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Ladies' Christian Union

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At the nimual meeting of the Ladies' Charitable Union of this city, held March 4th, 1875, tlie following oflicers were eleoted lor the ensuing yeur : Pretideni Mrs. J. Day. Vico-President MraO. T. Wilmot, Secretanj - Hrs. 3. Hilton. Trtasurer Sire. E, K. Chapín, The Boud ot Managers oonsisting of ladies from the tour churohea representad in the Union, is as ioilows : Pmbyterian-Wx. C. G. Clark, Mrs. R. F. Tarrant, Mrs. L. Sacket and Mrs. M. Gelston. Conffregationai-HTB. D. S. Wood, Mrs. M. E. Morwiek, Mrs. II. L. Hubbell and Mis. M. B.Gilbert. Baptist- Mib. H. J. Hilton, Mrs. S. Crosinan, Miss H. Bach, and Mrs. E. 11. Chapín. Methodist- Mrs. B. F. Cocker, Mrs. C. T. Wilmot, Mrs. E. Steel, and Mrs. J. Day. The following reporta were submitted for the yuar ending Btarch Ith, 1N7". TltEASUKER'S AOOOUNT - EEOEIPTS. Italaucv in Tre;iaury March 1, 1S71, $203 l1'-' By I'rivate Donation, 110 1 1 " Menibers}iij Duea, -i; '' " Interest on Note, 22 00 " Thanksgiving Collection, 35 30 200 41 454 33 Disbursemuuts, 405 60 lïalance in Treasury Maroh 4, 1S7-"), 48 73 Excess of Disbursements over Keceipta for the year, 520.3 19 Mes. EMMA R. CHAPÍN, Treasurer. 6F.CEETAKYS REPOET. To the officers and members of the Ladies' Charitable Union : Ladies. - Another year laden with its work, its opportunities and privileges, whether lost or miprovod, with all its joy and sadness is uow upon the record for etermty. And as the traveler at oach evening, recounts the steps by which he has reached the present point of his journey, so we as members of tho Ladies' Charitable Union, gather up each well-remembercd tact and varied statistic and give to our friends and patrons a yearly report. As wo review the work of the past year, wo have many enoouragemente. Although we have not accomphshed all our hearts have desired, yet we trust thatour labor has not been in vain ; that much suft'eriug has been relieved, some good done, and many "cups of cold water" giveu in the name of the Master, shat, at the final in-gathering, when our lïfe report is made, we may present a faithíul and acceptable record for God's omniscient inspection. The seventh year of our Union does not differ materially from the years that have preceeded it. The work has been very much the saine, olothing the naked, feeding the hungry, strengthening the weak, visiting the sick and the dying, endeavoring to lead the érnng to a better lite and pointing all to tlie Saviour's love. Many families have been helped to help themselves. Many children made comfortable for Sabbath and day school. The past year has been one of unprecedonted want and suffering among the poor of all classes, owiug to the scarcity of work and tbe extreme cold weather of the past winter. Oh, how often during the past twelve months have we listened to the desponding story, " no work and nothing to eat, niy wife sick my childron raggcd." Living in our pleasant homes with every want supplied, we can hardly realize wha". a world of sorrow and trouble that little sentence " out of work " implies. When work stops, tlie landlord is just as eager for his rent, the cliildren recluiré just as niuch food, the rooms cauuot be warined without fuel. Is it any wonder that many of our honest industrious poor get discouraged, lose ambition and sometimes rulf-respect in the battle with poverty, the struggle to live ? Truly we should have much of that charity that "suffereth long and is kind." In the routine of our year's work, we see many very sad phases oí human misery, and a majority of the sadest cases of poverty brought to our uotice has afïorded convincing proot that a temperance reform is needed in our city. Go with us to the place the dnmkard calis home, the cold, starving children, the ueglected, heart-broken wife, the the bare, cheerless room, all plamly shows that although they have not the neccssities of lite, money will be found in ene way or auother to buy and pay for tho poison that not only stupifies the brain and makes lts victim worse than usidess, but ruins the immortal soul for oü etermty. We make the wiïe and children as coinfortable as we can, they ought not to suffer, thuy aro not to biame ; if these families are ever beneiitted it must bo through the children. Perhaps through them with God's blessing the father may be reached and B&Yed. Another class of needy ones during the past season have deeply enhsted our sympathics. They are those who have always depended upon their own resources, and by the force of circumstances have been obiiged for the first time to receive charitable aid. Though unable to do all we wished in these caaea, we have in every instauce done what we could, and have been truly happy in aflording to these geuuiue sufferers substautial relief. We are sometimes deceived or moet with ingratitude, but such experiences are exceptional, most of those we help are truly grateful ; their ïnvocations of Heaveu's blessings upon us are like drafts upon the Saviour's bouuty, which will be honored at the " reserection of the just." Five whom we have cared