were a law-abiding people, it would take more than two regiments of ed States infantry to niake theni obey 8uch a governinent as that set up in Louisiana, and require the wbole army of tlie United States to make them love it. He completely controverted the claim of Mr. Morton that the State of Louisiana was entitled to representation in the Senate, beoause the President had recognized the Kellogg usurpatiou, and declared that it would be better that the people of the State should be unrepresented rather than misrepresented in the Senate. The speech commanded close attention and produced a great impression amoug Senators. It evidently has increased the niajority against the admission of Pinchback. As THE Regents of the University are not parties to the editorial tilt betweeu the Coldwater and Lansing HepuUicans, touching the merits or management of the Agricultural College, the slur of the latter about the Regents not being able to " keep the University outgoes within the income," is iu decidedly bad taste. If the Regents have indulged in uunecessary, unwarrauted, or extravagant uxpendituros, there might be a little excuso tot the hit ; but the IiepuUican knows that a fatnily containing a baker's dozen of children cannot well be supported on the same salary that once sufticed for the father and mother, and that considerable skill and ingenuity is necessary to bore a two inch auger hole with a gimlet. The demanda upon the University have increased faster than its resources, and the wonder is that the Regents have made the funds hold out us well as they have. Senator Christiancy is not at all enamored of' the legal status and ability of Attorney-General Williams. Witness this sentence from his recent speech : " Kellogg and his Legistature had never been in power ; his Legislature had not yet assembled by whom the votes for Governor were to be couuted ; no organization of his government had taken place when the Federal Executive interposed by military force, on the alleged authority of an order from the United States Dibtrict Judge, which all parties - at least all jurists and lawyers, except, perhaps, the Attorney-General - if that constituías an exception - admit to have been void, and placed the Kellegg governrueut in power and kept it there." Could a neater home thrust have been made at Grant's legal adviser, the man on whose opinión States have been made and unniade ? " If thatconstitutes an exception."


Old News
Michigan Argus