for the past year have been removed to the care of the'Good Shepard. The messenger of death has hrawn very near to us as a society since our last anniversary. Mrs. Kemp, who was a inember of our board of managers for four years, has " entered into her rest." She was an earnest chnstian, a faithful worker in the unión, and a sincere friend to the poor and needy ; they miss her. Her epitaph, " She hath done what she could." And " In memorium " will soon be wrltten over each and all of us. Let us then " do with our might what our hands find to do." Our committees in careing for the poor, have made and received 425 calis, and have distributed 27'2 (excellent) partly woru garments, valued at Ï138.2Ö, also 218 yards of new cloth, 25 new garments, and several pairs of of new shoes, bedding, Indian mcal, beans, potatoes, apples, a iiumbar of pounds of meat, and many loaves ol bread. We have also given provisión, grocenes, fuel, and paid reut, to what value your treasurer's report will show. We do not bestow any of these charities until the applicant has been visited by some oue of our committees and found to be worthy. The nuinber of ladies eugaged in this work has not exceeded sixteen, and most ot it has beun done by a number less than twelve. We have expended for medicine and other necessaries for the sick poor, over $170.00. Mrs. Dr. Hiltou has made more than 100 professional calis upon the sick poor, and in many cases furnished medicine and other comforts ; looking only for her reward to the promise, " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the last of these my brethreii, ye have done it unto me." There has been during the past year a great and continual demand among the poor for medicine and other necessaries for the sick ; more thau our committees have been able to satisfactorily relieve, owiug to the few ladies engaged m tho work, and our hinited funds. This lead us to speak oí the present needs of our Union. We need Christiau women to help us in this work, that we may more thoroughly visit our suffermg poor ; and another great want is mouey, to successfully carry ou the work ; that we may have a consciousness that our sick poor are well cared for, if no more. We would earnestly appeal to our benevolent f riends in Aun Arbor to " come over and help us," truly the vineyard is large ; "For the poor shall never cease out out of the land." (irod's own hand is wide open to supply all our wants. He gives us all things riclily to enjoy, to show us what we ought to do. His tender compassions are over all. His ear is ever open to the cry of the needy. To do as He teaches should be our highes aspiration. In solicitiug aid lor our work, we are often met with the following cjuestions : " Could not your work be done by the churches ? Is it uot tho duty of every church to care for lts own poot 'i " We would say m reply, that a inajority of the poor are members of no church, and while it is one of the duties of the church to care for its poor, it is the duty of our Union, and it also aims to bestow its charities upou all, the child of God and the careless sinner. " Wliy not leave the poor to public charities 't " asks the property-holder, " we are tascd for their support, and they would be well cared tor at the Poor House." Our answer is, that while the city officers do all they eau and all they are allowed to for each per3011, no liberty is allowed for sympathy or exceptions. AU must be treated alike, the wortliy and the uu worthy. Auü 11 a lamily is seut to thu Poor House, the home is at once broken up, mother and childreu are separated and probably never agaiu will that íamily be united in the home circle. No real sympathy is lelt for them, lo efforts to make them better. With all that is done by the city, in providing for the poor, a great deal more ís needed by the sufrering classes, which can only be reached by Chnstian benevolence. Not money ouly, or iood, or shelter, is needed by our poor, but light and knowledge, and the wealth of the loving hoart must bü puured out, and the nches of the gospel also be brought to bear upon them. Their bodies need iood and clothing, it is true, their souls also must have the bread of life and the ganneiits of holiness. We should uot give the fint without also seekiug to supply the secoiul, and though often our labor seeins in vain, it is God's work and we leave all iu lus hand. We would not forget the friends who have by their donations of money or clothing, or Itbeir sympathies and prayers, aided us iu our work. ïhey have the blessiugs of the poor, and the divine aaaurance that, " He that hatli pity upon the poor leudoth unto the Lord, and that which he hath giveu will he pay him again." Christian Bistere, to-day we commence a new year. It will doubtless ho much like the old : f uil of clouda and suuslnue, want and sufitering, sickness and death. And as we antioipate ita iluhes and responsibilities, shall we not oonseorate ourwelves anew to this work, and (,'0 forward, " do the littlo we eau do," rotying npou (odVpromise : "My rave is sufticient for thee, tor niy strenath ia mudo perfect in we;i!i


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